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    Thursday, August 6, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 Just beat the the first one remastered, what to expect from the 2nd?

    Dark Souls 2 Just beat the the first one remastered, what to expect from the 2nd?

    Just beat the the first one remastered, what to expect from the 2nd?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Finished the first one and loved it (except fucking tomb of the giants fuck that), what should I expect from the 2nd? Harder? Easier? More fun? Are they connected? Diiferent universe? Etc

    Also, any starting tips? Or do the same rules and builds apply as DS1?

    submitted by /u/luayispotato
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    Critical Damage explained

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    I spent the last few months trying to find a working formula to calculate critical damage and I almost did it. Here's a link to the video I made where I explain what I know. I just need to find the formula the game uses to calculate damage in general and I've got it all.


    submitted by /u/LordRadai
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    Help on fume knight

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Need help soul memory of 440k, note on ps4

    submitted by /u/Cash384
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    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    I got SotFS on ps4 on sale and still hasn't played it because I wanna play it after I finish DSR. Unfortunately I cant get the original because I only own a ps4

    I watched a video on YouTube called "In defence of Dark Souls 2" by Hbomberguy.

    He mentioned the positives of DS2 and I am excited to play it. However, he did not give a positive review of SotFS.

    So I want to ask you guys your opinion about this and if it's actually worth it.

    submitted by /u/ineedadvil
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    What is wrong with mouse intake? Pls help

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    So I press my attack button and it just does not fucking attack most of the time?

    I have played ds1 and ds3 and there was no such problem but in ds2 shit just does not work.

    Why, pls help

    submitted by /u/Zentiboi
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    Something odd

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    I don't remember getting Xbox Live Gold, and yet I'm able to play online. What could cause this?

    submitted by /u/masterninja3402
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    It's a struggle

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    So I love the Soulsborne series but the only one I haven't finished is 2. I decided to replay through all of them recently but after 1 I got part way through 2 and got disheartened.

    Now I need to say I am not calling DS2 a bad game, I enjoy the gameplay and the change in mechanics is good but maybe it's because I'm straight off DS1 that I'm feeling this and I'm hoping you can change this.

    I'm just going through the fire area and haven't used the fragrent of yore to go the other way and I'm just not feeling the pull that the other games gave me.

    If anyone could change this for me I would be forever in your debt because I do enjoy this game but I want to love it like the others.

    submitted by /u/OppressivelyPolite
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    Fellow Undead seeking help!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    I've completed DS1R and DS3 and platinumed Bloodborne. I saved DS2 for last since I read it's kinda different.

    I recently picked it up and started playing today. I got to Majula (which I guess is the firelink shrine-ish area in this one?) and found the Way of Blue and Company of Champions covenants.

    I know Way of Blue from DS3 but have no idea what Company of Champions is. Kept it equipped cause it sounded cool lol.

    Anyway, where am I supposed to go now? I examined the deaths slab and spoke with the red haired lady, the cat, the crestfallen guy, merchant, blacksmith (who asks for some key) and some guy who I'm sure is wielding the Moonlight GS. I have 2 Estus flasks.

    Please do tell me if I missed anything.

    submitted by /u/derrffer
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    My issues with Iron Keep

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    It's already been said a million times before that the first half of Iron Keep is badly designed in terms of enemy placement. But I've never heard anyone talk about the part after SD.

    Firstly, the path to the boss is nearly double the length. You have to pass the bridge, the suspended platforms, a staircase, a narrow hallway, and a trap room before you can area with the fog gate, all while being bombarded by high damage, high poise enemies.

    And when you actually reach the boss? You fall down into the random hole in the platform and instantly die because you wanted to keep some distance for the boss.

    The narrow hallways are the worst part because you have these turtle knights spamming an unblockable attack that slows you down if you're near it. You can barely get a hit in without getting hit yourself unless you have good range.

    Edit: I was told there was a bonfire in the trap room. That's on me. But that still doesn't excuse the cheap nature of this level.

    submitted by /u/The_Flame_Of_Brennen
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    Most Active SM Summoning Range for PvE?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    I'm considering starting a new character then slapping on the Agape ring to keep within the most active SM range, but wanted to check what I should be aiming for.

    One of the highlights of this game for me is Jolly Cooperation, but I've recently returned to this game after a couple of years and found that it's quite difficult to get summoned. I've mainly been putting my sign down by tough bosses (Elana/Sinh, Fume Knight, Ivory King etc.) but only ever get summoned once every 20 mins or so and I'm currently at 15 mill SM.

    submitted by /u/Hems100
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    Why isn’t the Shrine of winters opening for me?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I'm in ng+ right now, and I beat the dukes dear freja, lost sinner, the rotten, and the old iron king, but it's still not opening for me? I'm very confused right now

    submitted by /u/fantastic-mr-gloop
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    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Need help grinding out 26 more sunlight medals

    submitted by /u/david7765
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    Best Crowns for Hexer?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    For those of you that were spellcasters that decided to use a crown, which one did you prefer to use? My thoughts would be that the Crown of the Old Iron King would be useful if going through the area, but the King's Crown would be better for bosses, but that's just my guess of them.

    submitted by /u/NuDavid
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    Favourite DS2 areas?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Recently been going through the game and recording my playthrough on YouTube, so been careful to get every item and do each level in a kind of 'natural order' that makes sense, not just the order I do each area (it's a pretty linear game anyway) but also going through each area in a way that makes sense to me at least... anyway, playing this way has made me really appreciate some of the level design in this game, which I think is an aspect if DS2 which is very underrated.

    Near the end of my playthrough (just finished working through eleum loyce to free all the knights 4 ivory king boss fight), and decided to put some of the levels or areas in a loose order of preference:

    1. Shulva, Sanctum City
    2. Frozen Eleum Loyce
    3. Lost Bastille
    4. Shaded Woods
    5. Broom Tower
    6. Earthen Peak
    7. Iron Keep
    8. Heide's Tower of Flame
    9. No-man's Wharf
    10. Forest of Fallen Giants

    Be cool to see other ppls lists of favourite (or least favourite) areas in DS2.

    submitted by /u/dampine
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    Which version is the better experience?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    I'm debating on wether to get the original Dark Souls 2 or get scholar of the first sin. Both versions are on steam so I'm wondering which is the better experience

    submitted by /u/Danksalamander666
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    When does Dual Caestus actually get good?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    I just got plat on Dark Souls so I decided to come back to Dark souls 2 and get the Plat on this game as well, and I wanted to try something different, and the first thing I found that I really wanted to try was a dual Caestus build, I had a rough idea of what I was getting into but what I wasnt expecting was the fact that I'm missing attacks that shouldn't be missing (Im referring to the pyromancer guys and the dogs in Lost Bastille here) , I get creamed by any group of enemies that I cant separate, I tickle The Pursuer and my damage isnt enough to offset either of those cons. Apparently dual caestus is meant to be good or fun or something but maybe I got a different version of the game or because I've yet to see what makes this anything more than a meme build that only gods at the game get any use out of.

    EDIT: thanks for the tips guys, I finally seem to be settling in to the unique playstyle a little, I was able to punch my way past the ruin sentinels and a couple of pursuer encounters, it really is an exercise in space and stamina management that takes quite a bit of adapting to.

    submitted by /u/dontkilldyl
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    All trophies

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Ive been playing dark souls games forever an have decided to do a 100% trophy run wish me luck 😂😂

    submitted by /u/superman681327
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    Petrified dragon bones

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    I'm looking for any way to scrounge up some of them as i'm looking to use the fume ultra greats word for the other 2 dlc and rest of of the base game. Its just a cool weapon and i really need some of the bones. I used up all my silky and smooth stones.

    submitted by /u/The-Telepotato
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    Who thought frigid outskirts was a good idea?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I find the whole last dlc trash, but this is just too much. This is the first time that I give up on an area. These horses have too much hp, their headbump attack is undogeable and if you take to long to beat one, a second one will appear. The whole way to the boss takes hours and if you get there, you get a dissapointing recycled boss. The only difference is there are now 2 of the boss and they still have the same broken hitboxes and the shit ton of damage. This area is the worst I have ever seen in a dark souls game. I even start to miss Iron Keep.

    submitted by /u/Tryingtodomyjob
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    Is a chaos blade viable for pve?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Obviously, because of the durability, another weapon is required. But a chaos blade for stronger mobs and bosses, as well as invader, is good? I am currently on NG and doing a full dex and magic build. Maybe I will change from a int mage to a int/faith, to use dark dmg bns and hexes. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/luisF_bs
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    ZeroLenny run: day 2.5

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    My run is ruined. Basically i play on an unlocked xbox 360, so it's offline, unupdated, and my xbox is full of bugs. but i have a cousin that i visit every week so i will post not everyday, but weekly. I'm really sad that i can't show what is going on so: i will make an youtube video, then put the link in here. https://youtu.be/D3Ax3u4XGVE

    submitted by /u/OCafeeiro
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    Does shield deflection do more harm than good?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    I'm maybe halfway through DS2 after finishing DS1. I'm doing a heavy strength build this time to contrast my light dex build in DS1. I decided to try out a greatshield for the first time since I have the equip load to spare. The high stability is great, being able to block hits for days.

    However it also deflects almost all attacks (at least from non-bosses) compared to a medium shield. That sounds good on paper, but it seems to actually make it harder for me to safely get counter hits in because enemies recover from the deflection quickly, even when I'm using a relatively fast weapon like a hand axe. I feel like I would do better if the shield didn't deflect attacks, so enemies could finish their attack chain, after which they usually have a long vulnerable period where I can easily get one or two hits in and still block or dodge their counter attack.

    Am I crazy? Am I missing something? Is there any way to use a greatshield without deflecting every hit? For now I've gone back to a medium shield, which just seems to work much better for me for this reason.

    submitted by /u/Kered13
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