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    Tuesday, July 21, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away?

    Use today to schedule some trades!

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    When you think you're close to that deathless run and Dark Souls has to remind you

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Does anybody else think Gwyn is supposed to be weak?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    To me, I think it adds a whole level to the story being told... Gwyn, this once powerful God, forger of the new earth, defeated of immortal dragons, now hovers over a dying flame, desperate for his age of Glory to linger on and this shell of a God, so built up in lore, is now an old man, easy to parry and defeat. I think it really makes the story and ending so much more impactful considering how initially your goal is to rekindle the flame and end the curse but as you progress through the game you see how corrupted and disfigured the world of the first flame has really become.

    submitted by /u/Riptide555
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    Your favorite “I got lucky” moment?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    Literally just ran through the Anal Rodeo archers first try this evening, never done that before. I sat at the bonfire next to my sunbro and am now wrecking (and getting rekt by) silver knights for a few more levels, but I feel like I should buy a lottery ticket.

    What's your favorite "I got lucky" moment?

    submitted by /u/ItsJustSwampGasBro
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    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Just finished Dark Souls, some thoughts

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    First of all, the game is great. Despite its many flaws, it manages to rise above them and it's one of those games where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I don't really see much point in scoring games on some arbitrary scale, but for me, if I want to replay the game in the future, it's a pretty damn high score, and I'll definitely replay DS at some point.

    Initially, I went in almost completely blind and I didn't know much about the game other than it's "very difficult" and "doesn't hold your hand". Naturally, I decided to pick the Knight class - dude starts with a heavy armor, so that's probably easy mode, right? Sadly, I played the game for 2-something hours and hated it. Excruciatingly slow combat, slow movement speed, the kill monsters -> die -> monsters respawn cycle didn't sit right with me... Well, I just gave up. By chance, I happened to saw a streamer work their way through lategame and it changed my mind with regards to the game completely. Sadly, it did spoil some lategame content, but it wasn't that big of deal ultimately.

    The game, in my eyes at least, is a direct descendant of old school combat-focused CRPGs like Might and Magic and Wizardry, and at its heart, it's very comparable even to later CRPG titles like Gothic and Baldur's Gate. The combat is the genius part of it. One of the biggest problems of RPGs in which you control a single character in real time are the combat mechanics. On paper, it seems there's only so much you can do really, and typical examples are Gothic and Morrowind - clunky, awkward systems that serve their purpose, but that's just about all you can say about them. Dark Souls style combat (well, Demon's Souls really, but I've yet to play it, so I'll talk about DS) makes the combat part of the game interesting, engaging, and introduces skill-based gameplay into the equation. Meanwhile, this is definitely not a pure action game - the skill ceiling is high and SL1 runs and challenge runs are proof of that. However, the skill floor is pretty low, and the game very much plays like an RPG as a result.

    Speaking of old school RPGs, it saddens me a little that people compare its level design to Metroidvanias, and I also don't really agree that DS started a "new genre". With regards to level design - nonlinear levels were the norm in old school FPS games, and an even better comparison are games like Thief, Deus Ex and System Shock. To me, DS lacks a crucial Metroidvania concept - hard abilities, and exploration that revolves around using those abilities that includes backtracking. In DS, you're just using shortcuts, and to me, it's a different mechanic. With regards to genre - as I've mentioned, at least imo, the game is a descendant of CRPGs and to me, despite being a console game, it very much plays as such. Obviously, it did find and popularized a very successful formula, I'm not trying to deny that, but it's not quite as unique in my eyes (which doesn't whatsoever diminish the game's qualities, it's just a quirky nitpick).

    Now for the game itself. I've managed to finish it in 38 hours over 1.5 weeks or so, with occasional glances at wikis. I reckon without any guides/info it probably would've taken me 50-60. I didn't kill Manus or Kalameet, with Manus I just couldn't be arsed, walked into his room once, died, and thought what's the point. Something to keep for the next playthrough too. With Kalameet, I felt like an asshole when Gough shot him. RP wise, I saw no point in harming him, I didn't find any mentions that he's evil or bad or anything like that. I also left Priscilla alone - her land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind, and I didn't belong there. What more there is to say? The rest are dead though.

    Far and away, the best boss is Artorias. No bullshit, cool character, relevant to the lore/plot, completely fair fight. The most bullshit one - Gwyn. Not because of Gwyn, I liked the fight, but I timed the run, and with all the knights dead it takes 3 minutes, running straight through about 2. For a boss that can kill you in 20 seconds while you figure out his moves and parrying windows, this is unnecessarily irritating. I didn't dread the continuation of the fight when I died, I didn't think how bullshit the fight was (other than his hand grip having slightly more range than it seems it should, I think it's a pretty fair fight), but I dreaded the run back. I could consistently parry and riposte the knights too, so there was no difficulty in it for me, just the time.

    The saddest boss - Sif. I saved the pup before I fought him, I read about it, but I wasn't prepared for the look in his eyes. I really, really, really wish there was some way to save him somehow or at least do something with his soul, or something along those lines. Most satisfying - Gwyndolin, what an arrogant asshole. I have to say, with regards to some bosses and some gameplay parts, I felt some strong Shadow of the Colossus vibes. You're not supposed to be doing this. You're questioning yourself if you're doing the right thing. Sif hits the hardest, but there's also Quelaag and the Moonlight Butterfly. The Asylum Demon was just doing his job for god's sake, and as I've mentioned, Gough shooting Kalameet seems like an asshole move, unless I've missed something about him or the dragons in general. Nito is also pretty unclear - the guy is creepy, but I didn't see anything bad about him, he's just chilling down in the tomb.

    One of the best aspects of the game is that the gameplay itself is connected to and makes sense with respect to the world, its state, and your goals as a supposed chosen undead. When get to the Firelink Shrine and explore a little, you understand that something has gone very, very, very wrong, and the place you're stuck in is not exactly welcoming. The curse of the undead connects very strongly to bonfires as checkpoints, to slow, methodical combat system where the stakes are always high, to your relative fragility from the gameplay perceptive, and just to the gameplay as a whole. It's not some bullshit lore to explain away mechanics, it actually works and makes sense. Something else, with regards to the challenging nature of the game - players who give up on the game go hollow. It fits perfectly with the lore and the gameplay.

    The atmosphere of the game is another amazing aspect. You get to Firelink, the music kicks in, you speak to a Crestfallen Warrior with incredible and thoroughly appropriate for the situation voice acting, and you're hooked. You take a trip down to New Londo, and the atmosphere get so thick you could cut it with a knife. New Londo was one of my favourite locations in the game, and it's legitimately scary and creepy, and the creepiness gets a +1 upgrade once you drain the water and get down.

    As far as the flaws go, well, I reckon since it's not really a review, and it's a DS subreddit, and not a general gaming subreddit, listing them is kinda pointless, as people who're reading this post have played the game and know all them. I'll just mention a few big ones, but ones that are easily described. First and foremost, the lack of a manual and/or in-game reference that explains the mechanics of the game. Those old school RPGs I've mentioned all had a big fat manual that came with the game box, with all the aspects explained. With Dark Souls, if you go 100% blind, you'll almost certainly screw up your character build. The player should not figure out on their own the breakpoints for the equip load, the mechanics of one or two hand wielding, the mechanics of parrying (you have to stand close, which is unintuitive), soft caps on the stats, and things of that nature. That's not hand holding at all, that's just the mechanics of the game, the ruleset. I dunno, maybe some people enjoy going in without any ruleset knowledge, but this is doable for any game really - pick any one of those old AD&D-based games and go figure what's THAC0 and what the d in the 1d4 stands for. You'll figure it out eventually, but the necessity of such approach is questionable.

    Another flaw is the uneven difficulty. DS is weird. On my playthrough, I went Burg -> Parish -> Depths -> Blighttown -> Sen's Fortress of Fun -> Anor Londo -> Catacombs -> the rest of the game. Trouble is, Catacombs are pathetically easy after AL (I did them after a few failed attempts at O&S), Garden is also easy (the poor Butterfly died during a single landing), draining the water in New Londo is ridiculously easy. If I were to make some minor changes, first and foremost, Rite of Kindling should give you an option to kindle to 10 Estus. That is, no Rite of Kindling == 5 Estus at normal bonfires, and no kindling, and 10 Estus at Firekeeper bonfires. Post Depths, steer the player via NPC dialogues to the Catacombs. Post Blighttown, steer the player very heavily to the Catacombs via NPCs. And something similar with the Garden, I guess, just steer the player a little bit more into that area. New Londo's Ghosts are relatively easy, imo you should be able to drain the water pre-Lordvessel, and the +15 Ember should be placed in Duke's Archives (probably).

    Upgrades are too easily acquired and are very OP if you play it safe. I went with a +10 Halberd to Quelaag and obliterated the poor thing, she didn't stand a chance. Large Titanite can be easily farmed via those slug things in Blighttown's Swamp, there are dozens of them, and they're a very weak enemy. Upgrades should be rarer and should involve much more work on your part. O&S is where you should have +10, not Blighttown. Similarly, you shouldn't have +5 for Gargoyles, they're way too easy. There's a metric ton of armour and rings, but some are waaaaay more useful than others. FaP ring and Havel's ring stand out like a sore thumb, especially the FaP ring. Perhaps the FaP ring should break post O&S and overall considered like an "easy mode" for players who're struggling a bit in the first half of the game. Maybe I've missed something, but I've found tons and tons of armour, and Crimson Robe was far and away the most OP chest armour in its weight category, nothing else came close.

    Oh well, this post has blown up massively, I thought I'd write a quick paragraph or two after finishing the game, and it proved difficult to stop. And yet I feel like I've barely said anything, I kinda feel like that YouTube dude who makes ridiculously long critique videos, forgot his name. I guess it's a good measure of how much I've enjoyed the game. I'll be playing DS2 next, I've even bought a controller just to play it. I've finished DS1 with mouse + keyboard (so yes, just in case, it's very playable, but aiming weapons can be a bit awkward at times since the camera is decoupled from the character, and you only have WASD to position the character instead of all 360 degrees that an analog stick gives you; it's a minor issue though).

    Endgame stats:

    • Deprived
    • SL 87
    • VIT 33
    • END 29
    • STR 27
    • DEX 36

    The rest are 11.

    I've used just the regular Halberd for 99% of the game and Crystal Halberd for O&S and Gwyn (for Gwyn it was more of a moral boost really) with Grass Crest Shield. Largely two handed combat, but occasionally with a shield too. FaP ring, Havel's Ring post Anor Londo, Mask of the Child, Crimson Robes, Maiden's Gloves, Havel's Greaves. Fast roll. Got Gwyn with full Havel though, that gave me enough to tank damage (and he still hits hard) in case of user error when parrying, plus Black Knight Shield (95% fire reduction as opposed to 70% on the Grass Crest). Highly recommended, as otherwise he cuts through you like butter and he's fast.

    Last but not least, I chose the linking ending. I don't think either are good endings, but I think the Age of Dark is worse, as in my eyes (from what I know so far), it's the "heat death of the universe" kind of ending. By linking, I helped the gods, true, but at the same time, Gwyndolin is dead, so no more of his illusion bullshit. Nito, The Bed of Chaos, Four Kings, Gwyn, or whatever was left of them by the time the game takes place, are gone. Seath is dead too. I like to think that my linking largely keeps the world as is, but with all those legendary figures gone, something has clearly changed. I may merely have bought some time, but let someone else figure out what to do next, I did the best I could. RP wise, I also like to think that my character started to become hollow more and more, as he got more powerful and the more beings he killed, and finally, with Gwyn gone, there's no more purpose for him. I think it's not so much a sacrifice, but a final conscious choice on his part.

    submitted by /u/abir_valg2718
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    So I just spent ages farming humanity to get shortcut and save solaire. And I went and accidentally killed the fair lady.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    Man fuck dark souls on the switch, I went to pick it up after replying to a message on my phone and hit bumper killed fair lady. Fuck my life, fuck the switch, fuck this game. Fuck all the sun maggots that are now gonna kill solaire

    submitted by /u/DanTay19
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    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    SOLO!! NO SUMMONS! Regular weapon (claymore wife +15)!

    Honestly the worst part was trying to get his goddamn tail off... otherwise, SURPRISINGLY forgiving fight if you're lightrolling. I beat Manus earlier today with good girl Sif, but I am riding high right now 😁

    submitted by /u/wulfinn
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    Well I did it

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    After almost 8 months of hard work, grinding and pushing myself I beat dark souls for the first time ever. Honestly it felt pretty good when I beat Gwyn. I'll admit I thought I was going to go hallow a few times. Sometimes I wanted to quit forever, sometimes I did rage quit. But I always found a way to improve, bell gargoyles kicked my ass for about a week. I would spend hours trying to kill them. And you should have seen my face when I did. After that it honestly felt easier I'd say. Ornstein and Smough kicked my ass a few times but eventually I beat them. And I learned a very valuable skill, and that skill is parrying. But now I'm done. Now it's time for a NG+. Here I go again.

    submitted by /u/RonnieBuilds
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    Just died the most annoying way

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    I am in sen's fortress. I was running up the stairs where the big ball rolls down. It hit me, knocking me down the side on the stairs a bit lower. Ball comes again, i'm still on those stairs, it hits me again I get thrown down another bit. And ofcourse....

    The... Ball... Hits... Me...


    "YOU DIED"

    submitted by /u/DrLobaLoba
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    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    I am stuck at Ornstein and Smough and i ran out of humanity. What can i do?

    submitted by /u/enxiboi
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    My custom Dark Souls themed rig

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Is it just me?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    I've 100%'ed DS1 and for me it was perfection through and through, I finally got round to giving DS2 some attention and it just feels off... I can't really explain it, it just doesn't feel right. Is it just me?

    submitted by /u/BS_Magico
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    Is soul level 27 good for Sen's Funhouse?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    Having troubles, is it my lvl?

    submitted by /u/InfamousGhost07
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    just killed my first rhino, didnt expect you can backstab it like that

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    [Image] The Collection. Wish DS3 was made by Future Press

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    I beat sl-1 Gwyn for the first time yesterday.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    What a game. It took me about 25 hours across around a week and a half (I didn't check, that's just my best estimate). I came in with a fair amount of prior knowledge, having seen a playthrough a few years back. I also used the wiki a fair amount to learn more about bosses I was struggling with, and to find out that The Great Hollow and Ash Lake are actually locations in the game.

    Now, I used the black knight's halberd for most of the game (got the lucky drop from the guy in Darkroot I believe), and honestly, I don't regret it. I still found bosses to be pretty challenging. I've never been the type of gamer that enjoys beating his head against the wall for potentially hours until a boss fight finally clicks.

    My favorite boss (and the one I found hardest) was definitely Ornstein and Smough. They were the only boss that took me more than five attempts to beat. Getting past them took about three days. There's really no comparison. Even though I used solaire and a +5 black knight's halberd and grinded for like an hour in Ariamis (this was after about a day and a half of trying to struggle through with a +2 lightning gargoyle's halberd, I still found the fight to be a hearty challenge. Did I get good? Eh, depends on how you look at it. That's a fight that can be quite difficult, even if you are using the best gear. I did manage to beat them in only 2 attempts in my NG+ run though, without Solaire. Their theme is amazing, and the fight itself is a challenge and a half. Until I learned the staircase skip, getting back was great for learning how to parry (really came in handy in the Kiln).

    My least favorite boss was probably the Moonlight Butterfly, or the Iron Golem. I found the butterfly far too late (when I was getting the Crest of Artorias for 4K), and the Iron Golem was pretty underwhelming for the finale to Sen's Fortress. They were still very nice fights though, I didn't truly dislike any of the bosses that I fought.

    The soundtrack, when present, was also huge for me. The lack of music for the vast majority of the game really is beneficial to gameplay and atmosphere. The music that is there is consistently great.

    I love the combat in this game. It's so expertly crafted, and pretty much never felt unfair, beyond a few occasions. There's a large amount of diversity in weapon types and fighting styles, and I really like how most of them are dense with content and fun to play.

    The biggest issue I have with the game is the huge amount of walking you have to do sometimes. Going through all of New Londo every time I died to 4K was a pain in the ass, same story with just about all of pre-vessel.

    Favorite area has to be Anor Londo. So many gorgeous sights and sites. Close runner up is Ash Lake. It's fairly empty, but just looks so cool.

    Least favorite area would probably be the Valley of Drakes. It's a shame they didn't do more beyond a few drakes and an undead dragon, the area had a lot of potential.

    I've been really enjoying NG+ so far. The game is a lot more interesting when you know how it goes and have played it before, it was so empowering to be able to beat the Gargoyles within half an hour after they took me about ten hours before (I started off with a really terrible build for my first run, and eventually I ditched it in favor of a better class and gift). It was so cool to be able to skip all of The Depths with the Drakes skip too, that made me feel like I really knew my way around the world.

    All in all, I don't regret the way that I played my first run. I had fun with it! Even if I didn't go hardcore no guides no summons not using op weapons. There were some struggles along the way, but I'm proud that I didn't quit, and I definitely got much better at the game. I look forward to learning more about the lore and getting even better as I move to NG++ and so on!

    Edit: I seem to have maybe misinterpreted the meaning of a sl-1 run here. By that I mean my first time beating the game, not the sl-1 challenge. Sorry for any confusion that may have been caused, I'm still a little new to this lol

    submitted by /u/HairClippingJesus
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    My firend just beat O&S in full Havels

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    He really struggled against them, never even got to the 2nd Phase and then i jokingly said "Just put on Havels Gear" and he then killed them both while fat rolling

    submitted by /u/qpalymHD
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    Has anyone actually beaten asylum demon with the Sword Hilt?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    On my first ever play through it thought this is stupid I must get 10% of its HP down then a cutscene right? It took me embarrassingly long to find that open door...

    But I did get like 1/4 of it's health down after a painfully long experience.

    Has anyone ever Beaten Asylum demon on your first try? Is it possible what happens it you win?

    submitted by /u/Daniel_S04
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    Best catalyst

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    What is the best catalyst at max sl?

    submitted by /u/Linty559
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    What a Journey!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    [Lit my first bonfire Apr 6, 2016

    Finally Linked the flame Jul 21, 2020 ](https://imgur.com/mmE5xv4) Thanks for all the post and memes guys, really kept me coming back and not giving up.

    submitted by /u/randomalphanumerics
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    Shots: Prepare to Die Edition

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Here's a fun drinking game for all you souls adults out there, each time you fall into a hole in the bed of chaos fight take a shot. Warning: could cause death

    submitted by /u/literal_brainlet
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    Sens fortress Cutscene giant help!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    I jumped down to the titanite demon, went into the ladder room, went up, and fought the giant. Is there another way other than the ladder back down?

    submitted by /u/InfamousGhost07
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    Does the Dark Wood Grain Ring actually allow you to quick roll with Equip Load < 50% instead of 25%?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    That's what the German Wiki says but then this Ring would be way better than Havels Ring

    submitted by /u/qpalymHD
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    Big oof in Sens fortress. Halp plez

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Recently killed Quelag, never been in Sen's fortress. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/InfamousGhost07
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