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    Monday, June 15, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Welcome to the weekly Dark Souls mod announcement and discussion thread!

    Beware! Use of mods whilst connected to the internet can cause you to get banned from online play!

    For more information, or to continue the discussion visit /r/ModSouls

    Using mods (PC only!) to enhance or add new content to the Souls games is great fun! It is important, however, to understand that mods are against From's EULA/ToS, so there is a great risk of being banned when using them due to From's anti-cheat--which is deployed in most versions of the Souls games.

    Versions of the games where modding is safe due to no anti-cheat:

    Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

    Versions of the games where modding carries a very high risk of being banned:

    Dark Souls: Remastered

    Dark Souls II

    Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

    Dark Souls III

    Our recommendations for safe modding

    *This advice is intended for first-time or relatively inexperienced modders who want to get into modding without risking a ban on their main Steam account.

    Basic Steps:

    Make a separate Steam account

    Use Steam's Family Sharing feature to provide your new account with access to your main Steam account's game library.

    Install games to be used with the new account in a separate directory.

    Once you've found your mods be sure to read (and follow) the mod author's instructions carefully prior to installation.

    Set Steam to "off line" mode.

    Install the mods and perform any necessary setup.

    Enjoy the fun and interesting experiences offered by mods!

    Be sure to remove all file components of the mod before going back online!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    It is with great regret that we inform the Skeletons of Drangleic that the owners of the Skele-Town Rave Cave, the Skeleton Lords, have ceased to exist.

    It seems that the Bearer of the Curse, the nameless entity behind last week's murder of Vengarl (the body) has struck again. Coming fresh from Huntsman's Copse, our correspondent Crow saw the desolate, miserable pile of bones that had once been the Rave Cave(sometimes affectionately known as the Bone Zone for reasons unknown) devoid of life(or death).

    "I wanted to stop him from getting to the Masters," said one Necromancer, tearfully, "But he just ran past me like I was no big deal."

    This comes only a few hours after some suicide bomber zombies reported to the Chronicle that the Bearer had died twice in a row, losing a bounty of more than 12000 souls.

    "He must have been really pissed off after that," said one barely moving torch-wielder, "I always liked the Bone Zone. Lots of hard bone...I mean, drinks."

    Nothing seems to be safe from the scourge of this Hexer extraordinaire, and we can only hope that the Covetous Demon from Earthen Peak can put up a fight against him.

    submitted by /u/deltahawk15
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    Whew! Just beat DS2 SOTFS- here are some random thoughts

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    DS2 is my last soulsborne game what a bittersweet journey. I played it last for one main reason—I'm a cheapskate and it wasn't on sale at the times I looked lol.

    List of random thoughts:

    1) Majula is my favorite "home base" of all soulsborne games

    2) why are elevators so slow??

    3) Black Gulch wasn't as bad as I heard, but Shrine of Amana was brutal (I ran a no bow strength build). Also the frog boss after all that was a joke. Do the rings that give extra of a certain kind of defense do anything?!

    4) I found the beginning areas of DS2 some of my favorite of the series. I kind of got a little bored/uninspired towards the very end. I did find Drangleic castle cool though. I think maybe Shrine Of Amana per above drained me :/.

    5) I think the healing in DS2 is my second favorite after blood borne. Healing gems ftw

    6) people leave wayy more troll messages than in other games (saw someone complain about this earlier). I attacked/pressed "x" in front of a lot of useless walls, thanks guys.

    7) I found the boss variety just fine . I am not understanding the "guys in armor" critique...Or maybe I like that stuff idk? I did think there were a couple mid-game bosses that were a little too easy (Covetous demon, frog song thing, congregation, both rat bosses, the rotten etc.) I know that's subjective and build dependent.

    8) Man DS2 has some sweet weapons! I used 3 weapons mostly 1) UGS 2) Gyrm greataxe 3) dragon tooth. While UGS is beastly, not gonna lie my nostalgia pick of the dragon tooth ended up being amazing, it crushed everything late game like Drangleic castle and iron keep. Strike dmg <3. I'm excited to try more in NG+.

    9) every boss had at least 1 npc summon and sometimes 3-Dang! I read up that SOTFS added a ton but i just found it a little odd. I mostly don't use npc help, but was surprised to see it.

    10) I got invaded only like 4 times my entire playthrough. Was a little sad as I like the challenge sometimes.

    I have a ton of other thoughts, these are just 10 now. Great game and I honestly don't know where I rank it in the souls series IMO (a few more playthroughs will help), excited for a sorcery run next!

    submitted by /u/KvikingP
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    Lock-down Faraam Armour Painting

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 02:00 AM PDT


    since lock-down started I've taken the opportunity to start painting regularly... and of course I had to start with the sexiest armour there is!

    submitted by /u/Billibon
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    [PS4] [SOTFS] I'm lvl 82 and just reached earthen peak.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    This is a blind playthrough and I have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm going. I've had absolutely no problem with any of the bosses and in fact I've never had to do one more than twice (Except the pursuer but I was super underleveled and was just learning the mechanics so it don't count lol)

    Still I could use a co-op buddy to chill with. It's no fun playing alone. Please be over 18 and preferably have already beaten the game. I'm also a ds3 and bloodborne vet so I'm not a noob lol.

    I've also been wanting to start a new game in order to rectify some of the mistakes I made in the first playthrough so if you want to run a NG I'm on for at least 3 to 5 hours a day minimum. So if your looking for a long term dark souls buddy I'm your guy.

    submitted by /u/CreepyMute
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    Does affinity matter in pve?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Doing my first hexer build and read some guides before I started, every guide basically ends with "affinity op". Starting to finish up, but I'm failing to see the hype around affinity, at least in pve. I have 72 casts of dark orb and that with the sacred chime hammer is more than enough to obliterate everything. I'm at the point now where I never even have affinity equipped, and those extra 10 points in intelligence could be a huge help in adp/att/end/vig. I don't really plan on pvp, but I still like to cap my builds at 150 with a decent sm for coop.

    submitted by /u/Sunbrojesus
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    I have NOT enjoyed The Crown Of The Sunken King at all and I'm wondering if the other DLCs are similar.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Edit: I meant Crown Of The Iron King sorry

    I don't like enemies, I don't like how cramped the levels are and I just really don't like the thought of having to fight Smelter Demon through an impossible passage that is probably designed to make me hate the game and moreover, I want to fight Alonne but dying a million deaths to Fume Knight is making me question whether that matters or not.

    In short, fuck this DLC. It's so blatantly unfair design to put 9 gus who can two shot you along with a giant who hits harder than a truck as fast as all fuck while ensuring that you can't blindside him because he spews lava everywhere. The whole of this DLC is gank, gank, gank. Everywhere. It's not fun. It's anything but fun because it almost discourages exploration.

    submitted by /u/plastic-watering-can
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    Is there a decent way to communicate "press x on the wall" in-game?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    I do a lot of co op all around Drangleic and like 99% of the time when I'm playing with someone that looks like a beginner, I point at an illusory wall and they hit it with their weapon, and sometimes I try switching my hands to no weapon and shimmying in front of it to signify "it's not by attacking" but no one gets it and I don't know how else to communicate "press x" so we just move on with the host now thinking I'm a big weirdo who is sexually attracted to walls. I swear not telling players that illusory walls are opened like this is one of the shittiest design decisions ever. Makes players miss out on so much for no reason.

    submitted by /u/KiritosSideHoe
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    I got gooder

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    My first playthrough it took me over 4 hours to finally put down fume knight. My latest playthrough, I accomplished it on my very first try.

    Fume knight to me represented the pinnacle of this game, even if he may not actually be the hardest boss.

    I still feel like I absolutely suck at a lot of things (especially getting to the grave of saints without at least a couple fall deaths), but knock on wood, I'm coming along. I'm slowly getting gooder

    submitted by /u/Hammer_Enthusiast
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    Please help!!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    I'm new to dark souls 2 and my character kind of looks like a zombie with white eyes and his health is a lot lower and I don't know how to reverse it please help!!!!

    submitted by /u/SadDust101
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    Quiz time! Can you guess the name of the character given a voice line?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    1. "No flame, however brilliant, does not one day splutter and fade."

    2. "The king, gone. The earth, ravaged. The burden on the people weighs heavy."

    3. "The former King of Light.....he feared humans. Fearing that they would usher in an age of Dark."

    4. "He vanquished the four Great Ones...and built this kingdom upon their souls."

    5. "The way you glare at any unfamiliar creature. That mix of curiosity, fear and revulsion."

    6. "The human ego....how many ugly iron castles has it erected?"

    7. "Fires sprouted from the earth, and...and the place turned into this. At least, that's what I'm told."

    8. "The Giants are no ordinary barbarians. A singular rage burns within their hearts."

    9. "Their ambitions were paltry, and their smiles cloying. I was sick to the back teeth of their petty squabbles."

    10. "I know thy kind, base plotters and schemers all. Put these contraptions to thy employ against thy foes."

    (Note: all characters are from DS2, in case that wasn't clear. No other Soulsbornekiro game)

    submitted by /u/CakeEaterMidir
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    Finally beat Fume Knight.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    And I just got to say how fucking awesome that boss fight was. The beginning where you fight the guy dual wielding both his weapons was so badass. And then during the second phase with all the fire and stuff it was super cool looking! It was such a rush when I finally beat him!

    submitted by /u/jmp0628
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    Should I get Scholar of the First Sin for $10 if I’m struggling with Dark Souls 3

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    How do they compare

    submitted by /u/aMileBetterThanU
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    Dragon and dragon slayer help pls

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    I can't get past that damn dragon before the boss anyone willing to help a hollow out Xbox one

    submitted by /u/yeeboi16
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    ADP and me have a... relationship

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    I feel ADP is a good stat,

    but at the same time,

    Why YUI? Why did you have to bust my balls?

    submitted by /u/wavybluu
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    What level or order should I try the DLC?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    I accidentally beat the game last time after my triple boss fight. Throne Watchers, Nashandra, Aldia? Fire Tree Guy. I guess I could have left but I wanted that throne.

    Anywho I'm on another play through and I'm about to finish the Shrine of Amana and enter the Undead Crypt Place (can't remember the name) to get the King's Ring.

    I was thinking about doing some of the DLC after that. Is it a good time? I'm something like level 135 and SM of 2M (maybe). I had 1M before doing the Shaded Woods/Ruins to get the fourth soul.

    Any recommendations on order? I'm a dedicated miracles caster (which is apparently awful, but hey, I'm a sucker for lightning).

    submitted by /u/stump2003
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    PVP at high-ish soul memory

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. I recently made a character for invasions that capped off at sub 2 million sm, and I've been getting nearly constant action in endgame areas. Anyway, I've been thinking about pushing my sm up into the 3-5 million bracket, because I'd like to match up with players in their NG+ runs and get a little more variety in the areas I invade. But I'm also concerned that with the game being so old, I'll see a steep drop off in online interaction if I push it that high.

    Do any of you guys have advice on this? Do any of you invade in the 3-5mill bracket, and if so, what frequency of interaction are you able to get? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Jigdakm
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    New to DS2... anyone wanna help me thru for the first time?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    This is my first time ever playing thru DS2. Just bought it cause it was on sale. I'm on PS4 if anyone wants to join in and help a newbie!

    submitted by /u/kw_roxas2005
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    I just started SOTFS aaaand....

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    I'm Loving it :D

    So I've only played for 2 hours and 45 minutes so far,chose a warrior for that quality build goodness,and a something petrified cause everything else sounded lame.

    after 5 straight minutes of getting shit on and roasted by 3 old ladies -god bless the elderly-I went through things betwixt.

    what the area lacked in visual design,it made up for in spades gameplay wise.
    I liked the torch thing being 5 minutes only,and I was actually worried if I'm gonna get to light up the area before it runs out,not to mention the statue thing and seeing the curse frogs behind it,and the big one eyed abomination by the lake below,intriguing me for the possibility of a future return to this place :D

    then after fighting for a little bit of light here and there in an otherwise dark place,I got greeted with MAJULA! oh so bright,and the water so shiny and sparkly.

    I explore it and listen to the well crafted dialogue paired with the peaceful music,ran from little pigs that I could barely damage for some reason,felt pathetic,talked to a cat scratching walls,she roasted me,felt pathetic x2.

    explored my surroundings,met a dwarf with a great sword and a greater accent-please tell me I get to have his sword it's so majestic-,misery followed shortly after as I met the poison bois gang,I dealt with one just fine but then he called his friends and that was all she wrote,felt pathetic x3.

    saw a shiny item in the water just before the start of the forest of the fallen giants,tried to grab it,died to the stream,felt pathetic x4.

    Heidies tower of flame,oh it's a sleepy knight,wakey wakey aaaaaaaaand he's up,felt pathe...actually no,I parried him to oblivion :D parrying in this game is working well for me for some reason, felt great and wholesome.

    I missed this sense of adventure,DS3 is my baby but it didnt have that in the starting area,here there are 3 branching paths that I know of so far,and they're all intriguing to me and I loved the first encounters in them even as they ended in my death and made me feel pathetic,it made me want to press on even more and come back more powerful and show em who's boss.

    the only weird things are the movement ( just a little) and no boss in the tutorial area.

    In conclusion,I expected to dislike this the moment I start it after hearing so much shit talk about it,but I loved the start and the feelings it gave me so far and I have a feeling this is gonna be an epic adventure.

    10/10 will die to one-eyed abomination for a fourth time cause my agility sucks balls.

    submitted by /u/MomSpaghetti95
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    Today I just finished the game by completing the only one left area: Frigid Outskirts. I am certainly sure I can still hear horse noises in my head. My character lost 22 pounds in the process as well.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Man, the struggle. I had to effectively despawn the Reindeers in order to reach and defeat Lud&Zallen, but at least it was only time consuming and not difficult, cheers to the Large Club.

    Darklurler was a pain in the ass and I think it has been the hardest boss for me. Still need to give it some thought.

    My "welcome to DS2, bitch!" boss were the Ruin Sentinels. Hope they burn to hell!

    My "welcome to DS2, bitch" area was No Man's Wharf. I even went backat some point just to butcher everything so I got my revenge.

    My favorite area is Shulva. Nice one, really enjoyed it!

    My favorite boss fight is from Shulva as well. The trio one. Really nice music as well.

    Kinda nice journey. Now I am heading into another one and that ia platinum. Wish me luck, you bearers of the curse!

    submitted by /u/miTzuliK
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    So ivenplayed every other souls game besides this game and demon souls. So I have a question about vendric.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I know you have to keep some souls to lower his health and stuff. What bosses/souls do I need to keep?

    submitted by /u/FrenchFryFiend3
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    Anyone know a good setup.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Im just looking for a good strength weapon. And if any armor perks are good for strength. Please🙏🏻

    submitted by /u/PoesNaaiBobbyJohnson
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    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    I tried a few weeks ago make 100% but farming is the worst thing (sunlight medals) and I give up but today I complete this shit. I have more than 200 smocky stone (idk eng name) and 3 sunlight medal in one week but now I have 12 in a row and im feel amazing

    submitted by /u/egzekutor198
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    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I've got a Darknight stone and I want to infuse my Sunset Staff. I haven't fully upgraded it to +10 though. Can I upgrade it even after it's infused?

    submitted by /u/deltahawk15
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