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    Sunday, July 19, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Today's Salty Sunday is brought to you by the Frigid Outskirts.

    Summoned into a gank squad on the Iron Keep Bridge? Died to Fume Knight for the 100th time? Think you're getting boned by SOTFS?

    Grab a spoon and watch your blood pressure soar! All complaints are welcome here. Just keep things civil and follow the Posting Guidelines in the sidebar.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Mejula and Heide's Tower are the biggest reasons I love this game more than the others

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Both are oustandingly beautiful and I often find myself just chilling for 10 mins looking around. Haven't really gotten the same feeling from the other games.

    PS: Heide Knight set is badass af

    submitted by /u/AnAstralOne
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    I am in absolute agony

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    I've done at least 20 attempts thus far, with a few clocking in at least a few hours. I'm trying to do the no-bonfire and no deaths challenge for those lovely, lovely illusion rings and I swear I'm going to break my television. In my most recent attempt, I killed three out of the four great ones, with only the rotten remaining. After somehow not dying to the lava hole in the baron of hell boss fight, I make it to the royal rat vanguard - pretty simple, right? I have a 10+ Mace, 6+ long bow, 40 Vigor, and lots of other goodies.

    I died.

    Not from damage, not from poison, but from petrification.

    I died to a literal goddamn mouse after beating 4 pursuers, the old iron king, the lost sinner and that weird spider thing. 4 continuous hours of playing.

    I died to a rat with a Mohawk.

    I think it's time for a break so I don't chew off any more fingers.

    submitted by /u/BesottedJewLord
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    Playing DS3 now, kinda miss the fun and interesting bosses of DS2

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    DS2 has a ton of bosses and like mini-bosses that imo were pretty fun and interesting. They had some unique mechanics or "gimmick" or designs and felt pretty distinct. Sure they had some "trash bosses" but the variety really kept me on my toes and I was like " oh what a cool concept". I even liked the Rat bosses haha. DS3 so far feels like boss-type bosses and like tough guy with a sword.

    There are some standouts for sure (I just beat the Twin Princes) but nothing like Executioner's Chariot, or lighting the fires near the Lost Sinner, or the giant iron frog thing that's fully armored except when he opens his mouth. I miss creative and fun fantasy elements of DS2 even though DS3 feels way more fluid and better to play.

    I'm playing blind so I'm not sure how much further I have to go til I'm done but it feels a lot lighter in the number of bosses and even enemy types for the time I've played so far.

    submitted by /u/crsdrjct
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    Exploring Drangleic - Part 9: Shrine of Winter, Drangleic Castle, and King's Passage

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Got a lot of compliments on the last post and I appreciate them greatly. I have a big backlog of areas to write about due to procrastinating and taking longer to do this post than I had planned, so expect several over the next few days.

    Shrine of Winter

    Just before entering the Shrine, we find the Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe. This weapon belonged to Shieldless Lothian, who you may remember being mentioned in the first part of this series. He retired abruptly from his career of killing average people and instead went off to kill a legendary dragon, after which point he was never heard from again. Well, that sounds like it went tremendously for him.

    The Shrine itself isn't important right now and it's another one of those places that has no good reason to be its own individual area. Beyond it there are more ruins with a giant statue head partially buried in the ground. There are some more ghosts and the royal swordsmen from the Bastille are back. Also, it's raining.

    Just at the base of the stairs leading to the castle is the Emerald Herald. How did she get here before us? She tells us to continue on to the end of both of our journeys. Apparently she's been dealing with her own character arc in the background while we were busy.

    As we walk up the stairs, two elephant guys un-petrify and attack us. The main difference between these guys and the ones in the Doors of Pharros is that these ones are in much better condition. That's likely due to them being petrified and not exposed to the elements for however long they've been around.

    The gates of the castle are closed. In order to open them, we have to kill swordsmen near these statues, which leads to their souls being sucked into the statues and bringing them to life. Once this happens, the statues move and open up the gates. This seems an awful lot like it has something to do with Vendrick's soul experiments.

    Drangleic Castle

    Immediately upon entry we are met with a ghost, which goes much more peacefully than it has for us previously. This specter's name is Chancellor Wellager, and he has a serious case of short-term memory loss, so he's forgetting who we are every 5 minutes or so. As the castle's welcoming committee, he has a lot of stuff to tell us about. The first thing he does is ask where Vendrick is, and then says something about the Queen having taken him (big ominous vibes). He then forgets again (I think, I kind of forgot) and very conveniently tells us the story of Vendrick. Back a super long time ago, the King made great findings on souls. He defeated the 4 Old Ones and built the kingdom on their souls. I'm not sure exactly what is meant by this, if he used their actual souls for some direct purpose or if obtaining their souls gave him the power needed to create Drangleic. After doing so, Vendrick watched over the land for "ages", meaning Drangleic did not live fast and die young. It was around for a long while.

    Due to his memory loss (or no one talking to him for quite some time), Wellager still thinks the war with the Giants is going on. He says that the Queen was a super hot lady who came from a far away land and warned Vendrick of the Giants. She then accompanied him to the land of the Giants where Vendrick took something from them that he used to create the golems. Sooooooo, turns out the Queen is actually super significant and sort of responsible for a lot of the mess Drangleic is in. Cool. Using the golems, Vendrick created this castle as a showing of his love for the Queen, and because of her the kingdom was met with an age of peace. Peace so deep, it was like... the Dark.

    If you weren't already suspicious of the Queen due to the description of the weapon we got from the Last Giant's soul, then you sure as hell should be now. She is supremely suspicious.

    Wellager then questions if this is a dream, forgets who you are, and then assumes you're a guest and becomes a merchant. That's all we'll be getting from him.

    Behind Wellager up the stairs is an empty throne room with a pair of thrones. Seems the King and Queen are not here to greet their visitor.

    The fancy knights who have been guarding the Sublime Bone Dust are here in large supply, and they are actually called Syan Knights. All the armor they wear is a replica of that adorned by the knight Syan, the source of their namesake. He was the kingdom's most honorable knight and volunteered to go first to defend it when the Giants invaded. While he got turned into red mist immediately, Vendrick ordered his armor be replicated and given to the most promising knights, although most of them went crazy soon after. This is just another example of Vendrick greatly appreciating his most loyal and distinguished servants.

    There's a room with a bunch of golem doors that have Ruin Sentinels hanging out behind each of them. It would seem that Vendrick likely was the one responsible for creating them, which makes sense with the newer context about his soul experiments and the creation of the golems. In one of their room, the floor collapses into a dark cavern, where one of the big arm guys from No-Man's Wharf is hanging out.

    On a corpse, we find the Faraam Set. It says that Faraam was a god of war worshiped in Forossa by their Lion Knights, whose legacy was cut short by the fall of Forossa that we've heard a little about. There's not really any clues as to how this knight got down here, but if I had to guess he's probably among the Forossans Vendrick hired to protect the kingdom, such as Vengarl.

    Wheelchair is down here as well. He is totally teleporting around places, there is no other explanation. His name is Darkdiver Grandahl, and after meeting him 3 times, he allows us to join the Pilgrims of Dark covenant.

    Which we won't be touching for a few more parts.

    There are various interesting things along the path through the castle.

    The Frozen Flower is found in one room, and it allows us to get into the Ivory King DLC. It's likely that Vendrick got this through the Shrine of Winter considering it's so close to the castle.

    There's a painting of the Queen that gives you curse build-up when you stand near it. So, does she seem really ominous to you yet?

    We get invaded by a spirit named Nameless Usurper. She's honestly one of the easier ones to deal with, but she looks oddly similar to a person we've met already...

    There are some Old Knight statues in front of this throne area. Methinks that Vendrick may have taken them after conquering Heide, which is a theory I've become more fond of over time. It's here where we meet the Queen of Drangleic.

    Nashandra tells us that a true monarch carries the weight of their souls and that that Vendrick found the strength needed to face any challenge when he was met with it. However, he never took the "true throne" and we should visit Vendrick since there is no need for 2 monarchs. So there we go again talking about being a "true monarch" and Vendrick not being one, apparently because there was an associated true throne that he never ascended to. It seems once again that there is more to being the monarch the Herald told us about than just ruling a kingdom. Also, did Nashandra just tell us to go kill her husband?

    (Insert Boomer meme here about hating your wife)

    The twin Dragonrider boss is pretty unremarkable. It makes sense that they're here next to Nashandra since they are essentially the royal guard. They're in a room with a bunch of gold and gargoyle statues. This is probably Vendrick's plunder room from all the stuff they took while conquering the previous nations.

    Benhart is hanging out by the bonfire past them. He tells us he came here to perfect his skills with his sword, which has been passed down through his family for generations. Since this land is a total mess, there's no better place to test himself in.

    That's kinda awkward if for generations his family has been passing down a shitty imitation sword.

    There are some wall ghosts throughout much of the castle, who I assume are here for the same reason Wellager is. I have no idea what that reason is, but it's there.

    Throughout the rest of the castle, we encounter a number of enemies we've met throughout the various areas already. Manikins, Old Knights, an Executioner's Chariot, Alonne Knights, a gargoyle, and some desert sorceresses. For the ones that are constructs, it's likely Vendrick took them and reprogrammed them like he did the Ironclads from Venn. In fact, the prominence of enemies from Venn further leads me to believe they were likely in power just before Vendrick created Drangleic. The rest of the enemies were likely hired or conscripted by Vendrick since the kingdom they served no longer exists.

    Also, did you know pyromancy is pretty much useless in the rain? I never knew that. What a cool gameplay feature.

    Up an elevator, there's some really kinky guy chained to a door. He's called the Embedded, and there's some girl in a dress locked in the room he's blocking. From in that room, we get the key to the King's Passage. It tells us that Vendrick did everything he could to purge the curse, and when he could not, he fled down the King's Passage. Guess that's where we'll have to go to pursue the runaway king.

    King's Passage

    This is the third and final of the "why is this place a whole area" areas.

    There's a tree mural thing right next to the entrance. I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean or if it appears anywhere else, so please tell me if you do.

    Down the passage, there are these horse-headed statues who come alive to attack us. They drop the Llewllyn set, which is the same set Wellager wears. Llewellyn was the castle's resident master smith, who supplied only to a select few and valued simplicity and strength in his works.

    The Looking Glass Knight is a badass boss. One of the coolest in the main game. He's got a mirror shield, a lightning-summoning sword, and silver armor. Said mirror shield summons spirits for some reason that I can't really explain. I'm really not sure where exactly he's pulling these guys from. I know if you place a red soapstone in multiplayer outside the gate you can get summoned into another player's fight, but is that what all of the mirror spirits are doing?

    He was placed here to challenge visitors to the lordless castle, stopping those who would go down the passage in pursuit of the runaway king. However, he's also described as being there on the king's orders to test those who would serve him, so perhaps Vendrick wanted strong people to come and aid him. Perhaps he wanted strong warriors to help him fight some foe, as he apparently fled in fear of something wicked. Wanna guess what that may have been?

    Next time we'll be heading down the elevator past the Looking Glass Knight. As always, share any of your views on my observations and theories here and share any of your own if you have any disagreements. Until next time.

    submitted by /u/Tubethulhu_
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    Thank you "low lvl"! Awesome Sunbro!

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    So I was just properly blessed by a sunbro. Having just finished the base game I began to start off the DLC, with my first being the sunken DLC. Having never played the DLC before I approach the second bonfire, pop an effigy and see a gold sign assuming it'd signify there's a boss nearby and wanting to get as many sun medals to get the sunlight spear I thought it best to summon the Sunbro and have them assist me in the boss fight.

    Turns out this was very far from being close to the boss fight and when that reality became realized I felt really guilty for wasting sunbro's time.

    Nevertheless, they helped in every way possible throughout the area. Healing when I needed it; pointing towards tablets I'd need to shoot; leading me the way and showing me secret bonfires and items for what was probably around 40 minutes!

    If you're seeing this thank you very much for the help, it was great fun trying to work out what you meant and deciphering where we should go! Thanks for the help and you've definitely earned that medal!

    submitted by /u/Mitmoo99
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    DS2 boss difficulty ranking results.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Here's the text wall.

    41:Covetous Demon

    40:Prowling Magus

    39:The last giant


    37:Royal rat vanguard

    36:Skeleton Lords

    35:Flexile sentry

    34:Demon of song

    33:Executioner's chariot

    32:Old Dragonslayer

    31:Twin dragonriders

    30:Giant Lord

    29:Mytha, the baneful queen

    28:Old Iron King

    27:Scorpioness Najika

    26:The Rotten

    25:Aldia,Scholar of the first sin

    24:Guardian Dragon

    23:The Pursuer


    21:Royal rat authority

    20:Duke's dear freja


    18:The lost sinner

    17:Belfry Gargoyles

    16:Ruin Sentinels

    15:Looking glass Knight

    14:Aava, the kings pet

    13:Elana the squalid queen


    11:Gank squad

    10:Sinh the slumbering dragon

    9:Red Smelter Demon

    8:Throne watcher and defender

    7:Sir Alonne

    6:Burnt Ivory King

    5:Blue Smelter Demon

    4:Lud and Zallen

    3:Ancient Dragon


    1:Fume Knight

    And here's the link to some pie charts.


    submitted by /u/RyanK17
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    I finally beat fume knight after 40 attempts/40 humanities in a row

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    This was a ridiculous fight, I was using a Dark Ice Rapier +10, a full set of +5 armor, Old Leo ring, Ring of Steel Protection +2, Third Dragon Ring, and Ring of Blades +1. It's also worth noting this was my first time doing all of the Old Iron King DLC and I was on NG+2. I just sat through the whole thing continually fighting him until I won, and summoning someone wasn't an option since I'm at soul memory 11 million. Easily in my top 5 hardest soulsborne bosses. But hey, after I beat Sir Alonne I'll at least have the Platinum trophy. So that's nice!

    submitted by /u/StolenIdentity302
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    Finished the game!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    Woot! Woot!

    submitted by /u/Sadge_A_Star
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    If You feel Bad just remember how you kill The Last Giants and The Lord of Giants

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    You're cutting their achilles tendons everytime

    submitted by /u/joaquin80
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    Anyone wanna play through sotfs with me

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    I'm on Xbox one and can't for the life of me get through this game. Anybody up to help a fellow hollow out?

    submitted by /u/Queasy_Snow_4929
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    Play as boss mod?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I've been looking for a non jank play as boss mod for SOTFS. I found one that looks like it barely works on Nexus, and it's for an old build. Searching the internets leads me to believe another one exists (the one by DataHacks) but I cannot locate the file due to dead websites and such. Anyone know where a copy of either that mod, or another similar one, exists? Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/raodtosilvier
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    The fucking mages

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    How am I supposed to make it to the demon of song without using over half of my estus, the fucking mages screw me over, as soon as I kill one I get hit by another one a mile away

    submitted by /u/Jodo2121
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    How I make dagger do good?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Doing a pyromancer build where the only physical weapon I'm allowed to use is a dagger, should I infuse it with something to make it better? I was thinking poison or bleed but anything that would make it more useful would work.

    submitted by /u/notorious_B_R_U_H_
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    Having trouble min-maxing

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is allowed (mods please remove if that's the case), but I'm having some trouble figuring out what to do with this build.

    Lvl 152 warrior, strength 58, broadsword+10, all other details here: https://www.mugenmonkey.com/darksouls2/84136

    • Mostly interested on where you think my Vigor, Endurance, Strength, Vitality, and Adaptability should be for best effectiveness.• I've also never put levels into my shield (is that worth it?).• Having some difficulty finding a weapon that is best for strength while still being fast (so far it's been broadsword but there must be something better).• In general I enjoy being as fast-hitting and high-damage as possible.

    I love this game but I'm old and feel I'm not very good at figuring some of this out. Any ideas, tips and critiques welcome, thanks!

    Edit: Thanks everyone! It's fun to play the game, but it makes it even more fun when you can talk about it with other people. This community is awesome :)

    submitted by /u/BaconSanwich
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    Armor I’m struggling to farm

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Needless to say, I'm boosting discovery as much as possible. But, damn, these pieces are eluding me:

    1) Lion Warrior Helm

    2) Shadow Set (hands & legs)

    3) Prisoners Tatters - the one that hangs over the left shoulder and looks longer in the image icon

    In the case of the first two, I simply cannot get them to drop. I've run through Shaded Ruins so many times.

    For Shadow, I've been farming the one near the Earthen Peak hidden bonfire forever - and he has dropped zero things ever. My Shadow mask and top were from some other point in my playthrough without me noticing.

    As for the tatters, I'm a little unclear on which prisoners drop that particular piece. I assume it's the ones that are indeed wearing ones that hang off the left shoulder, but...no drops!

    Any advice would be appreciated!

    (Playing on NG on SotFS.)

    submitted by /u/Schub21
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    Why is my dark pyromancy flame not scaling?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    I've never been any sort of mage in Dark Souls, so this is all new to me. I have a +4 Dark Pyromancy Flame, and I have 25/25 INT & FTH.

    It is currently showing 210 - 176. Instead of adding damage, why is it minusing?

    Have I wasted my fire seeds? What can I do to make this catalyst work?

    submitted by /u/PompousGoblin
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    What are some ACTUAL unpopular opinions about this game?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Besides "the game is actually good". That's not unpopular at this point imo

    I'll start with mine. Fume knight isn't hard, sir Alonne is harder

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    Old Dragonslayer

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Anyone else find it ironic that he's weak to fire?

    submitted by /u/masterninja3402
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    Naked is the way to go

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    So far this has been the best fight in the game for me, Throne Watcher and Throne Defender. Died a bunch of times, loved it. I typically roll into attacks, but with two of them and a small arena, the other guy is almost always there to slap you. But they have so much range with those sword I couldn't roll away far enough from the 3 hit combo without getting hit. So I dropped all my armor, and it immediately made a huge difference, they went down second naked try. Great boss fight, up there with Twin Princes for me.


    Question, why is the second guy wobbly after the first one goes down, almost as if he's blind.

    submitted by /u/j4c11
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    Tips for beginners

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Hello, all! So I just finished Dark Souls Remastered (first time playing a Soulsborne series) and I want to move on to DS2. I've heard of it's criticism and know it's generally the least liked in the trilogy but I still want to play in the chronological order. So can anyone give me some good tips and advice for a first time playthrough?

    One more thing, I'm playing with a Redgear Pro Wired Controller (which behaves as a Xbox360/Xbox One controller) and on Steam. Thing is, I can't enter my name in the name selection menu. My keyboard doesn't work and neither does my controller, I'm only able to press A and can't quit either.

    submitted by /u/Quantam-Law
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    Just finished farming the Bell Keepers and Heirs of the Sun and I’m surprised

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    When I heard I had to farm these for the achievements I was already getting prepared to spend countless hours farming PvE like some covenants in DS3, but I decided to give them a try online.

    I equipped the ring the stops you from getting souls at SM 240 000 and was able to get done with the Bell Keepers in just a little bit more than 3h. And didn't win every match, far from that. Some matches took like 10s to find, unlike the Watchdogs in DS3 that took 5 mins.

    Then i joined the Heirs of the Sun and started getting summoned quite frequently too, taking less than 2 mins most of the time, the 30 I got where in these bosses:

    • 1 Last Giant (i summoned right in the start)

    • 1 Covetous Demon

    • 1 Mytha

    • 3 Ruin Sentinels (most of the time I was summoned for the area and not the boss so I gave up on these)

    • 11 Smelter Demon

    • 13 Lost Sinner

    The last 2 were really active at SM 650 000 and 300 000 respectively.

    Im not using any guide for the achievements, so is there any more hard thing i still need to do and easy to miss? (Except going to NG++). I already did everything for Lucatiel quest except Aldia's Keep and I'm aware of Benhart. Every other questline achievement is already done.

    submitted by /u/Antichupius
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    Chaos Blade Infusion for Pve

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    Im kindda new at dex weapons since I mostly use str and int in my playthroughs but I kindda want to make an int/dex character. Im planning to use the chaos blade since it looks nice for my fashion souls and has decent counter dmg but idk if i should infuse it with fire or magic

    My stats are ( if relevant ) Vgr 20 End 20 Vit 10 Att 75 Str 20 Dex 40 Adp 8 Int 70 Fth 4

    submitted by /u/Burnt_Bunned
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    Which weapon should I use for Ornstein?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Mace+1, or Heide Sword+3? (12str 13dex 15fth)

    submitted by /u/InfamousGhost07
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