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    Friday, January 24, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:09 PM PST

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Finally " Clicked " :)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:22 AM PST

    Hello all, long time lurker, finally decided to make an account and join the fun!

    I have had a love / hate relationship with the Souls games for years. I would pick them up and play for a while then get frustrated and stop for many months at a time. The last time I put them down I figured being a 42 year old dad I just did not have the skills to play these games.

    Fast forward to a few weeks ago I started DS1 up again and tried to pump my self up to do this! The game really seemed to " Click " this time and I found my self in locations I have never made it to before. Last night after 10 tries I beat O and S and it felt so awesome. I am excited to see where my journey goes next!

    TLDR - Almost went hollow, did not! Praise the Sun!!

    Thank You For The Silver!! :)

    submitted by /u/Fondle_Bot
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    Spider lady defeated

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:40 PM PST

    The warnings were right. Very imminent chest

    submitted by /u/WhiteDemon35
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    Preparing for 4 kings. Wandering if my shit will work.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:37 AM PST

    I'm level 65 and I have a drake sword+2. I can wear Havels armor with his ring and not be too slow (I don't know what the word is but I "semi fat roll". I'm wondering if this shit is enough to kill those bitches. Pls respond my crestfallen bro's

    Vitality 47

    Atttunement 8

    Endurance 35

    Strength 18

    Dexterity 13

    Resistance 11

    Intelligence 8

    Faith 10

    Level 68

    submitted by /u/The-dickness-is-real
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    Do I need to kill Petrus?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:51 PM PST

    I'm doing a strength/faith run and loving it so far I might add. I have yet to rescue Rhea from the pit in tomb of giants, and I don't want Petrus to kill her before i can get all the miracles I want. Should I kill Petrus to be on the safe side before i head down there?

    I want to take this opportunity to express how happy I am with this playthrough so far. I feel like I've finally played the game enough times to confidently "know what I'm doing". I've always loved the game, but it was always a bit of a painful experience. This time it's fun. Got a black knight sword on my first black knight in undead burg, went down to the great hollow immediately at a super low level and got my titanite for it. Made a joke out of the first slew of boss fights. BKS+5 against the bell gargoyles and quelagg, pure retribution right there. It feels good to go into a boss fight that intimidated and kicked crap out of you when you first played the game, only to melt them with ease and mastery. Ornstein and Smaug took a couple of tries but weren't bad. I remember being stuck on them for a literal week my first time round. I'm taking my time tho, grinding on my faith as this is my first faith build and I aim to enjoy it. Haven't even fought four kings or placed the lordvessel yet. I have to work 10 hours tomorrow and i cant go to bed. I think they put heroin in this game.

    submitted by /u/GlorygoleGargoyle
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    A Spoiler Free Guide to Dark Souls

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:14 PM PST

    The following are just some thoughts I've had when browsing through the subreddits. There seems to be a nice flow of new players joining the series, and I find that awesome. I wanted to make something that could provide a spoiler free guide to players (new and veteran).

    I don't want to tell people how to play the game and if you desire to follow guides that perfectly fine. I just wanted to provide a list of things that can really just improve your experience that a "walkthrough" may not be able to provide.

    The following is a list of things you'll want o keep in mind and things that can help you on your journey through the series.

    This is not a walkthrough and is more just a How Do I Prepare Myself for Dark Souls.

    Be Patient:

    This series isn't your average action RPG. Depending on which entry of the series you're starting with there will be some subtle differences with Pacing, Combat, World Design, but at the end of the day one thing stands for all of the games. BE PATIENT

    Patience will do many things for you when you play through the series.

    • It will prevent you from getting greedy when a boss is one shot from death.
    • It will allow you to preserve your lost souls if you die.
    • It will help avoid frustrations when you've hit a wall and are stuck for an extended period.

    Be Vigilant:

    Being mindful of one's surroundings in the Soul series can be a life saver.

    • This allows you to spot traps and ambushes before you're killed by them.
    • Helps you prepare for what's next.
    • Let you discover more of the game
      • Items
      • Areas
      • Bosses
      • Storylines

    Exhaust NPC Dialogue and Read Item Descriptions:

    Often you may find yourself lost and not knowing where to go. This can often be avoided if your listening to what the NPC has to say, and if you're reading item descriptions when you achieve new items. (Especially Keys)

    What Starting Class is "best":

    The short answer here is that there isn't one. All the starting classes can achieve 99 in all stats (you probably won't hit that). There are "better" options depending on what it is you're trying to accomplish during your run, but if you're first time player you probably won't know what it is you're trying to use.

    Not know is perfectly fine. You'll learn like all of us, and you'll be grateful that you have.

    What is the "best" Build:

    Again, there isn't one.

    Any "build" you feel comfortable using is the one that's best for you.

    Don't be afraid to experiment. If you find a spell or weapon you want to use on your first playthrough go for it. Don't try to make your first playthrough a min/max monster. If you fall in love with the game, you'll have plenty of playthroughs (trust me) to achieve this.

    What Weapons are "best":

    Mathematically there is one weapon that truly outdoes everything else, but that is only on paper and in application while it's good I wouldn't say it's the "Best".

    Like I already stated don't feel you need some super strong weapon to carry you through the game many of us have completed the game with a wide variety of weapons all good in their own ways.

    Again, don't be afraid to experiment. If you like a weapon and it works for you that's all you'll need to finish the game.

    Upgrade your Weapons:

    I feel this is often times overlooked even by veteran players.

    Please Upgrade your weapons when you can. If it takes a few extra minutes grinding souls to purchase the materials go for it. You're not doing a Speedrun it's your first playthrough, and this will help tremendously.

    Use a Bow:

    Another overlooked tip. I see this provided a lot within the Dark Souls 2 community, but it stands for the entire series.

    As I stated above about how being vigilant will help you identify traps and ambushes. Well a Bow will let you deal with these things.

    Study the Fight:

    This is the final point I wanted to make because it kind of ties everything stated above together. If you're "studying the fight" you are applying all of what I listed above.

    • You're patiently waiting for openings to deal damage.
    • You watch the fight to ensure you're not taking damage, and make sure nothing else is flanking you.
    • You're progressing your way through the world from knowledge you've achieved from studying your surrounds, items you've looked at, and NPC's you've talked to.
    • You're testing the waters when it comes to crafting your character, and not just using another cookie cutter build.
    • You ensure you damage is adequate for where you're at by making sure you're entering the fight well prepared.
    • You probably have used a bow to deal with nasty enemy placement, or to pull an enemy toward you to deal with them 1v1.

    I hope that anybody that stumbles across this can use it if they're struggling, looking for help, a first timer, or veteran.


    Someone who likes these games way to much.

    submitted by /u/kryule23
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    me and solaire went to go fight the demon centipede but it got stuck in the ceiling and died

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:03 PM PST

    the demon centipede went for a jumping attack and dissapeared next thing i new it was in the ceiling and glitched out more and killed itself

    submitted by /u/creamcheesepuff0121
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    The Greatest Series of All Time :))

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:01 PM PST

    I'll always be thankful for FromSoft, Miyazaki, and most importantly my main man Solaire!

    Praise the Old Blood, you gold-hearted Ashen Ones!

    We won Mr. Stark

    submitted by /u/ED9EL0RD_935
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    Is there a real main antagonist in the Dark Souls series?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:57 PM PST

    Something I've been contemplating recently.

    Every character, boss, NPC, feels like a survivor caught in a wheel of causality.

    Almost all of them seem to be fighting out of fear or a belief what they're doing is honorable. There is no mastermind pulling the strings, and there is no entity directly controlling the terrible ordeals of each character.

    TL;DR - Do you think there is a character in the DS series that acts out of pure malevolence, or is objectively evil?

    submitted by /u/DGMonk
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    Is DS Remastered worth it if I've already finished the original?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I'm playing on the standard Xbox one and saw its on sale. I love DS1 but I'm wondering if it's actually worth buying given that I've already finished the original? I don't care about PvP btw. Much prefer DS3 PvP so I would be getting it just for the story and upgrades.

    submitted by /u/Zeldaxn64
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    Help! I killed Andre by accident!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:00 AM PST

    I've basically got a Dark Knight halberd +3 a normal halberd +5 with +2 fire damage nothing else is upgraded, I'm 18 hours in, will I struggle with only the Dark Knight Halberd?

    submitted by /u/Girthderth
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    Just beat the game for the first time. Amazing game!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:26 PM PST

    I've been playing DS on my ps3, picked it up for cheap thinking why not give it a go? I made a cleric and focused on strength.

    After the Bell Gargoyles i got cursed in the Depths, which was pretty disheartening, but i got a purging stone the next day.

    After that the game started to get really cool, and i was driven to beat the game. Everything was so awesome to fight and venture through (except for Lost Izaleth and the Bed of Chaos)

    I just wanted to express my love for this game, there's really nothing else like it. I truly enjoyed this game as much as i did God Hand.

    My only regret in my playthrough is i used summons on O+S next time i'll fight them on my own.

    I'm gonna try some more builds and have fun with it.

    Thanks to the kindly phantoms who helped me on the way!

    submitted by /u/WizzrotheWizard
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    Preparing for 4 kings. Would appreciate any advice :)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:18 AM PST

    I'm level 65 and I have a drake sword+2. I can wear Havels armor with his ring and not be too slow (I don't know what the word is but I "semi fat roll". I'm wondering if this shit is enough to kill those bitches. Pls respond my crestfallen bro's

    Vitality 47

    Attunement 8

    Endurance 35

    Strength 18

    Dexterity 13

    Resistance 11

    Intelligence 8

    Faith 10

    Level 68

    I already posted this but it seems like something happened. No one responded :(

    submitted by /u/The-dickness-is-real
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    Beating Artorias low level - Havel facetank

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:45 AM PST

    Put down Artorias at Lvl10 last night with the basic gravelord sword (ie Lvl5 weapon) and blocking with my face :)

    Went in there naked with the DWGR, intending to dodge my way to glory, but it quickly became apparent that it was going to be a long road. Like I could probably do this, but it's a project, and a hard one at that as he was one-shotting me every time. So re-grouped and tried a 4-kings type strategy - full Havel fatroll, power within, and get in his face. Immediately started to make progress, and after two sessions of about an hour each I beat him - so not too bad for a hard DS boss at a low level.

    It's prob a well known strat for vet players, but wanted to share for newer players (like me) who might be trying to get dark bead the legit way. He's definitely harder than 4Kings, but not much more - you need to get into a rhythm of when to hit him once, when to hit him twice - if you always estus after each hit you'll run out. Get on your toes for when he hops back to do his dark kneel thing as this is an absolute gift that has to be exploited with three free hits.

    I just kept the grass crest shield on my back as I wasn't good enough to constantly switch between 1 and 2 handing the ravelord sword - if you were good at this it might be an easier fight. Not sure though - too much blocking sounds like a bad idea as the main order of business is just to wail on the old man and chug estus like it's going out of style.

    submitted by /u/7NTXX
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    Just endured the Bed of Chaos for the first time

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:54 PM PST

    What the actual hell was that?

    submitted by /u/warmachine9520
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    Wandering if I should buy dark souls and if so which one

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:02 PM PST

    Recently I noticed all the dark souls games being on sale and am now wandering if should get one and If so which one the only experience I have with FromSoftware games is Sekiro

    submitted by /u/WizardOfWaffleHouse
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    The guy you meet when you first leave the Asylum at Firelink shrine

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:18 AM PST

    Is he of any actual importance? I was a little trigger happy and ended up killing him after our first conversation. It's way too late to do anything about it but I'm just curious if he did anything?

    submitted by /u/WhiteDemon35
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    Advice for a new hollow...

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:46 PM PST

    Hello, Picked up this game on my switch recently have been chipping away at the game my first time ever. Really enjoying it and having a good time discovering things on my own.

    Right now I currently confused on my best sense of direction. Currently at the bonfire above the valley of drakes. I have been to both entrance ways. Also defeated the hydra leading to the waterfall ladder way. Not to sure what's the next best course of action.

    Should I go back through the main entrance of blight town? (I had a pretty difficult time going through that) should I go through the valley of drakes entrance of blight town? Should I explore more of the ladder from the hydra? Right now I've been grinding those paths with little luck of finding bonfires to feel like I'm progressing or know what will really progress me.

    Sorry I'm pretty inexperienced but trying to prevent looking up straight forward walkthroughs to prevent spoiling much.

    submitted by /u/goodguyCAWner
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    Fear not the dark, and smile as the fire consumes you

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:48 PM PST

    Fuckin' Fleshies

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:33 PM PST

    So I'm in Anor Londo and those lightning flesh goblin things have just been owning me lately, for some reason. Anybody have a good way to exterminate the stupid pests?

    Currently working with a greatsword build. I tend to change between: +5 raw claymore +10 zweihander +5 magic butcher's knife +10 pyromancy flame With a +5 Spider shield or +5 Knight shield

    submitted by /u/Wolfie9313
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    What is this door?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:00 PM PST

    On my first run through and after finally escaping the catacombs and Tomb of the giants yesterday I made my way to Blighttown. I have the master key so I went through valley of drakes entrance and eventually stumbled upon this big door that I can't open.


    submitted by /u/WhiteDemon35
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    PVP!! dark souls remastered dark forest ps4 SL 100

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:29 PM PST

    Second run satisfaction

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:10 AM PST

    I got through the game first time relying almost solely on the claymore, ploughing souls into STR, VIT and END. By the end of the game I felt pretty competent but still far from mastering many of the game's mechanics. It felt like learning an instrument; hours of practice needed to get better. I feel that this is very unusual for a game, at least most of those I've played.

    And then I jumped right back in. First time I've ever played a game again straight after finishing it. But that's the thing with DS; you're never finished!

    This time I've been spreading my souls across DEX as well, largely because I want to try all the weapons, but also because it still feels quite challenging and my combat skills could use some work. It is so satisfying breezing through bosses and enemies and areas that felt so difficult first time around. O+S on my second try; most others on my first, with no summons.

    This game is truly a masterpiece. Very late to the party, but greatly appreciating its myriad qualities. One of my greatest takeaways has been it's analogy to life; you'll get nowhere if you don't try and improve, try different approaches, be patient and learn from your failures. I love this game.

    submitted by /u/ralphabet_
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    ...So this is what Dark Souls karma feels like

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Working on my first play-through of Dark Souls, wanted to share my experience in Anor Londo last night. Please learn from my mistakes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMZk5SRXovU
    ...or perhaps this "mistake" never gets better.

    Gravity hurts

    submitted by /u/whatifjulia
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    Is there a trick to this game I’m not getting it just seems so clunky and overly difficult compared to the others. I can go through a big portion of ds3 without dying and beating bosses on first try.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:26 PM PST

    I can go through a big portion of ds3 without dying and beating bosses on first try. I can beat dancer first try when you first come out of the starting area before your supposed to even fight her but for the life of me ds1 is some other shit altogether someone help me get into this game pls I want to love it so bad

    submitted by /u/codgod4
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