Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire. |
- /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.
- My 11 year old brother took down capra demon on his first try and I want to die.
- I drew Pinwheel
- I put my summon down for the first time.
- I played DSR with the enemy randomizer mod and I, stupidly, wanted to make every enemy a boss
- I drew Havel and Artorias
- 1000 hours lost
- I drew Crossbreed Priscilla
- Manus' search through space & time
- Almost beat Ornstein and Smough first try!
- Don't talk to me or my son ever again
- Need tips for the gargoyles
- I finally did it!
- I created a pointless list of all of the buffable weapons in the game with their power to weight ratios
- If someone on pc playing remastered could put their sign down outside four kings fog for me that would be great haha :)
- I own DSR on Switch and DS2/3 on PS4 Anyone up for a co-op playthrough?
- Goose Souls
- I finished dark souls and just....WOW
- I have a Question for the pvp veterans
- I took a stab at recreating the symbol of the Warrior of Sunlight, how'd I do?
- Which stats should I upgrade for a Knight Character ?
- Plus 5 crystal dagger vs dark silver tracer with 45 dex. whats better?
- I did it!
/r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire. Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:10 PM PST Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread. This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better. Please be respectful and follow reddiquette. What's keeping you from going hollow these days? Helpful Information for New Users Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads. Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute. [link] [comments] |
My 11 year old brother took down capra demon on his first try and I want to die. Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:05 PM PST It took me 22 tries to kill him. How many it did took for you guys? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:03 AM PST http://imgur.com/gallery/Qi1MMx5 Whoops had to re-upload this one. If you want to see more of my stuff @terontat_21 on ig [link] [comments] |
I put my summon down for the first time. Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:59 PM PST Right before the gargoyles on a new character. Rocked it with my BSS +5 and helped someone ring the bell. Just a fun new dynamic as a switch player. [link] [comments] |
I played DSR with the enemy randomizer mod and I, stupidly, wanted to make every enemy a boss Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:57 AM PST |
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:20 AM PST |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:47 PM PST As I was turning a estus shard into Andre the game, and console decided to shut off. Usually id be fine with it because Ive had my breaker overload or powerline go dowm. Boot back up my console and find that over 1000 hours spread across 3 characters is gone. This actually is the most deflating souls experience 😭😭 i couldn't beat the super elder boss that is console failure. Im furious [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:43 PM PST |
Manus' search through space & time Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:06 PM PST I know time is convoluted in the Souls Universe, but I just wanted to take a few moments and marvel at the tragedy that is Manus. Whether we take him to be THE furtive pygmy, or one of the pygmys from the ringed city (as noted in DS3) , here's what we do know:
We learn through Dusk that while held captive by Manus, that she sensed the presence of sadness, longing, among other human emotions. We get ripped out of present day Lordran by Manus, through a portal he ripped open through spacetime seemingly out of sheer willpower. We know that due to the cycle of Fire that time, and space itself are convoluted / converging, worsening with every rekindling of the flame. While the appearance of phantoms in "our" world is attributed to this, both our & Chester's presence in Oolacile are not a result of the cycle - Rather, Manus' search across space and time for his precious Pendant. Perhaps his Pendant is the one remnant of his past life that he can still recall, longing to possess it once more. While never directly stated, I feel like we can say that Manus' outbreak of humanity / spreading of the Abyss ( I dont think he "created it", rather it has always existed) are intentional. Whatever memory he has retained, I can't help but look at his existence with great sorrow. Imagine yearning for something so intensely that not even time itself can contain your will. I've always adored the whole lore behind the entire AoA DLC, and the story of Manus furthers this adoration. Just another reason why we should walk away from the first flame, and let the world experience darkness as nature intended. [link] [comments] |
I JUST GOT THE PLATINUM TROPHY!!! PRAISE THE SUN Y'ALL Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:26 PM PST Boom proof - https://youtu.be/_H-AVswYlkc This was fun. I am not a trophy hunter and I dont particulary care for hard mode in games but this was something else entirely. Most games turn me off with hard mode because all they do is up health pools and damage output and it become more of a slog than anything. Dark Souls in not this. Dark Souls was something I avoided until last summer when I finally said "what the hell" and went for it. Within a couple hours of playing I knew I was hooked and the next day went back to gamestop to buy 2 &3 & demon souls (none of which I have played yet -_-) I played through the summer and it took me 52 hours to finish my first playthrough. A week and half ago i picked it up again cause I wanted to play something that would relax me. Honestly I now find the game relaxing cause once it clicks it clicks. Once you know the formula there is no stopping you. First time through sen's fortress 5 hours. Now 3 minutes. This time it took me a week and a half to get the platinum trophy starting over a NG and not my old save to make sure I did full exploration and found all the items I would need. So now After 56 hours I have completed the 2 & 1/2 playthroughs needed to beat Dark Souls. Highlights: 1.The first time I beat the Bell Gargoyals easily. Not the the first time I beat them, that was a chore, but the first time I realized "Hey I got this" and proceeded to hand em their asses
Bad Moments:
[link] [comments] |
Almost beat Ornstein and Smough first try! Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:54 PM PST First time playing DS1, I heard about how hard the fight with Ornstein and Smough is, so when I finally reached them I fully expected to eat shit... But managed to kill Ornstein and get Smough down to around 1/3rd of his hp before I got pummeled by his charge attack by accidentally rolling straight into it lol 2nd try I managed to beat them Meanwhile, I think I died like 40 times back in the Catacombs to pinwheel skeletons... [link] [comments] |
Don't talk to me or my son ever again Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST https://i.imgur.com/ouj0RnJ.jpg ^ Encountered this while using the enemy randomizer mod for Remastered today. Phase 2 O&S count as separate enemies btw. Can highly recommend trying this mod for a good challenge or some good laughs. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:27 PM PST I completed bloodborne with 100% including the dlc and the bosses up to this point were fairly easy, so I was confident my skills had carried over, then the gargoyles show up and I spend around 3 hours trying to kill them and not even coming close. Amy tips as to what I should do? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:43 PM PST https://imgur.com/gallery/DZLXLSm I finally completed the soul level 1 challenge. It was frustrating and anxiety filled. All while having a similar death count to my first run. I have completed a no death run and it may have been easier, but one mistake there and it was all over. I chose to take out every boss for this challenge including DLC. I cheesed one boss, and I do not care. It was Bed of Chaos. I did the firebomb toss because I have beat it many times without it(before it was even a thing) and the challenge at slvl 1 or 100 is the same. Gravity is your greatest enemy. I did find some bosses to be tougher than others. The top three toughest and how I finally brought them down: 1: Manus - Went in with Red Tearstone equiped and running. I died many times but I found that Fire Whip did great damage. You just can't be greedy because the flame hits twice if he sits in front of you, but he is so fast that he can curb stomp during that extra second. 2: Kalameet - I could only take him down with the ring swap starting with the White Seance Ring and Power Within in the extra attunement slot. I then swapped out to have Bellowing Dragon and Red Tearstone. Standard hypermode design, but man is it annoying getting the timing correct with him walking around or spraying black death at you. Flame Whip and Great Fireball ftw on this one. Also, you want Sanctus to slow the life loss. 3: Lord Gwyn - Power within but no red Tearstone ring. This time its Bellowing and Flame Stoneplate to help with the damage. I am filthy casul and also came with a +5 Dragon Crest Shield. I used Great Combustion when I could. He hits hard and he can stun lock you without all of that fire protection. The surprisingly tough bosses: Priscilla - she can bleed you so quickly at this low level and while invisible she can be a real b*tch. I would watch for her feet and then do the r2 jumping attack with a +5 Lightning Reinforced Club(my weapon of choice when not roasting enemies). Centipede Demon - Sometimes he would sit back and spam his one handed(legged?) attack. That fight was annoying for all of the wrong reasons. I went light with a good shield and kept rolling and would take 1-2 swings with my Lightning RClub and eventually I took his life down before he took mine. That is exactly how it felt anyway. Thanks to everyone who has put any challenge run up here before for the confidence/inspiration and to ymfah who created a video that helped a lot(I had to modify his choices for the toughest bosses but that is only because RNG plays a big role in some of their strategies and it was not working for me, seriously that guy is amazing and inventive with his videos and runs). If anyone has questions I am fresh off a run that I enjoyed so I can help. This run brought new life into a game that I finished the trophies four times. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:03 PM PST All weapons tested at +15, 50 str and 50 dex, also this list has literally no reason to exist other than I thought it be interesting, the number indicates power/weight, I accidentally tested some 2 handed and some one handed, however this only lead to a maximum error of 1.2 points as seen with the DGA, (basically nothing) Also the (B) and (P) represent bleed/poison, they effect this score in reality but I'm not testing for it I collected all of my information from https://soulsplanner.com/darksouls/weaponatk AXE Battle axe 118 Butcher knife 44.8 Gargoyle tail axe 92.2 Hand axe 199 CURVED GREATSWORD Murakumo 48 Server 51.5 CURVED SWORD Falchion 167.2 Painting guardian sword 284 (B) Scimitar 271.3 Shotel 199 DAGGER Bandit knife 285 (B) Dagger 570 Parry dagger 550 FIST Caestus 682 Claw 365 (B) Dragon bone fist 40.3 GREAT HAMMER Demons great hammer 30 Dragon tooth 33.7 Great club 56 Large club 58.9 (P) GREATAXE Demons great axe 31.2 Dragon king greataxe 23.8 Greataxe 47 Stone greataxe 23.6 GREATSWORD Bastard sword 92.2 Claymore 88.8 Crystal greatsword 46.5 Flamberge 82.5 (B) Man-serpent greatsword 52.9 Obsidian greatsword 60 HALBERD Gargoyle halberd 87.7 Great sythe 101.8 (B) Halberd 88.1 Lucerne 97.6 Sythe 105.8 HAMMER Blacksmith hammer 77.6 Club 136.3 Mace 84.3 Morning star 95.5 (B) Pickaxe 85.6 Reinforced club 111.6 (B) Warpick 129.4 KATANA Laito 83.2 (B) Uchigatana 85 (B) Washing pole 54.9 (B) SPEAR Four-pronged plow 74.2 Partizan 87.3 Pike 42.6 Spear 113.1 Winged spear 91.3 STRAIGHT SWORD Balder side sword 135 Barbed straight sword 130 (B) Broadsword 144 Broken straight sword. 96 Crystal straight sword 49 Darksword 70.7 Longsword 138 Shortsword 205.5 Silver knight straight sword 66.7 Straight sword hilt 57 Sunlight straight sword 106 THRUSTING SWORD Estoc 123.3 Mail breaker 564 Rapier 240.7 Richard's rapier 171.5 ULTRA GREATSWORD Demons great machete. 37.2 Greatsword 51.5 Zweihander 63.3 WHIP Guardian tail 68.4 (P) Notched whip 179.5 (B) Whip 252 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:39 AM PST |
I own DSR on Switch and DS2/3 on PS4 Anyone up for a co-op playthrough? Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:03 AM PST I'll be playing later today most likely if anyone is down to make new characters and play together. My PSN is bobdaddy. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:09 PM PST Goose Souls https://imgur.com/gallery/dhZD8W1 Yeah, you might've beaten Dark Souls with a tin can and a toothbrush, but have you beaten it with a horrible goose on your screen? The goose is a desktop app that puts a little goose friend on your screen who steals your mouse and shows you memes [link] [comments] |
I finished dark souls and just....WOW Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:10 PM PST Holy crap that was the best game I have ever played! This game is a masterpiece and definitely gets a 10/10. [link] [comments] |
I have a Question for the pvp veterans Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:42 PM PST I have been playing for a year and have 200 + hours but I haven't once been to PvP . Today I got invaded by some unfortunate souland I absolutely murdered him. I am level 505 so this was a rare occasion as I thought that the amount of leveling I had done meant I was strictly out of PvP (I am too strong) So I was wondering can I invade or no? Cuz I really wanna try . [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:55 PM PST my first time playing through Dark Souls. Nough said. [link] [comments] |
I took a stab at recreating the symbol of the Warrior of Sunlight, how'd I do? Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:10 AM PST https://i.imgur.com/5yN8m1e.png I made this using stained glass, the total length is 8" from the top sun ray to the bottom sun ray. The yellow sun is 3" in diameter. The face was a bit tricky to make, it is the only part that isn't glass. It is actually solder that is super glued to the glass. I played Dark Souls 1, but never finished it. Got stuck in Anor Londo fighting Ornstein and Smough. [link] [comments] |
Which stats should I upgrade for a Knight Character ? Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:57 PM PST I want to use great weapons like Zweihander but at the same time a shield. I'm upgrading the vitality, strength and resistance but I'm not sure. Also thanks for your help ! I defeated the 2 Sword Black Knights at Un-dead Burg & Parish. However none of them drop me nothing more than titanite chunks. [link] [comments] |
Plus 5 crystal dagger vs dark silver tracer with 45 dex. whats better? Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:42 PM PST |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:49 PM PST Just punished Gwyn on the first try. Not even a single parry! Did have Solaire's help though. What a bro. Thanks to the active community here on Reddit and encouragement to keep trying... I almost gave up at the undead burg and this was possibly my most enjoyable video game experience. Left without lighting the bonfire. Praise the Sun! If only I could be so grossly incandescent. [link] [comments] |
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