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    Friday, September 11, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Project Score

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    This is basically a project I decided to start with a buddy of mine, basically trying to flesh out the game's soundtrack and revamping where it's lacking. Here's an example of the first boss we decided to go with, The Smelter Demon. One of the better base game boss fights, yet he reuses the ruined sentinels theme.

    Here is vid showcasing it in action Smelter Theme

    submitted by /u/123darkelf
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    The DLC Areas are so much better than most of the base game (imo)

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    I recently started playing through Scholar of the First Sin for the first time with a friend doing full co-op/bro-op since he hadn't played DS2 at all before and this was a reasonable fun way for us to hangout during quarantine and give him motivation to play it. We just beat old Iron King and decided to head to Brume Tower, and man I forgot just how much better the DLC areas are in almost every aspect than most of the base game areas.

    Now I love DS2 a lot. In fact as someone who primarily plays FromSoftware games for the PvP I actually prefer 2 to 1 and 3 and even bloodborn because of the much greater variety of builds etc. That said, despite the variety in theme, quite a few areas in 2 are less atmosphere and more gamey than in 1 and 3 (which doesn't really bother me much but i know was a HUGE criticism for a lot of people). And walking into Brume Tower after the Iron Keep was such a stark contrast in overall quality from the art, to the environment design, level design, to the enemies, to the final boss. Brume Tower might be one of my favorite areas in any souls game, with great cryptic story-telling, a really cool theme to the art, and an amazing vertical dungeon crawl of a tower that spans almost the entire zone with lots of great challenges and only a few areas that are total B.S.

    This got me thinking more about the other DLC areas, and while I think Brume holds the crown in terms of gameplay, all 3 have environment and level design that feel much closer to DS3 in terms of atmosphere and storytelling while retaining DS2s slow,er deeper, and more satisfying (imo) gameplay. I wonder if they had more time to work on each area than in the base game, or if they just got better at making things in the new engine etc.

    submitted by /u/tombombodil
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    What If The Game Took Place Earlier?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    I absolutely LOVED going into the Giants' memories. Seeing all of the soldiers as humans fighting all the giants at full force and full potential, fighting a REAL giant, the Giant Lord, instead of the weak ass last giant (I know lore wise it's supposed to be a sad fight), seeing other soldiers fight the giants instead of every enemy targeting you, the hundreds of ships, catapults, all of it.

    And it made me think... What if the Bearer of the Curse came along a little earlier, when all the kings were alive and had yet to fall, and we had a completely different game? Instead of defeating stragglers of the war in the depressing aftermath, what if we rose during the peak action of the war? Young non-undead Vendrick, The not-so-old Iron King, Heide's Tower of Flame before it sunk, what would be different?

    Note: I DON'T KNOW THE LORE 100%. There's probably a good reason that the Bearer Of The Curse rose now and not when the kings were still around. This is negating everything that the Souls games are about. I know the whole point of the Souls games is to be more somber and longing for a better time, but I'm just thinking of if the game was far more chaotic, that being if it was during the era that all the kings were still alive and thriving, right before they all fell.

    submitted by /u/Cold_Smiles
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    I did it fume is no more

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I did it fune Knight is dead after 25 trys.he has become my favorite boss

    submitted by /u/Keknokzz
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    Sorcery only run complete

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I actually started this a month ago and kinda just, took a month long break. The rules of the challenge were that I could only level int and attunement, ended up with around 90 attunement and 70 int, but only 4 vigor so most endgame bosses could oneshot me. In the credits right now, will post the death count in the comments when I'm out of the credits.

    submitted by /u/masterninja3402
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    Finally managed to beat Lud and Zallen!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    It is my birthday and manage to beat those two bastards! It doesn't get any better than this!

    submitted by /u/fenixburnaby
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    Just got surprised by a NG+ mimic today, and not the one you'd expect

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Apparently the chest with the Thunder Quartz Ring before Belfry Sol turns into a Mimic on bonfire intensity 2. Wasn't expecting that to happen.

    submitted by /u/Gigadweeb
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    Is dark souls 2 worth getting

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    No spoilers please. Dark souls 2 scoler of the first sin is only 9.99 on playstation 4. I've finished dark souls remastered and dark souls 3 with the DLC so I thought that i should buy the last dark souls that I haven't played. The problem is that I've heard many times that DS2 is a bad game. So if you could say is DS2 worth getting and is good or bad.

    Edit: I have bought the game and played a little bit. It has been a little different than the other games but it has been fun.

    submitted by /u/superoinkrasmus
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    Best katana for an int build?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    So Im doing an int build and wanted to use a katana. I want to infuse it with magic and I heard that uchigatana is good for it.

    Any suggestions?

    Sorry for this many posts

    P.S. Im doing a coop playthough so I will be using it to riposte or when I cant use spells

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Acer-that-one-DS-guy
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    A good weapon for a hexer/pyromancer?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    I was thinking about the fire longsword but I'm pretty sure there are better weapons around.

    submitted by /u/Kings_Dont_Fap
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    Arsenal of the Awful: Fume Sword

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    Ah the Fume Sword...or that weapon that no one gives a shit about over the Demon Souls nostalgia boner fest that is the Dragonbone Smasher pretending to have a different name because some screaming soot lady found it somewhere and gave to a salty edgelord who hates squid hats.

    The Fume Sword is interesting because it has absolutely ass base damage, barely improves for shit when upgraded with those obnoxiously annoying to farm Petrified Dragon Bones, is pretty fragile with only 40 durability, and you have to choose it over the big ass super smasher shield-UGS unless you want to tussle with Ascetic-ed, NG+ Fume Knight. But what does it have to make up for that laundry list of cripplingly bad bullshit?

    It's moveset, which is the same as the Sun Sword. For those unaware, this moveset has the good straight sword R1 with the wide slash (so none of that no-reach, shitty heide sword sweeps), a thrust R2 with broken hitboxes, a super fast running R1 sweep with broken hitboxes, and a rapier-esc rolling R1 poke with broken hitboxes. This thing and the Sun Sword are the equivalent of using a hitbox porno magazine as a weapon, and thus as a result both have laughably ass base damage but good scaling. These are the successors of DkS1's Baller Swag Sword, and the cool dad and edgy uncle respectively of the Lothric Knight Sword, all poking people's asses to death with the power of hitbox bullshit. Grandpa Balder Side Sword must be so proud.

    The Fume Sword however has a unique trait among its pokey family tree. To explain this, professor Branded_Mango will now have to give a lecture on DkS2 resins like the lecture on element damage in PvP which was just shoddily disguised simping for the Iron King Hammer. Because they work very different than in DkS1 and DkS3, and probably many of you aren't even aware of this because literally nothing explains or displays this unless you outright test for it.

    Resins in DkS2 give a static +50 element damage, but on a weapon with matching innate element damage, it also gives a +30% bonus to said elemental damage. This actually works like most wepaon spell buffs that you should be familiar with from all the arena Havelbitches 2-shotting you with them. However, the big tradeoff here is the "innate" part. Because you cannot apply to resins that are element infused, so you can only use the bonus effect of resins on innate element weapon that you don't infuse, such as using Gold Pine Resin on Heide weaponry or Dark Pine Resin on Silverblack weaponry.

    This actually gives the Fume Sword 2 fascinating build possibilities. Since it has S-scaling on Dex, you can use this as a Rob+Flynn Dex sword that just so happens to have excellent Dark Resin synergy as a bonus (something that poor Puzzling Sword would have liked to save it...). This way, you maximize on its good physical scaling while not needing much to capitalize on having high supplementary Dark damage. Alternatively, on a hexer you can Dark infuse it to kill the Dex scaling (contrary to what you likely believe, and element infusion guts physical scaling no matter what the display says. An infused weapon with S-scaling on Strength or Faith is actually a low D scaling at best), but give it good Dark scaling to work with the Dark Weapon hex as a ridiculously edgy lightsaber that ignores most armor defenses.

    Also adding to this is that the Fume Sword has slightly more Poise damage than other straight swords and the longest reach (very similar to Drakekeeper sword). Apparently it also costs more stamina to swing but i never noticed so the difference probably isn't that big.

    So what does all of these mean for the Fume Sword? That moveset, those broken hitboxes, and those sexy build capabilities? Absolutely fucking nothing because literally any other straight sword aside from the Broken Straight Sword when Dark infused will have similar numbers overall, much more lenient requirements, and be less of a pain in the ass to obtain and upgrade. Yeah, bet you weren't expecting that with all that hyping, huh?

    Because here's a very, very depressing example: a Longsword+10 with Dark infusion has 157 physical and dark damage...while the Fume Sword+5 has 140 physical and 70 Dark (lol wtf?), and 117 physical and 109 Dark when Dark infused. Even with the better scaling, the innately huge base damage difference of the literal most basic weapon in the game results in near-even damage output. Even when it gets about 100 dark damage from 30/30 Faith Int with Dark infusion, the dark longsword will get its 157+40ish damage to even it out completely. This is even worse with the Drakekeeper sword, which has 171 physical/Dark when infused, just to see how much this weapon's existence is suffering.

    It also doesn't help that the Fume Sword has pretty bad durability, only 40, so it's not even a reliable PvE weapon either. The scaling simply doesn't cover the ass base damage, just making it about the same as a bog standard dark infused straight sword at its best.

    But wait, that moveset with all its hitbox bullshit has to make up for it, right? Well, the problem here is that while it had plenty of bullshit helping it, that bullshit still isn't nearly as bullshit as the bullshit of the overused meta weapons. This thing cannot, and will not, out-bullshit a buff stacked katana, rapier, Red Iron Scrubblade, or Santier's Guide-Reader's spear, if if it is also buff stacked. And good luck running into anything that isn't those in the arena.

    So wait, if its dead in the arena where most weapons are dead anyways, then what about invasions? Well, the problem here is that the Fume Sword has such low base damage that the moment someone chugs estus...you've probably lost because it can't dish out enough damage to out-damage the heal. Now, it's running R1 is in fact a great distance closing anti-chug move, and the innate Dark damage does do some good old chip damage against shields...but there's another weapon that does these so much better while being easier to get and much more suited for fighting PvErs who backstab strafe: the Silverblack Sickle with its 360 degree spin tracking R2 moveset that does shield pierce on top of great damage damage (it straight up cheeses anyone relying on blocking), has the excellent, similarity fast distance closing running R1 of axes, and just does a lot more damage. A weapon that none of you are probably even aware of shits all over the Fume Sword at its exact same roles.

    Which is a huge shame because it's obvious why the Fume Sword's numbers are so ass; balancing...in a game where buff stacked katanas, rapiers, and the Red Iron Scrubblade break the concept of balance harder than Batman's back when Bane kneed it. It's not bad, as you might think from this, but rather it's painfully mediocre in a game with plenty of broken bullshit that invalidates it.

    It is unfortunately, at its best, a Dex weapon with abnormally good Resin synergy but the awful base damage kind of over-balances that out. It's physical damage and scaling is literally the same as the Puzzle Stone Sword, so of course it's going to have problems from the get-go especially considering how you have to beat 1 of the 2 hardest bosses in the game to get it.

    And worst yet, even with Stone Ring, it still doesn't deal enough Poise damage against the average Havelbitch who will still shrug off the hit and just 1-shot your not-nearly-as-brokenly-bullshit ass. And going through Brume Tower at a very low SM just to harass noobs is kind of a massive waste when you can do the exact same thing with much less effort with any other straight sword with a Darknight Stone shoved into it. You can slash, poke, prod, and roll poke all you want...but you're going to 7-12 shot your arena opponent compared to them 2-3 shotting you. It's a decent counterattacking weapon that can genuinely put in some good work, but over-reliant on reins and buffs to really achieve that effect. It also doesn't help that the Murky Hand Scythe's thicc dad is in DkS2 and does poor Fume Sword's PvE invader job much better.

    It's honestly kind of shocking how for a DLC finale boss weapon, it's so horribly unremarkable when all the other ones at least have uniquely cool factors, even the weapon its paired with (man, Fume UGS must be the kind of brother that's a huge, abusive dick with a superiority complex). Grandpa Swag Sword is sad to see his edgy son like this when his grandson in Lothric is a meta cheese tool and his jolly son lives on there too. Tsorig apparently didn't deem the Fume Sword worthy to collecting for the Fume UGS, and that guy went out of his way to collect the objectively most useless and shitty ring in DkS3's playstyle from Eulem Loyce (who dafuq needs a shield stamina depletion ring when anything and everything shreds through shield guards in DkS3 without it already?!).

    But now, i want to test a weapon that you all probably forgot even exists in this game...and any other Souls game to boot. A weapon that's always been around but no one ever cared about, even when it's at its strongest in DkS2 by a pretty huge margin. That's right; the Battle Axe, which i'm pretty sure you guys didn't even know was in DkS2 since you all just grab and gush over the Bandit Axe instead.

    submitted by /u/Branded_Mango
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    Is ADP worth it???

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I've completed ds2 4 times and once on ng+, but I have never leveld up adp, I get that it makes it easier to dodge certain attacks, but I didn't seem to have a problem.

    I've read so many comments about how important adp is and how you absolutely need it, I guess it would be good for a strenght or dex build when it becomes pointless to level up hp, end, vitality and strenght/dex. I suppose I didn't upgrade it sience I was too busy doing intellegence and dex build and didn't have points to pour in to adp, but as previously stated I had no problem, I could still dodge just fine, I don't QUITE understand why people feel that it's absoloutley mandatory.

    Please explain why you feel it's so important. And sorry for typOs/poor gramnar. -thanks for reading.

    Big edit: after reading a lot of your comments, it seems it's more about personal prefrence as a lot of people find it akward to dodge with low I-frames, but it's fully possible to play the game without ADP, allthough it will be significantly harder. Also attunement increases your agility aswell.

    -thank you very much for the helpfull comments and may you have a great weekend.

    submitted by /u/Flariore3
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    Need a Heides knight sword

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    I'm new to the game and I really want the heides knight sword as I'm pretty sure it's the one in the trailer, I just started the game and I don't have much but if someone has a spare one lying around I would be extremely grateful, I mean I do have a gold pine resin but I'm not sure if it's very valuable

    submitted by /u/Craig-from-Mcdonalds
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    Can someone PLEASE help with this elena bitch in the first dlc im so close to just quit the game cuz the way to her is FUCKING annoying and then she summons that fucking knight and i can walk 293838mins to her again... (ps4)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Pain Train 2020: Is it possible ?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    As far as I heard broken straight sword got nerfed, so I'm wondering if, it is possible nowadays to lock someone in infinite stun ? Even if, which fast hitting weapon could fit for this role ? I've tried with scimitars but after 6 hits player rolled away. Not sure if some lance or spear would do better

    submitted by /u/SeemsNormalToMe
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    What weapon does the guy in the trailer use?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    (PS4) - Looking for some people to coop with!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    I have a 39k character. Fairly new but fully geared. Looking for some jolly cooperation or to help people out on tough areas/bosses etc.

    I've yet to do iron king dlc and ivory (just solod sunken on my own), so I'm totally up for that or I can help you if need. I have god ring too for easier Matchmaking.

    I have a few friends who are somewhat active on DS2 but I'm always looking for more :) might be able to sort some gear if someone was looking to make a new character or do a low level build.

    'What lies ahead only you can see..'


    submitted by /u/De4dgone
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    Can someone explain the different types of damage?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Can someone please tell me what type of enemies the thrust, slash and strike damage are most effective? I noticed the strike damage is better against armored enemies, but what about the other ones?

    submitted by /u/TheNotSoLastGiant
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    There's so much shit in SOTFS and I can't take any more of it

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    I played DS3 as my first Souls game and I got DS2 because it seemed to be fun.

    I'm playing SOTFS but holy dicks there is just too much shit, I'm at Bastille and I'm feeling obligated to just sit in a corner and fight everything there. There's the black knight. There is FIVE dogs, why? (by the way FUCK DOGS.)

    Even at places like the Wharf there is 2 archers and 5+ melee guys before you even go up the stairs. What the fuck.

    Am I just being a salty bitch or is this an issue that I should just give up on? I really liked the combat in DS3 more than here (though I'm still adjusting) but I feel like I'm in hitstun for 2 whole seconds. Bosses feel piss easy in comparison to actually getting to them.

    edit: what the fuck do i do against pursuer (thx for correcting me)

    submitted by /u/thisistrashy28919
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    I can't summon anyone

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    Hello I bought game 2 days ago I need summon someone to help me but I can't see anyone's summon sign (I am very new to game but I know I need to be human to summon,I am on ps4,Is it about literally can't find someone in 2020?)

    submitted by /u/GaripBirRedditSever
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    Malformed Claws?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    I really wanted to use these to made a crab build, but how do you even build for these? Is Poison the only option that the other claws can't do better?

    submitted by /u/IdToaster
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    Some questions regarding the Ivory King arena

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:17 AM PDT


    So, I want to give Alsanna the 50 souls and the burnt knights are very tough, so I'm looking for the four knights, but thinking about once finding them all and going to the Old Chaos arose some questions in my mind, maybe they are stupid, but I want to make sure.

    So, once I beat the Burnt Ivory King, where will the knights go? Will they still be there to help me farm in case I end up killing the boss before obtaining the 50 souls?

    Do they respawn a limited number of times just like all the enemies? Or they can respawn infinitely?

    In case I kill the boss and haven't obtained all the 50 souls, I read that the burned knights will eventually stop respawning unless I join the Company of Champions, just how tough do they become?

    And if they get just too tough, I read that you can still get the souls as a white phantom, if that's the case, I guess I could just go to r/SummonSign and find someone who is farming them too and then place my sign at the bonfire or viceversa, right?

    submitted by /u/Dorlos-Argham
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