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    Wednesday, May 6, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Help a hollow.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Help a hollow.

    /r/DarkSouls - Help a hollow.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    Welcome to our Wednesday thru Thursday sticky thread "Help A Hollow."

    Do you need the game mechanics explained a bit? Don't understand scaling, infusion, or magic? Just can't take on O&S solo?

    If you have a question or need a hand then skip /new for the day and get the help you need. Leave a comment below and someone will help you shortly. Or sort comments by new and be a helpful hollow. Remember to check out /r/DarkSouls/wiki and contribute!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Hi. I just dropped a Vagrant. Anor Londo near the Archers. 1.9 Million souls

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    enjoy RIP lmao

    submitted by /u/RANDYRANDYRANDY420
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    I tried making the best doggo

    Posted: 06 May 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    I beat dark souls!

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    biggest achievement yay. Now time for the other 2!

    submitted by /u/poopiehead04444
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    Just beat Artorias after playing ds3 then 2 now 1

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Played 1 about a month after release at a friends house for about an hour, then didnt play again till 2 and only got about 1/4 of the way through. 2 years ago i got 3 and i was hooked. While playing 3 I loved and often used Artorias' armour and greatsword. The weapon animations were fantastic, and honestly, that was as far as my interest in this Artorias character went. But while playing through 2 i found Artorias' greatsword and i knew i was gonna play 1 then. After few months of work and i finally got to fight him. Many times. And it was glorious. Learning his moves and recognising them from 3. Really was like hearing about a legend and then finally meeting them. Such a long build up for me and such a great pay off. And then i read up on him and god damn Artorias is cool. And all the more heart wrenching when i must take down sif.


    Fought Artorias and it was exactly what i wanted it to be.

    submitted by /u/butch-peterson85
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    Artorias' name

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    I was reading Vinland Saga for the first time recently and at one point a few characters reference the name of an old Roman commander by the name of Artorius and of course I immediately thought of Artorias.

    After a quick search I find the wikipedia page for Lucius Artorius Castus who was, according to wikipedia, a commander active in Britain and is suggested to be a historical basis for the Legend or King Arthur.

    I found it interesting that Artorias' name was likely referencing Arthurian legend which, like a several other characters names', would give it a welsh origin. I've seen discussion of Artorias' name a few times over the years, but it was never particularly in depth at most connecting it loosely to King Arthur or Welsh, but not much beyond that.

    submitted by /u/AdmiralWoodfinn
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    Dark Souls ruined video games for me

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    For starters, I'm really not much of a gamer. The first game I fell in love with was Super Mario Sunshine, and Mario and Pokémon were really the only video game series I played until I was about 11. when I started getting into Zelda (my favorite game series after DS). FPS games always became dry so fast, I enjoyed the Borderlands and Half-Life and a few one off titles but even thinking about replaying those games really does nothing for me. I guess getting good at precisely pointing a crosshair at various targets for hours on end just doesn't have that much replay value to me regardless of other mechanics and I often struggle to finish these games because of this. In the instance of BL2 and HL2 the story were really the only reason i finished those titles.

    Now let's get to Dark Souls. For starters, like everyone else, I absolutely sucked. When I say I was bad, I'm talking 3 months into my play through and I'm finally ringing that second bell. I would quit and restart and quit and restart so much so that I can quite literally blindfold myself and get as far as the drop attack on asylum demon. My problem was I just had not mastered the combat. I simply refused to get good at rolling attacks and I insisted on not upgrading my weapons until I found the one weapon I planned to use the whole game (and I never was satisfied). We also had no internet in our house until very recently so summoning and using guides was not an option. All this being said, I refused to give up.

    The mystery of knowing there's so much more to Dark Souls than pre-Anor Londo made every time I would explore past AL intensely gratifying. At some point I discovered the BK Greatsword (easy mode I know, yet not to 12 year old me) and fell in love with it. I decided it was time to "git gud" and trek through. This I would describe as one of the most exciting periods of my life. I remember being in anor londo for weeks trying to get past the archers. One time I even had a Vagrant standing in my path after the second archer (before the drop down to the bonfire) and he one shotted me. All this frustration and anger as you all know, paid off in the form of feeling like an absolute god as I pressed my last r1 against Gwyn.

    I guess the point to all of this is, there's absolutely no other game out there that can make you feel the way you do when you're triumphant in this game. Not only this but the struggling, the combat, the bosses, the hard but fair difficulty, the lore, the areas, the mystery of what's behind every door- these things I now require in a video game to feel the satisfaction I feel I should get out of a game I want to invest my time in. When I play a game like Skyrim, objectively a masterpiece, I feel none of these things and inevitably quit hours in. I need the struggle and it's something that so many game developers are scared to do.

    It's honestly a blessing and a curse.

    submitted by /u/jackodete
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    I could've killed Kalameet 15 times in the amount of time it takes to break his tail

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    I can dodge his attacks well I just dont know where to stand to bait his attack where I can hit his tail

    submitted by /u/stancetherapper
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    First time finishing Dark Souls

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    First time posting to this subreddit and I just have to say I've never played anything like the Soul's games. The atmosphere, the lore it's just so overly intriguing to me. I know I'm more than a bit late to the series but I felt the need to at least let someone know that more and more people are discovering this series and falling head over heels with soul crushing frustration this game gives to their lives. I can't wait for my DS2 play through.

    submitted by /u/CompEng24
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    A quick question regarding steam purchase

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    I'm currently playing DS remastered and I am about to enter the Kiln of the First Flame. Before that, I want to do whatever I can, since I was told that I cannot come back (but will go to NG+).

    So, anyway, I'll keep playing DSR in NG+ or try new builds by starting over, for at least a few months, until I feel like moving on to DS 2.

    I saw DS 3 on steam sales now and thought of buying the deluxe edition with season pass. The question is, if I buy now, will I be able to play the DLC's in the future (can't say for sure, may be a year later, more or less) or will the season pass expire or something?
    I don't know much about season passes. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/human_trebuchet
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    When did overcoming a challenge in dark souls 1 make you feel the best?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    I am taking my friend through the remaster absolutely blind (he didn't make it past Taurus demon when he first tried back on last gen console) We have collected a single lord soul so far (bed of chaos), so he has become accustomed to the game by now. He had many rage quits and many victories but there was a moment I'll never forget.

    He kept repeatedly dying to the dogs and thieves in lower undeadburg (post capra demon), he raged and got offline entirely. Two days later he decides to play again, this time though, he got through it after a few tries and he broke down into tears. I asked him what was wrong and he said this:

    "God this game is so fucking good, I love it so much, I feel fucking fantastic right now"

    Hearing that made me think back to my first times playing the games in this series, the frustration, the broken controllers, but most importantly how fucking awesome I felt that first time parrying gwyn, or that first successful fight against an invader.

    I wanna hear what moments made your play through special?

    TL;DR my friends first time playing, he feels good overcoming challenges, what challenge made you feel great after completing

    submitted by /u/VinVanTheTinCan
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    I prefer to play Prepare to Die Edition over the remaster.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    I don't really know why, but the remastered version just doesn't hit the right spot. After all the times I've played the original, I have grown to love it as it is too much for me to accept the changes made in the remaster. I have just done so much to get where I am with PTDE, I had to dive into the game's files and install multiple mods to get it working on my computer. Ironically, it just feels wrong to get the game and have everything working perfectly, it feels wrong that I can just play the game without having to have done all that.

    And as for the actual changes to the graphics, that too just doesn't feel right. I know my nostalgia goggles are on way too tight to say this, but I honestly feel that the lighting in PTDE better reflects the theme and mood of DS than the remastered lighting. It isn't always darker, but it is more gloomy and hopeless. I probably just think that because I associate my struggles and all my deaths with the old lighting, but that's just how I feel regardless. They changed the whole atmosphere, which changes the mood, and hence doesn't feel like the Dark Souls I know and love.

    Thats why I still play Dark Souls PTDE from time to time, despite owning the remaster. Does anyone else feel the same way?

    submitted by /u/uslash_viztep
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    What's your favorite weapon(s)?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    I was curious and decided to ask. What's your favorite weapon(s) in Dark Souls? These can be any physical damage weapon, no spells/catalysts, and don't generalize the type or stat it primarily scales with. For me, I prefer the Black Knight Greatsword, Great Lord Sword, and the Silver Knight sword. What's yours?

    submitted by /u/Tomatoface64
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    Ok I just started and I have a lot of questions.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    So I've just beaten ds3 and just started dark souls remastered and I'm only at firelink shrine and I already have quite a list of questions. So here they are...

    I noticed 2 different options at the bonfire, kindling and reverse hollowing. What do they do?

    What does humanity do?

    I know that the weight brackets are 0-25%, 25-50% and 50-100%. Is it best to stay in 25-50% or just go full out to 100% and fat roll?

    Can you unequip armour? Because I can't seem to do it.

    Is there a way to see your equip load as a percentage? Or do I have to do the calculation myself?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/BhCtqclsm
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    Did Gwyn really rekindle the flame?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    So, the general consensus is that Gwyn burned himself to rekindle the first flame right? If this is true, why was he hanging out in the Kiln of the First Flame, alive? If not alive, then hollowed? Why wasn't he burned into nothingness?

    submitted by /u/WWABeardo
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    Did I die to Pinwheel?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    I think the context for this is important.

    I only had Pinwheel, Nito, and Gwyn left to go in my first ever play through of PTD. I was pretty powerful so I wanted to see if I could one-shot Pinwheel using Power Within, Red Tearstone Ring, and a good 2-handed R2 from a Black Knight Greatsword. Unfortunately I flew too close to the sun, because after draining my health to below 20%, I died to a combination of the fall and power within instantly. So I must ask...

    Did I die to Pinwheel?

    TL;DR I died to the fall immediately when entering Pinwheel's boss room, did I die to Pinwheel?

    submitted by /u/Wilinderigio
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    Fighting gwyn

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys, it's my first fighting gwyn but i was wondering, is it just me but i feel everytime i take an estus it triggers that annoying thrust attack of his?

    submitted by /u/Pedrisimo
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    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    I consider myself to be pretty ok at dark souls. I have completed NG several times, NG+ maybe less and NG++ once.

    But then i see them. The absolute madmen that have beaten the game at NG+++++++ or something.

    HOW DO THEY DO IT?! There has to be some sort of strategy. How do they get so many souls? What class do they use? What armor and weapons do they equip? How? HOW?!

    submitted by /u/AvalancheAbaasy120
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    [help] [Ornstein and Smough] [121]

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    Just finished the trilogy... here are some usefull tips for people who are just starting out

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Hi! As mentioned in the title, on May 5th 2020 I had claimed victory in my fight against the Lord Of Cinder and left the flame to die out, finishing an amazing trilogy! I wanted to brag about it but I noticed a lot of people who were asking for advice and such. So here are some of the things I picked up during my adventures through Lordran, Drangleic and Lothric...

    Note: Tips are from my first playthrough of all 3 so if you disagree/want to add something, just comment ;) Also I'm writing on my phone... so yeah Edit: made a couple grammar mistakes, my english isn't really that great😅

    Ds1/remastered: - Poise is important! The Four Kings fight can be a pain in the ass but if you go into the fight with Havel's armor and 20 Estus then victory is guaranteed. - fat rolling is stupid! Don't do it... it's best if you just go naked and dodge everything, but this obviously depends on your playstyle. - !!Curse is scary!! Beware of that shit - Dark Wood grain ring (AKA: the flip ring) is OP and works wonders on MOST bosses - Die or reload during the Bed Of Chaos fight! Believe me, it'll be less of a headache Goodluck Chosen Undead... Don't you dare go hollow!

    Ds2 (!not SoTFS! Because I can't afford that lmao): - it takes 7 steps for the Dragonrider to fall off, easy 26000 souls in the first 10 minutes - use Estus as your main source of health and Lifegems as your extras - Mossclumps are a thing... Use them!! - rapier = OP - ADP = lowers time to consume Estus + extends frames on rolling, level up ADP! -Bandit is S T R O N G Goodluck Bearer Of The Curse... Seek, Seek, Lest -

    DS3: - Sellsword twinblades = OP, L1 spam for the win!! - don't be naked, even a simple loincloth helps a lot in this game!! - Exploring is key! Don't rush through the areas - parrying can help a LOT with Pontiff Sulyvahn - summoning is risky, if you summon someone in DS3, the bosses you fight together with your summon will be much more powerful! So if your summon dies, you're left with a stronger boss all on your own... - FP is pretty useless if you're not a mage ngl! alot all your ashen flasks into regular flasks at Andre - try not to cry too much in this game! Goodluck Ashen One... Hopefully you don't get conniptions

    Across the entire trilogy: - rolling is key - starting class doesn't matter, your stats will change after only a few moments of playing so don't sweat it :) - When you finished a game, go onto YouTube and watch videos about the lore - When you finished a game, go onto YouTube and watch videos of new players playing the game, it's really funny! - talk to NPC's and follow their questlines! Most of them are very rewarding... - spend souls BEFORE going into a fog gate - look around the fog gate, most of the times there should be a shortcut - these games can be addicting, remember to take a break every once in a while! - don't be a dickhead! BOW before you fight in PvP or you'll look like an idiot, especially if you lose lol - also, don't invade wearing Havel's set... that's just annoying!

    THE MOST IMPORTANT THING OF ALL: - Don't give up! These games can be frustrating and downright brutal, that's true! But if you give up, you'll drop what is easily the most beautiful and rewarding trilogy of videogames I've ever had the experience of playing. The feeling of accomplishment and pride, is something barely any other game can copy, in my opinion...

    Thank you Dark Souls... For everything!

    submitted by /u/SirDickhead0906
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    I Fear I May Be Going Hollow

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I finally did it. After several playthroughs, I finally Platinumed Dark Souls. I made a ton of mistakes along the way, including killing O&S in the wrong order on NG+, missing red and blue titanite slabs in both NG and NG+, and going into the NG++ cycle sooner than I should have. But I did it. My journey has reached its end. My quest has been fulfilled.

    Dark Souls and Bloodborne (which I also Platinumed) are the two games I have gone back to time and time again over the years. On so many occasions, I have gotten bored with a non-Soulsborne game and gone back to either Dark Souls or Bloodborne. On just as many occasions, I have beaten a non-Soulsborne game, only to find myself craving a return to the worlds of the Soulsborne universe. We are, it seems, doomed to repeat the cycle over and over again until we eventually go hollow.

    But that, I fear, may be what is happening to me now. Like Alexander the Great, who wept when he realized he had no more worlds to conquer, and like Inigo Montoya, who didn't know what to do with his life after completing his all-consuming quest to avenge his father, I find myself lacking purpose--at least as far as video games are concerned. And we all know what that means.

    I have beaten Dark Souls II, Dark Souls III, Sekiro, and, if we're counting it, even Jedi: Fallen Order, but, in my opinion, none of those had the same, inexplicable magic that Dark Souls and Bloodborne perfected.

    During my final crusade to Platinum Dark Souls, I'd rush to my PS4 every time I'd finish work, excited to push further and further towards my goal. Now, I'm playing Red Dead Redemption. It's fine. But it's not Dark Souls. The drive isn't there. The fire--as it were--isn't there. In its place is a sort of vague emptiness--a craving for the precision-balanced "challenging but never unfair" sort of gameplay that Dark Souls and Bloodborne deliver better than any other game I have ever played.

    And so, just in case I go mad wandering the world without video game purpose, I wanted to thank the Soulsborne community--hands-down the best video game community out there. I especially wanted to thank Dancing_Havel, who invaded my world only to drop several items (including a Soul of Sif) and some encouragement before leaving.

    I would also like to thank the Dark Souls III player named Donald Trump, who summoned me to help defeat Pontiff Sulyvahn back a while ago. Without that fight, I wouldn't have one of my favorite running jokes. Often times, when I get a letter asking me to support our current president's campaign for reelection, I'll say something along the lines of, "Oh good. He's probably thanking me for that time I helped him in Dark Souls III."

    submitted by /u/AlexTarian
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    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    What in the fuck do I do to kill those bell bastards.

    submitted by /u/ElBaboso23
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    What are you favorite Soulsborne areas when it comes to aesthetics and atmosphere?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Mine would be:

    Upper Cathedral Ward

    The Profaned Capital

    Nightmare of Mensis

    submitted by /u/krelian
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    Is there ANYOME still playing PvP in the PC remaster?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    I don't have DSR, and I don't really need it, cause i already have PTDE for PvE. BUT I really wanna play DS1 PvP on my PC, so are there any people still pvping in a dead game, or is it still worth it buying for PvP? Is the Forest/Oolacyle still alive? Are there mods like wex dust to find invasions more consistently and what is the most active soullevel for PvP nowadays? Thx <3

    submitted by /u/FinnMagPudding
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    Is Dark Souls: Remastered on Xbox worth buying if I already have the original?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    It's on sale for £20 atm

    submitted by /u/MoyBwayno
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