Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Help a hollow. |
- /r/DarkSouls2 - Help a hollow.
- Have any of you fallen for the "secret ahead therefore try jumping" at an obvious deadly pitfall? Be honest now.
- Any way to make the game more enjoyable? Graphics mods/engine changes etc.
- Not sure if anyone has caught this Soul Reaver reference.
- I beat Fume Knight!!!
- The two manikins on the lift in Earthen Peak can go to HELL
- [POLL] Which game feels worse to control?
- Any people who finished the game in much more than 100 hours?
- Hardest Boss for you in DarkSouls 2?
- Darkdiver Grandahl and the Profaned Flame
- (PvP) Vessel Shield vs Blossom Kite vs Armour
- Chair + wall = dent...
- The Legend of Buttcat
- Help with Lud and Zallon please....
- Scholar of the first sin wont start correctly
- Sorcerer builds so dang difficult?
- Main theme song :c
- Where should I go?
- Need a hint on how to progress
- After hitting the softcaps/hardcaps of the stats needed for your build, what do you level up?
- Free Dark Souls 2 DLC
- im so bad
- In search of a good 100% walkthrough series
/r/DarkSouls2 - Help a hollow. Posted: 05 May 2020 11:11 PM PDT Welcome to our Wednesday thru Thursday sticky thread "Help A Hollow." Do you need the game mechanics explained a bit? Don't understand scaling, infusion, or magic? Just can't take on Velstadt solo? If you have a question or need a hand then skip /new for the day and get the help you need. Leave a comment below and someone will help you shortly. Or sort comments by new and be a helpful hollow. Remember to check out /r/DarkSouls2/wiki and contribute! Helpful Information for New Users Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads. Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 08:29 AM PDT It's okay, no judgment in here. Does anyone have a good one? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 May 2020 06:01 PM PDT So I have noticed a lot of people giving advice to new players about Majula but no one is warning about the 3 little slices of bacon from hell. [link] [comments] |
Any way to make the game more enjoyable? Graphics mods/engine changes etc. Posted: 06 May 2020 09:18 AM PDT Just about anything, I've lost my save file twice now, (both times I stopped playing @ Iron Keep) and I'm trying to get back in without going insane from the shitty mechanics/graphics. [link] [comments] |
Not sure if anyone has caught this Soul Reaver reference. Posted: 06 May 2020 05:41 AM PDT I felt like playing DS2 for the first time in about a year the other day and for the first time noticed something in the opening cutscene. When you walk up to the whirlpool, it's very reminiscent of a game called Soul Reaver. It was one of the games in the Legacy of Kain series, and in the opening to that game the main character (Raziel) evolves past his patron (Kain) and grows wings. Kain is seemingly jealous (if you know the lore, you know why I say "seemingly"), and he orders Raziel cast into a huge whirlpool. Being a vampire, he and his new wings burn in agony as he descends to the bottom. When we jump into the whirlpool in DS2, the woman says, "Your wings will burn in anguish." It seems like such an obvious reference now, but I've put countless hours into the game and never noticed it till now. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 06:34 AM PDT It took me a WHILE, and I ran out of Wedges halfway through killing the Idols around 😭 [link] [comments] |
Old "MY GOAL IS TO KNOCK YOU INTO MY FUCKING HOLE" King. Posted: 06 May 2020 10:06 AM PDT Like seriously wtf. Found a safe spot. Not that safe though cuz im on NG+ [link] [comments] |
The two manikins on the lift in Earthen Peak can go to HELL Posted: 06 May 2020 02:00 PM PDT |
[POLL] Which game feels worse to control? Posted: 06 May 2020 12:16 PM PDT |
Any people who finished the game in much more than 100 hours? Posted: 06 May 2020 05:18 AM PDT [this post is also relevant to other parts of the franchise and difficult games in general, but since I am currently playing DS2, I decided to post it here] Hey people, I am writing this because I need some words of encouragement. I am a kind of player who likes to torture himself with difficult games despite having no skills at all and as a result, it takes me long time to finish them (if I get there at all). I also get unhealthily obsessive about hard games, often spending hours upon hours on one boss just to prove the point that I do not suck. Now I am playing DS2. This is my second go at the franchise, after getting halfway into DS1 and losing my saves right after defeating O&S. Getting that far into the first game took me 70 hours. Now I am about halfway into DS2 and so far it has been... 90 hours. When I talked about that with my friend, he was truly shocked, saying that he is not that good and still managed to finish it in 40 hours. He even said that he would really like to see me play and even though he probably did not mean anything offensive, I took it as him saying "wow, I really want to see how it's possible to suck this much and still keep playing". Are there any other players out there who spent so much time persevering through so many stupid, stupid deaths? Mind you, I am not asking for any specific tips, just a little pick-me-up, because this is affecting my enjoyment of a game that I admire in a lot of ways. [link] [comments] |
Hardest Boss for you in DarkSouls 2? Posted: 06 May 2020 11:54 AM PDT Guys 2 Bosses left and I'm finished with the game. I don't know but there wasn't a boss that really challenged me like for days. The most time I spent on a boss was like 2 hours on the pursuer, mainly because he was the second boss I fought and was not really good in the game at that moment. Btw it's the first souls game I ever played so I didn't had any experience with that kind of Games. Which boss challenged you the most and how much time did it cost you [link] [comments] |
Darkdiver Grandahl and the Profaned Flame Posted: 06 May 2020 01:27 PM PDT I recall reading, some time ago, a theory that suggested that Grandahl was, by inviting the Bearer of the Curse to create light within the Abyss, attempting to weaken the Abyss, or lure out the Darklurker so that he might learn Lifedrain. A quite interesting theory was that the Darklurker was, in fact, a blight upon the Abyss which Grandahl sought to purge. And yet, in Dark Souls III, the Profaned Flame, which appears to be a never-fading fire unlike any, is met with this reaction by Andre: This is much too dark. I see the Abyss in it. And, in the Painted World of Ariandel, the Painter must see fire, in order to paint a new world. Perhaps Grandahl seeks to bring light into the Abyss... so that it may learn how to copy it, and imitate it. By being ken to light, it may now mimic it, to draw upon the Painter's metaphor. Certainly shows how it came to be a little more subtle in the Profaned Capital than it was at Oolacile or New Londo. Perhaps the Abyss isn't simply some ravenous beast which endlessly corrupts, driven by spite for all flame. Should we maybe ascribe a little greater cunning to it? EDIT: Post I reference above: https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/2cp754/darkdiver_grandahls_betrayal_of_the_abyss/ [link] [comments] |
(PvP) Vessel Shield vs Blossom Kite vs Armour Posted: 06 May 2020 11:04 AM PDT I'm planning some SL150 builds that will exclusively two-hand, but I've got a dilemma. Vessel Shield saves about 11-13 levels so it seems ideal for builds that need a lot of stats. However, STR or DEX builds with ROB Flynn reach my required caps without needing the extra stats. In this case should I: - Go from 50 to 60 END - Use Blossom Kite for +5% stamina regen - Get some better Armour [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 01:07 PM PDT Loving ( generally ) my plat attempt on Sotfs in a 220 level character ( yes I am over levelled but I need to be ) so after another "great" day at work decided it would be worthwhile trying to finalise some trophies So Vendrick then,, usual couple of fails ,, different strategies. Ok, better get the final giant soul as 4 held - half as hard right ? First crack at Ancient dragon. A few more goes, lightning applied but usually got about 1/2 health and then gut flopped, tail slapped or paw stomped ,, ffs Ok last go - let's try the really easy Darklurker path. Wow ,,, even without some red friends joining the fun it didn't go well. Whoever designed it so you have to spunk an effigy each time you want to get reamed ,,, fantastic resilience training So chair + wall = dent Guess I will be back trying again tomorrow ☠️ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 12:45 PM PDT Me and my buddies are doing a replay of all the Dark Souls games on PC and I was on one of my least favorite bosses, Lud and Zallen in the Frigid Outskirts. I was running through a bunch of times with some of the NPCs the level offers you at the beginning, but then I came across him. The man, the myth, the legend, ****CAT, or as my friends and I now know him, BUTTCAT. I decided to take a shot with him and summoned him instead of Manhunter O'Hara and boy did I not regret it. Here came Buttcat wielding a Greatsword and oozing big dick energy. We easily made it to the boss door with Buttcat absolutely fisting every horse that looked at us wrong. Unfortunately we failed the boss fight because I'm bad at the game and got pooped on by Zallen once he joined, but Buttcat was kicking ass up to that point. Every swing of his blade maimed the big stupid tigers significantly. I was ready to try again, and to my delight, Buttcat had his sign down again. Thankfully two of my friends were available to help as well, so I summoned them. We made the run to the boss fight again, with Buttcat, in all his glory, carrying all of us and spanking horse after horse with his greatsword. Each of us felt insignificant next to the massive damage he was doing, but he became a legend. Even though I died during the boss fight again, you became a legend among my friend group, Buttcat. I'm sorry I couldn't summon you a third time because my third friend was ready to help me, but just know that we still talk about you fondly and have dubbed you with the name Buttcat since we don't know what the first four letters of your name are. We're playing Dark Souls 3 now, and we pray that someday we will see you again. You are our silent protector and the player all of us strive to be. God bless you, Buttcat. [link] [comments] |
Help with Lud and Zallon please.... Posted: 06 May 2020 11:44 AM PDT I know the methods, and I've tried to "git gud," and I'm slowly dying inside with every failed attempt. Its more the 10 min run back to the fog gate thats withering away my will dark souls anymore. Anyone on xbox wanna help me out? My SM is around 5.4 mil. [link] [comments] |
Scholar of the first sin wont start correctly Posted: 06 May 2020 11:22 AM PDT I just got Scholar of the first sin and started it for the first time and all I saw was a white window then it closed itself I'm not sure what's going on I checked what could help I read somewhere verifying game files works it didnt help much, so someone please tell me if I can play or not [link] [comments] |
Sorcerer builds so dang difficult? Posted: 06 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT I have put probably 400-500+ hours into dark souls 2 alone, but never have I gone through it using a full int magic build, and man oh man is it rough. The second half of huntsman's copse was an absolute nightmare that I actually skipped it and came back later for Mr.Chariot bossman. Everything else in this area is totally do-able, but once you get started on the path to chariot it's like your walking through the valley of death. Not only are the enemies guarding the path pshycopaths who think it's cool to bum a rush a lowly sorcerer(and they do a lot of dng), but to have a fatty red invader there to squash me under the weight of his blade inches away from the boss fog. Definitely the challenge I was looking for. Currently starting iron keep now and alonne knights aren't too fun either, and I cant imagine how bad smelters gonna be when I decide to do it. Anyways, just wanted to rant but also like not complaining cause I'm having fun getting my ass kicked again :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 08:35 AM PDT i cant find it on spotify, i dont know its name or anything. i really love this track, so if anyone can help me. https://open.spotify.com/album/5rq0BheaspnzakYDR2Z0pJ?si=mUhLlwXSTXq7TTgea0ZwBw [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 08:29 AM PDT I've reached madula and spoken to a few people and there seems to be 4 paths I can take but Idk which one I should. [link] [comments] |
Need a hint on how to progress Posted: 06 May 2020 05:19 AM PDT (Solved, thx to the community for coming through) First time bearer of the curse, I'm stuck finding my last great soul. Have already beaten the Sinner guy, Freya (or whatever the spider is called) and the fat ugly thing in the poison area. Sry, for the missing names. I don't want to look up a guide on Yt because those destroy my enjoyment of the game but I also can't tun 3 times through the whole world since I already feel overlevelled as hell. Which is why I came here to ask for a hint. From where do I need to go to progress? tldr: Need hint to find way to Iron Keep [link] [comments] |
After hitting the softcaps/hardcaps of the stats needed for your build, what do you level up? Posted: 06 May 2020 10:16 AM PDT I'm 7/25/40/5/50/25/25/5/5 on my Base-HP run (just got to Earthen Peak), and I don't know what to level up anymore because I don't feel like I need something else. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 02:01 PM PDT I'm an idiot and bought Dark Souls 2 DLC season pass when I meant to buy it for Dark Souls 3. :( Giving the steam key away for free, but if you want to be kind and PM me a cup of coffee I'd be grateful. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 10:06 AM PDT Hi, so 2 days ago i bought a dark souls 2 on steam. I've never played any dark souls before and i'm so bad. I literally dying all the time. What can i do to be better? I'm stressful everytime i go to other location or see enemies... [link] [comments] |
In search of a good 100% walkthrough series Posted: 06 May 2020 01:36 PM PDT Hello! A few hours have passed since my journey with Dark Souls II reached its conclusion. It was the first time I played this game, so I went blindly throughout this journey. As of now, I am searching for a YouTube series that delves into everything DSII has to offer. I have a poor experience with YouTubers and I am in need of recommendations. Things that I'm looking for:
I am looking forward to your suggestions. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
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