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    Sunday, July 12, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Salty Sunday.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Salty Sunday.

    /r/DarkSouls - Salty Sunday.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    Today's Salty Sunday is brought to you by the Bed of Chaos

    Being Gravelorded in Anor Londo? Died to Bed Of Chaos for the 100th time? Checked your phone for a second, only to run off a cliff and lose your bloodstain?

    Grab a spoon and watch your blood pressure soar! All complaints are welcome here. Just keep things civil and follow the Posting Guidelines in the sidebar.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Who the hell thought Blighttown was a good idea

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Clearly whoever built this place is not an engineer, the structural stability of this place is a miracle. And don't get me started on the lack of walls and rails. How the hell can you live in a place, that doesn't have load bearing walls? And do they have a phobia of stair cases? Where the hell are they? Imagine going home after work, and having to ride a 400ft windmill and then a 200ft ladder? Was Kojima the lead architect? Oh yeah, I forgot. Their shitty sewage system literally makes 90% of the area toxic and poisonous. Does Lordran not have a health and safety board? I hate this shitty town, and if you live in it I hate you as well.

    submitted by /u/Sion1314
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    A Solaire's wallpaper my gf made for me

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    I love how the clock represents the sun, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/Solaire1119
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    Moonlight Butterfly poem- Let Me Kill You

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Floating o'er the battlements above the garden, dark,

    A lunar creature made by magic guards a mighty arch.

    Crafted by the Scaleless, imbued with moonlight pure,

    The butterfly o'erhead shall rise once freed from its moors.

    Green shall be the spears that seek thee as the creature fights,

    And thee, most likely, cannot strike again 'til it alights.

    But when it does measure thy rage, for careless many are,

    And feel the blast of magic's past 'fore it retreats so far.

    If, after so many tries, thou art still denied,

    Seek the sign beneath the stair, and simply step aside.

    The witch who wields wondrous power, o'er great magic has,

    Command to strike at this great moth, and from the sky, to blast.

    When the creature lays to rest, and still are its wide wings,

    Doth thou yet know thee beget but pain for living things?

    submitted by /u/OneStarBard
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    The stairs in Anor Londo gave me a funny thought (TLDR at the end)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    A little explanation before I start: I don't know a lot about the deep lore of Anor Londo. If I'm missing some huge gap in knowledge about why things are the way they are there, my b. I'm just thinking about this from an architectural perspective.

    So I noticed that around the city there are two sizes of stairs; one for the giants, and one for humans. But there's one staircase in particular that's funny to think about in terms of functionality: the staircase past the rotating column shortcut that leads to the massive locked door guarded by two giants.

    It's a really wide ramp divided into thirds with the two different sizes of stairs. There are human stairs on the outer thirds of the pathway, and one set in the middle of the path for the giants. This design seems backwards to me and is sort of funny when you think about it.

    The giants should be the ones to have the two sets of stairs on either side; one for going up, and one for going down; while the humans, who don't need nearly as much space, can share a single human-sized staircase in the middle.

    The reason it's funny to me is because if one giant is going up the stairs and another giant is going down, there isn't enough room for them to get past each other normally without risking stepping on the humans by walking on their stairs. So I'm just picturing two giants trying to politely shuffle past each other while the humans have all the space they need.

    TLDR: The stairs in Anor Londo are designed poorly, so the giants would have to awkwardly scoot past each other if one is going up and another is going down.

    submitted by /u/THEPatrickCarn
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    Was Ron Howard's Willow the design inspiration for Kaathe/Frampt, a Darkwraith, and the Maneater Shell

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    I was watching Willow for the first time and was immediately struck by the resemblance their creature designs have to these Dark Souls characters. Kaathe/Frampt Big serpent-like toothy head with jowls.

    Darkwraith A pretty standard fantasy skull knight, but the sword blade even shares a basic profile shape toward the hilt.

    Maneater Shell at 5:40 This one was the most surprising. It's a metal pot filled with skeletons and its legs are somewhat crablike in its movement. It's almost a perfect recreation.

    submitted by /u/SammyDavisTheSecond
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    Just finished my first ever play-through of DS1

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    What a masterpiece. I played DS1 years ago and gave up after accidentally wandering into the graveyard and getting massacred. Fast forward to the beginning of quarantine (mid-March) when I purchased Bloodborne. I initially tried to return the game because I blamed my 1000 deaths in Central Yharnam on everything except myself. Once I realized that there are very fair and learnable mechanics at play, I fell in love and beat the game over the course of a week. Of course, I then had to jump into the Souls series starting with DS1.

    In my initial play-through years prior, I had no idea about the intricate systems this game and its world are built on (especially the map design,) but I've finally come to fully appreciate them. I'm sad it's over and like all great games I wish I could experience it for the first time again.

    On some recommendations that I've seen here, I've downloaded DS3 and will be diving in tomorrow. I guess my question is, will I be blown away by the same sense of mystery and exploration that I had through the entirety of DS1 and Bloodborne?

    submitted by /u/DannyBeisbol
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    Ever seen hollow climbing ladder backwards?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:34 PM PDT


    It's not a first time i've seen enemy do some wierd stuff and then freeze in place, I feel like a magnet for bugs. Is everything ok with me?

    submitted by /u/Asdowa
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    DS1 Enemy Ranking Poll!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    About a week ago I posted this poll. I sincerely apologize if bringing it up again is more of an annoyance than a good deed. Please check it out! We already have almost 20 responses! Thank you all! Here it is:


    I would heavily appreciate if some of you would rank the DS1 enemies! I am super interested to see what you all think are the hardest enemies, or the most well designed! This took more than 6 hours, so I would really appreciate if you spread the word by dropping an upvote! Thanks so much! I'll be making a YT video on the findings when I can.

    The clerics down in Tomb of Giants are the only ones not on this list. Sorry!

    submitted by /u/hungryhyena78
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    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:40 AM PDT

    Lost 46 humanity and 100K souls because I couldn't reach the bloodstain before he kills me again but I don't care at all, I fucking win.

    God, my hands are cold and almost shaking.

    submitted by /u/kevynalssc
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    I created an amazing character for my first deprived run

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Should I play Dark souls as someone new to hack and slash games? Or try out other games first

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    So I recently got interested in hack and slash games but never played one before I play on Xbox one.I knew dark souls before but never ch caked it out many people say it's a difficult but challenging game so I thought to try it out but should I buy that first or hack and slash.Because I want how much good this game is. So if you recommend it me should I try the dark souls remastered or dark souls 3 whichever is little easier please tell coz this game is hard. Any suggestions is appreciated

    submitted by /u/DeadpoolEX1234
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    The dark souls games are horror

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    So I know that the people don't consider them as being horror, but hear me out

    Unlike the typical horror in which the game relays on jumpscares and creepy level design, dark souls fills your soul and bones with dread without those cheap tricks

    Personally whenever i play dark souls or bloodborne, i am extremely anxious and stressed. Whenever i battle a boss by heart pounds and the level of dread and stress I feel is indescribable.

    I find that a lot more distressing than typical horror. Anyone agrees?

    submitted by /u/KvasirTheOld
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    Gravelord phantoms

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    So yesterday i decided to go through the DLC on my NG+ character. As i walked through the Township i noticed red phantoms indicating I'd been gravelorded. I thought no big deal, and invaded him. I admit i tried for an hour and kept dying, so i just decided to get off for the night. (I'm not very good at PVP)

    Fast forward to today. The first thing i see when i spawn in is another red phantom enemy. It took another 5 minutes for a gravelord sign to appear.I kill the guy, nothing happens. They're still there. I invade the same dude a couple minutes later and kill him again. They. Are. Still. There.

    So i quit out and go into offline mode, but that did nothing. I can't deal with them, they do a shit ton of damage and i suck.

    So i have no idea how to get rid of them, and so I'm asking here.

    submitted by /u/DankSoulOfCinder
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    So I never knew this, but everyone should.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    Because the bed of chaos fight is such garbage, I've always despised helping people with it and subsequent playthroughs. Recently I read, quite possibly on this subreddit, that a bow could be used to make the fight significantly less counterintuitive to the entire essence of dark souls. You'll spend most of your time memorizing attacks, patterns, timing windows, techniques, damage levels, etc. just trying to make this game playable. This is fine, it's part of what makes it hard; you have to learn.

    The Bed of Chaos uses little to none of the assets you've developed throughout the game, be they weapons, armor, shields. Almost none of it helps. But a bow turns the fight from a nerfed version of Cat Mario to an almost trivial chore that can be completed with the same mental exertion as mowing the lawn.

    I want to make a whole post sharing this knowledge just in case I'm not the only one who has characters I love but don't want to play on anymore because the bed of chaos would be such a pain.

    Thank you for your time, sorry for the whole novel. Goodbye. Be safe friends. Don't you dare go hollow.

    submitted by /u/Mikethunder27
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    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    Maybe for some of us life is more like Dark Souls. You're in your own isolated world. You only really see the shadows of others and what they leave behind, but don't interact much beyond short sayings. Although you may need help from time to time and summon them from their world, this is ultimately only temporary and you never see the person again.

    submitted by /u/SleepyGod01
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    What’s your favorite way to start the game?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    Personally I start as a thief with black firebombs to kill the asylum demon. Then as soon as I get to firelink, I grab the homeward bones and quickly go grab the fire keeper soul in new Londo and bone back to fire link.

    Then use the master key to go through valley of the drakes and dark root, grabbing the dragon crest and grass crest shield. Head up through the parish grabbing another fire keeper soul, take the elevator down, jump off and head back to the asylum.

    Then I kill the stray demon with the bandit knife since he's so weak to bleed, kill the black knights with parries, grab the doll and bone back to fire link.

    You now have two of the best shields in the game, a +2 Estus flask and over 25k souls all within the first 20 minutes of gameplay. If anyone has a better route I'd love to hear it!

    submitted by /u/Lt_Dickballs
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    She did it, O&S down!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    I (Drew) have been attempting to convince my wife to play dark souls for about a year now. She doubted herself a lot and assumed she didn't have the patience to try the game and would fail.

    I finally managed to get her to give it a try and she is hooked. I knew her first real wall was going to be O&S and I was right. After days/hours of attempts she finally got to see that victory achieved on one of the most notorious encounters in Dark Souls.

    I'm so proud of her and excited to watch her play now that the rest of the game has opened up for her.

    If you are interested to see her first kill, you can see her achievement here:


    Have a lovely weekend everyone!

    submitted by /u/Kay_n_Drew
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    Help a Fellow Sunbro

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:36 AM PDT

    Hello fellow Chosen Undeads, im in need of 1 sunlight medal and also I like to play coop since is the first time I play on multiplayer, im on PS3 my tag is Almi_Brown.

    Cheers, hope we can play together!

    submitted by /u/AnidemOris
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    Where can I find 3 sun doblons?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    Is there any way to get a flair trophy when playing on the switch?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    There's no achievement list - what way would there be to prove you platinumed the game to get a trophy flair?

    submitted by /u/GoldWhale
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    Ok I have played all the souls games and I have came to the conclusion that dark souls 3 is the best souls game let’s have a discussion and try and change my opinion .

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    My second fav is dark souls 1 then bloodbourne.

    submitted by /u/oingoboingobrothers0
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    Need help!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    So i recently bought Dark souls, and i really love it so far :) I need help with where i go. I just beat the monster in the first arena. he was really hard xD. when i beat him it said something like "Victoria's archives" where is this and where do i go to get there? i unlocked the big door with a key also! so i think i on the right track. where do i'm go now? please help, new to the game. also sorry for bad englsih im from portugal :)

    submitted by /u/Direct-Cricket3683
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    The way to the four Kings just sucks

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Okay this is my first playthrough and first time beating them. So I have to say I realy love the game and the challenge but this bossfight just was no challenge but the way to it was the biggest pain and source of frustration I had like, dame just make the four kings more challenging not the way there so frustrating.

    Sorry just needed to say this some where, so thanks for reading and being a awesome community.

    submitted by /u/hallo_there_reddit
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