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    Thursday, August 27, 2020

    Dark Souls Anyone else use this game as a coping mechanism?

    Dark Souls Anyone else use this game as a coping mechanism?

    Anyone else use this game as a coping mechanism?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    There's something so therapeutic about booting up dark souls 1 and having another run through it. So many memories good and bad come back about my first playthrough, and a simpler time in life. It really just removes me from my current place in time and takes me somewhere else, unaware of all troubles.

    submitted by /u/thealt1776
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    World's First Dark Souls Feet Only No Hit Run

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Shoutout to Markish_00 who has done the World's First No Hit run of Dark Souls playing only using his feet!

    Rules of the run: Must complete the game without getting staggered or taking damage from enemies or traps. Damage from the environment (poison, lava, fall damage, etc.) does not count as a hit. Buffs are allowed. No Sorceries, Miracles, or Pyromancies. No quitouts to avoid enemy agro or reset enemy positions. No glitches.

    Link to the Twitch highlight: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/720791142

    submitted by /u/WhiteXenomorph
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    Dark Souls and Depression

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Dark Souls is a fascinating game to play during depressing times. I think it reflects on real world problems in many ways, fighting constant battles over and over to the point you might give up. Lost in a abnormal and creepy world where you trust no person or corner. This game has so much depth to it just looking beyond gameplay and I can't thank the series enough for what it's helped me overcome in life too.

    submitted by /u/CamOfCatarina
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    Got Gud Apparently

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    Just beat Ornstein and Smough on my first try. This is my 6th or 7th run where I've made it to them. My first time it took me days and days. I also got past the Anor Londo archers on my first time. Just breezed past them. Is this was it feels like to be gud??

    submitted by /u/grassfedveal
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    Cant find my bloodstain. Help me.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    New to the game. I died to Bell Gargoyle and can no longer find my bloodstain. Do I have to traverse the white light to find it? I really dont wanna lose 5 humanity and 10k+ geo.

    submitted by /u/RaihanHA
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    (Got lost in new yesterday) Fan Fiction Teaser - Plz give feedback!!! ❤️

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    This post got lost in new quite easily yesterday. I was looking forward to some feedback but it didn't get much attention. Please consider spending a second to upvote so that others get a chance to read it as well. Thanks so much! ❤️ Enough talk! Enjoy!! (Also, I'm taking any ideas for possible things to put into the story, so hit me with what you've got!)

     A beautiful, pure white sand flew across the ground beside me. I focused my mind, to hopefully find the very thing I had been seeking my entire life. However, my focus was soon broken, when a small crowd of my other acquaintances formed around a young woman by the name of Marvela, Comrade of the Broken. She bowed down on one knee to our master, the Everlasting Dragon, while her white robes glistened in the white light from above the sacred lake. She opened her mouth, and nearly failed while uttering her next words: "I am ready". The Everlasting Dragon closed his wings as Marvela stood. She then took her first step towards a stone altar in front of the dragon as my acquaintances stared in disbelief. Marvela had been training for this very moment for longer than anyone else. If anyone was up for the task of finding their inner strength, it was her. A stone lay upon the stone altar, one that hadn't been touched for decades. She took one final kneel before taking the stone in her hands. The stone had intricate carvings of a dragon embedded into it. Everyone stared in disbelief as Marvela took a step backwards and held the stone close to her chest. She then uttered a few words to herself before she started to shake violently. The sand beneath our feet started to shift, and for a short moment, time stopped. The crowd stood silent, knowing that it would take Marvela everything she had to succeed. She then threw her arms to the side and screamed with every last breath that she had. Her hands started to grow sharp claws, and eventually her arms grew a dark black hair. Her feet lengthened and she developed a longer snout. However, before we knew it, things had started to change. Her valiant and brave screams turned to those of fear, and eventually her doubtful mind overtook her spirits. She screamed in terror as the effects of the stone had stopped, and she was left with half of her body a dragon, the other half a human. She had failed, and soon enough she collapsed to the ground in defeat. She bled from her eyes and ears as her palms dug into the white sand below. The Everlasting Dragon stood still as it gazed upon another poor victim of the stone. Tears had begun to form in her eyes as streaks of red poured down her cheeks. Upon witnessing this tragedy, I stood as valiant as I had for all of my years. I knew that I couldn't, and wouldn't end up like her. I would one day perform the ritual, and I would surely succeed. 


     For those wondering, this is my main account. I made a post about this earlier today on an account by the name of Dity. Let me know what you guys think of this teaser! I can't wait to work on it more!! Also, sorry if the paragraphing is weird. I'm on mobile while posting this and I'm working on making it more professional so that it's easy to read! 
    submitted by /u/hungryhyena78
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    Blighttown? More like bitchtown

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    First time Dark Souls remastered player. Always heard that blighttown was the stupidest, hardest part of the game. Why nobody talk about the Tomb of the Giants? That shit was way tougher specially cuz i didnt get a lantern til the bonfire >:( and then i get to gravelord nito and hes EZ AF thank you dark souls i love this game 😘 fuck the tomb of the giants tho

    submitted by /u/devilsurvivor96
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    I beat 4 kings first try

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    I'll take my mediation now

    submitted by /u/ThorlmAKP
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    NG+ Final Boss idea

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    What if the final boss in NG+ was your character with the same armour, weapons and stats you had while fighting the final boss in NG?

    How screwed would you be?

    submitted by /u/bent_crater
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    I finished new game +!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    So I just finished dark souls new game +, and it was WAY harder than my first playthrough. A big thanks to all of the people that helped me with the dlc and ornstein and smough ! I'm sorry that I can't remember your names, but one of them had pumpkin in their name. I can't thank you enough for all you have done!

    submitted by /u/ligma_fatballs
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    National Dog Day!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Pour one out for your good doggo Sif!

    Cries into beer.

    submitted by /u/skullblade789
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    I had my first great co-op adventure today in Anor Londo with "O&S Support" and "The Dude", and would like to share the story

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    I'd like to share a short story that just happened in Dark Souls. I'm a fairly new player who started playing two weeks ago, finished the game and decided to start a new playthrough as a sorcerer.

    I beat Ornstein & Smough today, and decided to spend the rest of the day partaking in jolly co-operation with other players.

    Eventually, me and another player called O&S Support got summoned by The Dude, a dude seemingly on his first run through this Anor Londo.

    We praised the sun after killing a Silver Knight archer.

    Through the clever use of gestures and rolling, we were able to guide The Dude around Anor Londo's secrets, including the chest behind the giant blacksmith. We also paid our respects to our lady Gweynevere on the way.

    We praised the sun again and got The Dude to summon Solaire!

    And then we all went in to fight the bosses. So it was me, O&S Support, The Dude, and Solaire, the beloved knight of Astora -- against Pikachu & Snorlax.

    Because we were 4 players cooping, the bosses got an INSANE boost in HP, which I personally had never seen before. It was therefore really tough to get their health down.

    Still, we managed to almost kill Snorlax while Solaire was cunningly distracting Pikachu and saving us the trouble of worrying about his stab-through-Snorlax technique.

    Unfortunately, Pikachu finally got the better of Solaire, and our jolly knight was vanquished. :(

    But we did not give up! We went on to kill Snorlax, at which point Pikachu absorbed Snorlax's power and leveled up to become Raichu super Pikachu!

    And so we were now 3 (The Dude, O&S Support and myself) against super Pikachu. And super Pikachu had an insane amount of health, since we started the fight as 4 players. So we went on, trying to chip away at his health little by little.

    The Dude and O&S Support would fight him in melee, while I would cast my spells from some distance away. But I eventually ran out of spells to cast -- 60 Soul Arrows, 20 Great Soul Arrows, 10 Homing Soulmasses and 4 Soul Spears --, and super Pikachu still had about half of his health! D:

    Yet we did not give up, and kept going at him -- I switched to my trusty Bandit's Knife, chipping away at super Pikachu's health when I could, and otherwise throwing bombs which barely had an impact from a distance.

    Unfortunately, the valiant O&S Support had to give up his life trying to take down super Pikachu while covering The Dude. But we did not want Solaire's and O&S Support's sacrifices to go in vain!

    So The Dude and I kept going, resolved to fight until the bitter end. I ran out of bombs, and switched to throwing knives which barely had any impact on super Pikachu, while The Dude did his best to slash at him with his sword and dodge when necessary.

    And after a very long fight of endurance, we were finally able to defeat super Pikachu and achieve victory! It felt amazing.

    Solaire and O&S Support were both amazing and their sacrifices allowed us to gain victory. I tried my best, and The Dude was really good fighting super Pikachu as well. If I'm lucky and they read this post: jolly co-operation was great with you guys.

    The whole adventure was great, and my first adventure of the kind in Dark Souls. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/GermainZ
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    As a Dark Souls player, what do you think of other Souls-like games?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Do you like them? Do you only play Dark Souls? What's up?

    submitted by /u/Abegilr
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    The hydras are honestly terrifying

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    The first time you traverse darkroot basin and ash lake you will stumble upon the gigantic serpentlike hydras. These seven headed creatures tower over you giving a sense of scale to the player. In the basin you'll get a glimpse of large swirling figures through the trees as you move down from the garden. As you grow ever closer the full scope of the beast comes into view. Multiple seemingly independent figures readjust to confront your presence with long distance projectiles and a powerful head strike. First time players may endure several deaths before finding an appropriate strategy to kill the hydra. Fear and a blissful unawareness of my surroundings were the factors in my first encounter, and I swiftly parished. What I've stated about the basin hydra can also apply to the one in ash lake. The main difference being the location and at least for me the desire to sprint to the other side without engaging in combat. The hydra this time will give chase and even jump out of the water to reach you if you stray to the opposite side. The horror of having these things follow you is something to truthly experience.

    In reality the hydras aren't hard to take down - besides a stray head on either side landing too far from the drop-off zone. A good shield to block the strike attacks or a good ranged build should make easy work of each section. The terrifying aspects of them in my opinion come primarily from the design and animation. Honestly the creepiest enemies in the series. It's a shame there has only ever been two appearances. I need my Thalassophobia fix.

    submitted by /u/PapNapples
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    Souls 3 and BB player tempted to buy DSRemaster game on PSN sale (but I need to be sure it would fit my criteria)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Hey everyone just wanted to ask a few things before spending money on this.I want to prefece this before I have some fans urge me to buy it regardless cause they love the game as a whole so much and its such an incredible experience and all that other fluff. I know the lore and I know what Ill experience If I play it story wise from that perspective and its not my priority.My questions are gameplay/fashion related.So,I have this buff dual wielding barbarian from my comics I want to play as https://www.deviantart.com/sabrerine911/art/COMMISSION-BETH-AND-BLACK-KNIGHT-CROSSOVER-823742991 for reference) and it seems that atleast customization wise i can achieve the appearence with the balder armor for the sleveless look
    First question is:
    You can make the characters fairly buff in this one right?(like say the 3rd one)
    Second question:
    Ong hair is a customization option right?

    3rd question: Is dual wielding a pain to use in this one? I dont need to parry or block and Im fine with swords that dont have dual combos but can it still be enjoyable? (can I dual wield like say Skyrim combat atleast?)

    Also final note,I know Souls 3 was generous with this.But is there a way to keep yourself unzombiefied aesthetic wise. Like is there a ring you can atleast get? Or is being "embered" the only way to go?

    submitted by /u/Sabrerine911
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    Which souls game should I buy first?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Really want to get into souls what's a good game to start with?

    submitted by /u/HighWayMan56
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    Hello Souls fans. I am I think halfway through Dark Souls, and I am wondering which game Ill tackle next

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    So, I am playing DS1 at the moment, completely blind, so I am not sure if I am halfway there, or not, but I am inlove. My question is, now which game will I play after this one. I already finished Dark Souls 3(it was my 1st Souls game) and I already finished Sekiro...3times... nontop... so, what game should I play next. The devided DS2, or Demon Souls? (I have no way to play bloodborne, cause I dont have a Ps4.) I am playing on PC.

    submitted by /u/gagrecco03
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    Unable to wield this weapon with present stats?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Could someone explain this to me? I guess I have like too low strength or dexterity stat? Can I see what's needed to wield the weapon?

    submitted by /u/ResponsibleAthlete4
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    [Dark Souls Remastered] Requirements to drop weapons to friends

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I just started a fresh run with a new character in DS Remastered and I would like to platinum it. I read that if a friend has all the weapon maxed, it cannot drop them until I have at least a weapon at +5. Is it true?

    submitted by /u/Maremama
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    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    I have a question DS1 is not the first souls game I've played I played and beat ds3 dlcs and all completely before I played ds1 but I feel like none of the bosses in ds1 have been much of a challenge so far do you think the bosses of the dlc pose any greater challenge? It's kinda weird that I want to die in the game more idk this is a first for me. strange to want to die more in souls game

    submitted by /u/CleCavs2020Champs
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    Can i get orensteins armor

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Is his armor in this game or only ds3?

    submitted by /u/Succameme
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    The channeler's trident doesn't actually exist does it?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    I've been trying to get all of the rare weapons for the achievement, and the channeler's trident is the last non-boss weapon I have left. I have been trying to farm it at the dukes archives for a frustratingly long time. I'm using the gold serpent ring and the mimic helmet, and I have over ten humanity. There isn't one lying around somewhere in game is there?

    Edit: I finally got it. I guess it just took bitching about it on the internet to get it to drop.

    submitted by /u/Clumsylikeafox
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    Need help deciding which dlc I should buy.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    I've heard great things about dark souls 1 and dark souls 3 dlcs but I don't know which games dlc to get. I will eventually get both but I don't feel like spending the money on both games dlcs atm. I would like to hear which games dlc you guys personally like more to help me make my decision.

    submitted by /u/PaulCopMallCop
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    What build should I have?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    I want to play dark souls 1 again but I don't know what build I should have after playing so many times. I decided to make you guys chose my build. So the best one I see in the next 24 hours is the build I will chose.


    Tell me the builds class

    (Optional) What levels I should have by the end of the playthrough.

    What weapons I would need to use.

    What armor I would need to wear.

    You can make it as hard as possible for me.

    submitted by /u/EfroThe69thGamer
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