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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Dark Souls You meet the kindest people in Dark Souls

    Dark Souls You meet the kindest people in Dark Souls

    You meet the kindest people in Dark Souls

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:27 PM PST

    So after missing the DLC in NG i just got there for the first time yesterday in NG+. Today i beat Artorias and after that i got my ass beaten by Kalameet. So i decided to try him later. Later i was on my way to Manus through the elevator shortcut when i got invaded by a player called "upa" just before i reached the elevator. After about 1 minute and me being down to very low health for 3 times, he realized i was really(!) bad at pvp (and a noob in general) and no match for him. So he waved at me and black crystalled out. So here i am, adjusting my gear and licking my wounds, when suddenly a summon sign appears. And guess what, it's the very same guy who changed from red to white! He then helped me against Kalameet and after i failed 3 times, we beat him on the 4th try. Thank you for this awesome experience, upa! May the flames guide thee.

    submitted by /u/CH_Partisan
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    I drew Nito

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:02 PM PST

    Hey, i got almost all souls games (DS1, DS3, Bloodborne and Sekiro) but always flushed them before i could start even sinking my teeth into them.

    Recently i started watching FightinCowboy's full playthru of Dark Souls 1 and figured out i find the games way more fun when i have a set route to follow, picked up the game again and in a matter of a week this game has taken over my life and i love it.
    Drew Nito, and will eventually draw more characters:

    submitted by /u/Treshtoons
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    Shit, did I just git gud?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:09 PM PST

    I did it. I soloed Ornstein & Smough with a full set of Silver Armor and a +10 Claymore. I thought I sucked at this game. When I first attempted this fight, I thought it would be the moment I'd give up. I even contemplated cheesing it.

    But, no. I watched a few YouTube videos. I put my shield away. I kited that armored beanpole asshole around the outside of the arena, methodically rolling and doing two-hit combos with my two-handed Claymore.

    Honestly, I wish I could say the rest of the fight was a dramatic test of wills. But once Ornstein went down, Smough was trivial. He only did the AoE butt slam once. The entire fight was me rushing in to stab him after he slammed his hammer down.

    After triumphantly claiming the Lordvessel, I celebrated by grabbing the Fire Keeper Soul in Blighttown. I probably wouldn't have even known it was there without the walkthrough. There's nothing left to fear.

    Oh, and I made sure to stab Lautrec in his stupid face before taking on O&S. There's no way I'm doing New Londo without an active Firelink Shrine. I tried. It was...tedious.

    submitted by /u/ShaolinBastard
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    I did it!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:46 AM PST

    I linked the fire for the first time! After just beating bloodborne finally a few months ago, I sat down and committed to dark souls properly for the first time.

    It's been an on and off relationship, but I'll never hate anything as much as I hate New londo ruins.

    Praise the Sun!

    submitted by /u/horseradish1
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    Any tips on the capra demon?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:02 AM PST

    I've been stuck on him for a few days now, any tips?

    submitted by /u/julesdesmit11
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    Chaos Blade vs. Uchigatana

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:38 AM PST

    Hey guys. I was wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the Chaos Blade. I've heard a lot of people say it's worth your while, whereas others seem to think it's a waste. Obviously the Uchi has better scaling, which is a plus, but I've never played with a weapon that has an effect/buff. Is it worth sacrificing the better scaling? I don't mind grinding for souls/demon titanite, so that isn't an issue.

    Thanks for your help.

    Praise the Sun.

    submitted by /u/melted_fuzz
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    I decided to slap the Asylum Demon's ass for a while and it dropped dead on me. Anyone else ever have this problem?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:13 PM PST

    It must've enjoyed it because it left something for me.

    submitted by /u/UnknownThreat25
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    The Hardest Part of Blighttown is Not Falling to Your Death

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:20 AM PST

    Whenever I play a run through of Dark Souls, if I'm lucky, I can remain death free until Blighttown. But once I reached that accursed plagued land of the undead, I always manage to fall to my death at least once riding that giant ferris wheel to freedom. In fact my most recent playthrough, I defeated Quelag without trouble, and proceeded to immediately plummet to my doom from atop the wheel. It never fails. It goes to show my hubris though, for just before I thought to myself, "this will be a playthrough where I don't fall off the wheel, that's beneath me." Oh well. Here's to better footing. See you at Sen's Fortress.

    submitted by /u/Marky-Silent
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    I finally beat Manus!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:20 PM PST

    I had played through the game multiple times, each time deciding not to beat Manus because it was too hard. However, on my ng+8 game, I beat him for the first time and am super proud of myself and felt like sharing.

    submitted by /u/Pigusaurus
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    I want to buy a dark souls game, but I'm not a very good gamer - which game should I start? Or are all the same difficulty?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:57 AM PST

    I want to experience a challenge, normally I play everything on easy.

    submitted by /u/austria9000
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    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:04 AM PST

    Im planning to buy one DLC for Dark Souls 3, which one should I get first?

    submitted by /u/Saimy_Goat
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    Am I mentally challenged or is this normal?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:37 AM PST

    Hello, I'm a new arrival in the Souls franchise. I just platinumed Sekiro and that is the first FromSoft game I've ever played. It was pretty hard but I got the ropes and it was smooth sailing. But starting DSR was like skinny dipping in hellfire. The beginning was ok, but after that raven took me to the new area I fought and died to the nearby skeletons for nearly an hour before giving up. Also can't time parry for the life of me. Is this how most people begin or am I just super bad?

    submitted by /u/TheCynicalZero
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    What is everyone’s favourite boss in DS1 and why?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:38 PM PST

    For me personally, I would say the gaping dragon simply for its aesthetics and it's the only boss I've never died to (yes it's true, I've died to pinwheel... I got distracted)

    submitted by /u/KosmicUnderstanding
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    Oscar of Astora Mod

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:46 PM PST

    Is there an Oscar of Astora mod as I know about all the cut content and was wondering if anyone has put it into action yet...

    submitted by /u/JoyfulGamer585
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    Dark Souls Remastered. Don't know where to go now (mid-way through game, I presume).

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:26 PM PST

    I just beat the Scaleless, I also beat the Bed of Chaos, Quelaag, Four Kings, and Nito. And for the hell of it killed every stationary Dragon. No idea where to go now.

    Edit: And the other Asylum Demon at the start of the game.

    submitted by /u/RubbishLog
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    Dark Souls Multiplayer on Switch

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:42 AM PST

    I have a "problem" so to speak related to my multiplayer experience. I have the game from the day it came out and already played it on 360 so I knew one or two exploits to make my life easier, but even by playing like a "noob" (no shortcuts, no item farming, no pre-building my character whatever may mean) I simply cannot find a way to experience some multiplayer action on my first play (so no new game plus). I happened to find some people back when the game came out but it was pretty much TWO time by the hunter pact and TWO random summons. I came back to the game recently and while I can see phantoms of people playing the game I cannot for the love of all Lordran's lords play with some one: I don't get summoned, no hunt for trespassers, no call to punish sinners, basically never got invaded... Am I so something wrong? Is nobody playing anymore? Must I wait in Anor Londo for at least 3 decade? People strictly do no online until new game +++? Do people just plain hate me?

    Is not that I'm like iper-competitive or what but I feel like I'm missing part of the experience or at least that I don't quite get the social aspects of the game... Could you giving me some clue?

    submitted by /u/StNdGoblin
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    Is Master Key bad for first time players?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:34 PM PST

    Me and a buddy were fighting about this. When I played for the first time i used the master key. My friend did not. He argued that i didn't get the full experience because i skipped a lot of stuff that he had to go through. I've played it several times now, so I know now, but should your first playthrough be keyless?

    For example I didn't even find out about the Gaping Dragon until my second playthrough cuz you can go in Blight Town the back way. Also i might've just used the key to run around and explore instead of going through the Undead Burg. So i might've also missed the Taurus Demon and the Hellkite Bridge cuz i went through Valley of Drakes and the Forest and got to Andre.

    Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? Is it good or bad for first timers to be able to skip over areas? Personally i think the first experience makes the most impact, so going back i probably would not have taken the key. What was your first playthrough like?

    submitted by /u/pngimgfile
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    How does jolly cooperation work?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:50 PM PST

    Anyone playing dsr, ds3?

    submitted by /u/El_Duderino86
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    "I play Dark Souls"

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:13 PM PST

    What do you think when you see someone say this or write this? What are the implications of the phrase "I play Dark Souls"? What does it mean to you? Would you ever use this phrase on a resume? Dating app? Does it mean nothing except that you play the game, Dark souls? Or does it mean, more than meets the eye? Is it code for "I get my shit bashed in and I like it"? Or "I'm a masochist"? What about the more benevolent playstyles? The co-op? Teamwork? Overcoming challenges? Would you ever use this phrase, seriously? Or just as a meme? Well, what is it? Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you play?

    I play Dark Souls

    submitted by /u/throwbrosefrex
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    Could I get some help troubleshooting DSFix? I've used it before, but it seems to break my game now.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:56 PM PST

    Hey guys! I've used DSFix before in the past, and it worked great! I've since upgraded my PC and wanted to play some Dark Souls, so obviously I installed and configured DSFix! However, it makes my game run awfully. I've only unlocked the framerate, and changed the resolution, but it makes my framerate absolutely tank. It will briefly be a solid 60 FPS, but then I roll or walk or turn the camera, and it goes down to the low 30s and high 20s. It also has some pretty awful horizontal scan lines that seem to crop up while moving my camera.

    I'm not sure what the problem really is, because I've followed all of the steps on the guide, and I've messed around with it, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'd appreciate some help!

    submitted by /u/Surpex
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    Is it possible to steal humanity, even if you have maximum already?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:50 PM PST

    I was wondering if the darkhand's grab still took soft humanity if the user has max humanity already.

    submitted by /u/THE_DARK_LORD_JEEBUS
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    The community humor is a bit cringe

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:26 AM PST

    The try hard humor in every souls post and video is a bit meeh, after the giantdad who was actually fun and funny, probably when everything started, it seems like the same jokes over and over, and over... but maybe is also yt culture, every gameplay video with waaay to much humor attempt in every second

    submitted by /u/1Falange1
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