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    Monday, March 16, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Welcome to the weekly Dark Souls mod announcement and discussion thread!

    Beware! Use of mods whilst connected to the internet can cause you to get banned from online play!

    For more information, or to continue the discussion visit /r/ModSouls

    Using mods (PC only!) to enhance or add new content to the Souls games is great fun! It is important, however, to understand that mods are against From's EULA/ToS, so there is a great risk of being banned when using them due to From's anti-cheat--which is deployed in most versions of the Souls games.

    Versions of the games where modding is safe due to no anti-cheat:

    Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

    Versions of the games where modding carries a very high risk of being banned:

    Dark Souls: Remastered

    Dark Souls II

    Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

    Dark Souls III

    Our recommendations for safe modding

    *This advice is intended for first-time or relatively inexperienced modders who want to get into modding without risking a ban on their main Steam account.

    Basic Steps:

    Make a separate Steam account

    Use Steam's Family Sharing feature to provide your new account with access to your main Steam account's game library.

    Install games to be used with the new account in a separate directory.

    Once you've found your mods be sure to read (and follow) the mod author's instructions carefully prior to installation.

    Set Steam to "off line" mode.

    Install the mods and perform any necessary setup.

    Enjoy the fun and interesting experiences offered by mods!

    Be sure to remove all file components of the mod before going back online!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    At over 1.5 million soul memory, level 128, I just realized that the Ring of Life Protection can be a great way to spend accumulated souls on something other than new levels.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    I didn't learn that you could repair this ring for only 3k souls until very recently. Because I just beat The Rotten for the second time, I ended up with over 100k souls to spend...but I felt spending them on more levels wasn't thinking creatively. Now I realize I can keep my humanity in almost any situation, as long I spend 3k when I mess up.

    With over 100k to spend...I can theoretically keep my humanity for 30+ deaths without using a single effigy.

    So now I am off to fight the Royal Rat Authority :)

    submitted by /u/Cyrano_de_Boozerack
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    So, I just loaded up my Dark Souls Two game, and it said "Character data is corrupt." I need to know how to fix this. 80+ hours, countless deaths, and grinding beyond belief. I got this game as a birthday gift, and had not been able to play it for about 2-3 months after the last time I loaded it up. Last time I left off, it was in a place with a sh*tload of circling dragons, and I was super excited to finally get to explore that area. I am desperate for any help, as I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/Blazingstar117
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    Playing through DS2 for the first time. After spending hours in FoFG, this is how my first boss victory ended.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Hey guys can you rate my character? This is my first playthrough

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    • level 90
    • VGR 30
    • END 20
    • VIT 9
    • ATN 5
    • STR 48
    • DEX 16
    • ADP 5
    • INT 5
    • FTH 5
    • Soul memory 642177

    Is it good? Don't be too harsh on me this is my first playthrough. I use a two-handed greatsword.

    submitted by /u/Illidan_Stormrage4
    [link] [comments]

    Anyone else having problems with the servers? Can't seem to go into online mode and nothing I Google seems to give me straight answers

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Shrine of Amana troubles

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Can anyone help me get through the shrine of amana? ive been going at it for a few days now and its just been kicking my ass. im on pc scholar and my SM is 1,180,593. any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MerpDerp56
    [link] [comments]

    Fog gates

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Why the hell are enemies allowed to hit you when going through fog gates?

    submitted by /u/Dra-khar_The_Khajiit
    [link] [comments]

    Is anybody having issues connecting to the servers today?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    I'm on PC and I've been trying to connect for about an hour, with no success.

    submitted by /u/nightroy99
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    Is anyone else cripplingly poor and still using the 360 version?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    If so want to play with me? I'm SM1010386 my gamertag is Hairy Gold Bear. I'm game to just fuck around in PvP or actually progress the game

    submitted by /u/Good_morning_man
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    Help please

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    I need a sunset staff for the trapped mage quest and i sold mine a while ago without knowing about the quest. (Scholar of the first sin on ps4) PSN: Auron7765

    submitted by /u/Auron7756
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    Sunbro wants to help you out ����

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Staying at Kingsgate bonfire with sunbro ring and 5,75m soul memory. If you need any help fighting one of these bosses just tap on my sign :) May the sun be with you all my friends. 🙌🏼

    submitted by /u/SKT-T1-AiryCake
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    DS2 Sotfs random build generator?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if there is a random character build generator for this game on the web? Something like this DS1 beauty, only for the second game in the series? https://scenariogenerator.net/generators/dark-souls

    submitted by /u/smithsyndicate3
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    Guys I have some (noob) questions

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    1. Can I power stance a Estoc with a Halberd?

    2. In which stat should I put points?

    submitted by /u/arthork
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    Is DS 2 worth it for 9euros? Scholar of the first sin edition

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Hello skeletons! I've so far played, in chronological order, Bloodborne, DS 3.... And i've been waiting for DSR and sekiro to be on sale... I played surge 1 and 2, nioh and some other soulslike...

    BB is by far my favorite, love the fast paced combate, lore and world building.. MASTERPIECE However, while im waiting for DSR and sekiro to be on sale, is ds2 worth it?

    What can u guys tell me about the game that can hook me??

    submitted by /u/PSrafa23
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    As much as I love this game, I have to say I am not a fan of how ganky it is.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Sorta-almost done with my 2nd playthrough (fume knight, sir alonne, blue smelter, darklurker, nashandra, and aldia left) plus sun medal and bell keeper farming (going for achievements)

    Have to say I'm not a fan of how many areas I have to pick off/aggro enemies 1 at a time. DLC is particularly bad in this area (**** you spiked rabbits and **** you iron passage)

    And it being NG+ there are just SO many more ganks. Feels like artificial difficulty....like it doesn't matter how skilled you are. Unless you plan on speedrunning you better get used to sniping enemies

    submitted by /u/jasonryu
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    Are Servers Still Down On Xbox?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    I have not been able to connect for like the past 2 weeks, have they been down or is it a problem on my end? Any other game works fine, SoTFS on Xbox One.

    submitted by /u/SpaghootiMaster
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    Could someone help me out on pc?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    I'm looking for someone to drop me a dragon head and torso stone, and also a greatsword. The help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/WhatTheJuJu
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    Whats the fastest way to drangleic castle?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Now before you guys get mad, let me explain. I'm trying to get the plat and i need to get to Wellager in NG++ to get the last of the spells.

    I've gotten literally every other trophy (except Jugo and Lucatiel but I'm working on that) currently I'm done with the 4 lord souls in NG+.

    I was wondering about the hack used by the happy hob in his no hit run where he just fought the rotten 4 times to get 4 souls.

    Does that work on PS3? any tips are welcome

    submitted by /u/bent_crater
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    Controller settings

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Please how can I change settings for my controller? Btw controller is working in the game i just want to change button settings.

    submitted by /u/MythicSlayeer
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    How much does sotfs actually change from normal ds2

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    Got back into sotfs this week, got 9hrs in and I'm at the shrine of Amana. I still somehow remember most of the ds2 enemy placements and things but it's kinda weird. Usually by the end of the game in normal ds2 i would be around lvl 80 and barely just got my weapons to max and I'd have to farm the giant king memory guy for souls so I could reach 6m sm I think, for pvp. But now I'm not even halfway through the game and I'm already at lvl 110, max lvl weapon before I even reached the black gulch. So maybe enemies just drop more souls now? Another thing is it feels like a lot of the enemies are less aggressive now, many times bosses will just be walking around locked on to me for 10secs or more doing nothing or bosses like that butcher lord soul guy in the black gulch not even using his hex second phase attacks. And it feels like I'm doing Hella damage to the bosses while they barely scratch me, I mean my health is 20 using the normal starting falconer knight set non upgraded but I can take like 5hits from them. I swear I used to die in two-three hits from bosses so maybe they lowered the damage and health of the bosses. And I like the new enemy placements but sometimes it kinda makes the areas feel empty.

    submitted by /u/Ugandan_Lemmings
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    An Embarassing Confession

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    I've played DSR, DS3, Bloodborne and Sekiro. I've beaten all the bosses in each of them. I've played DS2 for 18 hours so far, beaten 10 bosses (6 were deathless, too) and when my internet went out I decided to check my death count.

    1. HOW? Is there something legitimately wrong with me? I thought I was good at these games.
    submitted by /u/Paxtonnnn
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    Need help sm 1.7 mil grand Cathedral boss

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    Glad I decided to save my no death attempt for NG++. The new red phantoms are beasts!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    I just got graped by the two next to the King's Door in the Forest of Giants. I'm trying a Hex/Dex build this playthrough. Also makes the game tougher so far. I coulda smashed those fools with my Dragon's Tooth. I went in with a Espada and started fighting the door guard that is there on NG...then all of a sudden I was hammered from behind by two red jokers. One strong, one quick. I swear they are just as hard as the trio in Shulva on NG. Done killed me twice...I'm sticking with my hex/dex for a challenge but man I wanna pancake them so bad.

    submitted by /u/ksnizzo
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