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    Saturday, August 1, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Great news!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    I defeated Lud and Zallen solo! For the first time ever! Rejoice! It only took 6 years. Spread the word.

    submitted by /u/gch3441
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    When you're feeling smug in anticipation of cheesing an enemy, and then it casually disregards your attempt and symbolically flips you off

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    I'm fairly early in Eleum Loyce, at the spot with three kneeling hollows and their Rampart Golem guard. Opposite is a spiral staircase with another Rampart Golem at the top, and then across a gap, but accessible via walkways, is yet another.

    I take care of the first two golems and the prisoner hollows, and I'm thinking, why bother fighting that third one if I can just shoot him across the gap? So I hit him with two Dark Orbs, and he aggros and leaves his post to run along the walkways toward me.

    Except he can't, because he hits the limit of his aggro area long before reaching the first turn. He then turns around and heads back to his spot. "Ha!" think I, "He's stuck and helpless. Piece of cake."

    Then when he returns, he stands just out of Dark Orb range, looks right at me, chugs Estus to erase the damage I did, and then throws his lance at me. Easily dodged, but I don't think hitting me was the point.

    Sometimes creature AI is remarkably human, isn't it?

    submitted by /u/Calidore266
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    9.3☆ on IMDB

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    The Rotten: Places head on statue. statue head falls off. Still a better love story than Twilight.

    submitted by /u/HandsOfEntropy
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    The biggest noob but I’m learning I swear

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Hey, So I just bought SotFS on sale on PS4 about a week ago. It's not my first souls game, but it may as well be. The only other Souls experience I have is playing the original DS on Xbox 360 many years ago, when I hadn't the skill nor determination to complete the game. I only made it to the giant Wolf with the sword being carried on the back of my buddy's shades, but I never finished a legit run on my own.

    So I'm looking for a new buddy to help me through this game or at the very least talk me through it. I'd prefer if you have PS4 as well so we can party chat while we play, but I also have Discord.

    Currently running a Spell casting build. I've got most of the early game sorcerers, hexes and pyromancies. I'm about level 110 and I've just finished Chariot in Huntsman Copse, currently in harvest valley. Not too sure where I should head next after beating the Jabba the Hut looking guy, so an experienced player taking me through to NG+ would be super greatly appreciated, thanks in advance for any advice you guys wanna shout my way.

    TL;DR Need a DS2 SotFS buddy to talk to lol

    Psn: Yeo-Its-Me-Eddie Discord: Jarl Twitchy #8964

    submitted by /u/AH_Eddie
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    A decent Fan-Art for Dark Souls 2

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    "Your Journey Begins Now Bearer Of The Curse". By Me https://imgur.com/gallery/qH37eIq

    submitted by /u/ROOkie-Artist0
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    So I just beat Sir Alonne and...

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Wow! Didn't think someone would top the Fume Knight as my most absolute favorite boss fight on DS2 so quickly! He was an absolute beast wtf his speed and damage would not even let me blink and gave only slim opportunities to heal. Got caught by his "grab" attack multiple times because of his weird delay which always made me roll too early. This fight was worth the prowler ganking and alonne knights BS on the way to his boss room.

    submitted by /u/Jaegernaut42
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    Optimal Dragon Aerie methods?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Greetings skeletons!

    In DS2, there are only 3 mats that are difficult or time-consuming to farm: Twinkling Titanite, Petrified Dragon Bones, and Titanite Slabs. Two of those materials also happen to be used in industrial quantities to upgrade much of the best equipment in the game, creating a huge resource bottleneck.

    To solve that, I'm working on finding the most efficient ways to farm those materials via bonfire ascetic in the Dragon Aerie, on Intensity 7+. In particular, I want to find the best method for each of the following: All Mats, Twinkling, Bones, and Slabs.

    I'm doing runs right now to fill in the data sets, and I'm hoping that you fine folks might have some ideas on the best builds/weapons for the job!

    There's two big problems, as far as I can tell.

    Problem 1: Killing the Crystal Lizards under the first Dragon, without fighting the Dragon.

    Using Great Resonant Soul I'm able to 2-shot Lizards, but these two in particular I'm having a lot of trouble getting reliably.

    By approaching wide around the left of the Dragon, I'm able to "aggro" them one at a time, but they tend to run under the Dragon's hitbox, causing my GRS to miss.

    Is there a more consistent way to kill them? I'm thinking maybe an AOE spell or a weapon that could kill them both in 1-2 swings. I can afford to wake the dragon, but having to chase the lizards or spend more then ~4 seconds in the arena after waking the Dragon seems to be pretty much a no-go.

    E: I've switched to Soul Spears, and found an approach that is somehow consistent :D

    Problem 2: Killing the 3rd Dragon quickly

    The 3rd Dragon being the one that drops materials. My current setup is a Dark Crypt Blacksword +5, buffed with Resonant Weapon, and stats are 60/60/99/99 - STR/DEX/INT/FTH; all told I'm dealing ~1100 per swing, but I'm having a lot of trouble baiting the stomps quickly, so I dont get to swing as often as I might like. I'm still looking at an average of ~2 min to kill it, which actually works out to be about 1/4 of the entire run.

    Is there any setup that does more damage to the Dragon? I'm willing to use any stat spread/weapon/spells, I can scale it back to reasonable levels later to find a happy medium.

    E: It's looking like this dragon isnt actually worth the time it takes to kill him. He drops 2 Bones, but using a route that ignores him I'm getting roughly 2 Bones and 2 Twinkling and 1 Slab, all in that same amount of time.

    E: The adjusted run has steadied out at around 5 minutes, netting 6 Twinkling, 6 Bones, and 2 Slabs. That's 1.165 Bones, 1.165 Twinkling, and 0.388 Slabs per minute; roughly 69.9 (hehe) Twinkling/Bones and 23.28 Slabs, per hour. It kills all 11 Crystal Lizards, no Dragons, and every goddamn explodey boi that looks at me sideways. It also hits both loot spots.

    Loadout is: Dragonslayer's Spear +5, Magic Staff of Wisdom +5, 12 casts of Soul Spear/Crystal Soul Spear, and a shitload of ATT & INT - 75 & 99 respectively. Rings are Chloranthy +2, 3rd Dragon, Clear Bluestone +2, and Northern Ritual Band +0. Headpiece is Saint's Hood. Hotel is Trivago.

    I'm still knocking a couple seconds off each run, but I think its mostly gonna come down to little changes like minor pathing from here on. I'm gonna do another 20 or so tonight to cement the base numbers, then start trying to figure out where the stat floor of this particular method is. Hopefully something more practical soon!

    Along with solving those two problems, I'm also open to any other ideas to improve the run

    Thanks :D

    submitted by /u/JoeyTheSchmo
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    It's Growing On Me

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    I started Dark Souls 2 a few weeks ago for the third time. Up until this point I would try and gave up at the pursuer.. this time I am actually making solid progress and now am making my way through the dlc.

    It took me a while to getting use to leveling up Adaptability and trying to get through fog walls without getting hit out, but now I honestly kind of love it. I still like 3 better but so far I'm enjoying this game much more than one.

    Some of the areas are a huge pain and the game certainly has its flaws. Like I never want to try to get to the ancient dragon again. I am no where close to being honorable enough to fight my way through. Especially after beating bosses like Dark Lurker I really enjoyed the boss just not the level.

    submitted by /u/Grubsie_
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    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Just beat Aava while fat rolling. Not sure if that's an accomplishment or not, didn't seem too hard.

    submitted by /u/masterninja3402
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    Looking for advice! I played as a Pyro on DS3, but not sure if it´s the right path to take on DS2.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:13 AM PDT


    I´m looking for advice on builds and weapons, I just bought DS2, and I am enjoying the game so far (even though I am still getting used to the "slower" animations). I created a toon just to get used to controls and then build my "main" character.

    I got Platinum on Bloodborne (my first souls game ever) and then went on to DS3, which I loved, and I got platinum on it as well.

    Now I´ve got DS2, but I feel unsure on making my character a Pyromancer, I must say that I love casting spells but also I like hitting the enemies with my weapon every now and then, for example, in DS3, I used the Demon´s scar on one hand, and my Pyro hand on the other one, shield equipped but never used it.

    Another question I have is about the 70% rule, does it apply here as well? I always tried to be around 60% to be able to roll quick enough, since that´s the way I avoid attacks, I never got used to a shield.

    So, what would you suggest? I´m OK on using miracles or sorceries as well, but I´m somehow worried on the "limited" use of magic.

    I´m a complete noob on DS2, so any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/no_regrets_smut
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    Undead Jailers in Lost Bastille

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Do you guys think theyre from the Great Swamp? judging from their armor it shares similarities to DS3's Pyromancer and Cornyx armor fur, feathers, bandages.

    Along with the fact they can use pyromancies too. Maybe Lost Sinner was a strong witch from The Great Swamp that searched for Chaos Pyromancies which led her to the First Flame and we know that her imprisonment is self imposed so perhaps she took some of her followers from The Great Swamp to watch over her after she failed to light the flame.

    submitted by /u/LuciferAdeo
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    I need help. I'm stuck on fume knight.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I just can't beat him. I battled him at least 50 times and I just can't beat him. I tried with NPC, with player, alone and nothing. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/FireSchwein
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    Does sm affect PvP?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    If so is there a way to decrease sm? I dont want to playthrough the entire game just to pvp

    submitted by /u/heccinheccer
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    What is your favourite weapon and why?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    What is, in your personal opinion, the best weapon in the game, and why? I'm asking because I want to go into NG+ but I'm still trying to find a weapon that clicks with me.

    submitted by /u/GoopHugger
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    Do the DLC spells count for the "master of" achievement?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    I have the steam version of the base game. Not sotfs.

    submitted by /u/Wallpakcer
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    About co op

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    On my first playthrough currently, am trying to coop with a friend at lost bastielle, we are both roughly within the same soul memory range and are using the name engraved ring, we can't see each others signs, how does co op work in this game? Do we have to be human or hollow ? I am extremely confused

    submitted by /u/Jameslinden2
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    It's Growing On Me

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    I started Dark Souls 2 a few weeks ago for the third time. Up until this point I would try and gave up at the pursuer.. this time I am actually making solid progress and now am making my way through the dlc.

    It took me a while to getting use to leveling up Adaptability and trying to get through fog walls without getting hit out, but now I honestly kind of love it. I still like 3 better but so far I'm enjoying this game much more than one.

    Some of the areas are a huge pain and the game certainly has its flaws. Like I never want to try to get to the ancient dragon again. I am no where close to being honorable enough to fight my way through. Especially after beating bosses like Dark Lurker I really enjoyed the boss just not the level.

    submitted by /u/Grubsie_
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    New to Ds2

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Hey, I've played countless hours of ds3 and decided to try SoTFS. I always like running through with someone to start, so would any "pros" like to run me through? I would like to know all the tips and tricks and all that. I'm on Xbox one

    Gt: IcedPhoenix48

    submitted by /u/jwads480
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    Blue moon sword

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    So I just beat the game, and the whole game I've been playing with a regular great sword +10, but now I've been wanting something cooler. I bought the fume knights sword, but I don't have enough souls to get my dexterity to 30, so I was wondering if there was anyways I could get the blue moon sword from Benhart, even though I've already beaten the game (I'm playing the dlcs rn). Also, is the fume Knight sword with it? This is my third time playing dark souls 2 sotfs

    submitted by /u/fantastic-mr-gloop
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    Just noticed how selfish we are

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Went another playthrough but now focusing on NPC's stories and dialogues.

    When we meet Lucatiel for the second time, she gives us Human Effigy. For our first playthroughs where we always die again and again, that would be close to God Send.

    Well, the thing is she doesn't know what the heck it is and what it does and she clearly needs it. She's hollowing too! (I took a closer look with binocular, she's clearly starting to look zombie at that time) And instead of explaining to her how useful it would be on her journey, we gladly accept it and use it for ourselves. Selfish pricks.

    Eitherway, Maughlin is still my fav punching bag.

    submitted by /u/AoiSamurai
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    Build I came up with.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    I'm late into a playthrough (just cleared the second dlc) and I thought I'd share the build I'm using. On mobile so sorry if the formatting is weird. Starting Class- Warrior. 40 Vig, 30 End, 40 Vit, 5 Att, 60 Str, 12 Dex, 5 Int, 5 Fai, Greatsword, Havel's Greatshield (Blossom Kite Shield for bosses where dodging works better), Drangleic Mail (I recommend using wanderer gear until you have a huge equip load), King's Crown, +1 Cloranthy Ring, +1 Royal Soldier's Ring, Third Dragon Ring, +1 Ring of Blades (though this could be swapped out for something else such as a Ring if Binding if you die frequently). This build allows you to dish out tons of pain while being able to tank as much in return. Also the armor looks really cool. I managed to kill the Fume Knight in a minute with this setup.

    submitted by /u/ZDude2017
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    Weapon Suggestion

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    So I've been playing for over twenty hours, working a tanky mage build. I've been using a fire long sword, and had the Grand Lance suggested as a great weapon to go to the end with. So I beefed it up...and I hate it. Obviously I still have my sword, but I don't feel like it's an endgame weapon. Now that I have materials to take a weapon to +10, I'm really hoping to find a weapon I can use for the rest of my play through. Any suggestions I could try?

    submitted by /u/giantroboticdragon
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    Are you allowed to post builds here?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    I was wanting to post a recent build I'm doing but I'm not sure if that's allowed. Am I allowed to do so?

    submitted by /u/ZDude2017
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    Should i try to platinum ds2?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm almost going to plat DS1 and wanted to know if i should try and plat DS2, if so what are some achievements that are difficult/annoying to get.

    If you platinumed DS2, do you have any tips?

    submitted by /u/Not_Elon21
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