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    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 New to the game bought this shit

    Dark Souls 2 New to the game bought this shit

    New to the game bought this shit

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    I'm new to the game and I asked if the game was terrible and y'all said no and y'all are fucking right game is good so far but why my health 50%

    submitted by /u/cauzemythical17
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    Dark souls

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    I wanna here what you're guys favorite locations is in ds2!! Mines is definitely Heide Tower of Flame! Comment down below !!

    submitted by /u/David5904
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    Just got invaded in Forest of Lost Giants

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Glad to know there is activity and some invasions, even at low level, even if they all come from the same damn guy, Armorer Dennis.

    Edit: apparently I got invaded by an NPC...guess I got carried away, never been invaded before...

    submitted by /u/Netherus
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    No Death/Bonfire run Practice: Day 2

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Continuing my own saga, inspired by that one guy doing the run, I am continuing my practice for the run.

    Try 3: Died from bad dodges on Pursuer. Oops

    Try 4: Died to Licia right after Dragonrider. Damn it.

    Try 5: For once in my life, I died to Last Giant. Got too greedy and got a triple stomp. My character is now flat.

    Try 6: I was really feelin' it with this run. Flawlessly shot Pursuer, got to Mcduff no problem, successfully cheesed Dragonrider and Licia, and for once made it to the wharf. I was legitimately shaking as I was running through, torch in one hand and rapier in the other. Got ganked a bit right by the bell, but managed to ring it before dropping off the ledge behind it. I killed the two of them, then almost had a panic moment because I forgot that the only cutscene happens AFTER you take the boat to the Bastille, so I thought I'd have to run through again. However, Isaw the ship pulling is, so I happily turned around and killed the dark assassin boy who drops down. Ran to the ship and into the boss room. Even if this run was a failure, I made my own personal milestone: I beat the Flexile Sentry without getting hit once. Riding high, I took the boat to the Prison Land, then ran through the path that allows you to skip the Ruin Gank Squad. Almost died on that bridge to the scythe guy, the sniper, and the royal swordsman who snuck up on me. Made it through, got to the elevator, and after killing the guy closest, raced his sword down as it fell through. Summoned Lucatiel, then let her get beat up by Flexile 2.0 while I poked its front-butt. Summoned Sellshield Luet, then made it to the Sinner. Whoof. First Old One! Then I sighed because I realized that I didn't have any golden pine resin (forgot to pick it up by the barrel to McDuff) so I went through the fog and prepped for a hard battle. Thank GOD for Luet. The Sinner focused him while Lucatiel and I poked/slashed the Sinner in the butt, and only got hit by the occasional errant swing from the Sinner. She went down in no time. I used the Primal Bonfire to get back to Majula, then happily cashed in all of my boss souls to level up. I didn't look, but I think I got to level 55+? I was so happy. I got the Cat Ring, some Alluring Skulls, upgraded a mace to +5, and prepared to jump into the Pit. I made it past the Grave of Saints and was two drops away when I rolled instead of stepped off. Whoosh, right past the other boards and straight into the Abyss.

    Try 7 (As of this writing, currently in progress) Same as before. Made it through Pursuer no problem. EXCEPT!!! I could not open the fucking shortcut to McDuff with the barrel to save my life. Three goddamn tries I killed everything on the way and knocked the barrel down, and everytime it bumped into the wall with no boom. FInally I just bought a firebomb and blew it up. Then I had to run around and farm souls to get Large Shards from the man and upgrade my rapier. So I didn't have any homeward bones and had to wait until after I beat Lost Sinner to Primal Bonfire back and buy everything for the Rotten run. Actually, I was writing this while I was restarting my computer, so what actually happened was that I walked back to Majula and had to buy homeward bones to make Licia's loot appear. Anyway, I ran through the Wharf in a new record, 1 minute and 40 seconds, leaving me with 4:20 (ha) left on my torch when I rang the bell. Fought Flexile, only this time, I got hit once due to greed/overconfidence. Made it through the Ruin Sentinel skip, and - oops! Her comes Forlorn on the bridge to Sinner's Rise! Fuuuuuuucckkk.... I killed the royal swordsman first, then he spawned in. Failed the backstab and - oh! Here comes an exploding mummy that I missed! Thankfully, I managed to kill them both as well as the scythe fat-ass at the other end of the bridge. Everything went same as before: Summoned Lucatiel, killed the Not-Quite-as-Flexile-Sentry, summoned Luet, and this time I was able to buff my weapon with lighting for the Sinner since I picked it up from the Bastille. Then I got a really bad Sinner fight. Bitch would NOT STAND STILL!! She'd hit Luet or Lucatiel, I'd rush in, and get maybe one hit in and then she'd jump away. Makes me wonder if she was designed to try and waste a buffed weapon. Anyway, we won, Luet with a sliver of health, and I primal bonfire-d out. Leveled up, cashed in souls, and bought rings and alluring skulls. Then, I went ahead and stopped, it's pretty late where I am, so I figured having made it to where I was before, I could call it for today.

    Whoof. Day 2 done, and I'm dreading continuing. Mainly, I'm dreading the Iron Keep, because, y'know, it's the Iron Keep. For the 4 people who read this, I hope you got some joy out of reading this, and yes, i am borrowing the idea of /riding the coattails of the other guy doing the run.

    submitted by /u/Bryankc14
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    Dark Souls 2 or 3?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    These are the only ones on sale and was wondering which is better, I have never played a Dark Souls game before or anything similar and my PC specs are 8 years old, I'm wondering what would best to get.Edit: Thanks for all the replies! I think I might go with 2 because I'm not sure about my specs causing issues (I'm not the most tech savvy, I do know even DS2 will have to be played on min) plus I do plan to play more if I like it whenever I can afford a new PC, thank you all! ♥

    submitted by /u/Karaboo17
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    Thank you, Invader!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Not sarcasm. New to DS2 and spent about 6 hours today in Heide Tower, and I was blessed with a kind invader who obviously could have stomped me into nothingness just now while attempting to kill Old Dragonslayer.

    Instead, he dropped over 70 Elizabeth Mushrooms, over 40 Human Effigies, and a Morningstar +10. I appreciate that the items, other than perhaps a +10 weapon, are tremendously helpful but won't necessarily make the game broken for me.

    Sorry if there's a million posts like this. Feel free to remove if not allowed. Just wanted to say thank you, not only for the items, because I would've been okay without them, but mostly for recognizing that I was easy prey and not making my day even harder by stomping me.

    submitted by /u/dariik
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    I'm trying to find a player in vanilla ds2

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    his character's name was sneeko and he helped me some months ago with the twin dragonriders and the looking glass knight, I'm trying to find him so I can thank him :)

    submitted by /u/Benjamon233
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    Been wanting to get DS2 on PS4 forever but..

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    I just got my PS4 that my Uncle had and he recently passed away sadly, coming into my possession. He was a great man and our love of dark souls 1 on this console was very unique and amazing, he said he wanted to play ds2 together but, unfortunately he passed away in February. And I want to play it for him but don't got any type of money or support, it is currently 9.99 on the PS4 shop, can't think of ways to get it because I don't have a supportable credit card or actual funds to spend outside of life. If anyone could help, I would not only owe you more then anything but, my Uncle Sam would too. Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/Hakumenduku
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    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    I've been playing DS1 for about 5 years and know it like the back of my hand. After a year of so of having DS2 in my library and playing through to around the Bastille twice before getting distracted by other things/life I decided to do a proper attempt to go through the game as a whole. I've been trying to play through as blind as possible, though I of course am familiar with fromsoft games and I had heard a few things, and knew to expect some differences to what I experienced in 1.


    I was worried going in that it would feel like a poor imitation of the original but damn if it doesn't just hit the right spot sometimes.

    submitted by /u/jazzgoblin
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    Is maughlin worth keeping alive?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Dunno wether or not to just kill him for the extra soul gain

    submitted by /u/SadLittleUwU
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    NG+ final achievements checklist (SotFS)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Hey! I am about to do my last playthrough of this game, and get all the achievements i've missed. I have made a checklist for all the steps neccesary, but if someone knowledgable could proofread it, that'd be greatly appreciated :)

    The achievements I am missing are: Vendrick, Lucatiel, Holder of the fort, Moonlight greatsword, Curious map, and of course The Dark Soul.

    - Here is the Checklist-

    • Talk to Bernhart at Rosabeth, before and after the branch of yore, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Get Cale in the Forest of Fallen Giants.
    • Kill the Last Giant in the Forest of Fallen Giants.
    • Talk to Lucatiel in No Man's Wharf, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Summon Lucatiel for Flexile Sentry in No Man's Wharf.
    • Kill Flexile Sentry while Lucatiel lives 4 times (Bonfire Ascetic).
    • Summon Bernhart against Prowling Magus in Brightstone Cove Tseldora.
    • Kill Prowling Magus while Bernhart lives 4 times (Bonfire Ascetic).
    • Talk to Bernhart after the double dragonriders in Drangleic Castle, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Kill Pursues in the Forest of Fallen Giants.
    • Talk to Bernhart at the tree after Pursuer, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Talk to Lucatiel in Lost Bastille, in the tower, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Talk to Lucatiel in Earthen Peak, before Covetous Demon, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Talk to Lucatiel in Black Gulch, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Acquire the King's Ring in Undead Crypt.
    • Kill Vendrick.
    • Achievement: Vendrick
    • Talk to Lucatiel in Aldia's Keep, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Achievement: Lucatiel
    • Get the Ashen Mist Heart from Ancient Dragon in Dragon Aerie.
    • Kill the Giant Lord in Memory of Jeigh.
    • Talk to Captain Drummond in Memory of Vammar, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Achievement: Holder of the fort
    • Talk to Bernhart in Memory of Orro, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Achievement: Moonlight Greatsword
    • Kill The Rotten in Black Gulch.
    • Kill Lost Sinner in Sinners Rise.
    • Kill The Duke's Dear Freja in Brightstone Cove Tseldora.
    • Kill Throne Watcher & Defender (And Nashandra?)
    • Talk to Cale in Majula, exhaust all dialogue.
    • Achievement: Curious Map
    • Achievement: The Dark Soul
    submitted by /u/Hypezz123
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    Sir alonne

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    I am fed up with the way there and then with the summons I do so little damage I'm not sure if there's a better way but I am getting annoyed with this

    submitted by /u/judd1127
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    What is the enemy that annoyed you the most?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    I think there are many enemies in Dark Souls that made me mad a few times. Especially invaders that have seemingly infinite poise or spells to cast. Or enemies as the Old Knights with the great hammers, that have such wide attacks. In the beginning of the game, when our adaptability is not levelled up yet and we are still unexperienced with the dodging times, the knights really gave me a difficult time.

    However, after playing the game a few times, I must admit that there are two particular enemies that still get to me some times and make me use specific weapons to avoid the ocasional rage quit.

    1. Manikin - with their long range attacks, very long combos and poison + bleed buildups, they can easily shred through a character's health if the armour does not provide enough poise. They have some crazy range and are not the easiest to dodge. I would prefer to trade every and each one of them for a Looking Glass Knight in every area, rather than meeting them. I hate them. Luckily enough, they seem to be easy to take down with spears from a safe distance.
    2. Hollow Pyromancer - I mean, what can be worse than an enemy with quite a decent health bar, infinite casts of strong pyromancy and good dodging abilities? I remember the first time I met these guys, I died easily a good 10 times before I cleared the area of them, in order to get my Manslayer Katana. I guess that is the reason why it feels so good now, since I can easily pancake them with the Greatclub.

    For me these were probably the most problematic enemies in the game. What about you, guys? 😄

    submitted by /u/Sakura_TheCatsMeow
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    Help me decide

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    So im playing god of war and I want to play dark souls after I beat it.l have thousands of hours in ds2 and DS3 not as much in ds1.I want to play 3 or 2 and the whole point is what game and I want you to recommend Fun and interesting builds

    submitted by /u/Bigorangeteeth
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    Faith weapons early-mid game

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Are there any good Faith weapons I can get that can carry me from very early to mid game?

    submitted by /u/Dovik17
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    Deathless+bonfireless run dead?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    So i got to mcduff and lit the bonfire to get a torch to make him accept the dull ember so i could buy large titanite and repair powder from him. I homeward bone and spawn at the bonfire for mcduff. I know it doesnt count as resting. But is there anyway to get back to majula without resting, or will i have to try and brave through the bosses

    submitted by /u/Shiloh9999
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    1st time vs the last giant

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    Oh this guy is suuuuuuuper slow and telegraphed, easy win!

    20 bullsh*t hitboxes later...

    submitted by /u/tayzzerlordling
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    Can anyone give me a good stat list for a sorcery build

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    What are the globe looking flair things next to peoples names?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    I always see them but don't know ehat they are or how to get them.

    submitted by /u/Leadoffosprey42
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    feels good when you give someone a weapon and see them using it on a later invasion

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    still shredded them though lmao, great club is good for PvE but terrible for PvP

    submitted by /u/Gigadweeb
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    First playthrough and I just beat Fume Knight in under 1 minute!!??

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    So I knew a lot about Fumey boi and the absolute stick the boss fight is and admittedly it took me about 10 tries before I found out that when you wear Velstadt's helmet Fumey buffs early. Although initially it sounds like it makes the boss fight harder I thought the first half of his health bar was the worst (for me) so making him go buff straight away it'd give me some free hits and the little sword won't be a pain in my hitbox anymore.

    Also I found out that the brightbug REDUCED your damage intake and being a Bloodborne player thinking it was a beast blood pellet and increased your damage for higher damage. So I took one and wow.

    I did it and what the f?! Here's the video: https://youtu.be/MkkvrGP4t70

    submitted by /u/grantdredelic
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    About lucatiel

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    So I just got her equipment in aldias keep after the boss fights and talking and exhausting her dialogue I still didnt get the achievement So I killed her Is this a known glitch? I was online

    submitted by /u/rmayne384
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    Mirror Knight summons

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Is it possible to get summoned by him today? I'm on 1,4m sm and I've had no luck so far. I'm using red soapstone and placing the sign with 10 second interval. Also playing on ps4

    submitted by /u/bigpelmeni6
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    Scholar of the First Sin

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    as a new player i was just wondering what the difference between Scholar of the First Sin for xbox one and xbox 360 are. all thoughts/ answers are appreciated


    submitted by /u/jenson_Trugoy
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