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    Thursday, July 2, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 Sir Alonne as an MTG card! Next up is Burnt Ivory King.

    Dark Souls 2 Sir Alonne as an MTG card! Next up is Burnt Ivory King.

    Sir Alonne as an MTG card! Next up is Burnt Ivory King.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Burnt Ivory King as an MTG card! Next up is Aava.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Is sotFS worth getting?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    I am a avid fan of Dark souls 3 having spent around 400hrs in the game (ik those are rookie numbers). Really enjoyed that game, the lore, finding secrets and exploring every other outcome of a specific quest line.

    Dark Souls 2 has always been on my radar as a must play title but the graphics are kind of putting me off. I know that it's about the story, gameplay and lore but I do value graphics a lot in the games I play. DS3 has some of the best use of high res textures and environments that really looked fantastic. I saw a modder on twitter who's been working on a complete overhaul of lighting used in ds2. Tbh when I saw that I was really excited but since he works solo he said it's gonna take a long time to overhaul the lighting used in entire game.

    So I am stuck here on whether I should buy now and playthrough the entire game and then start a NG+ when the mod comes out or should I wait all together and not touch the game rn.

    Fromsoft is really the master of the soulsborne games, I mean like obviously, they created it. So no game has ever come close to that dark souls like combat and gameplay, atleast for me...

    I had high hopes when the entire twitter was going crazy with the bloodborne leaks for PC and it might still be happening but I don't think it'll be any sooner.

    Alas, I am stuck here. I really want to experience a souls like game since I am completely burnt out on DS3.

    Send Help \[••]/

    Edit - I am buying DS2! Also wanna say this was my first post in this community, I usually am active in DS3 community. Just wanna say that seeing the amount of people who offered their time and views about their experience with DS2 was breathtaking! You guys have a lovely community :) thanks for all the comments! cheers, and may the flame guide thee!

    submitted by /u/MuchBow
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    Trying to get 30 Sunlight Medals has me ready to quit the game.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:26 AM PDT


    I've been trying to go for all the achievements in this game, which means that I have to get 30 Sunlight Medals for rank 3 in the sunbro covenant. I would rather castrate myself with a soldering iron than farm falconers for 20 hours, and I'm in the SM range for the trio of final bosses, so I figured co-op was the way to go.

    Holy shit, I have never hated my fellow human beings more in my life. Between hosts who die instantly as soon as anything breathes in their general direction, to hosts who seem to think that putting their routers in a bucket of water will improve their performance, to hosts who just summon me to clear out that room full of Ruin Sentinels and then boot me out of the world, I'm starting to suspect that dedicated sunbros are secretly masochists who derive sexual pleasure from putting themselves through this for hours on end. On top of that, I have to wait a full fucking calendar year between summons, even in the middle of the afternoon with cross-region play allowed, because this game's online is nowhere near as active as it used to be.

    I have 25 medals currently, and I'm at my limit for this bullshit. People who have done this and come out the other side with their sanity intact, is there anything I can do to make this easier? I'm about ready to throw in the towel and not touch this game for a very long time.

    Sorry if this sounds mean towards clueless hosts who don't know any better, I realize that those people are the ones who need co-op help the most, but I briefly contemplated suicide the third time a host backed off the edge of the Throne of Want immediately after entering the arena.

    submitted by /u/NPW04
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    [PS4] brume tower

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    spesificly the upper floor bonfire,I know this isn't summon sign,but it's less active for ds2)Malron the assasin is the equivalent of Satan,that area is a pain to run through,I don't wanna kill everyone over and over because it's a repetitive gauntlet bit I wanna get to fun boss malron is the only reason I die over and over that ***** runs away every time he almost dies and I have no spawned giant seeds and he can invade even when you are not human

    Someone please pleasw help me I'm in so much painnnnnnnnn

    My soul memory is 2788648 or just almost 3 mil,the ring exists anyway

    submitted by /u/Mr-kabuk
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    Dragonrider lore question

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Did the dragonriders actually ride dragons? Or is it just a ceremonial title? (Maybe I missed some item description speaking about it but I didnt see anything ingame)

    submitted by /u/Ulpianometereo
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    Does using simpletons/skeptics spice on a spell reduce its power?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Im trying to create a caster build with a variety of spells without over leveling but dont want to damage my spell efficiency permanently. I couldnt find an answer online.

    submitted by /u/WeAllFloat15226
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    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    I am a mage, and vendrick just 2-shot me. Can anyone lend me a hand? (4 giant souls)

    submitted by /u/superori33
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    Iron Keep is trash

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    I recently decided to complete all three souls games back to back in a row with no long breaks in between. A few days ago I finished Dark Souls 1 for what must be the tenth or eleventh time now, but the last five hours or so of that game suck. Four kings are trash, so is bed of chaos and lost izalith, so is centipede demon and demon fire sage and so on. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about. It's a shame cause the first ten hours of that game are phenomenal and still make it my favorite souls game.

    Now, full disclosure, I've never finished Dark Souls 2. Like some people who fell in love with the first game, DS2 changed too much for me to be comfortable with while playing, and I could never get long play sessions going. I was looking forward to this souls marathon to maybe change that, and I actually am currently farther than I've ever been. I actually genuinely really enjoyed several areas, like the tower of flame (old dragon slayer boss is a bop) and the gutter (black gulch can go die in a corner tho). Which is why I'm all the more confused as to why Iron Keep feels like it comes out of nowhere (specifically the bridge to smelter demon section)

    In all honesty this section of the game reminds me of the Demon Ruins part of DS1. In the demon ruins, it felt like the developers wanted to artificially roadblock the player by putting large numbers of high-health and damage enemies all clustered together. And thats exactly how this particular section of this game feels to me, but worse.

    I'm not running a heavy sword build, so the Alonne Knights don't stagger off of one hit, it takes two. This would be fine if I just took them on one at a time, but these knights seem to all have super binoculars and it's almost impossible to aggro them one at a time. The ganks kill me every time.

    Those stupid archers have super magic tracking arrows that curve around pillars, and the pillars hit boxes don't even stop the arrows sometimes. I'll think I have cover then wham, an arrow comes screaming around the corner right into my poor kidneys.

    I can't even think about shield blocking on that walkway cause if I'm not perfectly in the middle the knock back kicks me into the lava and kills me.

    It just sucks that there's like 30 alonne knights in this one area that have a huge Aggro range and massive damage and super speed and super aggressiveness. I haven't even been able to make it to smelter demon yet. (Also I didn't know what ADP did until like 2 hours ago so I haven't leveled it at all lmao)

    The one light at the end of the tunnel is that these guys will stop respawning after 15 kills, and I'm probably at 10 or 11 for some of these guys, but it sucks that I might have to full clear every single one of these guys before I can even make it to the boss. Not looking forward to the boss fight either tbh, maybe I'll update this post later when I get to it...

    Edit: thanks everybody for the advice. I re-infused my long sword to a lightning one and leveled a Blacksteel Katana up to +10 and infused it with a magic stone (I had 7). So I'll try shaking up the build with a stone ring as well. We'll see how it goes.

    submitted by /u/Legomaster12356
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    Day 10 of my first playthrough of this game: Vendrick, Nashandra, Aldia, and Shulva, Sanctum City.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Today, I've finished the main game, and started the Crown of the Sunken King DLC. Here's my opinion on all I've seen so far:

    1. Guided by a few of you, I went and killed the two Giants in the Black Gulch, in order to get a Giant Soul (so now I have 4 in total; I did not kill, or even fight the Ancient Dragon), the Forgotten Key and to enter the Sunken King DLC. After this, I unlocked all three doors that this key opens (found Havel's armour in the Gutter! How did this end up here?) and then proceeded to the Undead Crypt to fight Vendrick.

    2. Vendrick is.... well, I won't say disappointing, since I can't really expect a frantic, fast-paced fight from a completely hollowed out man (and also because it would take away from the tragedy of Vendrick's story), but, all the same, I do wish he had a more diverse moveset, and was much less tankier. As it is, it wasn't difficult to dodge him, but I was getting two-shotted by some of his attacks, that's how much damage he deals. I'd have preferred the difficulty to be a bit more...nuanced, if that's the right word, rather than just being, "Yeah, let's just give him a boatload of health, and make him do tons of damage." I guess the fight is a bit like Laurence from Bloodborne on higher NG cycles, but there the boss at least has several different attacks. Here, it's just a slam down, or a horizontal swipe, or 2/3 of any one of the above. Not exactly the best boss, mechanically, at least. Six deaths total to the King of Drangleic. (By the way, did anyone else enter the Memory of the King to check if he had any additional dialogue after you kill him in the present? I certainly did, but was disappointed)

    3. Nashandra. I honestly thought the fight would be extremely challenging the first three times I fought her. On my fourth attempt, though, I discovered that: (a) her curse orbs seem to disappear if you attack them a couple times, and (b) she can't really do much if you just keep strafing around her and get in a few hits every now and then. Became really simple (and, dare I say, a bit too simple for a final boss) after that. Nice soundtrack, though. Five deaths total to the Queen of Drangleic.

    4. Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin. Coolest NPC in the game (change my mind), but a very simple boss fight. I was initially a bit surprised when I beat Nashandra, then heard him speak and subsequently erupt from the ground, but I need not have worried. Because he's mostly stationary, and his attacks are really easy to avoid. All you have to do is wait for when he's tired out, and there aren't any flames around him. Go ham on him, retreat when the fire engulfs him again. Repeat until dead. Like Nashandra, though, nice soundtrack. Zero deaths to the King's brother.

    5. After defeating Aldia, I proceeded to the throne, where my character is now probably trapped for all eternity. What, if any, are the other endings available?

    6. Shulva, Gank City. Ganks everywhere. Ganks to the left of me. Ganks to the right of me. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you even more ganks. Normal Undead Soldiers, Undead Soldiers coated with poison, Undead Archers, Ghost Soldiers (or Knights, maybe? I don't know what they're actually called; those ones in which you need to kill the physical body), those Witches that throw curses at you, every place is full of at least three of the above mentioned enemy types. It's quite annoying. And then there's those huge monstrosities in the Lair of the Imperfect that look like they've come straight from Lost Izalith. The enemies are, in my opinion, what drag down this otherwise well-designed level.

    7. Dragon's Rest. Less of an opinion and more of a question, really: where's the shortcut to the boss here? I took quite a beating from the Drakeblood Knights (who, if I'm honest, belong in DS3), so I didn't feel confident enough to enter the fog gate. Plus, it's a really long way down. Is there a shortcut nearby? (Come to think of it, is there even a boss on the other side? I ended my day after dying once to a Drakeblood Knight, and once by falling from a height. For all I know, it could just be another area, and I'm being scared for absolutely no reason)

    Anyway, that's all for this post. Hope you have a good day.

    submitted by /u/Riceifyouwould
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    Shrine of amana sucks

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Ä° fucking hate shrine of amana it sucks everytime i want to play ds2 again i remember shrine of amana and say not again it messes up the game of there someone who actually likes that place? That giant one-eyed monster and the sorcerers im no even talking about the giant frog that has face in it its easy but very scary. Ä°f there is a good thing about this place it would be we can get al lot of divine blessings anyway this text is getting pozitive so bye shrine of amana sucks

    submitted by /u/FurTwo
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    Nadalia’s whispers

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Does anyone know what happened to them? In my game on ps4 she says the same couple of lines over and over again, one of them saying "I was a god" or something.

    I looked up if someone figured out what they meant and apparently her whispers used to be way more varied, as in each idol had unique whispers. But now they don't anymore? What's up with that.

    submitted by /u/Lord_of_Sulfur
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    Help a mage out please

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get all 5 giant souls and the last one I need is from the ancient dragon. He's a pain in the ass, and one melee hit one shots me

    submitted by /u/DarkyTheDarky
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    Quick question

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    So I am currently at my first playtrough and I absolutely love this game. So I made it to Nashandra I believe (Boss looks like a tall monster woman and I believe Boss name said Nashandra).

    Please no spoilers if there is anything after this bossfight. I just wanted to ask, if I make it to the end of the game, will I be forced to ng like in DS1 or can I still choose to stay in my current state like in DS3?

    submitted by /u/Tryingtodomyjob
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    My Frigid Outskirt Rant

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    I believe this might be the worst design choice in all of Soulsbourne. If it wasn't obvious I just spent hours attempting it with no luck. What baffles me is that when I look at all the other cut content from all the games they decided to cut certain enemies, armors, and weapons but not a reskin of a boss in the same dlc just with another one there. What's even worse is that From decided to make the entire area a goddamn google image search of a snowy wasteland except you can't see anything and its littered with an enemy that has around 2000 hp. Even the bonus treasures littered around aren't anything special, you get a ring that works for cosmetic purposes only and a goddamn hat. This was extra disappointing as the ivory king dlc has had some of my favorite dlc weapons like the Ivory Greatsword, the Bone Fist, the Ice Rapier and ironically enough the Ivory straight sword you get from Aava, so to see that this place has zero interesting weapons to offer and only a hat in terms of armor was a huge let down. The only redeeming factors I've found is that it gives me something to complain about and the loyce equipment from the boss is admittedly pretty good. However I still am confused as to why these two tiger fuckers get THEIR OWN THEME. If you read all this thanks for listening to my irrational bitching and have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/Franks_Spice_Sauce
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    How to play with a friend?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Graverobber, Varg, and Cerah...

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I started my journey with Sekiro, played through the max difficulty cap beating every boss, obviously no summons. Went to Dark Souls: Remastered, got the plat and went through NG+ without using any summons.

    I got to SOTFS and saw that some achievements required summoning certain NPCs, so I've been allowing myself to use summons sometimes to explore that aspect of the series since I entirely ignored it in the first. Every boss I used them on, I could clearly see what method I would need to do it solo. Even the Slumbering Dragon in the Sunken King DLC, which I used 2 summons on, I learned from that team fight what I would need to do solo.

    Queue this squad of try-hards... Even with both summons I'm getting stomped. Read through the sub, saw that using the NPCs increases their health. But even then, how do you handle all three of them. I've read peoples descriptions where they say focus on 2 swords before Havel gets to you, that he is slow and takes time to catch up... in all my attempts he runs faster than the swordsman.

    The threads were very old, so I don't know if anything has changed in patches. Any new recommendations beyond what's already been posted on this sub?

    submitted by /u/TheJoben
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    Should i give the game a third chance?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Last year i beat the dark souls trilogy. I didn't 100% on bosses or anything. I skipped a few, 2 bosses in ds1, 2 in ds3.

    I skipped all of the dlc and like 8 bosses on ds2. I blazed through the game as fast as i could. Is it worth trying again and playing through another time? was my build just wrong?

    I don't get it

    submitted by /u/Dexdeathbell
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    Old Woman in Introduction is..........Shanalotte?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    I'm not saying this myself, for this is almost speculation in my current delirious state of mind....but could it possibly be true although not many have given it much thought? This video is insightful, and goes into the nitty-gritty often avoided as hard topics to conclude peacefully lol (especially among the famed DS communities). But what do you think? There are plausible points mentioned, and honestly it would make a lot of since considering the "when" factor of the introduction vs where we start in the game.

    Where I've gotten this crazy yet logical idea from...

    submitted by /u/Coconut_Tribe
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    What the.........

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    Guys, something is wrong. My character has turned into a woman. I didn't think they performed sex change operations in Drangleic, what the hell is going on? I realized on my way to the Blue Smelter Demon, I consumed a Human Effigy and took off all my equipment because the run to the boss is a fucking nightmare. Upon removing my clothes I realized my character has magically grown a pair of nice tits. Can someone explain this god like occurrence? I do have to admit I quite fancy the new look though.

    submitted by /u/angelslayer95
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    Third time's the charm. I finally beat it!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    I finally did it! After two failed tries on vanilla DS2, I finally managed to beat Dark Souls on SOTFS!

    Took about 65 hours and just under 110 deaths, but victory is mine! I even got the crowns too!

    Next I plan to beat some of the challenge areas, some fun co-op if possible, and eventually try going into NG+ with a poison build. (We'll see how that goes, though)

    submitted by /u/StingtheSword
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    Can someone help explain this fight and give tips ?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    This is the weirdest fight I ever had in any soulsborne,or soulslike for that matter.

    someone who's "gud" with the game and understands it might be able to explain to me wtf occurred maybe ? xD

    it's a 1 minute fight you're welcome to talk about any portion if there's something you can tell me,but what grinds my gears to no ends are the :45 to :55 mark.

    you can see in the vid,he was attacking normally like a normal person and I would dodge his attacks or parry UNTIL:

    at :45 I see him lifting his greatsword,so I dodge to the right to go out of the way yet he was planning to attack right all along? I dont understand if someone is infront of you ,you would attack front ?but like he wanted to attack to the right all along?I feel like he changed his attack mid animation after I inputed my dodge-it's just a feeling,no need to hate-just tell me if you have any knowledge of this phenomenon.

    at :54 ,put it into slow motion if you want,I didn't dodge as soon as he readied himself,I know to dodge after some time,so I delayed my dodge and I still was punished?he was like a magnet he tracked tf out of me what is this lmao?

    does someone know anything about this ?it really put a bad taste in my mouth,people talk alot of shit about this game,and so far I didn't encounter anything that felt cheap.

    I'll acknowledge the couple of dodges that I missed,and the missed parry,but the rest?I have no clue what I'm supposed to do differently ...


    submitted by /u/MomSpaghetti95
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    Am i the only one that when i listen to Debussy's "The snow is dancing" i am reminded of ds2's intro?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Need help

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    I'm fighting vendrick and I do no damage to him and he does so much to me my weapons aren't broken and I'm wearing good armor also I'm using dragonslayers axe +5 can someone please explain

    submitted by /u/Linty559
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