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    Saturday, March 14, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    With everyone out of school/work because of the Coronavirus, can we have an impromptu Return to Lordran?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Seriously I know all you guys are gonna be on as much as I am sunbroing, May as well make it official

    submitted by /u/downwithlordofcinder
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    I made a Black Knight in Spore!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    My Dark Souls bonfire tattoo to cover a scar.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    Killed ornstein and his fat boyfriend

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    A couple of months ago I started with bloodborne and fell in love with it and I mean I seriously havent had so much fun playing a game for the last couple of years. I bought the whole dark souls trilogy last week and been playing dark souls remastered since.

    The soulsborne world is so big and i can't wait to play all of the games, including sekiro.

    Now the real message of the post. For the last few years I have heard a lot about the reputation of dark souls and especially about ornstein and smough. So naturally when I first came into the boss area I thought how funny it would be if I beat them on my first try... I was surprised with how smough was so much weaker than ornstein. I tried to kill ornstein first, considering I already knew one would absorbe the other if they were killed, with no succes whatsoever. I tried it another 2 times and thought to just look if I could beat ornstein in his super form after smoughs dead. It worked like a charm, after smough was dead I only had to focus on a much slower bigger ornstein. In the end it took me 4 tries on the "famous ornstein and smough".

    I hope you liked my little story and remeber never give up

    submitted by /u/Rickert0570
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    I drew Pinwheel

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Hi! I bought dark souls for ps4.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    Does anyone have any tips for a new player? Which class and gift to choose and where get items?

    submitted by /u/Veetiz_10
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    Wow. I had heard the bed of chaos was just an annoying gimmicky fight... but christ this is getting old

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    Getting really tired of running past those cheeky fire statues seemingly just mocking me on my 30th run back to the boss lair only to get knocked into a fucking hole again

    submitted by /u/n0st3p0nSn3k
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    Who runs the asylum?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    I know the asylum demon keeps the undead in, but who locks the cells and stuff. Why does the undead that Oscar have a key? Do some undead guard others?

    submitted by /u/jimbo_the_mighty
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    How to Make a ______ Build: a guide to not using guides

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Most build advice I see ranges from ungeneralized to bad, and most questions regarding builds aren't very well articulated. So in light of that, here's a general guide on how to make an optimal build all by yourself, starting from how stat pages work and then backtracking all the way to starting class selection.


    A weapon's attack rating (AR) is essentially the amount of damage it would do to an enemy with zero defense. Meanwhile, defense stats are essentially the amount of damage you can deduct from something with infinite damage. However, you'll notice that a 200 AR weapon still deals nonzero damage to people with 200 defense. This is because defense deducts less damage against lower amounts of AR (see here/here). It's a safeguard against achieving invincibility. But as you can see, while it deducts less actual damage, it will still deduct proportionally more damage against smaller attacks. For example, while 350 defense might remove up to 350 damage from 1000 AR and only 200 damage from 250 (a larger number in the first case), 350 is only 35% of 1000, whereas 200 is a whole 80% of 250.

    To understand why the second scenario is a bigger deal, try counting out the actual swings: the 1000 damage weapon would have done 2000 damage in two attacks, but because of defense it has to swing three times to deal just 1950, if not another time to finish the job. You've gone from two attacks to three or four. But with the smaller 250 damage weapon, you originally could deal 2000 damage in eight pokes; by lowering the damage to just 50, you go from eight pokes to a whole FORTY. Pitting those setups against each other, the large build originally needed to land an attack every four pokes or so to keep pace, but once defenses come into play, it can afford to only land a blow every ten pokes and still beat the smaller weapon. Maybe it loses more damage per swing, but it's losing much less damage per fight since it didn't use as many swings to begin with.

    For weapons which deal multiple damage types at once this effect is very important, because the types are not added together; they're like separate attacks. If you have 250 physical, 250 magic, 250 fire, and 250 lightning AR all on one weapon, that's like four little 250 AR attacks, not a big 1000 AR one. Per the first paragraph's numbers, you're going to lose 80% of each quarter—which adds up to 80% of the whole—instead of just 35%, meaning that while a pure 1000 AR might deal 650 damage, a four-way cosmopolitan 1000 AR would only get you 200 damage on the same swing. Even just 500 pure AR is probably better than that. So, when the giant blacksmith offers to split your AR into physical and lightning for a higher total, don't be surprised if your damage output actually goes down. Split weapons usually only deal about three-quarters what their total AR suggests.

    Bear in mind that attack modifiers will multiply your attacks before they hit defenses though, not after. Take dark bead as an example; it fires seven separate projectiles that're split into two damage types each: physical and magic. So, that's a whopping fourteen way split. Using just the ivory catalyst, it'll only deal 546 damage to Quelaag. But, once you multiply that by 1.2 with bellowing dragoncrest, 1.2 with the dusk crown, 1.4 with power within and 1.5 with the red tearstone for a net 302.4% total AR, you'll deal 3598 damage instead, which is far more than the 302.4% modifier would suggest: it's 659%, all because you're climbing out of the defense curve. Backstabs, ripostes, and even strong attacks in some cases can modify your damage enough to make split options better, hence the popularity of the chaos rapier etc.

    See here for footage of a split weapon dealing less on R1 despite having higher AR, as well as more on R2 despite having the weaker R1. This roughly proves this is how defenses work, as well as where modifiers come into play.

    As a final note, shields don't work like defenses do; they just remove a percent of the incoming damage. A dark hand will remove 80% of the incoming damage no matter what type it is or how many types it is, except for stamina damage, which it removes only 30% of via its stability. 100 in stability or defense is essentially immunity to the given type.



    Sit down at the bonfire (or soulsplanner).

    Go to the level up menu (or soulsplanner).

    See that number beside the text "R Weapon 1"? That's total AR of your first righthanded weapon.

    You can raise it by leveling strength, dexterity, intelligence, or faith.

    You can check each stat's benefits individually by ticking the stat upwards, looking at the number, and then ticking it back down. You can even check twohanded damage by twohanding your weapon before sitting down at the bonfire. Try and check levels two at a time while doing this though; weapons receive an extra 50% more levels of strength while twohanded, which get rounded down, so only on every even numbered point of strength will you get a bonus level.

    With weapons that have C/D or C/E ranks in str/dex scaling, you'll reach 27 strength and then the stat you choose afterward will come down to personal preference. With weapons like grant, you might not want to onehand at all. But beyond that, every weapon pretty much has one ideal damage path.

    That's four stats out of the way, but consider the following: if I gave you the option to deal double the damage, or have double the health, which would be better? Well, if player 1 picks damage and player 2 picks health, then first player will deal damage twice as fast, but also need to deal twice as much to win. It cancels out; you're just dividing one player's damage per second by the other player's health per life, so if when put the same factor on each side, nothing in the matchup changes. Or in other words:

    A bonus of X% more HP is generally as good as X% more damage.

    That means you can compare vitality to the four offensive stats by just converting both of their gains into percents. Or, if you'll allow me to generalize for you:

    • An S scaling weapon of a single damage type will gain 42% AR going from 20 to 40, onehanded.
    • A C/C scaling weapon will also gain 42% AR spending 20 levels to reach 20/20, twohanded, or just 38% onehanded.
    • A C/C scaling weapon starting from 16/10 will gain 32% AR spending 20 levels to reach 26/20, both one and twohanded.

    These are AR gains though, and not damage gains. They're underestimates/minimums. With a small enough attack against a high enough defense, the increase in real damage might even be twice what these suggest, tops. However, when you look at health...

    • Going from 10 to 30 vitality grants 94% more base HP, more than twice the change in AR the same amount investment in offense can get you (at least while onehanded).

    YIKES. And those first 30 levels get bigger as you go too, further incentivizing the climb. Once they peak at 30, they'll drop back down and decline; the next 20 will then give you 36% more HP, or just the first 10 of them will give you a 20% boost. To compare, a weapon with a B in strength is going to gain around 24% AR going from 16 to 26 while twohanded. Onehanded it's 16%, assuming onehanding is an option.

    But besides AR gains being an underestimate, there are a couple of other issues to this kind of reasoning. The blue and red tearstone rings, for example, both provide 50% boosts: one to defense, and the other to attack. This might make them sound equal, or even make blue sound better since removing half of 150% drops you to just 75, with blue winning out. But, the rings don't actually work until you're at 20% health or less; by that point, the blue tearstone probably won't save you from another hit, where with the red tearstone you might land multiple or kill someone a hit earlier. Ifif the red tearstone only activated when your opponent were at 20% HP then the comparison would hold, because then they'd run into the same overkill problem. But, the player whose damage intake is being changed isn't the same as the one who needs to be at 20% HP in the red tearstone's case.

    There are also niche cases like power within, which drains 1% of your health per second for 100 seconds. If you can get your health low enough you can lower this drain enough to have sanctus's regeneration counteract it, allowing you to hang out in the red tearstone range without dying after 20 seconds like usual. And much like how regen rates won't scale up with vitality, the poison and toxic statuses won't scale with your weapon damage; bleed actually scales with the target's max health, making vitality useless as a counter. More importantly, all of the healing options that scale with HP (humanities, divine blessings, anything that maxes health out) aren't available to invaders in the remastered version of the game; you only get estus flasks which heal 800 HP with no vitality scaling. If you check the HP gain going from 10 to 30 vitality again, but add an 800 to the denominator, the 94% HP boost up to 30 vitality becomes just 44% or so. And that's just with one flask.

    The problem you're not going to heal at all if you die in a single 1000+ damage chaos rapier backstab. Not to mention we ignored alternatives like the chaos/lightning infusions entirely when looking at the AR gains earlier. While claymore gains 32% more AR by slapping 20 levels on it (which might manifest as 64% more damage for all I know), that's just the % gain from a standard 16/10 claymore; you aren't going to use standard at 16/10. You're going to use chaos, because it gives you a bunch of damage for no strength or dex. Standard might even be worse at 26/20, despite chaos having no scaling at all:

    • A 16/10 chaos clay deals 267 damage to Havel the Rock with both its onehanded R2 and twohanded rolling attack (because these are secretly the same attack). It will deal 287 on counterhit either way as well.
    • A 26/20 standard clay deals... also 267 damage to Havel the Rock with its onehanded R2. A twohanded rolling attack will deal 321, and counterhit will raise these numbers to 320 and 385 respectively. Critical attacks, jumping attacks, and plunging attacks are better.

    20 levels and your onehanded strong attack isn't even dealing more damage. Even with 20% more damage from twohanding and 20% more damage from counterhit (compared to chaos's mere ~8% counterhit, since it's mostly fire), chaos is still dealing 75% of the damage. And that was the lowest it ever got: backstabs, ripostes, plunging attacks and, well, jumping attacks, all dealt MORE damage with chaos, plus you get chip damage through 100% physical block shields. But even if we assume it's just 75% all the time, a 30 vitality build with those 20 points in offense will not even have 75% of the health a 50 vit chaos build has anyways, so without items you're better off with 50/16/10 than 30/26/20.

    Now, I would guess that Havel's defenses are a little unfairly biased against physical damage. And, if you can manage to sip two estus flasks unharmed, the health difference between the chaos and standard setups isn't so terrible anymore—hence why PvE players always neglect vit. You also can't put resin on chaos weapons. But the fact that this is even a question means (TL;DR):

    1. Get vitality in the 30's before considering offense (unless you're making a min health powermode build).
    2. Don't level in offense unless you plan to put over 20 levels towards one damage type (or just hit 27 strength with a B scaling weapon or greater).

    This holds up for spell damage as well. To actually see the AR of a spell, you'll need to use soulsplanner; the AR on the stat page is just for when you literally hit people with your spelltool. While, you can't chaos infuse a spelltool, the ivory catalyst and thorolund talisman are the same sort of thing; for no investment at all they'll have nearly the same amount of damage as whatever the next best tool would at 27 int or faith, respectively. Plus, the ivory catalyst grants a little extra physical damage to dark sorceries (it matches that of a 19 dex tin banishment catalyst, but compared to intelligence it's only worth maybe 2 levels). The pyromancy flame doesn't scale with anything at all, or even have an alternative. The 35th through 45th levels of dexterity will increase your casting speed with attack spells though, which is significant enough to make kick-into-blackflame a true combo, but your damage is nonscaling whether you like it or not.

    The remaining stats to discuss are attunement, endurance, and resistance:

    1. Attunement isn't very comparable to anything. Going for 23 attunement with 14 faith for six casts of great heal except is a level more expensive than just going for 12 attunement and 24 faith for two copies (six casts) of great heal though, and it's less versatile since you have less faith to use for weapons and because the following attunement slots will cost more. But, you'll never really want that many casts of great heal, so it's not a great measure. The levels 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 23, 28, 34, 41 and 50 are the only ones which grant slots.
    2. Endurance does a lot of things. The extra equipload it grants can be used for heavier armor, which makes it seemingly comparable to vitality. At low levels, the defense from heavy armor can make you seemingly invincible. But, hornet ring chaos rapier backstabs will do at least 900 damage either way, and if you're actually leveling the stat to try lightrolling with heavy armor, you won't be low level anymore anyways. It's used more for stamina and for gaining poise from heavy armor instead. Some of the higher, heavier poise setups people use actually have a little less defense than the lower ones: the lightest way to hit 61 poise with an open headslot has less physical defense than the same for 36 and 32. So, much like attunement, endurance is a rather apples-to-oranges stat. It stops granting stamina at level 40 but is still used for equipload beyond that point.
    3. Resistance does virtually nothing, never level it. The only meaningful change is that you become harder to poison. It's so terrible that the levels of resistance each class starts out with don't even count as real levels: if you put all your stats to the maximum of 99, classes that started with more resistance will have a lower level in total, since the early levels don't count.

    As a final note, a weapon weight's is linearly related to its strength requirement, ignoring bows and things of the like. So, if you're trying to pick between making a great scythe build and an uchigatana build: surprise! They're the same build. Same weight, same strength. Same goes for the chaos blade with any 16 strength dexterity weapon, such as the lifehunt scythe, silver knight weapons, halberd, and the flamberge if you don't mind the lack of reach it has compared to the claymore. You can also trade the weight over to your left hand and use a 16 strength shield like the black knight or eagle shield alongside an estoc or balder side sword, which themselves match the weight of crest shields and things of the like. Knowing this can help you make really versatile setups: check the wikidot page for strength for a nice organized list.



    It would be rather unfun of me to just tell you what weapons and spells are meta, but armor and rings are pretty passive/quantitative, so I'll go over those:

    • MASK OF THE MOTHER grants 10% more HP. At high levels of damage, no helmet's damage reduction will match the increase in lifespan which MoM provides. It's also a direct upgrade to the mask of the father: as long as your vitality is at least 30, equipping mother and leveling endurance will always give you more total health and equipload than wearing father and compensating with vitality, and you'll gain stamina from the endurance path to boot. Plus, you can switch the helmet off after losing the bonus 10% HP without penalty. Doing so lower the damage of future bleed procs and make room for other helmet effects too. Father, on the other hand, can mess your roll up if you take it off.
    • MASK OF THE CHILD increases stamina regeneration by 10 stamina per second. For earlygame, this is probably the best mask to get from pinwheel since it has a flat effect rather than a multiplier. It's not as popular as the mask of the mother, but you can always put it on after losing mom's bonus health if you carry both masks and don't expect to heal.
    • CROWN OF DUSK boosts spell damage by 20%. If at least half your damage is coming from spells, this is obviously competitive with mother's 10% HP bonus. However, it increases the damage taken from magic by 30%, so against something like a moonlight greatsword dusk won't really be worth it unless you know you're a strike away from death. With the red tearstone ring, you can ramp up your damage up pretty far in this scenario though.
    • HOLLOW SOLDIER WAISTCLOTH has the best poise to weight ratio in the game. The warrior waistcloth comes close, but isn't really worth considering; it's 0.1 units lighter for a whole 2 less poise.

    ...and those are probably the four most stand-out armor pieces in the game. Honorable mention goes out to the gargoyle helm, which has a great poise to weight ratio but is, unfortunately, a helmet and unable to compete with MoM past earlygame. Another honorable mention goes out to the set of thorns: the damage they deal while rolling into someone might seem pitiful, but scratching someone can disrupt a backstab attempt even if it doesn't flinch, just due to how the netcode works. Technically the legs have the best effect of all since they also add the damage to kicks, but they aren't worth using over the hollow soldier waistcloth, so generally the gauntlets see more use despite being the same otherwise.

    POISE is something I've mentioned quite a bit but haven't explained. How it works is each attack has an amount of poise drain; if you still have more than zero poise after being hit, then the attack won't flinch you. After about four seconds, your poise will reset. The notable breakpoints are:

    • 32 poise will allow you to take a twohanded katana running attack, while 31 gets you twohanded light attacks from weapons such as spears. Spear and katana pokes are two of the safest moves in the game given their speed and reach; being able to poise through them helps circumvent this. It's generally believed that if you don't have this much poise, you don't have any at all; having only enough to take small onehanded swings can actually be worse than 0, since it allows people to strike you between a parry and riposte with light weapons for extra damage (a "burrito combo," as named by the "community").
    • 36 poise is the next poisebreak, which will allow you to take onehanded light attacks from regular and curved greatswords. Notably it hits 76 poise when the wolf ring is added on top, allowing you to a twohanded light attack from any weapon.
    • 53 poise will allow you to take twohanded light attacks from from regular and curved greatswords.
    • 61 poise will allow you to take black flame, a black knight greataxe twohanded light swing, as well as either two-twohanded or three-onehanded light attacks from lighter weapons such as spears, katanas, halberds, straight swords, curved swords etc.
    • 76 poise is about the most you could need for PvP, allowing you to take twohanded light attacks from the heaviest weapons in the game. Unlike in dark souls 3 however, these attacks can be parried, and unlike the original dark souls, you can't use deadangles to avoid this anymore. If someone has 76 poise, they probably just got it by coincidence while attempting to raise their defense.

    The lightest ways to hit these poisebreaks with an open headslot for mother/child/dusk are:

    • HSW with knight chest and gauntlets with HSW for 33 poise (15.9 weight)
    • HSW with Solaire's chest and thorn gauntlets for thorns with 32 poise (16.7 weight)
    • HSW with chainmail and giant gauntlets for 37 poise (17.2 weight, -1 stam regen)
    • HSW with knight chest and thorn gauntlets for thorns and 36 poise (18.6 weight)
    • HSW with just Havel's chestplate for 54 poise (21 weight, -2 stam regen)
    • HSW with Havel's chestplate and Solaire's bracelets for 61 poise (25.3 weight, -2 stam regen)
    • Giant's set from the neck down for 77 poise (35.8 weight, -4 stam regen)

    At endgame level, the giants setup will also reduce incoming physical damage by around 15% compared to the previous combination. But as a lightroller with only the ring of favor on, it takes another 35 levels of endurance to accommodate the extra 10.5 units of weight it has.

    I'd also like to note that the difference in weight between the elite and regular knight chest is the same as the difference in weight between mother mask and crown of dusk; if you're putting dusk on, you can change your knight chest out for an elite knight chest for the same poise, a little extra defense, and minimal change to your appearance. Not that it makes much of a difference.

    Last, for rings, I'm gonna list one ring:

    RING OF FAVOR AND PROTECTION is generally a better ring than Havel's ring, for reasons similar to why mask of the mother is better than father. Equipping Havel's and leveling vitality is almost always worse than equipping favor to compensate with endurance; even in scenarios where Havel's saves a few levels with matches health and equipload, favor will give significantly more stamina. At 50 vitality, Havel's will take another 35 levels to match favor's health, while at 40 endurance favor will only need 20 more to match Have's equipload, and it'll have 20% more stamina too. Even more if Havel's is beneath the stamina cap.

    There's the fact that favor breaks upon removal, but Havel's ring can't be removed without messing up your roll anyways, so this is moot. Switching from Havel's to the dark wood grain ring won't even work unless you rearrange your other equipment as well. It's inadvisable to wear favor and Havel's at the same time, as by occupying your last ringslot, you're basically picking Havel's over the option to use every other ring in the game on the fly; the wolf ring, while sometimes less efficient, is a much more flexible way to swap poise onto your character.

    None of this is to say you should always use the ring of favor, but the only time not to I can think of is stacking red tearstone with another damage ring like bellowing, leo or hornet on what's probably a low HP powermode build. Something like bellowing's 20% damage increase might sound no better than favor's 20% bonus to health, but with how defenses work, bellowing can provide over a 40% increase to actual damage in the right context (you guessed it: red tearstone powermode caster).


    Boot up the game.

    Spend two and a half hours making a face.

    Delete it and mash the random button.

    And then, you have to pick a starting class.

    Equipment and starting gift aren't really important since you can find all of that stuff anyways, although the master key will let you sequence break to get some stuff early/with fewer bosses slain. All that really matters is your stat allocation.

    Your matchmaking with other players is dependent on your total level, or soul level (SL). So, if your stat allocation wastes a bunch of points in a stat you aren't using, then the players you fight against are going to be a bunch of points higher than you, on average. But, if a stat you are using is too low at the start, that's fine; you can just level it up. Also, the levels of resistance your starting class comes with won't count towards your SL for whatever reason (probably because they're bad). You can see that the pyromancer and cleric have the same amount of starting levels, but the pyro is SL 1 while the cleric is SL 2 because it it had one less level in resistance. This holds true for all classes. With that all in mind, the best classes are:

    • Pyromancer, which has minimal faith, a minimal faith+intelligence sum, and the lowest dexterity you can have with the previous attributes, as well as 12 resistance.
    • Wanderer, which has two fewer points of strength than pyro but more intelligence and dex, with still 12 resistance.
    • Bandit, which has minimal int, a minimal faith+intelligence sum, minimal attunement, and the lowest dexterity you can have with the previous attributes, as well as 11 resistance.
    • Cleric, which has minimal int as well as the lowest dexterity possible and two less strength than the bandit, with still 11 resistance.

    Those, usually, are your best bets. The warrior can appear to tie the bandit class in some cases, but the bandit's 8/10 int/faith distribution can provide a little more magic defense than warrior's 9/9 for some reason. At most, 9 intelligence will get you a smidgen more damage with the titanite catch pole or stone greatsword, the former of which is terrible (outright worse than a chaos halberd even at 40 intelligence AND faith) and the latter of which only has an E in int (but a rather nice twohanded R2). Levels 10 and under also add less AR for some reason. If you want to minimize vitality, there's also the sorcerer, which also comes with minimal resistance if you'd like to poison yourself into red tearstone range too.

    As far as specifics go, finalizing your level on a multiple of 10 is a popular thing to do. You can invade up to 20 levels higher than your own and summon 10 levels in either direction, plus 10% of your own level in either direction which gets rounded in; this means multiples of 10 give you the most matchmaking width per level of your own. The covenant rings will go 20 levels plus 20% downward, so multiples of 5 are good for them; every multiple of 25 will reach down to a multiple 10 (or 20, specifically). Landing on an odd one can help reduce your 10% upward range too if you like.

    For competition, level 125 is generally considered best. It allows you to get 50 vitality and 40 endurance with either 40 strength and 40 dex, or 40 dex, 30 faith, and four attunement slots. These builds suffer beneath this level, and beneath 110 or so magic and dexterity pyros start to suffer as well. You'll only be left with chaos weapons beneath SL 70. You're better off going to 125 if you want diversity. And, in the original game, 125 also allowed you to invade level 50's with the blue eye orb, which is perfect for the darkmoon covenant area. 125's can also get infected by SL 150 gravelords, which isn't really a pro, but, now you know.

    The remastered edition will also match you based on weapon upgrade level, but the ranges are pretty generous. +5 can still match with 0, +11 can still match with 5, and +15 can match with 9. You probably want to have +11 at level 30, +13 at level 40, and +15 at level 50 or so. You need to keep it at +5 if you want to invade +0 players though, so don't pick up mimic weapons if that's your goal. They count as +10. And unique weapons—any that upgrade with twinkling or demon titanite, or dragon scales—will start at 5 and go up two per level instead; this includes the dark hand Kaathe will stick into your inventory before you get the red eye orb from him. Unique shields typically start at 0 and go up 3 per level otherwise though: check the wikidot.

    Also see here/here for typical soul levels by area, or the wikidot. I'd only add that darkroot has some serious variance, but 50 for Anor Londo and 30 for the depths is pretty normal. Something like 60 will work fine in Anor Londo if you don't want to invade outside though. From there, the game gets pretty split up.

    submitted by /u/TheDamnDaimyo
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    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:37 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/QuietInterloper
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    Just dropped 55K souls and 20 Humanity in Lost Izalith

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    I started my 10th attempt to finally finish this game last week. Today I had the most frustrating death since deciding to stick it out and finish the game when I got stuck on a tree root and was burned to death with a pile of important resources across the map. If you have experienced similar frustration lately, take a break, chill out, and come back ready to fuck shit up. You can do it, I believe in you.

    submitted by /u/CMwampa1
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    Thank you dark souls.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    After much meme material I finally got around to playing dark souls, without any strategy guide or anything expecting to get my ass handed to me, and I did.

    I never vocalize in game or at anything I see on the internet but I actually let out an actual audible "EEP!" after fist seeing that knight thing that that kills you around the undead asylum or whatever and I feel genuine fear in the starting zone.

    I am ready to git gud.

    submitted by /u/Felvoe-
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    Shortcut To Four Kings while avoiding Darkwraiths?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 01:37 AM PDT

    Sorry, these guys attack a lot with their one handed sword and even if I can kill them in two hits, the window isn't always there or they're attacking me already

    submitted by /u/CarlManvers2020
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    I just wanna play souls with my friend :(

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    Me and my buddy are trying to play a little dark soul's but we can't see each others summon signs

    submitted by /u/Stardustwastaken
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    I’ve used the souls series as a method of self help for two years.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    For two years I've been using the dark souls games as self help when I feel down.

    Something about the difficulty of these games helps me through the hard parts in my life, the difficulty of these games in my first few attempts have really made a positive impact on my mental health. The difficulty playing these games can sometimes be crushing to an extent and when I felt tired and exhausted in life playing through these games and pushing through to the end death after death helped me put things in perspective and showed me that things can work out if I try and try again, I've finished dark souls 1 maybe 20 times and every time I finish the game I came out feeling a lot better about myself than when I started the game. I've finished dark souls 2 maybe a handful of times and recently bought and finished dark souls 3 in 3 days which is my quickest time for finishing one of the souls games. These games have helped me so much and I'm starting to take a more in-depth look at its community because I used to just play offline at my own pace. The different subreddits for dark souls have some pretty cool content and stuff I had never even thought of using or doing.

    I'm starting my new play through of dark souls 1 tonight and hopefully I'll feel better about what's going on irl when I'm finished. I'll be doing some of the cool different builds I've seen across the different subreddits and I'm pretty excited to see if I can take something I've never done before and finish with it. This is my new challenge :)

    Maybe not what's usually posted on these subreddits but I thought I should point out these games are great for self help even if they aren't made for that reason and I've heard so many people have the same effect playing these games. Thank you dark souls and fromsoftware for making a series of incredible games.

    submitted by /u/yourma_isyourda
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    Just killed Sif for the first time

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    I do not feel good about myself right now.

    I knew he would limp towards the end but Jesus Christ Miyazaki

    submitted by /u/Themoneymancan
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    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    Will Gwynevere give me the Lordvessel even if i killed Gwyndolin?

    submitted by /u/Gun_Baker
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    I've made up my mind... I'm gonna kill Solaire. (Xbox 360)

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    What can I say? I'm an arms and armor collector.

    submitted by /u/Jason_Quiver
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    Glitched Game?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    When I die I don't hollow. I can't ring quelaag bell. Red phantom enemies. I can't level up.

    What is happening? I've played hundreds of hours of this game and never seen this before.

    Thanks for the help in advance.

    submitted by /u/ThePhantomDonut
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    How do people deal insane amounts of damage?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    Whenever I'm invaded, it usually ends with me either getting parried and reposted or backstabbed for like 1000+ damage. There are countless YouTube videos of people running around naked and doing a metric ton of damage and half shotting Gwyn with a parry. What builds allow you to do this? I'm over here with my +10 great club at 32 strength and I only deal 200ish damage, or 350 if it's a backstab. What build can I use to get the maximum amount of damage?

    submitted by /u/BananaXVII
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    Who wants to pvp eachother at oolacile township, around 80 sl, and higher, Dark souls remastered

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    Have accounts up to sl 160 or really any level is fine lol

    submitted by /u/almazdave
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    I just learned how to target

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    I just now, after going back to the asylum (which I found again on my own!) did I learn that I could target enemies. At this point in the game I already got through blighttown withought it. I find it hilarious that I missed an entire mechanic. I guess I never really needed it though, as have made my way through with relative ease, but it does help with... actually I forget, but I am sure it helps in some situations so...

    submitted by /u/jimbo_the_mighty
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    Just beat Daddy Smough and Smough Jr with about 20 to 30 attempts. My hands are still shaking.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I nearly broke my PS4 controller by wringing it after a few deaths.

    Figured out that kiting didn't work because they have counters for that so I begrudgingly gave in to learning their tells to dodge at the right times and to chip away at Smough Jr. Felt like a 2-on-1 wrestling match.

    I had zero estus flasks and 30 percent health when starting Super Saiyan Daddy Smough. The moveset is similar to the Asylum Demon so I felt more confident in the second half.

    That chest was amazing by the way.

    submitted by /u/Istovi
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