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    Saturday, March 14, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Just finished No Death on NG+3. Notes

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Praise be to the miracle Denial. It saved me no less than 4 times:

    1. After the debacle on my first NDNB attempt (which converted into a consolation No Bonfire run) I decided to just skip Ruin Sentinels entirely. I have every item in the game so I skipped over most chests and went straight to Sinner's Rise, i.e. I did not get the Bastille Key to unlock the upper doors in the watery hall on the way to the Lost Sinner. Every other time I've come through here I always cleared the rooms but this time I went straight. I did not know that once you approach the gate lever on the lower level the suicide bombers in all the rooms are scripted to come rushing out of their rooms simultaneously. Denial saved me from a double whammy of explosions.

    2. On the cliffs outside Undead Lockaway, two red phantom Artificial Undead spawn, boxing you in on the cliff edge. I was saved by Denial once again, also narrowly avoided rolling myself off the cliff.

    3. The drakekeeper hammer wielding red phantom on the way up to the 3rd bonfire in Iron Keep. I barely escaped but for future reference you can get him to Benny Hill chase you around the two-way fire turret and he will burn himself to death. It also spins if you hit it.

    4. The Demon of Song, of all things. When he does his belly-flop attack his arms reach out further than I thought and hit me whilst I was healing.

    Played it really slow, used my Bow of Want with 999 of almost every arrow to clear and pull my way through everywhere. p.s. what's the deal with lacerating arrows? Did someone forget to assign them to a merchant?

    I basically kept Denial up and Sunlight Blade on my Lightning Large Club+5 for 90% of melee fights the entire game. Rapier/Estoc/Espada style just didn't compare to the ability to repeatedly 2hr2 pancake people and strike damage is so effective throughout DS2. For some bosses, namely The Rotten and Guardian Dragon, I switched to powerstancing Lightning Heide Lances with Old Leo Ring.

    I wore Life Ring+3, Chloranthy Ring+2, Third Dragon Ring, and Ring of Steel Protection+2 mostly.

    Old Iron King Crown for free spells, yet again I finish the game with 99+ Amber/Twilight/Wilted Dusk Herbs. I just can't stop hoarding items...

    Jester's Robes, saved me a few times from criticals.

    Havel's Gauntlets and Havel's Leggings for great poise and defenses to balance the lackluster stats of the crown.

    I went down into the Throne of Want without having killed the Giant Lord initially. Powerstance Fire Black Knight Ultra Greatsword+5, cast Sacred Oath, then Brightbug, and then summon Benhart and Vengarl. Has to be in that order btw. Sacred Oath will overwrite Brightbug but not vice versa. Also you cannot use Brightbug unless you are solo but you'll retain the buff if you do it before summoning. After the fight Nashandra doesn't show up because you don't have the Giant's Kinship yet.

    Same weapon loadout when I came back for Nashandra, plus putting on my Black Witch Veil and eating an Elizabeth Mushroom to nullify the curse orbs. I avoided having to fight Aldia by not killing Vendrick. Yeah, baby!

    I intended to pay the soul toll to utilize the Shrine of Winter skip but on NG+3 that's 4 million. It's no joke. Even with my NG++ collection of hard souls to get a 1.5m soul headstart by the time I had accrued 4 million souls... I had all four Great Souls anyway. Yah got meh, devs. Yah got meh.

    Now to uninstall, file this game away as Completed, and not even wear the ring one time. Also, best upload a copy of the save file in my Google Drive or something in case I ever want to boot this up again. Steam does not upload DS2 saves to its Cloud.

    My final stats

    Lv 316 Soul Memory 48,578,692
    VGR 50
    END 20
    VIT 49
    ATN 30
    STR 50
    DEX 50
    ADP 30
    INT 41
    FTH 50

    Graduation yearbook picture, my general purpose ass-kicking outfit.

    submitted by /u/homingmissile
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    I have the bonfire near the giant lord memory at 8 while I'm in ng

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    It's such an easy fight if you are a sorcerer I've been farming it for an hour now and went from lvl 93 to lvl 170

    submitted by /u/salohgenji
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    Hitler's bad touch

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    So... I came across that guy in PVP called literally "Hitler" and in the very beginning of match before gates are up i died in some fire blast. All my weapons disappeared. Every time I try to open inventory game crashes to desktop. Now I'm bare handed. Is there any way to solve this out? Burn in hell Hitler.

    submitted by /u/pan_tymek
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    I Have Been Away From The Game For Awhile - Where To Go After Grave Of Saints?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    This game is fantastic, I just don't get a chance to play consistently. I am trying to get back on track, where to go after the Grave of Saints? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Serpidon
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    I was most moved by Lucatiel

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    After 100%ing all three dark souls, I find that Lucatiel's story moved me the most. More so than ds3 Siegward and DS1 Solaire.

    Her slow loss of self and memory and desperate desire to find a solution are incredibly tragic. The last time we encounter her outside Aldia's keep, there is barely anything left.

    Only to then get invaded by her brother, who presumably suffered a similar fate and went mad. I can only hope that Lucatiel stood from that bonfire, walked into the keep and finally bested her brother before truly going Hollow.

    submitted by /u/Dairuin
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    An analysis of Old Iron King

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Almost 100% this great game

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    So I'm at 94% completion right now. I only need the pyromancy and miracle achievements. I've looked into it and saw that you needed to grind for ages in PVP or go into NG++ and buy the covenant spells from Chancellor Wellager. I'm going through NG+ and just feel a little frustrated, this is my favorite game of the series but starting over in NG+ made me realize just how long it is and how much longer the process of this 100% is going to take.

    If anybody has any way of making this easier in the long run other than running through the entirety of the game that would be great. I think I've heard of a skip directly to shrine of winter but don't exactly know how that works.

    Thank you guys in advance! 😁

    submitted by /u/SpidyMonkey24
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    I’m starting to like this game now. Here’s why.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    So, I beat Dark Souls 1 a month ago and gave it time to sit. Eventually I decided, hey, I'll start 2 now. My immediate impression of the game is that it's janky. However, I did see what they were trying to do to make it different from the first.

    I noticed something weird though. I was putting a lot of points into VGR to get my HP up, but it just wasn't increasing. The red bar was only a fraction of the longer gray bar. I was confused, but nevertheless continued on. I went through Heide's tower, No man's wharf, and the lost bastille. One thing I realized was that I was undead throughout this whole time. I tried burning a human effigy; all it did was prevent online connections. I thought that's all it was for.

    Finally, I decided to use the effigy from my inventory to see if I can turn human and sure enough, it works. And to my shock, my whole health bar appears. I was suffering through the whole beginning portion with less than half my max HP for no reason and I had around 20 effigies the whole time. I don't know why I didn't realize sooner that the hollowing system worked that way in this game. But now I can definitely say the game has been more enjoyable for me!

    submitted by /u/LeonSora
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    My armour is getting blurred

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    I've been noticing this bug (?) for the past 2 days. Many a times my character gets blurry, as if he's Reverse Flash and his goals are beyond my understanding.

    I could've fought just like that, but I'm finally at the Boss fight I've been looking forward to the most (Sir Alonne) and I want to fight him in my non blurry armour.

    Has anyone of you experienced this?

    submitted by /u/tokuniimiwanai
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    Blue Smelter Demon, wow

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Whoever created the dungeon before that shit must be a real sadist. I ran naked through it to ease up the tranquill-walk spell and then put my gear on IN THE BOSS ARENA. Summon NPC and they die in like the first room, so thats no option. Haha. Blue smelter itself is pretty fun, but man im glad i wont be doing that again anytime soon.

    Was also NG++ so that probably contributed. Now, only boss i havent done in DS2 is the unicornshit valley-boss.

    submitted by /u/novalumidum
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    Dark Souls fever. Any DS2 tips?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    So I just finished my second playthrough ever (back to back with the first one) of DSR, and I loved it so much I bought DS2 and DS3. Now I'm starting DS2 with no idea on what changes they have made, that's the fun of course.

    Still, any tips for the newcomer? No big spoilers, please, just some things that could be useful and isn't explained or something I might miss.

    submitted by /u/CriminallyUnaware
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    Looking to farm dragon scales in iron bridge [SotFS ps4]

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Looking for someone to farm dragon scales with. Just got back into the game and I'm trying to complete a dragon knight set just gotta rank up but pvp is pretty empty

    submitted by /u/Alcapuke
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    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Someone let me be their sunbro. I need these sunlight medals. Ps4 lvl 222

    submitted by /u/tommytomtoes
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    What weapons to imbue?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    I just got the Kings Seal and have been using the Zweihander +10 and Gyrm Greatshield for most of the game this far. Have 40 Str and 18 dex. I have every stone for each infusion but I'm not sure what to even infuse. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/SiiiiilverSurrrfffer
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    how does damage work?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Sometimes when I hit with my UGS I deal less damage than the weapon's damage. Is te damage deterimned by what part of the weapon hits the enemy? If the tip hits, I deal less, if I hit with the middle I deal more? Is the weapons damage in stats the maximum you can deal?

    EDIT: Hits at the same enemy can deal different amounts of dmg each time. Why?

    submitted by /u/Antekpjk
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    Royal Rat Vanguard connection to Sif?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    What if rats tried to ressurect Sif? Necromancy stuff, but they failed and just kept this doggo as their protector. Why? Dunno, maybe heard tales about an ancient warrior and his loyal wolf from a far away land, that traversed the Abyss. Tried to impress someone, to prove that they are not some mindless rodents.

    submitted by /u/Owl_Vitae
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    I cant get to the ruin sentinels

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I have a melee build and cant get past the at least half a dozen great sword wielding hollows.

    submitted by /u/theyarlofskyrim
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    Tips for woodsman copse

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Any tips on dealing with the guys on the poles heading towards the executioners chariot?

    submitted by /u/tonio776
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    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Any high coop spots right now? Trying to be a sunbro.

    submitted by /u/tommytomtoes
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    So I Have Played Dark Souls 3 and a little bit of Dark Souls 1 and today i got into Dark Souls 2, give me tips

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    So I decided to try the most hated dark souls game that exists, and I got into it, played a bit, since I have seen some gameplays about the game i knowed where to start, made Forest of Giants, into Last Giant, completed the boss, made the Pursuer, got into Lost Bastille and saw that some people go into Heide's and completed the Dragonrider. I have like 2hs into the game and already made 3 bosses, the map feels small and I don't know, it doesnt give me the exploration Hype I had when i played a bit of DS1 after completing DS3, i noticed that the Forest of the Giants is kind of a Huge map, but only through a video after, because it felt so small I felt the need to check online if I had rushed it, but its so point forwarding rushing the boss instead of exploring the other parts after the second bonefire. I don't know, the game just feels weird and easy to get to bosses and shit, thing I never felt on DS1 or DS3.

    submitted by /u/bugalho_
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    Give Me A Direction

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    I just started playing ds2 yesterday after finishing dsr. I have gotten to the forest of gaints and have beaten the last gaint on my first try. I'm currently going to go fight the pursuer and not sure where to go after. Can someone give me a path I can go on?

    submitted by /u/TheZero123
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    Torches and Black Witch Set

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Hello, this is my first time posting on this subreddit so I hope I'm doing this correctly.

    I've recently been replaying the Scholar of the First Sin edition of DS2 and during my time in the Gutter area, I managed to light all the torches to summon the Gutter Denizen to get the Black Witch Set. Unfortunately the Denizen did not drop the set the first time for some reason.

    I used a Bonfire Ascetic on the upper gutter bonfire in order to relight the torches since I heard that is effective. However I have run into two issues:

    1. Only the torches in the upper gutter needed to be set alight again. The ones where the Gutter Denizen spawned are still lit.
    2. The Gutter Denizen has not appeared again even after I have lit all the torches that had been extinguished by the ascetic.

    What I am wondering is: do I need to use a second Bonfire Ascetic on the central gutter so I can light those torches again to summon the Denizen? I am sure I got all the torches in the upper area that I need to, I've been going over the place for several days now.

    And honestly, barring that, is there anyone who has a Black Witch Set they'd trade?

    submitted by /u/Enzi42
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    So I am about to fight Nashandra on NG, trying to do absolutely everything first. Anything that is commonly missed?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Got through Belfry Luna ��

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    A few days ago I posted that I was pretty much fawked. Thanks to the peeps who helped and thanks to those who were trying to help. Anyway problem was

    1) my armor was shite, I had to upgrade my firesword and get a new shield

    2) I just came from Sekiro so was still used to the deflect mechanic.

    3) i forgot I could buy Effigies

    4) pepple were really helpful thanks.

    submitted by /u/BeachSamurai
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