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    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away?

    Use today to schedule some trades!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Beat Lost Sinner first Try!

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Did have help from sell sword luet and lucatiel but they died first quarter of the fight

    submitted by /u/MrTux2004
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    No Death/ Bonfire Run day 13: VICTORY!

    Posted: 12 May 2020 01:27 PM PDT


    I'm writing this probably 5 minutes after watching the last of the credits scroll away and experiencing joy at getting both rings! But first, let me tell the tale of how I got through this final section of the game.

    After playing with the airlock to shaded woods more, I ran past an ogre and into Aldia's keep. For some reason, the was a fog wall at the entrance, and when I approached it it said a few seconds later "Dark Spirit Forlorn has returned to their world." I don't know where he was supposed to invade, but he didn't, so I'm not complaining.

    Hey, isn't Aslatiel of Mirrah supposed to be, like, the greatest swordsman Lucatiel has ever seen? He didn't even swing at me, just put his shield up and got guardbroken. Maybe she's so bad that this guy who is also bad, but better than her, is the strongest swordsman she knows.

    Anyway, I ran through, dodging ogres and eventually making it to the fog of the Guardian Dragon. Used some resin that I picked up from Vengarl and went ham. He died pretty quickly, and I happily ran through to the Aerie.

    Confession time: I have seen that zipline on top of the aerie bonfire, but I did not know that you could skip the entire area on it. So I did that for the first time today. I also saw what Gower's Ring of Protection looks like when it's on your character, and I love that. The guy with no legs, arms clasped around your chest? That is SO AWESOME!

    Anyway, I ran through the Dragon Shrine. Incredibly, I only got hit once, and it wasn't by that second Drakekeeper with the mace that is the hardest boss in the game, but actually by the third drakekeeper. Sprinted up the stairs, dodged a few more fellas, and sped through the Ancient Dragon's dialogue before getting the Ashen Mist heart and using the aged feather to GTFO.

    Next, the Giant Memories! I played with the airlock again (for those wondering why I use it so much, it's because my "hub" has become that bonfire inside there, since it lets me get to Majula, Drangleic, and Aldia's without too much trouble). Leveled up, then made the walk to the memories. Only this time, it was waaaay more satisfying. Instead of running past everything like I did when I was first in the area, I made a point to kill every enemy that came close. Even cleared out that big arena by the tree stump. Got to the king door and, apparently, Forlorn was salty that he couldn't get me at Aldia's so he decided to try and get me here.

    Can we all agree on one thing? This guy rolling all the damn time SUCKS. All he does is two-hand, walk up, do one or two swing, then roll away. You're just wasting time, buddy! Stop it!

    Anyway, I hate the runup to the Giant Lord because I have no idea when the fire comes, i just kinda dodge around and wait for heads to roll, then sprint to the Last Giant 1.0 (or 2.0, depending on how you look at it.) He almost killed me when he was two hits away, but I finally got him. Really, there's nothing to say. It's the Giant Lord fight.

    I was pumped now. I was like yes! I'm gonna do it! Basic stuff, ran to Drangleic, bought the last of Wellager's lifegems, beat some guys with a mace, and opened the door. I maaaaayyy have cheesed Throne Watcher and Defender, because two times my summon died. 1st was Benhart, when he didn't reappear after my alt f4 I went online and summoned a human, who died) . Not proud of it, but hey. On the third try, I summoned 2 sunbros, one named Revenant and holding a club in Dragon Armor (I think) and the other, who's name I forgot, seemed to be going for the Maldron the Assassin look, with the shield and the lance and armor.

    The Watcher and Defender fell pretty quick, and after some gestures and praising, Nashandra entered.

    BITCH DID NOT STAND A CHANCE. She cursed me once (who cares) and did one AOE, but for the most part her scythe swings missed by miles while the three of us beat the crap out of her. After more gestures, and my taunt with a human effigy, I slowly walked up to the interact point, and began the cutscene.


    But after waiting through them all, I got the rings, and took a picture of them in my inventory, which I will share here!

    So thanks to everyone who read these, gave tips, and was all around giving me support, because I've done it! Eventually, I'll stream another run, but right now I need a break from being so grossly incandescent.


    submitted by /u/Bryankc14
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    Got invaded, now game crashes every time I try to access Equipment

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    So I just started playing ds2, I was in forest of fallen giants when I got invaded by "Hitler" and before I could even find him, I got cursed and turned to stone then saw him appear on my screen a decent ways away. When I respawned at the bonfire all of my armor was broken, both in my inventory and on the hud. In place of a weapon in my right weapon slot there's just a broken weapon symbol and I'm two handing air (there's no visible weapon in my hands). I can't switch out my weapon or one hand it. In my inventory, my mace and dagger (which are equipped) are not broken. When I try to access my equipment my game shits itself and I get booted out to the home screen of my computer. Does anyone have any idea what happened here?

    Edit: When I try to attack nothing happens. When I try to block the game crashes.

    submitted by /u/Ted_CruZodiac
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    Can one of you DS2 pros write a comprehensive tutorial for the new players for making backups and recover character method? And mods pin it so they can see it the first hand?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    It's sad to see Hitler ruining people's characters. And I know going offline is a preventative method but I think it would be nice for those in the know to create a guide on how to make a proper backup and possible recovery for like +14 item and such.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TheAlchemlst
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    God damn Brume tower

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    This area properly kicked my ass. I don't think I've ever died as much to a Soulsborne level as I have to this one, and I've beaten the Fishing Hamlet and OoK on NG6+.

    It got so bad at some points that I actually had to stop playing for a couple of days lol.

    I just beat Fume Knight on my 3rd attempt however, and that was quite the fun fight!

    On to Iron Passage.

    Edit: Fuck the Iron Passage. But first try 🦀🦀🦀🦀 SMELTER DEMON IS NO MORE 🦀🦀🦀🦀

    Edit 2: Fuck everything about the Sir Alonne boss run. It is literally the most frustrating experience I've ever had with these games.

    Final edit: I beat all of the DLC+the optional areas! Horsefuck valley had fantastic atmosphere but thank God those kitties only took me 3 attempts, as the run to the fog gate was a royal pain.

    I would say that the hardest/most fun boss in the DLC was Sir Alonne. That fight kept me on my toes.

    I was really disappointed with the Fume Knight fight as it was too easy and a bit bland. All the DLC bosses took me 3 tries max, and I thought the levels themselves were WAY harder.

    The Burnt Ivory King and Sinh were hands down the best bosses (aesthetically speaking) in this game. Quite spectacular and cinematic.

    If I had to rate the DLCs:

    Sunken Crown 8.5/10

    Iron Crown 5/10 (really disliked this area)

    Ivory Crown 9.5/10

    submitted by /u/SilviOnPC
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    I was invaded by a hacker and now i can't get to change my weapon and my weapon is now "broken" is there anything i can do?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    I was invaded by ***** in the forest of the giants he glitched me into the ground and i was falling to the floor towards a bunch of flame swastikas. The game crashed and now my weapon is gone i am not holding anything but the symbol is "broken" i can't unequip it. Any ideas how to fix besides restarting the game?

    submitted by /u/rubenger
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    Fuck the Iron Passage

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    I have not finished the main story line because I randomly stumbled upon Brume Tower and I am (was) determined to finish this path. But FUCK. THE. IRON. PASSAGE. Who's "brilliant" idea is this? Lets fucking put giant hollows with tracking attacks, ghost armor archers, lighting lady, mages that slows you in one small fucking path, so either you run through with 80% chance of dying, or waste half an hour to clear the path! Oh, why don't we put a FUCKING MINOTAUR in front of the boss fight, so that you get golf-swinged, or slammed, or whatever the fuck right before you challenge the boss.

    Oh, you don't like the long path? Well, you can go with the shortcut instead. Just beware of the FUCKING FIREBALL CANNON while getting swarmed by MORE hollows. AND the gate is timed. Good FUCKING luck. What? Too many hollows blocking your path? No worry, just kill them multiple times to despawn them. What do you mean by you can't go back to the bonfire? Use your darksign and homeward bones! Thank you for wasting your time!

    Also, fuck the smelter demon. I admit I am not that great at dodging, but even I am great at dodging, this boss is still full of bullshit. Especially the overhead slams which follows you, AND the delayed attacks, AND the constant chip damage. And it doesn't help when my main weapon doesn't to shit to it, so I need to change to a dark weapon (dark scythe) that I am not comfortable with. Also, inconsistent hitboxes!!!

    I have yet to beat this boss. So any tips would help tremendously.

    Oh, did I say fuck the Iron Passage?

    submitted by /u/SailorSharonMina
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    Dark Souls 2: Fun Run

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Hey y'all, I'm getting ready to start my third Dark Souls 2 run to commemorate my imminent graduation. So I want to ask the community to post some of their favorite runs. Things like favorite weapons, favorite builds, maybe a gimmick run, all are welcome!

    submitted by /u/GlassHeadMGW
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    Just started and I love it (we’ll sort of)

    Posted: 12 May 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Hello all

    I bought the game on Friday for £8 which is a bargain and I've played it everyday since. Just beat the pursuer which embarrassing took me two nights to do.

    I've done a lot of soul farming as well to buy items and level up but I'm loving the game. I think it's harsh, very harsh, but the challenge is fair.

    I managed to turn on hard mode by joining the covenant and thinking yea yea arduous path that great forgetting I wasn't playing Skyrim.

    I selected the smooth thing as a starting item and dropped it in the nest and got the demon hammer which I believe is good just need to get my strength up to use it and I've upgraded my fire long sword to its 3 or 4 level. Apart from that I've done everything wrong.

    I went to the place with the big knights first they smashed me. I spent a whole evening trying to sort out those three big giants on the rooftop in the Forrest then the single one and then you get attacked by some dark soul guy. That bit defeated me. Then I had two nights fighting the pursuer and I've just beaten him and I'm on to the next area.

    Thank you to everyone that contributed to the start guide on this sub reddit it was really helpful but I'm trying not to spoil the game too much. I think it's about making mistakes and figuring out your own way.

    submitted by /u/Duckdivejim
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    Question about PVP mechanics...

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    I'm not very far in the game (played maybe 2-3 hrs) - but I booted up the game and within a minute a dark spirit invaded me, and in one hit broke all my armour and rings and killed me (I was human and was saving my effigies) using a cursed weapon. My only prior experience is Dark Souls 1 (all the way through NG+) and never did this happen to me (weapons couldn't be cursed and getting one-hit was very rare even with backstabs etc) - especially so early in the game.

    Is this a common thing to happen? Is this what PVP is like? If so is there any major downside to just turning DS2 offline and playing single player? I enjoy getting ripped apart by the computer but I'm not sure I enjoy the PVP mechanics where a player can set you back so far so quickly...

    UPDATE: Just saw how many souls I need to repair all my equipment... I'm rather disheartened now. Might give DS2 a miss for a while unless someone here can help me as I'm not sure how to proceed with this game

    submitted by /u/Someone89a
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    Beat Lost Sinner first try!

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    I can thank Ds1 to my victory,the ability that I gained in Ds1 really helped me.

    submitted by /u/marco_antonio123
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    I have just finished the game and i think i am in love with Emerald Herald

    Posted: 12 May 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Honestly i feel compassion for Emerald Herald. She's so tired of living. Yet she is always there for you, she always helps you no matter what. When she said her name is Shanalotte and took off her hood all i wanted was for my character to hug her and tell her everything's going to be all right. Does anyone else love her? I mean she's so cute

    submitted by /u/Illidan_Stormrage4
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    Is santier’s any good?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    So, I don't have the game, but might look into it, and I was wondering if a Santier's spear build would be fun for a first run. Not optimal, just fun. I've already played ds1 and ds3, so I hope I'm good enough to handle a first run with an unorthodox weapon, do you think that's a terrible idea? And, if not, it's been mundane nerfed, right?

    submitted by /u/Herpgar-The-Undying
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    Heide Knights Farm

    Posted: 12 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I really hate how the coolest armor in the game is the rarest to drop for me, I've beat so many other guys and got most of their armor sets, but these guys just wont drop it for me. What's your best method for farming their gear?

    submitted by /u/notsferatuc
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    What are the chances of the emerald herald sitting there swinging her legs?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    I caught her doing it 8 hours in on my first playthrough. In hindsight it seems pretty amazing, but I don't know what the chances really are.

    Edit: Since she has stood next to the cliff and after traveling away and back again she is sitting there in the leg swinging position all sad looking. And now she's back to being cheerful again. What is going on?

    submitted by /u/racist_slur
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    Just got the game

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    I just got the game recently. I beat the Last Giant not too long ago and now I'm trying to figure out where to go. This game is fun so far, albeit SLOW. I play DS3 daily and switching from one to the other is a mindscrew. Healing is slow, crits are slow, and HOLY CRAP JUST LET ME GO THROUGH THE MIST. I'm positive I'll adjust and figure the game out. The first playthrough is always the hardest. For now, I need to bear seek seek lest. No wait. Find out where to go. Lol

    submitted by /u/DucksRuleFlorida
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    What are your favourite classes/armor/weapons, what was your first

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Recently i have played through ds1 and ds2 as a deprived to get the full experience of starting out as nothing i want to know for future runs of ds2 what are some of the top suggested builds doing deprived gave me alot of insight and it was a while before my character ever even wore proper armor or clothes i found the being nude to make the game considerably more difficult than when i had armor or clothes on what are some of your favourite armors and weapons my first weapon was a shortsword and i used that for a good portion of ds2 for a solid 2 or 3 days i didnt even upgrade it and i didnt try sorceries at all. I ended the game with a black knight ultra great sword cuz i ended up liking its move set towards the end.

    submitted by /u/Mercy_marshmallow
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    Do you guys ever take a break from DS? What's your go to game?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    I'm taking a break by playing Far Cry 2 right now. I don't know why, but I kinda got overwhelmed a bit

    submitted by /u/plastic-watering-can
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    How good do you think you are at pvp?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    This post is intended to be like a survey, I wanna know how concious are pvpeers all around about their skill at the game and how do they think their build actually matters.

    To be honest I think I'm an average player, I have good parry timings, but I'm not a god at it, sometimes I'm greedy with trades as average players do, but my spacing is kinda good, not godlike like many players I'm meeting in the arena, the only think I am good at is at being proactive even when I'm low, I can manage to stay cool and pull off good comebacks quite often. My builds don't do crazy stuff, like endless AR , garaunteed trades or clever sorceries combos, i like the versatility i get from playing with partizan, fume sword and hunter black bow in the main hand, and loyce sword or rapier offhand, i switch off often depending on the opponent playstyle multiple times during a fight.

    So how good you think you are? Try not sitting on your ego, be objective.....

    Also everyone can improve even more and git even more gud

    submitted by /u/Zarutlana
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    Coming from DS1: Is it common to feel like enemies behave weird and ganky in this entry? I have a few clarifications about combat:

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    I started as Cleric btw, level 45ish and have maintained the same general balance of stats so far, trying to improve the overall build.

    1. Enemy stamina seems not to exist.. is there some mechanic at play that makes them less responsive?

    2. Is there a way to reduce the stunlock that nearly every attack does to me? Is that what poise does here? I am hearing the "you've been parried" sound after getting hit a lot, and being totally frozen through entire enemy combos.

    3. The Pursuer. What even the hell? I tried help, I tried ballistas, I cant parry worth shit (get gud, ik), and with i-frames being connected to a stat I feel like my dodges are super unpredictable if I'll catch the tip of the scent of his sword and lose half my health. Already tried the one gold pine resin available. Idk advice on him? He is just really a frustrating, slow, low error fight.

    Otherwise I actually dig it. Ds2 is definitely different I like the vibe so far

    submitted by /u/bstephe123283
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    A question about SOTFS version on old gen

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    So, this is the ds game with most hours spended on PS3, but there's a thing that I don't understand bc i've seen many playthroughs and it doesn't look like mine, and not like NG+ or stuff, I mean object, chests and enemy location of the base game without SOTFS, why is this? just next gen exclusive?

    submitted by /u/m3talin4s
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    SotFS broken

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I started playing ds2 sotfs and while playing realized it's not actually Sotfs it's regular ds2 but with the dlc. It says on the game box, disc and main screen it's scholar, but the items and enemies are all from regular ds2. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm playing on ps3 btw

    submitted by /u/_Squidink_
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    How do challenge runs deal with Forlorn?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    I've been trying a few no death runs and I was wondering how do people generally deal with Forlorn invasions in those sorts of runs. Do they just keep in mind the spots he can invade and either know that they can ignore him or just fight him? Or is there another way?

    submitted by /u/GifanZiWoodElf
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    New game +2 and Paladin talk

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    So im on new game +2, just wanting to know what people would suggest for this run and how harder is it compared to the jump between ng and ng+1.

    Im on a STR/FAI build, level 203 and doing pretty well but i feel like my damage output isnt amazing. All of my gear is max level but im new to play on the new game levels so im not sure if ive missed anything so let me know about your experiences and any tips are welcome!

    Also im going to end up doing paladins inspired by each of the covenants. So a: Dark Paladin, Paladin of the Sun, Way of Blue Covenant, Royal Rat Paladin, Paladin of Blood. If you want to see the fashion souls for these let me know! Also if anyones done anything similar.

    submitted by /u/mopchops99
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    Smelter demon

    Posted: 12 May 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Just got the engraved ring for the soul memory crap, Ive equipped it and chosen every god but can't find any summons soapstones, so like if someone were to help me how would this work? Choose soapstone location to meet up and choose the same god?

    submitted by /u/Ivanthrxz
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