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    Friday, July 17, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    57 year old father playing darksouls Day 3

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Day 3 of my Journey, enjoy!

    After not being able to beat the titanite demon decided to challenge the shooting mage guarded by naked undead soldiers. I managed to push him down killing him with a mid air attack and then died to the balder knights at the bottom. He did nt respawn and I got to the roof.

    The boss fight with 2 stone gargoyles was really hard and after 21 attempts I finally killed them. (burst the first one and then circle the fire breath gargoyle). I got to the top and rang the first bell!!! Amazing feeling.

    All this took 4 hours but I was nt done yet, as I remember the knight in firelink telling me to ring 2 bells one on the top and one far far down I came to the conclusion that the basement must be the way to go (have the basement key). After spending 1 hour not finding any basement I decided to Google. I found my way back to solair and took the ladder down to the basement. I found another awesome shortcut back to undead burg. But then I died 8 times on the ninja guys slitting my throat and dogs biting me like hell just to arrive to a boss that was even more aggressive. Capra demon took 9 tries, it was really hard in the beginning but killing the dogs with my range and jumping down from upstairs on the demon was extremely effective strategi.

    I got the key to the depths and died 4 times at the butcher, then I fell down to a big rat that killed me twice before I got really really lost.... Died about 10 times in the depths running around to find the right path. I killed another mage with buffed rats that killed me 4 times and then I found the boss!

    The gaping dragon killed me once before I realized there must be a bonfire somewhere. On the way back I killed another butcher and found the bonfire. The gaping dragon took another 4 tries ( upgraded the halberd +3) and got the key to blighttown. I opened the door to blighttown and logged out for the day.

    Total playtime: 27 h 33 minutes.

    submitted by /u/ThomasTuckerman
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    My wife who doesn’t play video games is starting Dark Souls. I’m so excited! Praise the Sun!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    She's always watched(mostly heard) me play the series and recently we've watched a lot of various soulsbornekiro streamers on Twitch. If you're interested, she streaming it on her twitch:


    We don't have the channel set up for money or anything and aren't looking for donations, so I hope I can post her twitch link here. If not I understand. Praise the Sun!

    Edit: thanks for the support! She's killed the asylum demon eventually (it was so hard not saying anything about the open door) and made it the burg bonfire. Taking a break until the baby's bed time later tonight.

    Edit 2: On second thought, this might test our marriage.

    submitted by /u/TurniptheLed
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    Tomb of the giants

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    The tomb of the giants can eat my ass nothing about this place is okay.

    submitted by /u/liquidsodium211
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    Just completed the DLC am I overleveled for the rest of the game?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    Im level 63 after completing manus, kalameet, artorias, and the guardian, and in the story I've killed nito and begun the collection for the lord souls. Should i be going in to areas without armor to make it fair challenge or am I appropriately leveled? It's no fun if you can just tank hits till you die.

    submitted by /u/GoldWhale
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    How I grew to love this game.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Hey guys and dolls,

    Last week I completed this game and made a post about it but now I've collected my thoughts I want to talk about my thoughts on the game. As you can guess by the title I absolutely loved it. My family thinks I hate it given how much more a swear when I play it but I enjoyed (most) of the hardships.

    This wasn't always the case however. I've owned Dark Souls on the 360 since 2011, brought it on the PC and again purchased the remastered edition, but I never completed it. The furthest I ever got was Quelag and then every other time I tried I got fed up and quite. So how did I git gud and like this game? Drum ROLL please.

    Seriously mastering the roll was key. In all other tried before I had primarily used my shield and the occasional roll for defense. This time it was the opposite. Being more agile, two handing my weapons more and being more aggressive completely transformed this game for me. Yes I did use my shield fairly often but it was no longer my primary defense. And when I did use the shield I leaned to parry. Constantly being on the move and doing more damage made the game not only more fun for me but also a better player. While this may not be a revelation to you guys it was to me.

    So with that out of the way what did I think of the game. It's great. Enemy design is fantastic and many of the bosses are filled with great visual flair and often you can tell what they'll do just by looking at them. Artorias in particular was my favourite boss fight. The world constantly looping back in on it self is nothing short of brilliant, I haven't had this much fun exploring the world since Metroid Prime. And while I do have to look online to actually understand the story. I did enjoy piecing together what I could here and there.

    Of course it's not all perfect. Izalith feels half finished at and the Tomb of Giants can fuck right off. Also there are times when this game is just plain obtuse. The people who say that the only way to enjoy this game is completely blind with no summons or research before hand need to pull their heads out of their asses. I summoned here and there especially for O&S. And dear god did I have to look up where I needed to go at times because sometimes this game could at least you hints here or there. And another minor thing. Back in my day when a player invaded you they used to bow and wait til you had finished fighting the mobs before fighting you. Not once was I shown basic manners this time.

    But these certainly didn't ruin my experience and I know I missed a lot of side content which I will come back to in a future play through. But for now I'm planning on doing all the Souls games and I'm nearing the end (I think) of DS2. So I will return and die all over again... and I'll love it.

    submitted by /u/Tweed_Man
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    I fucking hate OnS

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    It's my first run and I'm trying to beat them since wednesday. Yesterday I evoked Solaire and when Smough had very little life, he did the one-shot attack and killed me because i was rolling. I fucking hate these two guys

    submitted by /u/trasartigiovanni
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    DS expirience

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    Started Dark Souls series. Just finished DS1 remastered and I gotta admit that it was one of the best 30 hours of my gaming expirience

    submitted by /u/Sezar232
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    Ornstein and Smough poem- Double Trouble

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    In the palace of the sun thou art not deceived.

    Smough does not stand all alone, but is joined by Ornstein.

    They shall come, a knight and one who gorged on fallen bones.

    Royal guards and foils more than threatening on their own.

    Together, though, they prove an obstacle befitting she,

    Who waits for thee up above, pending thine victory.

    Lightning strikes and thunderous blows shall shake thine very soul,

    If thou darest to approach these two who served of old.

    Ornstein awaitest if thou'll takest both his look and ring,

    And let him take the soul of Smough to empower his lightning.

    When he strikes with speed unlike any thou've seen before,

    Thou shan't wonder how it was the dragons lost the war.

    Knight befits him, little hits him, speed his strength, and skill,

    That only grows when he takes Smough, and joins their strength of will.

    But if thou most desirest that wide armor of the other,

    Slay him last, avoid the blasts, and let him eat another.

    He who glutted on the bodies he himself had slain,

    Shall, when slaying thee, undead, feast, again and again.

    So ask for help, be not too brave to summon to thy side,

    Aid by way of he who doth with incandescence shine.

    Nor shouldst thou hesitate to bring more phantoms to this realm,

    To separate the protectors Gwyn left to overwhelm.

    Even when they join together, and there is but one,

    One is surely plenty for either to overcome.

    These are two chosen to guard the daughter left behind.

    At least, to guard her phantom and, in guarding it, to die.

    Another test before thee rests, another chance to earn,

    The chance to prove thou art the Chosen Undead, fit to burn.

    submitted by /u/OneStarBard
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    Who is the pygmy?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    In the past i played dark souls for about a week and i could never get past the hellkite dragon, and i recently figured out that you could just walk past it. After i found out it sort of rekindled my passion for the game. More to the point, when i re-watched the opening cutscene, the narrator lady names off the people who claimed the flames, and she mentioned the furtive pygmy. Who is this and what part do they play?

    submitted by /u/fr33_b1ll_c0sby
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    Just finished my first ever playthrough

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    What an experience! I've had this game for years and have been too intimidated to touch it. I played Bloodborne at launch and it was such an ordeal. Then I picked up DS remastered on sale a few months ago and have been hooked ever since.

    Some thoughts:

    • No other game has left me in awe of the level design. The maze of locations is insane, and opening a new elevator or shortcut is one of the most satisfying experiences I've had in gaming.

    • I spent way too much time worrying about which weapon to level up instead of just using what felt good. I ended up finishing the game mostly with a simple longsword +15!

    • I'm by no means a good player (I could never get parrying right and magic confused me too much to even attempt) but I managed to beat probably half of the bosses on my first attempt. Hugging the boss with Havel armour worked more often that I expected.

    • The bosses that gave me the most grief were Sif, O&S and Capra Demon. I'm ashamed to say I cheesed the latter with dung pies.

    • My favourite areas were probably Anor Londo and the Oolacile levels.

    • Least-favourite areas were Demon Ruins, Lost Izaleth and Catacombs. I played them all in a row and it was a struggle.

    • Fuck Blighttown.

    While I loved the experience, the very second I finished the game I closed and uninstalled. I need a detox and I don't want to be tempted to go straight into NG+. Also, I think my wife would kill me if I started up again.

    submitted by /u/munkeyalan
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    When you buy the Ornstein's armor he has no red thing, so is the red thing...his hair?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    Are we the asshole?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    As the chosen undead. Are we the asshole just killing everyone? Is there even bad or good? If there is are we bad?

    submitted by /u/Gnarly_Ivy
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    Anor Londo Snipers

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    I just started playing dark souls after having played bloodborne to death, I'm overall pretty unfamiliar with the game. The first major wall I've hit are the snipers in Anor Londo, I can't seem to get past them. Any tips? Thank you so much

    submitted by /u/literal_brainlet
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    Dark souls needs a card game, and we will design it

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    So I was reading this very recent thread, it was called "people should be able to gamble at bonfires", or something like that, and some of the comments brought up the interesting topic of a dark souls card game, similar to how the Witcher has Gwent. (Maybe it could be called Gwynt) anyway, later I found out that a dark souls card game already exists, as well as a board game, but that's really quite underwhelming, it's a deck building co op 1-4 players game. I'm thinking more of a hidden role game Free for all (like "Bang!") with everyone's favourite heroes of Firelink- Lautrec, Siegmeier, Sieglinde, Solaire, Laurentius- each of them having their own winning condition and powers. What do you think, and do you have any more concrete ideas?

    submitted by /u/Chosundead
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    Increasing intelligence and faith for a strength build character

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    I have a strength build character, my first playthrough in remastered, and currently my vitality, endurance and strength are at level 30. How will increasing my intelligence and faith stats affect the character, if I don't plan to use magic or pyromancy at all, atleast in this playthrough. Should I increase these stats to use the cursed greatsword of artorias for new lomdo ruins? The sword requires level 18 for both the stats

    submitted by /u/RohanIRathi
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    Next area?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    So I just defeated ornstein and the other guy. I just got the warp ability. What would be my next step?

    submitted by /u/the_truth000
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    How to delete armor

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    How do I get rid of unnecessary armor and weapons? I saw someone do it on remastered but does it work in OG?

    submitted by /u/MPL4YZ
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    Fun build/challenge ideas?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    I've played a two runs of ds1 as a pure magic and a pure strength build. I feel like I need a bigger challenge and a more interesting play style.

    After playing a lot of DS3, Ive found the Ds1 a little to easy due to me doing to much damage or not taking enough. Long story short I need I run that will force me to be a better player.

    I was hoping someone knows a challenge run or a build with fair scaling (doesn't get super under or over powered by the time I get the Lord vessel) that will help make my next run more satisfying.

    Thanks my hollow friends!

    submitted by /u/Dickchicken45
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    Rating Soulslike games against DS/BB/S:SDT? Recommendations, thoughts... Feelings?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Just wanting to enter your mind brains and see what people think about similar 'soulslike' games in comparison to the originals.

    I myself have only played The surge, Nioh and Lords of fallen to a lesser extent Blasphemous (which is excellent). Wondering if there are any recommendations and how you compare them to the grand daddy of the genre?

    Personally I really enjoyed Nioh, the surge was a bit meh and didn't get into Lords of fallen.. Blasphemous whilst not a souls clone was excellent. The lore and visuals on par with DS.

    Provide your stream of consciousness below!

    submitted by /u/Puparia
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    Is the Fire Zweihander good?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    I saw this video and made what he said with the Zweihander. I would like to know if the fire Zweihander is a good weapon for pve or I just wasted souls that I could have used for a better weapon (or for levelling up).

    submitted by /u/lucavigno
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    Weapon choice

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    So I've obtained a few weapons over the past few days and was wondering which one I should main for my character (character has 48 strength and 20 dex) I have obtained the moonlight greatsword from seath, the obsidian greatsword from kalameet, the black night greatsword and the dragon greatsword. Also which one would be the most stylish along with dealing a decent damage output?

    submitted by /u/0626060001
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    I decided to play Dark Souls without summoning!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Thanks to quarantine I'm still with me friends' copy of Dark Souls Remastered for the Switch, I replayed the game like 4 or 5 times already because the games is super fun to play it, but then I realized that I was relaying too much on the summoning mechanic to beat some of the more harder bosses. So for not having anything better to do I decided to play the game one more time but without summoning a single person for help, It's already going horribly with the Super Gargoyles Bros stomping my ass and I already can see that the Anor Londo Dynamic Duo is going to be a nightmare. Also I killed Solaire so I couldn't cheat later, please don't crucify me Dark Souls Community!

    submitted by /u/Voonterrex20
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    Looking to play a casual playthrough with someone (PS4)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    Basically just got a PS4 to serve as a streaming box type of deal mixed with the purpose of being a remaster machine and picked up dark souls remastered today. Played about 10k hours on PS3 back in the day and am looking for a co-op partner to experience the game once again all these years later. :)

    submitted by /u/BlargScientist
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