• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 18, 2020

    Dark Souls Miracles are just Sorceries with better advertising. Gwyn is a dirty liar.

    Dark Souls Miracles are just Sorceries with better advertising. Gwyn is a dirty liar.

    Miracles are just Sorceries with better advertising. Gwyn is a dirty liar.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    Before anyone wants to be pedantic and talk about which stats rule which, you should know that stat naming conventions are lies invented by the Anor Londo Industrial Complex.

    Miracles are spells cast with a catalyst; Sorceries are spells cast with a catalyst. That's it! They're the same!

    Gwyn was a sorceror who was obsessed with power so he called himself a god, called his spells Miracles, and denigrated that other school of magic to fool people into following him.

    He was so committed to the lie he forced his youngest son to dress like a girl just because he was good at the "bad" type of magic. What a sick fuck.

    TL;DR The Lord of Sunlight is a lying fascist, and a shitty father. Fuck him.

    submitted by /u/dova_bear
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    Artorias and Sif

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:36 AM PDT


    Hey I finish my drawing of Artorias and sif hope you all like it.

    submitted by /u/hurley_06
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    Unpopular Opinion(?) O&S are DEFINITELY not friends

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I've noticed a lot of people have this preconceived idea that Ornstein and Smough are tight friends. However, I cannot imagine a reality in which Ornstein does not absolutely DESPISE Smough. He fights with no eloquence whatsoever, has that weird creepy laugh (noise?) that he makes, and was denied the rank of knight because he EATS people. If I were Ornstein (literally the highest ranking knight ever) I would be beyond insulted to be stationed with this guy indefinitely. It's like forcing the vice president to work the overnight shift at Walgreens with a crackhead. I guarantee Ornstein left in search of the firstborn while having next to no faith that he would actually find who he was looking for, he just wanted to get away from that creepy weirdo and restore his honor.

    submitted by /u/ClaytonFromMickeys
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    Are Indictments annoying?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    I am new to dark souls and only just rung the second bell and I used an indictment against a player who invaded and killed me, should I feel bad? because they didn't cheat or doing anything dishonorable.

    submitted by /u/Funnychairboy
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    Gaping Dragon Conspiracy?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    The gaping dragon is a descendant of the everlasting dragons, but it somehow turned into an abomination. However i have plausible explanations as to why it has turned into this monstrosity.

    1- its possible that maybe the dragon could've fallen to the abyss. I know its sort of far fetched, but here me out: the depths wouldnt be called the depths if they were close to the surface level. Maybe its possible for that hole the dragon crawls out of is some sort of access point to the abyss. Its possible that the gaping dragon was once everlasting but was so manipulated by the abyss that it has either been weakened or its scales were removed, and is so disgusting looking.

    2- it was a once a king that was attempting to become a dragon: just like ocieros in ds3, he was a mad king that became a dragon and the rest is history. But maybe in ds1, the technique hadnt yet been perfected. Maybe its possible that the gaping dragon was once a king of some land. Maybe for whatever reason he wanted to become a dragon, because he learned that it was possible and of the more power he could possess. This would explain why he drops the dragon king great axe. It also could potentially explain more lore as to why ocieros (or maybe ornstien if you believe that theory) turned themselves into dragons.

    These are both probably unlikely but i figured id share my thoughts. What do you guys think? Im curious as to where everyone thinks he comes from

    submitted by /u/MilkMeTheMusical
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    The depth's butchers were feeding the Gaping dragon.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    The butchers in the depths are found preparing food on a table, very close by a tiny man-sized shaft that lead to the giant rat "mini boss". I always assumed that the butchers were making food for the rat, but think about it. Why would they do that?

    There is litterally no reason for people to be employed to go feed a giant gross rat that does nothing but sit there all day. My theory is that the room was originally used as a place where servants would carry the food down to the gaping dragon, basically the only important creature there. But a rat managed to find the room, killed the servants and kept eating the food, growing so grotesquely large he could not leave the room anymore.

    The only question that remains is "Why would lord gwyn want to feed the gaping dragon?". Well, very little is known about the Gaping dragon. Perhaps Gwyn used the failed dragons to aid him in the war. Maybe the hole he crawls out of leads to an even bigger room full of failed experiments!

    This is all just speculation based on what little evidence we have of the gaping dragon and the depths. I am in no way a lore master, just thought that this would be interesting.

    submitted by /u/updie
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    I just finished my first playtrough of dark souls

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    This was my first time playing this game and I finished it within 2 to 3 weeks.

    I went through it like I always do in first playtroughs of soulsborne games, rolling through attacks with light armor and two handing a cool greatsword (greatsword of Artorias)

    I linked the fire which in my eyes is the bad ending.

    I did everything I knew of and I was suprised to find out how easy some of the bosses were but besides that I really enjoyed this game.

    Now I'm curious about what changes in new game+

    submitted by /u/ItsmeLenX
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    So, two funny little things I learned today

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    1. You can use your Divine Weapon to perma kill the Skeletons in the Gravelord Nito Bossfight, and it does make it a lot easier.
    2. Kicking while you have the Orange Charring Ring Gives them an extra spicy Kick budum, ts

    I definitely like the second one over the first one though, like, is that how it works, puts fire between your feet and the lava and thus protecting you from most of it. I found it out by complete accident, I just happened to have it equipped while fighting some guys and after accidentally kicking them I saw the fire effect and that they took some damage and I was like "Huh?" a few tests later on the Undead outside of Firelink and I confirmed it and though "That's pretty neat"

    submitted by /u/NightAreis1618
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    I got my first platinum!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    I played Dark Souls for the first time one year ago, and it captivated me to a great extent. One month later I got dark souls remastered for ps4 and decided that this game would be my first platinum. It took some time but I finally got it.

    submitted by /u/Jimmymanlyman
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    Issue with chaos covenant

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    I gave more than 30 humanity and unlocked chaos storm however my character sheet stats chaos servant+1 and the door wont open. What went wrong I did the same thing on my previous run and it worked out fine

    submitted by /u/aesthetic_laker_fan
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    Oh man, I just got the platinum trophy!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I only beat the game for the first time a month ago, it is now my second favourite game of all time! My second platinum too :)

    I also wrote a guide/checklist for myself before and as I was doing it. It's for getting every trophy in one save file, I'll post it at some point if it would interest anyone.

    submitted by /u/MrDannySantos
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    Serious Question.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    Is DS1 a platformer?

    submitted by /u/scottgntv
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    Havel ?Spoiler

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    So can someone give me the lo-down on why Havel is in both ds1 and ds3? Is there a better answer other than 'time is distorted in ds'?

    submitted by /u/HoTxBiT
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    This game never ceases to amaze me!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:09 AM PDT


    This is a first lol I've never seen an area not load in... Can anyone explain this one? Lol

    submitted by /u/KyleTheNoble
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    I got annoyed with Seath

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    So annoyed that I bought as many arrows as I could and used an up upgraded comp bow because my longbow was nearly broken and I checked too late after bonfire. I turned him into a pin cushion, it took about 250 or so arrows and it took a long time...

    I need to git gud at this game but whatever

    submitted by /u/G1ngey
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    Have to brag; I finally defeated Kalameet!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    After 2 whole previous playthrough having only gone so far as Artorias, I finally buckled down and unlocked the door to Hawkeye Gough (MARVELOUS man by the way), shot the bastard down, and had the most exhilerating fight I've had in this game so far. Got him down to half health before my Claymore broke, Homeward Boned out, repaired it and came back to finish the dragon in one go. I believe this time I'll actually go all the way and finally take down Manus.

    UPDATE: Manus is dead. Took me 2 deaths even with Sif assisting me, went in once without my pupper boy and fucking wrecked the big black bastard. Feels good man. Never hollow again.

    submitted by /u/WaluigisJuicyQueefs
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    Feeling like a fucking legend

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Just beat Ornstein and Smough. That boss fight really makes ya work for the Lordvessel, this game knows how to make you feel accomplished thats for sure

    submitted by /u/neilmagz
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    What are your most enjoyable builds?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    I'm talking about build which are very fun to fight with. You know how some weapons feels very good to fight with, while others are boring or annoying sometimes.

    submitted by /u/sharafi04
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    Just got to the final boss; should I do the DLC first?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    After about 45 hours, I've finally gotten all four of the Lord Souls, but several friends have suggested that I do the Artorias DLC as well. I was originally planning to save it for a second run, along with basically all the sidequests and optional bosses from the main game, but now I'm considering whether it's worth going for immediately or not.

    This is my first full playthrough, and I'm currently SLV85 with a +15 main weapon and a +3 boss weapon as secondary. Is that enough to be able to finish AotA for a relatively inexperienced player, or should I stick to the original plan and save it for replay value?

    Edit: So I got into the area and gave it a shot, but it feels like it's designed by and for top-level expert players only. Maybe I just need to git gud, but whatever it is, I'm not having fun with it, so I'm just gonna go link the flame instead.

    submitted by /u/NerfedFalcon
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    Cant beat the gaping dragon

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Its taking me so long to even get to the dragon that im on 5 estus by the time i get there

    Im running from firelink because i was using it to beat capra demon but even when i get there im doing nearly no damage even with my +5 longsword and the boss hits so hard

    Any tips on beating him?

    submitted by /u/starkkk69
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    Death's cooperation business (On switch, NG+ only I think, idk)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Anyone looking for some help? Chaos bed fucked you up for the 50th time in the same spot? Well, here it is. For souls (because i'll be cosplaying as death... get it? Yeah it's not funny ik) i'll come to your world and help defeat the boss, even tomb of the giants that sucks! 5k for boss clear, 10k for area clear. If interested please contact using private message

    submitted by /u/TheCatboii
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    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    I did a souls glitch in darksouls remastered well I be banned?

    submitted by /u/HumanPennyPresser
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    Does Dark Souls have multiple trophy regions?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Demon's Souls has multiple trophy regions, NA, EU, and Asia. Does Dark Souls? Did 2? 3? Remaster?

    2 had SOTFS and PS3. But did they have regions?

    submitted by /u/Darkkwraith
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