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    Saturday, April 4, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    You people still playing?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    So, during lockdown i am replaying the souls series, since the start of this quarantine i have played DS3, Bloodborne and DS remastered. Today i'm gonna jump on DS2


    Edit: I play on pc (SOTFS)

    submitted by /u/epicyeet
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    I know this game gets a lot of shit for most of its bosses just being dudes in armor, but let’s not forget if it weren’t for this we wouldn’t have the best fashion souls game in the series.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Just saying Kalameet, Sinh, and midir are fantastic bosses and all, but you can't get armor from a dragon.

    Cleric beasts are dope af. But you can't get armor from a werewolf goat demon monster.

    And demons are cool, but them boys be naked as the day they were born... and you know what that means.


    submitted by /u/DatFrostyBoy
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    Crowd Control 101: It's A Trap!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Welcome everyone to my class. At the end of this module you should have the knowledge (but not necessarily the skill) to face any crowd of enemies in the game and triumph. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

    The best way to spank a gank is to not get ganked in the first place. And the first step in doing that is in spotting an ambush before it happens. Luckily there are some (mostly) consistent tells and patterns that begin appearing as early as the Forest of Fallen Giants. Almost like the devs designed it as a natural extension to the tutorial and expected you to learn lessons about enemy placement there that you'd carry through the whole game.

    Anyway, when traveling through Drangleic, be on the lookout for...

    One Ranged Enemy Standing In The Open

    Right down the river from the Crestfallen's Retreat bonfire is the first time in the game where you fight a coordinated ambush. You beat up a couple weak infantry, only for an archer to start taking potshots at you. Annoyed but not really in danger, you rush forward to Make Him Stop only to realize you're now completely surrounded by 3 of his buddies that you couldn't see earlier.

    If you see an archer or a mage anywhere, it is always a trap. 100% of the time. This particular ambush comes in two flavors.

    1. Ranged enemy placed somewhere hard to reach so he can shoot you in the back of the head while you're fighting melee enemies.
    2. Ranged enemy placed somewhere easy to get to, but when you run up to stab him, a bunch of melee enemies come out of hiding and dogpile you.

    Now, actually disarming these traps is the subject of our next lesson, but in this case I'll point out that archers and mages are almost entirely stationary, even when being shot, and there are almost always convenient vantage points with cover outside of the ambush itself.

    Enemies Hiding In Plain Sight

    Right past the archer and friends, you climb up a ladder to find a seemingly deserted room dominated by a large tree (in the Scholar version. Vanilla had a few awake enemies and it was a gigantic pain in the ass). If you rush forward, you soon learn that the "dead" bodies on the ground were just sleeping, and aren't happy about being woken up.

    It's a common complaint that mobs "come out of nowhere" but with the exception of the final hallway of the Undead Crypt, that's never the case. Those enemies are almost always concealed right in front of you in places you just plain didn't think to look. This comes in a many forms.

    • Hollow Infantry, Soldiers and skeletons like to play dead.
    • Varangian Sailors and Hollow Prisoners like to hang off the edges of bridges and cliffs.
    • Torturers like squatting on top of pillars.

    And so on and so forth. My point is that these enemies are clearly visible and easy to single out if you take the time to look for them, but will creep up behind you and make your life miserable if you miss them.

    Blind Corners

    Past the Treehouse of Horrors is some narrow hallways. You round a corner in one and an axe wielding hollow immediately jumps out and axes you in the face. This is a cheap shot, no mistake. The only way to know about this guy is to have been hit before. But you'll notice that this particular ambush is never repeated. It's a learning experience. You should be wary of what you can't see.

    Not every blind corner is a trap, but it happens often enough that you'll get punished if you ever get complacent about it. If you're not sure if a particular blind corner has an ambush behind it, there's a few things you can do to check.

    • Look. Use that third person camera for something other than checking out your own ass. Swing it around and see if you can make that blind corner less blind.
    • Listen. Ambush-happy enemies with the very notable exception of Manikins all have recognizable idle and movement sounds. Turn your volume up and listen close, then smack a wall and listen for anything shifting position from the noise. You might just hear growling hollows or rattling armor.
    • Just Assume The Worst. A pessimist is always either right, or pleasantly surprised.

    Suspiciously Convenient Loot

    If you look at the ballista room in the Forest of Fallen Giants and your first response isn't "that's bait" then you deserve whatever happens to you.

    There's no real hard and fast rule, but in general, the harder it is to find or reach an item, the safer it is to collect. If a chest is hidden out of sight or you have to platform to reach the shiny, you're probably fine to collect it. In the middle of the main path, in an empty room and seemingly unguarded: it's definitely a trap. Could be an actual trapped chest, could be a mimic, it could just make a million spiders drop from the ceiling, but it's definitely not safe.

    Points Of No Return

    Pate's Funhouse is the only time in the entire game where someone straight up tells you you're walking into an ambush. Smug bastard that he is, Pate tells you exactly what's going to happen and you still fall for it.

    This is a hard ambush tell to define because it's never quite the same way twice. The first one is a gate that drops behind you, but other times you drop through holes in the floor or from broken ladders or past Insurmountable Knee High Drops but the one thing they all have in common is that once you go in, the only way out is on the other side of a whoooole lotta enemies. Examples include That One Side Area in Harvest Valley, multiple drop points in the Gutter and the last bell room in the Undead Crypt. The only advice I can give is to make sure you're ready for a fight before you go in somewhere you can't easily get out of.

    Closing Thoughts

    Even when you know the patterns, you're probably still going to run into a few ambushes that you didn't spot. Especially in places like Earthen Peak where there's an ambush around every corner. And being able to spot an ambush doesn't mean you can handle when it springs. Sometimes you just have no choice but to pass through an obvious trap. That's what the next lessons will cover.

    Crowd Control 101:

    It's a Trap! (you are here)

    Taking the Bait (coming soon)

    Beating the Rush (coming soon)

    submitted by /u/TheHittite
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    I made a Dark Souls 2 Anime Opening!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    A little something to lighten up the mood, I hope its not too bad.

    The Japanese text you see are purely taken from Google Translate so please don't butcher me lol.

    Song used is Guren no Yumiya by Linked Horizon (Attack On Titan S1 OP).

    Thank you for your time and stay safe everyone!

    submitted by /u/TheTSG
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    My renewed experience with DS2

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    I'm really starting to see why you guys like this game so much. I bought it when it came out on PS4 having never played a Fromsoft game before, I stuck at it for quite some time, but I was a total noob. I managed to get up to The Gutter, (btw the most unpleasant location I've ever played in a videogame) but I was constantly playing in fear and felt like I'd just fluked everything to make it that far.

    I decided to get back into it yesterday, I'm roughly 15 hours in and I'm really enjoying myself this time around. I don't want to say it's "easier," but I feel confident that I can overcome challenges and I see myself actively improving. Sure I still die of course, and certain moments have made me very frustrated, but I learn more each time and feel like I'm better off for it. To my great surprise, I beat both the Dragonrider and Old Dragonslayer without taking any direct damage or using summons; which was a moment of great pride for me. And not because I'm a pro, but because I took my time, kept my guard up and learnt their attack patterns. I feel like when you tackle this game with the right mindset, you can take down any foe. Of course I'm not telling you folks anything you don't already know.

    A game that previously brought me nothing but fear and frustration, has now, all these years later become the most rewarding game I've ever played. The visuals, the music, the 1v1 duel-like boss battles, the world and atmosphere; everything about this game is superb, and I can't wait to continue.

    Just thought I'd share my new perspective as someone who, for years had accepted the fact that he was a noob and never had a hope of 'gitting gud.'

    If anyone has any advice or experiences of their own to share, I'd love to here them! (:

    submitted by /u/Gc-Titan
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    Dark Souls II remake?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Hear me out: I love DS2 just the way it is, I honestly think it's the best in the series. However, we all know it was originally supposed to be quite a different game, but the technical limitations st the time, alongside the development time cut and shifts in management made it impossible.

    Now, if From Software actually did this, I would be happy enough if the game was simply kept the way it is now but with a next gen graphics engine. I would be REALLY unhappy if they remade it to be more like DS or DS3.

    But imagine, just imagine, if they picked up the original plan for DS2, and actually made it happen? Should be well doable on next gen consoles, or even current gen.

    What say yee?

    submitted by /u/_Brunhild_
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    Just finished the game for the first time; my personal thoughts and experience

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    This whole journey started out on March 13th. My school closed for the rest of the year, and due to the wack grading policies that come with quarantine and the fact that I'm a senior, I am basically done with the year and stuck in the house. I decided to reply DS1 for the 5th time, but after quickly getting past Anor Londo and while dealing with the end game slog, on March 19th I finally decided to impulse buy DS2: SOTFS to actually experience new content for once. The other main reason I decided to buy it is that the first time I played DS1, all the way back in 2015, I did so with a guide. I've never had an unguided experience through a souls game, so I gave myself the restriction of not using a guide. However, I did read this post before starting to get a feel for what I should be doing, and I don't think I could've beat the game without it, especially since I would've not have known about the ADP stat.

    Anyways, after beating Nashandra two days ago after 44 hours of play, I've been thinking about my overall thoughts on the game, so this is my Dark Souls 2 review literally over half a decade later. I would say that overall I like the game a little more than DS1, and I'll probably replay it with a different kind of build at some point (likely a STR build since I did DEX this time around).

    The Pros:

    -Mechanically, everything was a lot better than 1. The combat felt a lot more "real", especially with the fact that one had to manage stamina a lot more than in DS1. It overall felt like it was way more strategic than before.

    -Shields: DS2 felt like playing with a shield and playing without a shield were equally good options, whereas in 1 a shield made everything a lot easier and felt almost required. I would switch between two handing and shielding a ton in DS2 and the combat consequently felt a lot less repetitive.

    -NPC Invasions: DS1 had a few of these, but they were EVERYWHERE in 2. It felt very rewarding, and the AI seemed to actually act like a real player with the way they moved.

    -Gank bosses: My favorite bosses in DS1 were O&S and the Bell Gargoyles. DS2 had a ton of good gank bosses and they were some of my favorites in the game.

    The Cons:

    -The difficulty curve: This one was weird to me. I felt like the beginning of the game was infinitely more difficult than the end. I would say that for me, the hardest area on the game was No Mans Wharf, and Heide's Tower (after killing the Dragonrider) was a NIGHTMARE, and I saved it for way later in the game. This is partially due to the health reduction system, as well as just getting used to new mechanics

    -The Ring of Binding/Health Reduction: I did not like this system. The first few areas of the game felt like they were not meant to be played at half health, but I didn't want to use up effigies so I essentially waited to get summoned so I could return to human after beating the boss and then I got a few attempts at the area before waiting to get summoned again. The ring of binding fixed this problem, but I had two main gripes with its existence. Number 1, it was essentially like a required ring and just annoyingly used up a slot and number two, if a new player doesn't find it they are going to have a hell of a time in this game. I finally found it while heading to Heide's the second time, and I felt unbelievably stupid afterwards for not looking in that chest before.

    -The estus system: this was a nice concept, but it screwed people over who didn't find the estus shards when exploring. I found 7 in total, but I know if I had used a guide it would have been a LOT easier to find these things. I much prefer DS1's estus system.

    -The boss runs: these were just stupid at times. They felt entirely too ganky, and with some bosses I maybe survived a quarter of the runs there.

    -The "mob bosses" if you will: While I like gank bosses, bosses like the rat vanguard and the Skeleton lords were just glorified mob fights and I thought these were just easy and kind of padding the game.

    -The final boss: maybe I missed something, but nashandra just kinda appeared out of nowhere and it felt anticlimactic to me. Also she wasn't a very well designed boss.

    -Earthen Peak to Iron Keep: this is a very specific thing, but how was earthen peak BELOW Iron Keep. It felt just wrong.

    Finally: here are my favorite and least favorite bosses and areas:

    Best bosses:

    1. Smelter Demon
    2. Ruin Sentinels
    3. Tie between The Throne Watcher/Defender and Looking Glass Knight

    Worst bosses:

    1. Executioner's Chariot (This is here because of the boss RUN, not the boss itself)
    2. Royal Rat Vanguard
    3. Skeleton Lords

    Best areas:

    1. Lost Bastille/Sinners Rise
    2. Heide's Tower
    3. Iron Keep

    Worst areas:

    1. Shrine of Amana (It's beautiful but I hate it)
    2. No Man's Wharf
    3. Shaded Woods

    Anyways, since beating Nashandra I actually opened a guide to find the keys to the DLC, which I am doing now, and enjoying very much. Thanks for reading and I look forward to y'all's comments.

    submitted by /u/laumizh
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    Beat the game for the first time!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Weeks before DS Remastered came out I played and finished the original one, and finished it again in the Remastered when it came out. I moved on to DS2 but I was already "burnt" of DS games, so I gave up in the first stages.

    Due to the conditions (lockdown), I decided give it another chance and holy shit, I enjoyed this game a lot. I feel it is longer than DS1, and the playstyle is more slow, but it was awesome nonetheless. Now the only one remaining to play is DS3.

    As a side note, I find interesting the time it took me to finish it.

    submitted by /u/llaurinsky
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    Mirror knight and Sir Allone are the best looking boss fight arenas

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    They are both pretty good and I can't decide a winner between these 2. I want to hear your thoughts though on what your favourite boss fight/boss arena is

    submitted by /u/The_MLG_Beaver9
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    10 month NG SOTFS run is over...tears! Onto DS3 before coming back to NG+...Any advice?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    End of an amazing 10 month NG run with. STR/Dex/ Hex build - what an awesome game DS2 SOTFS is. I personally liked it way more than DS1. SL 220, SM 8 Mil upgraded weapons and consumables for NG+. All bosses, DLCs, and areas completed except for Lud and Zallen, whom I will leave for another time - for some reason I'd solo them and Zallen is always coming early when Lud has 70% health still...fuckit. Now it's on to DS3 before I come back for a new campaign. How different is DS3 and will I like it? What's the hardest thing to get used to between them? Best Build to try for someone who has always tanked? I was thinking a Dex/Faith build to get me some Katana action, but the tank is what I know best. Don't give up skeletons!

    submitted by /u/aegeansoulja
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    Hacker in the Lost Bastille [PC]

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    if you are in NG and going into the Lost Bastille, play offline. there is a hacker who uses a spell that breaks all your equipment, insta curses you, and causes your game to crash, and reduces your max health to the lowest it can go.

    submitted by /u/Omandaco
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    Smelter Demon (DLC) HELP

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    THIS BOSS IS SO HARD... Pls anyone help would be appreciated 🙏🏾 Been stuck on him for a day and he's the hardest boss i've ever been up against and just can't do it alone...

    submitted by /u/mixaJT
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    Need Help!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Beat dark souls back in the summer, and with the help with a greatshield and guides I 1st tried all the dlc bosses. Decided to go into dark souls 2 blind, but I'm already struggling really badly in the Forest of the Lost Giants. I've died 5+ times already without even reaching the first boss and the groups of enemies seem impossible to handle with my health at 50%. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Andy7301
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    About time someone posted a good, well-edited video

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    If anyone wants the build, lemme know, I'll make a soulsplanner


    submitted by /u/goneanxious
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    Why are you staggered for so long in this game and is there a way to shorten the time youre staggered

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    This is the only reason i cant kill fume knight or darklurker

    submitted by /u/TheMemeConosour
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    The smoke knight

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    I went to fight the smoke night once again (original game, without help,not the first time) and as soon as i attack him he lights his sword in fire and kill him (it had more than %80 of life) Any thing that could help my defeat him?

    submitted by /u/ivansc123
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    New PvP Video with Warped Blade/Drake Sword

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Gathering of exiles achievement bugged?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I have all 7 people ALIVE AND WELL in majula yet the achievement has not popped. Im on pc and i got them all here a couple days ago... Is it bugged?

    submitted by /u/Lobbano
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    Best place to get effigies?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Hey warriors,is there a good place to get / farm those precious items? I'm on Drangleic castle and i never seen an enemy dropping one to me,or i am pretty unluck or i didnt reach to the spot yet. Thank you in advance for the help .

    submitted by /u/N3wgate
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    How the heck do you get more estus in the early game?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    I'm stuck on dragonrider because I ran out of lifegems (which are pretty silly if you ask me) and I only have 1 flask. How do you get more in the early game?

    submitted by /u/YungMitchellangelo
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    Need help with the ancient dragon this boss is op got the 4 giant souls and help from vengarl when summoned but he dies fast and can’t take him down ...

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Why do people feel the need to send hate mail?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    This applies to all souls games. I mainly play pve, but sometimes I like to take a break and enjoy some causal pvp, whether it's in the form of duals, summons, or invasions. I've gotten some hate mail in the past that really makes me question why people even bother sending it. It's usually people complaining that my weapon/build sucks, or they can't stand the fact that invaded them. Like seriously, these things are all just part of the game, and I'm not even that good to be honest. If people are gong to act like babies about it, then maybe they shouldn't be playing online in the first place. I always welcome competition, even if I keep getting my butt kicked, so I really don't get why some people feel the need to send hate mail like that.

    submitted by /u/TheSuperAwesomeKAT
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    Hardest Boss (NOT Fume Knight)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Fume Knight isn't the hardest boss, not by a long shot. That dishonor goes to Darklurker and Twin Pursuers. Whoever designed these two, I genuinely hope your kid gets hit by a car. Darklurker easily takes the top spot of the two because you can't summon anyone. The reason why Twin Pursuers make this post is because I'm stuck playing offline because some asshole decided to charge us to play online on PS4 and it's a complete rip-off when I could play for free on PC but I don't have one because my parents are a creation of Satan himself just like these two shits. Once I have a subscription, I'm assembling a four man gank squad because I'm not dealing with this shit. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome.

    submitted by /u/NuclearComrade
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