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    Saturday, June 20, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Does anyone know what breed is Sweet Shalquoir? I'd like to get one someday

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:52 AM PDT


    Edit: thanks for all the replies! So, it's either a Maine coon or a Norwegian forest cat.

    submitted by /u/Panwey
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    Difficulty and its Artificiality

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Lots of discussion about the souls games, and lots of other games too but def here, describes certain difficulty as "artificial", presumably indicating other difficulty as being "natural" although this is hardly ever mentioned.

    I've yet to find any consistency between what difficulty is called artificial and what difficulty is not, or what it means for difficulty to be artificial. My cynical take on the matter is that we've all agreed that describing difficulty as "artificial" means that its bad, and so people call any source of difficulty they don't like "artificial" to validate their dislike of the difficulty.

    So firstly, I want to say that difficulty doesn't need to be artificial for someone to dislike it, and difficulty's artificiality is not the only metric one can use to dislike or to like difficulty. Difficulty can be disliked because it is unfair, or there's too much of it, or its too obscurely mitigated, or it favours certain builds or playstyles too much. None of these criticisms, in my mind, have anything to do with artificiality. But I think that has to do with the fact that the term has never really been properly pinned down and instead, as I mentioned, simply been thrown in front of any difficulty people dislike.

    Why is this a problem, you may ask? Well firstly, if "artificial difficulty" just means the same as "bad difficulty" then artificial holds no meaning and it can't be used as an explanation for why difficulty is bad. You'd just end up saying "this difficulty is bad because it is bad difficulty". This veiled circular logic, I think, delays and stifles discussion about difficulty, about quality, and about fun, by putting us in this endless loop of declaring things bad without backing that claim up. Secondly, I think artificial can accurately describe a certain type or types of difficulty in a useful, non-connotative way, but let me get into that.

    Artificial. Its a weird term within the context of a hand-crafted, virtual, artificial reality like a video game. Isn't everything in Dark Souls 2 artificial? All ones and zeros? Where does one begin calling something in a reality like that artificial as to distinguish it from other things?

    Well, I'd like to propose guidelines for the category of artificial difficulty: difficulty which stems from the stats or numbers behind an enemy, and/or difficulty which cannot be engaged with by the player.

    That first part is straight forward. Make an enemy that takes 6 hours to kill with optimized DPS builds? That's artificial difficulty. Make a grab attack that's a guaranteed OKHO if it lands? That's artificial difficulty. The "liberal" application of this definition involves all enemies having some level of artificial difficulty, because all enemies have some amount of health and deal some amount of damage. But when talking about it in the context of difficulty criticism, describing an entire enemy as "artificially difficult" indicates that their difficulty stems primarily from their stats and not from their AI, moveset, or terrain. The enemy simply takes too long to kill (fatiguing you) or deals too much damage (not giving you a chance to recover from a single fluke mistake or accident). We also have to be careful about calling any tanky or high damage enemy artificially bad as a result. Artificial difficulty in the form of high damage or high durability can be offset by other means. For example a Mimic will often OKHO you with their grab but you can always tell a mimic chest from a regular one, or you can test each chest by smacking it. And once you know a chest is a mimic, you know forever. So even tho the difficulty of the grab is almost entirely artificial, the game compensates for the devastating damage with other means.

    The second part of that category is...harder to figure out, even for me, and I wrote it down a few minutes ago.

    Allow me to go on a tangent. In the TTRPG genre of gaming, one of the pieces of advice the community gives to aspiring game masters is to never control the actions of the player characters (i.e. tell your players what their player characters do). The logic behind this, besides it just denying your table mates from playing the game, is that its totally unnecessary to offer a compelling story or to offer difficulty, because as a game master, you have control over literally everything except what your player characters choose to do. You get to choose the settings, the enemies, all the details about the enemies, which system rules you are allowing or ignoring or changing. You even control the items that the player characters have at their disposal, be them mundane, consumable, magic, etc.

    To relate this to what I mean when I talk about players engaging with difficulty, think about it this way: if a game master decides what action your character takes, you the player do not get to engage with the story/difficulty/encounter/etc. Now apply this idea to videogames. What can and can't the player change about the circumstances their character is in?

    For example in the game Remnant, which is a AA souls-like 3rd person shooter (highly recommend btw), there is a boss who primarily threatens the player's life by dealing guaranteed tick damage for large portions of the fight. And by guaranteed, I mean guaranteed. You can try and minimize how much time you spend in the damage zone, and you can heal that damage back up, but you will be taking it, even if you don't want the reward for going into that area (which trust me, you do), because you get sent there automatically and frequently. That is this second sort of artificial difficulty at its purest.

    Compare that to the poison floor in Earthen Peak. Yes it can deal lots of guaranteed damage and force you to spend time healing/mossing/etc. but you can mostly eliminate the poison floor by burning the windmill. I don't know if I've ever personally been poisoned in that boss fight.

    Again, we can talk about this difficulty liberally and say that any mandatory (to beat the game) boss, enemy, or area therefore has artificial difficulty (that doesn't also mean that any optional content can't be artificial). I think that acknowledging that more general use for the term helps us remove the strict negative connotation from artificial difficulty and actually give it some objective, useful purpose because as it is, the only thing artificial difficulty actually means is that negative connotation itself, and we can do far better at describing bad difficulty than that.

    And imo thinking about it that way can also help us link the two ideas I started with. The stats of an enemy are parts of that enemy that just have to exist, if you kill an enemy you deal X damage to it, there's no getting around that (outside of set pieces a la Ceaseless Discharge alt kill).

    Okay so if we apply this idea in a softer way, we can call difficulty that must be engaged with in a certain way artificial, or at least artificial adjacent. Like Yohrm or Vendrik or Storm King (shout out to that Demon's Souls remake!) taking a billion times longer to kill unless you have the special Mcguffin that weakens them. You could think about that example as the first type of artificial difficulty (overturned stats) that punishes not adhering to the second type of artificial difficulty (forcing player actions) or think of it in the other way: the first type of artificial difficulty gets removed as reward for adhering to the second type. A "pick your poison" approach if you will.

    This is notably different than a situation like Shrine of Amana, where the difficulty does also fluctuate to a large extent depending on the build running through it (i.e. whether you have ranged damage or not). But this isn't artificial because it doesn't have to do with enemies simply dealing too much damage, having too many hit points, or doing things you can't interact with. And here's the thing: you can still criticize Shrine of Amana for favouring ranged builds, without calling that decision artificial. Its design has nothing to do with artificiality but can still be bad. But if we're just using artificial as a stand in for bad then of course we'll call it artificial, even if that doesn't make any sense when you sit down and try to define why the term artificial applies to this specific case, or why it applies to any case.

    The last thing I'll talk about is ganks, and honestly I need/want to make an entire post about ganks in Dark Souls games just because its so universally and implicitly assumed to be bad game design to gank PCs in these games and it makes no sense to me as to why. But in reference to artificiality:

    increasing the number of enemies coming at you is by definition increasing the total hit point and the total damage potential coming your way. But this isn't really different than facing a single enemy with more health and damage. Obviously there is a difference between two enemies at X strength vs 1 enemy at 2X strength, but that doesn't really have to do with how artificial an encounter, enemy, or whatever is.

    Groups of enemies also carry the second kind of artificial difficulty in a very small way: aggro mechanics. If two or more enemies always aggro together no matter what you do, you've removed a player's ability to engage with these enemies in a way other than as a horde. Again this doesn't mean that having to face a group of enemies who always aggro together is bad, I'm divorced from the idea that artificial and bad mean the same thing. Something can be bad because it is artificial, or because it is too artificial, but the two aren't just interchangeable terms.

    I hope this makes some sort of sense and that, when we're talking about difficulty in Dark Souls or any game, we can actually understand why certain things are liked or disliked rather than just tossing "artificial" in front of "difficulty" and calling it a day.

    submitted by /u/14ierophant
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    DARK SOULS II SOTFS and DARK SOULS III are on sale on steam!! (Bandai Namco publisher sale)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Why are the names capitalized

    submitted by /u/artorias111
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    First playthrough,11 hours in, reach Lost Bastille, killed Ruin Sentinels, my options now are fighting the fucking DS 1 GARGOYLES, or a Two-Headed Four-Handed Monstrosity in sewage water or the DAMN PURSUER with 4 GOD DAMN RABID DOGS and some slow ass silver knights added just for that extra rage….

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    AND I FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME!!!! I can't fathom why some people say to skip this game..

    I don't need any tips or guides or anything, playing blind and loving it! Just wanted to share how awesome this game feels.

    Tbh the only thing I am worried about is getting the item on the wall above the blacksmith's workshop (the fire kink guy), hope I get to it soon because it's driving me crazy!

    submitted by /u/myusernameisawkward
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    Guys! I defeated my first old one :D

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:31 PM PDT


    feels like a milestone :)

    though I'm pretty sure this is the first time I had the confidence to parry a boss,I parried her a couple of times and nothing would happen,felt bittersweet :(

    submitted by /u/MomSpaghetti95
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    Aava is ridiculous. Help please!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    This boss looks cool but come on, it's just ridiculous. Two shots max. Dead.

    I feel like this guy is worse than Fume Knight.

    submitted by /u/plastic-watering-can
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    Scimitar kick attack?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I tried doing the kick after I picked the swords man class(I'm.new to ds2) and it does this confusing push thing

    Is that a parry?

    submitted by /u/Mr-kabuk
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    Infinite life gem merchant?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Where and how do you get to them,I found a merchant that lets you buy like 20 but no man's wharf been fuckin me up

    We're the hell can I fimd a handy dandy merchant like that?

    If it exists, because God knows one estus flask is not enough

    submitted by /u/Mr-kabuk
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    Parry timing

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    When I first started DS1 parrying was a thing I saw people do in videos and couldn't really get it. I struggled with it for a while without really practicing. But when I did I feel like it took maybe 40 min to an hour. Altho that might just be misremembering how long it took. But in this one I can't really seem to get it. I obviously don't need it, I've finished the game several times now but it would be nice to get to know the timings of it. I've looked at the parry timings on the wiki and know the parry frames don't start right away. I was wondering what made partying click for you?

    submitted by /u/Large_McBigHuge_
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    Unpopular opinion: Frigid outskirts is fair

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    Ds2 as a whole had less of a focus on bosses and more of a focus on the journey (which players still dont seem to understand) unlike ds1 and 3, areas are not intended as mere warmups for the boss, the areas themselves are actually the main challenge with the boss often signifying the end. That's not to say ds1 and 3 didnt have some challenging areas (Sens and lower undead burg come to mind) But for the most part the difficulty seemed to focus on bosses.

    Back to the title

    I think horsefuck valley becomes much more enjoyable when you stop seeing it as just a boss run. Its an area meant to challenge the players auditory reaction time, and It does that very well. moreover, I think a lit of peopld fail to remember that, like iron passage, alonne memory and cave of the dead, Frigid outskirts was designed for co op. Now you might say "but it should cater somewhat to solo players!!" And I disagree. Pretty much every other area is designed for solo players such as yourself. Having a couple optional co op areas is awesome, since it brings a challenge to what is normally just the game but easier.

    submitted by /u/mygodshessohot
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    I’m not sure if anyone would care but I beat Sir Alonne for the first time, 3 days of pain and a satisfying pay off.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    On a side note you need the last smelter wedge for a pyromancy, the damage type Sir Alonne is resistant too, thank god I wasn't doing a pure pyromancy run 😂

    submitted by /u/CompleteBrit
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    SotFS Achievements

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    I have some questions for some of the achievements in Scholar

    Where do you go to learn gestures, sorceries, miracles, hexes, and pyromancies?

    Which Covenant is easiest to reach max devotion to?

    How do you light the fires in Majula?

    Who do you have to send to Majula to get the increase population achievement?

    How do you inherit people's equipment?

    Thank you in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/Zombielover214
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    Ava The Kings Pet is the only boss I legitimately don't belive I have a chance of beating. I'm done with the game.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Holy fuck i made it through No Man's Wharf

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    That whole area is bunch of bullshit and the ridiculous camera angles did not help one bit. The ascend to the area where you opened up the short cut was literal hell as a Sorcerer with two spells (is it just me that finds the aim AI so bad?) and it did not help that Flexile Sentry was so easy. Onto the Lost Bastille now

    submitted by /u/natehaniel
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    Is Dark Souls 2 ok for new players who haven't played very difficult games?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Hey, I know I am pretty late to the party, but I seriously wanted to play this game for a really long time and I now have a chance at playing it and I want to be offline mostly since I don't have a really powerful connection. I have never played a Souls game and I was wondering if it would be too difficult for me? I mean well I am not a very great gamer but I wanna try this. Please help me guys

    submitted by /u/the_prfctnst02
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    SL80 Summons?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    I'm playing on PS4 right now, trying to get summoned to help someone beat a boss. I'm SL80 at Sinners Rise, is there a better place to try and be summoned?

    submitted by /u/TwoJointsJay
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    Twin Pursuers

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Holy shit those guys are hard to beat when there's two of them. What's the reward for beating them?

    submitted by /u/masterninja3402
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    Ivory king tips?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Its really taking me time kill him and need some tips, where I mostly die is at the start the loyce knights hit so hard and have a lot of health the boss itself is not that much but when I reach him I am with 0 estus and low health, any tips especially for the start?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Half-Tomatoes
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    Is there a way to play the original version of DS2?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:58 AM PDT


    I have DS2 SOTFS, but I prefer the original version to SOTFS.

    Is there a way to get the original version without the dlc or is there a way to play DS2 SOTFS without the dlcs being involved?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/liamsaunders98
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    Need some help with Sir Alonne

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Anyone down to help me with Sir Alonne? I'm on PS4 sotfs SM around 2.2 million

    submitted by /u/Dizunattsu_
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    The pursuer

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    I'm at the mists in deangelic castle. I think I can take him his fencing skills aren't so good. But it may take a while, does anybody know how to help. Can I buy lightning stuff for my weapon? Can I summon an Npc for the fight?

    submitted by /u/fuckermc
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    Stuck on Fume Knight

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    I've been stuck on this asshole for months. I'm a SL211 dark magic build. I have a raw warped sword +5. I saw a video about going in with no gear and hitting him once every window ya get and conserving stamina. I got him down half way but got one hitted Any tips?

    Idk how to summon other people but if someone could join that would be awesome

    Edit: I have a +10 Dark Sunlight staff. I'm a hex build

    submitted by /u/TheDugan360
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    Should i go to dlc after the black gulch or should i do it afterward?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    Talking about the first crown of the sunken ship This is my first play through btw

    submitted by /u/housemaster27
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    Scraping spear

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Long ago I got invaded by a dude with a spear that broke all of my stuff. Could he have been using the Demon's souls weapon called Scraping spear? Is it in the game or is it just a similar weapon.

    submitted by /u/KarlMark666
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