Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday. |
- /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.
- Ds1, Ds2, Ds3 are all equally good for me
- The biggest difference between DS1 and DS2 for me
- I think it would be cool if we all put in the effort to summon other players, and put down more summon signs
- A newcomer's peculiar experience with Dragonrider
- I was lied to by everybody about this game
- Twinkling titanite hurts the game.
- SOTFS started crashing, workarounds online aren't working
- Speculation time: what do all the merchants do with all these souls we give them?
- Not a huge achievement but...
- Waddup Curse Bearers, Great Shweeno checkin in with some questions
- Intro Score
- How is iron keep possible?
- Bearer of the Curse and Emerald Herald should be a boss in a new FromSoft game
- It’s 2020, can we quit disconnecting when getting invaded
- Is invasion just a duel? And arena duel is....
- Smelter demon is pain, appreciate some help
- About to start my first run, and have a couple questions.
- I just finished Dark Souls 2 yesterday
- Most Active Soul Memory Ranges for XBONE?
- How many of you here have an illusory ring?
- Does Mad Warrior drop the second berserker blade on the same NG cycle?
- Thanks!
- Bosses
/r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday. Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:11 PM PDT What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too! Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs. Helpful Information for New Users Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads. Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute. [link] [comments] |
Ds1, Ds2, Ds3 are all equally good for me Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:41 AM PDT So I made a post and dudes started discussing which game is better but for me they are all fantastic. The thing is if we compare 2 and 3 I would say that 3 lacks the open world of 2 BUT some of 2's bosses make me laugh like come on Dragonrider - let's put fucking two of them Aava - that was a cool boss, boys, now let's throw in two of them but they're black! Last giant - ..... Rat authority - let's put a bunch of rats and you have to find the one with the mohawk! Not that I didn't enjoy these bosses, they are a great addition and I don't want any changes, but if you compare them to Midir, Gael, Soul of Cinder, Nameless King, Lothric/Lorian etc. you can see what I'm preaching about. And ds1 is just fucking t-rex level of awesome. All these games have downsides that are corrected in next entries, that also have downsides in comparison to the previous game and that's why you should just beat all three back to back and be happy! Have a nice one. [link] [comments] |
The biggest difference between DS1 and DS2 for me Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:06 AM PDT DS2 world is nice and comfy, almost Legend of Zelda like. DS1 world gives me anxiety and feeling of dread. I like both depending on the mood. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:25 PM PDT The multiplayer isn't very active in this game, and anytime you are farming our going through an area you could put down a summon sign Help keep the multiplayer going, no? [link] [comments] |
A newcomer's peculiar experience with Dragonrider Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:41 AM PDT I began my journey through the Dark Souls trilogy about a week ago and have just begun DS2. Having just finished DS1, and thus having experience with the gameplay, I decided to do my first playthough with the infamous Champion's Covenant and I've been having a blast so far, especially in how they removed the "hide behind the shield" strategy. After reaching The Pursuer, I felt that my damage was too low to handle at the moment, using a Hand Axe +5, and decided to try my luck elsewhere and found my way to Heide's Tower. When encountering Dragonrider the first time, the range of his halberd took me by surprise and I died before I even managed to damage him. The second time around however, I managed to damage him and noticed that I dealt more damage to him than to The Pursuer and that he also was slower, so I figured I was capable of defeating this guy. And in that very moment, he fell into the water and died... [link] [comments] |
I was lied to by everybody about this game Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:58 PM PDT I recently became obsessed with the Souls games. I played DS1 and loved it so much but was told to skip 2 and play 3. DS3 was loads of fun and I finished it a few times, but I am one or two bosses from finishing DS2 and I have to say the levels in this game feel far superior to me. The design in 1 was the best, but the environments are so much fun in this game. Very memorable. 10/10 will play again to NG++ [link] [comments] |
Twinkling titanite hurts the game. Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:28 PM PDT There are so many weapons that NEED twinkling titanite to upgrade and most of them are very cool or can be used for very different builds, the problem is that you need 15 twinklings to upgrade one weapon to max, making your selection of builds severiely limited and it's impossible to then powerstance those weapons, there are so many builds I want to try, but they're all cucked by twinkling titanite, at least with titanite chunk you can buy an infinite amount of them, but with twinkling, IT'S JUST IMPOSSIBLE! I am fully aware that I can farm in dragon aerie, but it's the most tedious sh*t ever, one run can't even get you to max and the enemies are so annoying, a lot of the lizards can run away making it so you need 2 attempts and the dragons on ng+7 are just terrifying, so try not to agro them. Forlorn can also invade and he can oneshot you with 60 vigor and full Havel wich is insane. Also I don't understand why you can't just buy them forever as the leveling up system was just there to prevent you from being overpowered in the beginning, but when you can buy all these things from the woman in Majula, it's already LATE GAME, you'll definetly already have your main weapon max so it just seems to hinder diversity. And for people that like farming, they made it so tedious and it takes so much time. All in all, it limits everything and keeps you from trying different things. Thanks for reading my angry rant. [link] [comments] |
SOTFS started crashing, workarounds online aren't working Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:27 PM PDT I have a pretty decent computer (GTX 1060, 16 GB RAM, etc) and SOTFS started crashing for me recently after ~20 hours of gameplay. Boots up to a black screen, then closes itself. It's not a Dx issue and some of the workarounds and fiddling I've done on NVIDIA control panel aren't working, has anyone found fixes? Looked on Steam forums and other forums that apparently had success but I can't get mine to work [link] [comments] |
Speculation time: what do all the merchants do with all these souls we give them? Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:03 PM PDT Like the old hag probably had gotten like 50k souls from me. What is she doing with them? Not leveling up to kill me eventually I hope lol. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:44 PM PDT I beat the game without running out of effigies fot the first time. Pretty good for me since I'm usually out at no man's warf. But dual greatswords for the win [link] [comments] |
Waddup Curse Bearers, Great Shweeno checkin in with some questions Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:40 AM PDT You'll probably see me popping up a little bit as I continue my journey through SOTFS. This is my first playthrough and I'll mention the required information: I've played the heck out of DS3 and DSR. DS2 is a fun new challenge and I'm getting used to a lot of the new mechanics but I do have some questions Firstly: Does every location have 5 bonfires? Or would it appear that it is a maximum amount per area? It doesn't make sense for Majula and Thinfgs Betwixt to have 5 bonfires, but the grouping of Lost Bastille and Sinner's Rise, imply there could be additional bonfires I missed. Slightly confusing but my common sense tells me it's just an UI format deal. Secondly: Illusions are pretty interesting in this game. Honestly, in all 3 games, I've never seen an illusory wall that didn't have a message pointing it out. But, DS2 seems to be the only game with illusory enemies (not counting Priscilla or the ghosts of irythll). Pharos' locks seem straightforward and not hidden, I just wish I could acquire more lockstones for the rat area. (Do any of those locks yield items? Seems the rat area locks just activate water (that scares rats?) or lowers those bridges) 3rd: Can the firekeeper reallocate my points once? Do I need a new vessel thingy every time? In an earlier thread, I was very tempted to enable Covenant of Champions in my first blind playthrough. I have acquired an ascetic so perhaps I should use that as a trial before enabling the CoC? Are ascetics used for any other purpose I might want to save? Does burning a human effigy do anything different than consuming one? With questions out of the way: Here's a brief summary of my favorite moments thus far -Wrecking the pursuer anywhere he comes because all I gotta do is roll right. -Realizing torches can be lit and I can light other torches around the map. (Learned in the forest of giants, thankfully making the gutter much more pleasant) -Finally besting those bitch ass Ruin Sentinels. Pretty much went through all of my human effigies for Felicia the Brave. Practiced while hollowed, got my strategy, bought an effigy, wrecked their shit. Felecia died early so I still had to 1v2 them while they had 2x health -Met the famous Bell Dwarf from the Happy Souls video. Met Straid too. (I've seen Happy Souls like 100 times before playing any of the games, got me into the series) -Dying in my first run of "Lost Sinner" because my camera unlocked. Clapped those cheeks the 2nd run because I didn't want to go down that long elevator again. (Fuck the 2 torso warrior at the bottom of the elevator; and fuck the crossbow knights at the top) -"Poision statues shouldn't be that bad if I have Moss Clumps". !POISONED! "WHY IS IT DRAINING SO FAST?" Overall having a blast. I've never done real Jolly Cooperation before in any souls game. Only PvP. I'm on Xbox one if anyone wants to DM me and co-op For reference, I'm SL 65 and the only bosses I've killed are Giant, Pursuer, Ruin Sentinel, Lost Sinner, Rat Authority, annnnnnd I think that's it. I'm in the gutter now so we'll see what happens [link] [comments] |
DS2 LET ME LOVE YOU! HELP APPRECIATED Posted: 18 Sep 2020 02:01 PM PDT Big dark souls/fromsoft fan, recently did ds3 ng+4, smashed it. no issue. easy. wanted to return to ds2 but OMG it feels soooo slow, it's a slog. used to love it, but beginning to feel like i'm legit wasting my time with it. Not enjoying myself. trying a dual wield build. The game feels slow and unresponsive. Have i just been spoilt by ds3/bb/sekiro?...but then ds1 doesn't feel like this :S i want to soldier through but my time is valuable to me. what am i doing wrong? i didn't feel this way when it came out. would love to hear your ideas/opinions [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:56 AM PDT Does anybody sit at the start screen just to hear the beautiful music for like 30 minutes? It's such a beautiful song and I can't listen to it anywhere else because I don't even know the name, and couldn't find it on the soundtrack :/ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:50 AM PDT These 2 goddamn NPC invaders are really pissing me off, I've died around 30 times now to these pricks and I just can't get past the area right after the bridge. How the hell do I do this??, [link] [comments] |
Bearer of the Curse and Emerald Herald should be a boss in a new FromSoft game Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:58 AM PDT I can picture it now. Elden Ring or another future From title seems totally unrelated to the Souls universe, and you wind up in a really hard but optional area. The boss room to the optional area turns out to be a super decrepit Majula. You gotta fight Bearer of the Curse who is just a jacked up version of Soul of Cinder, just a big ass green hollow. When he's at half health, whabam, Emerald Herald pops out of a grave and starts whipping ass with pyromancy and healing miracles. And his drop? A shitload of souls, the Ruler's Sword, and a torch. [link] [comments] |
It’s 2020, can we quit disconnecting when getting invaded Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:29 PM PDT So I've been invading a lot the last few days and over half of my invasions end in "driven away from world." I just invaded 5 different people in a row who all disconnected. Are we that scared of invasions? I can maybe(I mean maybe) understand disconnecting if you're going for a no death run or something but half of these people are already partially hollow. It's 2020, I think you can handle fighting now and then you yellow bellies. [link] [comments] |
Is invasion just a duel? And arena duel is.... Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:23 AM PDT After complaining a bit with healing system as an invader in this game..., I began to get used to it. I just need throwing knife and it will mess up their chug. But why do 9/10 invasions or when I'm getting invaded end up as duel? I can kill the host so quick, I don't need to heal so I don't need to do stupid tactics like I did in another games. When I'm getting invaded they don't run away even when they know they will die. Is this a norm or something? And I jumped in the BoB arena 4 times. And those 4 times, dude, those were the most broken arena duel I ever had. Period. I was level 56 SM160k, fresh character after beating Excecutioner Charriot and 4 times I fought someone at SL180-200, I knew because I messeged them. They were SM2mil above and nowhere near my SL/SM. My +7 Caestus barely deal any damage and my Vanquisher Seal only did 300 damage, but three R1s from rapier were enough to kill me. Anyway, it's a bit wierd to ask, but any advice on how not to have duel when invading or when getting invaded? [link] [comments] |
Smelter demon is pain, appreciate some help Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:07 PM PDT I play on PS4, SOTFS. So far I've been trying my literal hardest to not summon for online but this boss is biting my balls. Well, not the boss but the tons of knight on the way. With enough practice I can easily do this boss but the knight are REALLY annoying. If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated Also, I am aware of r/summonsign but it's rare to get someone who plays DS2 on there [link] [comments] |
About to start my first run, and have a couple questions. Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:48 PM PDT Hey everyone! Love DS1 and 3, but never tried 2 because it's clearly pretty polarizing. Been stuck at home and decided to pick it up for $17 on Amazon. Just hoping for a couple spoiler free tips for starting the game, as I understand it's pretty different from the other two. I'm probably just gonna go quality build for the first run too. Thanks in advance for the help! [link] [comments] |
I just finished Dark Souls 2 yesterday Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:52 PM PDT and WOW ! What a fantastic game ! Fans often say that Dark Souls 2 is very bad, but I decided to play it anyway. I asked my cousin to borrow me DS2: SoTFS 'cause he didn't like it. I really enjoyed the game, and I honestly like DS2 more than DS3 (DS3 is amazing, too) Some bosses are really really good, I liked most: -The Last Giant -The Pursuer -Ruin Sentinels -Lost Sinner -Executioner's Chariot -Smelter Demon -Looking Glass Knight -Demon of Song -Velstadt -Darklurker -Nashandra and mostly... ALDIA. The boss fight is not so hard, but has a great OST and the character of Aldia is probably one of the best characters of Soulsborne. Some areas are amazing too, like Drangleic Castle, Heide's Tower of Flame, Shaded Woods, Majula, Shrine of Amana, Undead Crypt and Dragon Shrine I really recommend you to play the game, it's very good and, sometimes, really hard [link] [comments] |
Most Active Soul Memory Ranges for XBONE? Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:35 AM PDT Anyone getting consistant invasions? Guessing the days of being a blue sentinel are long gone so im not even going to bother with it now. Any info is appreciated, thanks [link] [comments] |
How many of you here have an illusory ring? Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:25 AM PDT I wanted to know that how many people have the illusory rings in ds2 but that's impossible unless from reveals stats but that's not gonna happen so I am asking you. And what do you think that what percentage% of people have the illusory rings? Thank you :) [link] [comments] |
Does Mad Warrior drop the second berserker blade on the same NG cycle? Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:45 AM PDT Just got his set and the blade. What about the second blade? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:24 AM PDT |
Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:47 AM PDT (Spoiler) Is there anyone else that feel like if u beat the bosses on ur first try, it kinda diminshes the feeling of it being a good bossfight/boss, i know there is alot of lore which can make the bosses way more cooler and interesting, and u know of course urself that the bosses/boss are amazing, fun and challenging. For example i just beat velstadt 1st try, and i know its a pretty fucking good bossfight and i love how he looks and his weapon is absolutely awesome as hell, but i camt help but feel a little bit empty inside when i beat them on my 1st go. Like 18 out of the 24 bosses ive done i did on my 1st try, and i think alot of them are an amazing fight and so on, but the fun i want to feel isnt there afterwards, i also think alot of the bosses in ds2 is kind of easy, in comparison to ds1, when i beat O&S i put myself on the ground and just laid there for a couple of minutes while taking a breathe and feeling my heart pump hard as hell, same with Manus to for me, but not one boss in ds2 out of the 24 ive done has had me feel that way yet. [link] [comments] |
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