Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday. |
- /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.
- One of the biggest things "souls like" games miss about Dark Souls imo no one talks about.
- Dark Souls Cards
- A simple gold thread embroidery I did of Ornstein
- Are the bells ringing from other worlds in real time?
- I just started playing ds1
- I can’t kill Four Kings...
- Gojira's music makes for an awesome soundtrack for Dark Souls ��
- I finally beat Artorias
- I killed the merchant in the undead burg thinking he was an enemy, I haven’t went that far and I don’t mind restarting my playthrough, was he any important story or gameplay wise?
- Is it ok to sell boss souls?
- I started playing ds today should I play ds1 or ds3 first
- I just started DS remastered today!
- Paladin Leroy
- Epic Manus fight
- A serious question.
- Build stereotypes as I understand them (correct me if I'm wrong)
- I've read up as much as I can, so I want some ideas for Four Kings NG++ and beyond.
- Solaire staying at the Sunlight Altar?
- Stray demon didn't drop titanite slab.
- What do I do?
- One shot bosses?
- Info before purchase...
/r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday. Posted: 28 May 2020 11:09 PM PDT What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too! Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs. Helpful Information for New Users Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads. Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute. [link] [comments] |
One of the biggest things "souls like" games miss about Dark Souls imo no one talks about. Posted: 28 May 2020 11:37 PM PDT Imo I've noticed this in numerous other games that are trying to be like the souls series. They don't have enemies that dynamically react to your attacks and it doesn't feel like weapons hit them realistically like it does in souls. I played Code Vein, Ashen, Necropolis, and The Surge 2. And out of all of them the only one that did this line souls is The Surge 2. Everyone always focuses on level design, lore, etc. But this is one of the basic things that makes souls legitimately fun. while making difficult combat encounters rewarding. I'm a a real casul when it comes to gaming who doesn't like difficulty and I've finished almost every game From has made like this, so the combat being legitamtely enjoyable drew me in. Even Demon's Souls from over a decade ago and their first game in this style feels so much more dynamic in the combat than these games made recently with tons of Fromsoft games to get a blueprint from. It always feels like your attacks and weapon are hitting flesh and actually making contact with the enemy, effecting their attacks. Same with how your enemies hit you. But in all the other games, sure the combat looks similar, but the enemies are basically just punching bags with different skins and animations. There's just this disconnect bc your attacks and the enemy, and it's more of a numbers game. This is just my opinion but it made them really unenjoyable for me. It's just weird to me how this doesn't seem to be a focus for devs. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2020 07:43 AM PDT So, like everyone here, I am a huge fan of Dark Souls. Nothing quite compares to it. Back in 2003 I was also a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh when it started. I played for a few years but then lost interest. I recently picked it back up...not 100% sure why. Nostalgia, maybe. Anyways, I thought it would be cool to combine the two! I looked online and a few years ago someone made some Dark Souls Cards, which inspired me to do the same. Here is my Dark Souls, 200 Card Yu-Gi-Oh Set: https://imgur.com/a/APoDBZt There are more to come if people like it! (i.e. DS1 DLC, DS2 and DS3). I love feedback on changes I should make, improved card text, missed opportunities, etc. [link] [comments] |
A simple gold thread embroidery I did of Ornstein Posted: 28 May 2020 10:30 AM PDT He has my favourite armour in the series and I named one of my guinea pigs after him. Neat dude. [link] [comments] |
Are the bells ringing from other worlds in real time? Posted: 28 May 2020 07:07 PM PDT I hear them all the time in Undead Parish and Quelaag's domain. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2020 01:50 AM PDT I have just reached anor londo and i'm so excited for O&S [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2020 03:06 AM PDT |
Gojira's music makes for an awesome soundtrack for Dark Souls �� Posted: 28 May 2020 03:26 PM PDT There's gotta be a Gojira fan or two on this sub. Masterful metal for a masterpiece of a game (on my first play-through, just beat O&S). [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2020 12:54 AM PDT Upon completing DS for the first time, I had not done the DLC or the Painted World of Ariamis. My first playthrough even ended with me getting the Dark Lord ending. After playing through DS3 and a few other games, I've come back to DS for two purposes: complete the whole game, and make Giant Dad. After a frustrating grind, I finally made Giant Dad and gathered all four Lord Souls. At this point I decided I'd tackle the DLC, because who could stand against the almighty Giant Dad, right? 2 attempts for Sanctuary Guardian, died multiple times in the Royal Wood, and eventually got my ass handed to me by the Abysswalker himself. I've heard a lot about him and was excited to finally fight him, albeit a bit nervous because I was afraid Giant Dad would make the fight too easy. I'm here to say that even with poise for days and a Chaos Zweihander +5, Artorias is still a formidable foe. Took me seven attempts, one of which resulted in me getting flattened in under ten seconds, and I used all 20 of my +2 Estus Flasks. He's now my favorite boss in DS1. Left off in Oolacile Township. I'm excited for what's to come next. Without spoiling it, how well do you think I'll fare in the rest of the DLC with Giant Dad? Any tips? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2020 03:29 AM PDT |
Posted: 29 May 2020 03:21 AM PDT I have some boss souls left because I don't like using or can't use some weapons that comes from transposing the boss souls. Is it fine to sell them? [link] [comments] |
I started playing ds today should I play ds1 or ds3 first Posted: 29 May 2020 04:08 AM PDT |
I just started DS remastered today! Posted: 28 May 2020 09:12 PM PDT As stated in the title I just started DS remastered today for the first time. I had ordered it online and it just barely came. I have gotten to about the bridge with the Drake and Solaire close by (Praise the Sun!) and I have also taken out the first black knight. I died to him about five times and did not even get his weapon :( But even though I did not get his weapon and died to him, he left me wanting more and to beat him. Then when I did I felt very good about myself, like I could take down anything. Maybe even beat the game eventually. Anyway I just wanted to share my experience with all of you and ask one question. What was your most fulfilling moment of dark souls (other than beating it)? Also if you would like to leave tips that would be very appreciated (: [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2020 12:14 AM PDT Hi, So ive built a character specifically to use paladin Leroy's weapon and shield but when i killed him he didnt drop them (fell off the cliff maybe thats why?). Would any of you be kind enough to drop them for me, if youre not using them ? Thanks for your time [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2020 03:44 AM PDT Not the first time that I challenged manus but the first time this early (Not defeated 2 of the lords). I went and summon Wolfie. Then just when I was dying, Sif killed the boss and I was not sure I won until I received both the died and won message. Kinda felt weird But I did not received any souls out of this 😂 . [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2020 01:31 AM PDT This is not meant as an attack on anyone or a game but a serious question. What is with the guys on the DS2 sub. My karma is plummeting over there cause I can't ask for help or even offer a mild critique of DS2 bosses or mechanics without getting torn a new one. I had to delete several post cause of the numbers. There are some really helpful and nice people but also alot of folks who go nuts when I ask why something is the way it is. I'm genuinely surprised cause since day one this sub has been super supportive and contrary to my expectations of Reddit and git gud mentality, same for the BB sub. I can make critiques here and on the BB sub of the games but that DS2 sub is brutal. [link] [comments] |
Build stereotypes as I understand them (correct me if I'm wrong) Posted: 28 May 2020 07:32 AM PDT Dexterity: Hits like ten thousand wet noodles with infinite stamina. Strength: I can stagger everything, who needs to dodge? Quality: Pure skill with 100 different weapons they could pull at any moment. Pyromancers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAoR4h6SQGg Miracle Builds: Lightning Spears. Lightning Spears everywhere. Sorcerers: Completely reliant on summoning ganks while they stand waaaay back and spam CSS. Pyro Spellswords: Swiggity Swooty I'm coming for that booty. Miracle Spellswords: Solaire Cosplay. Sorcery Spellsword: Like the default knight, but with magic. Any Katana: Mom's basement. Mastercaster: A total memelord or he is secretly a gank-devastating god. Twinks: As toxic as Blighttown and only really useful in PvE; easily destroyed by good players. [link] [comments] |
I've read up as much as I can, so I want some ideas for Four Kings NG++ and beyond. Posted: 28 May 2020 09:39 PM PDT So this is definitely the boss that is crushing me the hardest, over and over. O&S is front-loaded difficulty but you are presented with it right at the beginning of combat, and the run to them is really short. So that fight I don't mind at all at this point. Four Kings... I'm having an insanely hard time and I think this is probably going to be one of those major turning points where I discover a whole other aspect to weapons. After dying a few times, just the run to them is discouraging. When you start the fight, and they open with that STUPID Magic boomerang thing... I'm either running away from it for 20 seconds, or I block with my shield and still take 1/3 my HP. TLDR: I have pretty much every weapon, let me know what I should max out. I'm down to just do it and reserve that weapon for this fight. None of the other ones are getting to me as bad. I've been reading up tons and tons of strategies. People generally do the Havel strategy for NG, and that worked fine for me; they felt easy. NG+ I ended up using Crystal Knight armor (so I wasn't fat rolling), and BARELY beat them, it was extremely close. My weapon was maxed at that point. My problem with NG++ is that additional %HP they have is just too much for me to stay on top of. I can't help but panic when I see the first king still has 1/2 his HP left and another just popped up. I'm trying to use a +15 Spear, a +15 Zweihander, and I have a couple random weapons with different damage types. It all just feels like I'm doing JUST too little damage. What I've tried so far: Havel's Set: Pros - I am generally able to kill 1-2 of the kings. Cons - It feels impossible to escape the grab attack with the fat roll. When they do this, it stalls long enough for me to get overrun. Also, this forces me to alot time to drink Estus which again can put me in a shitty loop. Lifehunt Scythe w/ the Bleed Ring: Pros - I guess it's slightly decent damage? I have it leveled max. Cons - I still died after like 7 swings with it, bled out and then got hit once. Gold-Hemmed set Pros - I can dodge easier Cons - I can't tank anything and have to just not get hit. The biggest issue I'm having is when I inevitably have to deal with two of them. When I think I have a good run going, I'm keeping both (or three) kings in my camera frame, but I miss that one of them shot that stupid slow-moving magic boomerang. OR, one of them does the super long range thrust attack, but in my peripheral they just look like fuzzy white blobs. [link] [comments] |
Solaire staying at the Sunlight Altar? Posted: 29 May 2020 02:30 AM PDT Hello, playing through DSR for the first time and I wanted to save Solaire from going mad from the sunlight maggot. I paid the 30 humanities to the Fair Lady to open the shortcut and killed the maggots, then proceeded to kill the Bed of Chaos. From the start of the game I summoned Solaire for the Bell Gargoyles, Gaping Dragon and Ornstein & Smough, and I was about to summon him for the Centipede Demon when I noticed his sign is not there. I had talked to him in the Burg and in Anor Londo, and now, after O&S, he relocated at the Sunlight Altar where he says his famous line "I'll stay behind, to gaze at the sun" Do I need the 25 FTH and enter the Sunlight Warriors covenant? Or did I mess up something else? I'm sure I exhausted his dialogue every time I talked to him. Any help would be greatly appreciated :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2020 02:29 PM PDT I'm doing my first play through of Dark Souls, if that wasn't obvious. My friends were hyping up Capra Demon as being one of the more bullshit fights in the game, but I managed to beat him in one go. The funny thing is, I died to Moonlight butterfly not too long before, because I didn't know you could dodge through her attacks. [link] [comments] |
Stray demon didn't drop titanite slab. Posted: 28 May 2020 08:21 PM PDT So I just fought the stray demon at the asylum part 2 and unluckily I died at the exact moment I killed him. Because of this I got the souls but not the slab my brother said he drops. Is there any other place to get one or a way to trade for one or anything? Am on xbox one of that matters. :( [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 May 2020 04:47 AM PDT I'm trying to get Great Lightning spear but I never get summoned. Its been over 3 hours now and I haven't been summoned. I'm trying to get summoned at Bell Gargoyles at SL26. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2020 09:09 PM PDT How should i go about one shoting bosses So far Taurus,capra,moonlight,pinwheel, and gargoyles are dead. I have a plus 15 demon great axe and +5 acended pyro flame with all pyromancys up to the chaos witch(not even gonna try to spell her name) Stats: Lv 59 Vitality 10 Attunment 12 Endurance 11 Stregth 60 Dex 18 Resistance 12 Intelligence 11 Faith 8 Edit: i have the dusk crown and the bellowing dragoncrest ring i suck a using red tearstone ring [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2020 09:48 PM PDT Im about to end the dark souls 3 journey and im planning to buy sekiro and the first dark souls...i wish to know how its different between sekiro and ds3 and if its worth it buying in terms of pure gamepla and challenge of the game. Im new to the series, so any tips and suggestions are welcome! [link] [comments] |
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