Dark Souls Favorite player message? |
- Favorite player message?
- Feet
- We are Solaire to Siegmeyer.
- NEW out of bounds area in Sen's Fortress
- I Have Never Finished The Game. Is That Weird?
- Just lost a 99 humanity, 850k souls bloodstain to the clams before Seathe. Once again I seriously considered uninstalling forever. But I never do... God I love hating this game.
- Why are people convinced the man in the Tower's Basement is not Havel?
- Does everyone feel like a monster after killing Síf?
- AT LAST. my first soulborne game
- 104 Hours Later = 100% Achievements!
- I started 2020 by Platinuming Dark Souls
- I can't beat Kalameet for the life of me
- Dark souls is a wonderful game
- Is “destroying the illusion” story or optional?
- I hope I don’t get sacrificed to the First Flame for this but…
- What weapon should I use for artorias
- Im not sure if this was supposed to happen
- can you play darksouls remasterd lan offline using hamachi
- The DS Enemy Randomizer Mod is a must-try
- Anyone know how to cheese the Smough and Ornstein boss fight?
- Do people still play co-op and invade one another in Dark Souls: Prepare to Die edition on PC since tge remaster came out?
- Finally got the 100%
- Dark Souls Remastered is My Favorite Platformer (Serious)
- Dark Souls 4(?) Covenant ideas
Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:14 PM PST Like the title; What's your favorite message that people leave before like a boss or enemy? Mine is the "Weakness: Anything" that is always in front of Pinwheel! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:09 AM PST Yesterday I reached the end of Pained World of Ariamis (one of the coolest areas I've ever seen BTW), and walked up to the fog gate leading to Crossbreed Priscilla. There was one lonely soapstone message outside the fog door which simply read, "Feet." Now, this was a tad baffling, and honestly I couldn't wrap my head around this enigmatic prophecy. So I stepped through the fog gate and there was Priscilla, in all her glory, her pale feet glowing under a cloudy winter sky. I burst out laughing. I laughed loud and long, much longer than I should have. It was such a stupid and simple message, but my god was it funny. Surrounding her were several other messages "Weakness: Feet", "Need Feet", "Amazing feet ahead". I realize this is a stupid story, and maybe a well established meme, but goddamn it made me laugh. I love this stupid humor of this community and just had to share this with you all. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:34 PM PST Our Onion Bro doesn't do anything and always gets in trouble and we have to bail him out. He is stuck behind a gate and doesn't think about going on to ring the bells. He is stuck behind "a ball" and doesn't bother to go up the funtress and stop the ball. He is stuck in a room with 3-4 silver knights waiting to wail on him. And just tries to think up a plan. He is stuck in blighttown since he doesn't have any Plump and we have to get him the antidote. And the one time he does try to take up arms the chance of him dying is far more significant that him actually making it. But danget he is my onion bro and if I didn't know better, I would think I had feelings for him! [link] [comments] |
NEW out of bounds area in Sen's Fortress Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:56 PM PST https://youtu.be/9KfAXqx0M5w?t=35 I found this years ago before the remaster came out but couldn't get it on video. I don't think theres anything useful about this but it's fun to explore areas we werent meant to go. Someone should run around with seek guidance activated, maybe theres a dev message hidden somewhere. [link] [comments] |
I Have Never Finished The Game. Is That Weird? Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:08 AM PST I've never actually beaten Lord Gwyn, but I've defeated Taurus to O&S countless times and the rest of the bosses at least 3 different times. Despite this, I've never actually gotten round to killing Gwyn. I just tried the other day and he wrecks my character (horrendous stats and levels though, I was new and I took him the farthest) and so I just never really beaten him. Am I weird? Is it weird I find Gwyn difficult (I am not good at parrying)? Edit: I think it is funny that I made this post, because literally maybe 3 hours ago I ended up finally beating Gwyn after... 4 or 5 years. Maybe longer? I can't remember the first time I started playing but yea. With pyromancer and a crystal halberd. Cheers and happy NY guys. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:34 AM PST |
Why are people convinced the man in the Tower's Basement is not Havel? Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:48 AM PST I have noticed that, since some time ago, a large part of the community has been in agreement with the theory that the man in the Tower's Basement is not Havel the Rock, but one of his followers. Now, the main argument in support of this idea is the Havel's Ring description, which states that the ring was given to Havel's followers. This leads to the conclusion that Havel did not use the ring himself and that the man in the tower wasn't Havel himself. However, this theory fails to address two very big and important factors: the Dragon Tooth and Havel's Greatshield, which are obviously in the possession of the man in the tower. Now, the description of Havel's armor states that it is not an unique piece, as it was worn by his warriors, plural, but Dragon Tooth is obviously a legendary weapon, never replicated. Not only I doubt there's that many Everlasting Dragon's teeth laying around, the description does clearly state that it was Havel's personal weapon. Same goes for the Greatshield: even if it is made out of a material - stone - which is not rare, it is described as a true divine heirloom, on par with the Dragon Tooth itself. Now, if we accept the theory that the man in the tower is just one of many warriors that had once been followers of Havel, why would he of all people hold such powerful weapons? Why would he carry Havel's personal equipment, instead of the Rock himself? The theory raises more questions than it answers. There is nothing that explicitly says that Havel didn't wear the same armor set as the one given to his warriors (and after all, wearing armor made entirely out of stone would certainly earn him a moniker like "the Stone"), nor anything or anyone says that Havel did not use his own ring to help carry the burden of that very armor. There is a very likely possibility that the man in the tower is Havel, all things considered. [link] [comments] |
Does everyone feel like a monster after killing Síf? Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:55 PM PST I don't know... Took me five attempts as I was playing with a weapon new to me (don't know the English name, it's a spear that casts electricity +5), but... I wish I had never used Artorias' Emblem, I wish... that zone had remained undisturbed as it should. I just went in... And despite I am used to killing Hollows, the real living people made me feel bad after killing them. Talking to Alvina the cat and joining her covenant... I felt like I was betraying all of these people. The only reason these people are there is so nobody raids Artorias' tomb. And I joined the covenant and talked to the general and she told me the rules and everything... How forbidden it was to treason the covenant, and I just went in there, opened the doors and touched the greatsword... Then Síf makes his entrance over the tombstone... You haven't even got in the boss room, you're already sad. When I was in the bridge right before Síf's room, I was thinking "I don't wanna do this, Síf didn't do anything wrong, he doesn't deserve being killed..." Same reason I didn't fight Crossbreed Priscilla when I got in the Painted World of Ariamis. Because she hadn't done anything, she lived in peace inside the painting. And to think I will go down there, and kill his master Artorias too, it just makes me feel like a monster. Seeing him grab the sword in his mouth and jump over you, then looking at you... like he's not just angry. He's angry because he's sad, and because he's protecting his master's tomb. The fight starts, then you just see a wolf. You want to win the fight, forget who that wolf with a sword in its mouth is. Why you are fighting him. You focus on remaining close to him, stick him with the spear whenever you can, rolling towards him to dodge the slashes, and when he's low on HP, your heart rushes a bit like with every single boss before. But when he finally dies, you get slapped back to reality. And now, 5 AM, in my bedroom, I really felt like a monster. He hadn't done anything but protecting the remains of the only one he truly cared for. And I just went in there, violating the covenant just to not get attacked by the guardians, and raiding the tomb. Picking up the ring behind the tomb, and now... I have Síf's soul in my inventory. I stood there for a solid five minutes, looking at it. And despite I am a pretty cold hearted person for this kind of things, I cried at this. It was the first time I have ever cried to a videogame, a series, a movie, anything. After this fight, I feel a small burden in my soul, like I did something wrong, something that shouldn't have been done... Did anyone else feel like this? Did anyone else think "What is Ciaran going to think of this when I meet her? I have killed her man's best friend, and I will have killed him too by the time I meet her"? [link] [comments] |
AT LAST. my first soulborne game Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:06 PM PST I've finally beaten the game . It took me 92 hours to finish ,4 hours alone to defeat Gwyn, but i did. [link] [comments] |
104 Hours Later = 100% Achievements! Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:37 PM PST Originally made a goal to beat all the bosses in every seki-souls-borne and after doing that I bought my friends DSR for christmas and in replaying it myself with them I set a new goal to do every achievement in every game as well and this is the first of the 5 games! [link] [comments] |
I started 2020 by Platinuming Dark Souls Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:26 PM PST So, I first got Dark Souls on PC back when prepare to die released, but my between me sucking and my potato PC I wasn't able to make it to the gargoyles. Then at the start of 2019 I decided to try again. I picked up the trilogy on PS4 since I'm still using that same PC, and damn have I played a lot of souls since then. I've beaten 1 half a dozen times 2 and 3 several times, and gotten Platinum in bloodborne. But you know what? I still can't parry. I never got good. [link] [comments] |
I can't beat Kalameet for the life of me Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:58 PM PST I'm SL87 with 78 in intel and since kalameet is tanky as fuck to magic I'm basically fucked wat do? [link] [comments] |
Dark souls is a wonderful game Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:41 PM PST I had originally started my first playthrough of Dark Souls about a year ago but I ended up quitting. Why? Because I killed an NPC and I was still very early on in the game so when the Cleric came the rest of her followers attacked me. I had then started my next playthrough which ended even faster. Then on my third attempt through the game with my character Ford the Wheel (I thought it was funny back then) I finally beat the game! I have to say its 100% in my top 5 and its my first Soulslike. Anyway I'm just happy I have a place to share this thanks for reading! [link] [comments] |
Is “destroying the illusion” story or optional? Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:54 AM PST I know the story behind Gwyndolin creating the illusion of A) Gwynevere B)The Sun. It's just that I haven't really heard of the breaking of it that much. Is it story or optional? [link] [comments] |
I hope I don’t get sacrificed to the First Flame for this but… Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:33 PM PST I don't enjoy Dark Souls…so far. I know that's a bold statement to just outright say without evidence so here goes. I've only gotten to the dark root garden, so I haven't beaten many bosses. I've yet to fight the gargoyles and I gotta go through a lot more still but up till this point I have not enjoyed playing dark souls. I think the combat is immensely sluggish and floaty. By "floaty" I mean that no hits feel like they have any weight to them and like I'm just attacking cardboard cutouts. My favorite enemies so far have been the silver and black knight in the early game, and the armored hollows in the undead parish for their similarities to the lothric knights of DS3, but otherwise I haven't had fun fighting any other enemies. Even then, the armored hollows are still a little too fragile for my taste. And the bosses are an absolute joke. The asylum demon is ridiculously easy (even as far as a beginning boss goes) and the taurus demon was so disappointing, I'd rather not utter his name more than necessary. The menu is also a pain in the butt to navigate, and my equip load is piss poor too. Now, I know that's a lot of negativity to just toss around, so here are the things I really DO like:
I still intend to finish dark souls to its natural condition, with dlc included. But as of right now the gameplay is my biggest obstacle towards absolute enjoyment of this game. And as for why I'm saying all this? Well, I wanted to know if anyone else felt similarly or otherwise. I look forward to seeing what this passionate community has to say and I hope it's known that my criticisms and feelings come from a place of absolute love and appreciation for FromSoft and what they're capable of. [link] [comments] |
What weapon should I use for artorias Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:52 AM PST Im level 56 Str 18 Dex 30 Int 10 Faith 30 Im currently using a quelag fury sword but It didnt do shit Then I tried my divine uchigatan which didnt do muxh damage either Then I read up that he is resistant to elemental damage, So Im wondering whats the best weapon I can get with my current stats, I thought about turning my uchigatan back to normal and upgrade it more but I then also remembered I got alot of faith and wondered if theres a way It would scale better if it scaled with faith aswell, what should I do? [link] [comments] |
Im not sure if this was supposed to happen Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:50 PM PST So i just started playing dark souls for the first time, and i had to fight a giant red demon thing on a castle wall (i cant remember its name). And the giant demon fell of the wall and died for seemingly no reason. And the game told me that I won the fight. Was this supposed to happen? Or did I just get lucky? [link] [comments] |
can you play darksouls remasterd lan offline using hamachi Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:02 AM PST me and my friend wanted to play on lan because we dont want invaders can this work? [link] [comments] |
The DS Enemy Randomizer Mod is a must-try Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:21 PM PST I recently purchased Dark Souls on Steam just to try the Dark Souls Enemy Randomizer mod and it refreshed this game in ways I didn't think were possible. I cannot recommend it enough. I had one of the Four Kings chilling in the Undead Burg, one of the Gargoyles was replaced with Manus, Gwyn himself was hanging out in the Catacombs, supercharged Ornstein was in the graveyard right off of Firelink, and Seath was sitting on the main bridge in Anor Londo right before the rotating elevator. So many new stories and surprises created in this play-through that I didn't think were possible. I didn't think I could re-create the magical (and stressful) experience of playing this game for the first time, but this mod completely did just that. I'm looking forward to combining it with the Item Randomizer mod in the future. I highly recommend this mod to anyone who hasn't tried it yet and has a PC that can handle it. Link to mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls/mods/1407 Tl;dr: The enemy randomizer mod for DS made me feel like I was playing this game for the first time again and you should totally try it out. [link] [comments] |
Anyone know how to cheese the Smough and Ornstein boss fight? Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:06 PM PST I've literally tried everything. I've summoned solaire, i got quelaags fury sword for fire damage. I upgraded my pyromancy. And these guys are just unstoppable, by the time I'm dodging one attack i get stabbed, by the time i dodge the stab I get crushed. I got to smoughs second phase after killing ornstein with 7 flasks. And i still died because his bs ground pound attack. I despise this fight and I don't even care about fighting fair anymore. People tell me to use the pillars, EVEN THOUGH THEY CAN ATTACK THROUGH THEM!!!. I also hate smoughs charging attack, i really just hate smough in general from his stupid armor and indecisive AI. Anyone know how to cheese this fight? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:03 AM PST I already have it on pc but now I'll be able to run ot well enough for me to try it on that platform. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:33 AM PST After I played this game for the first time a year ago, I instantly fell in love with it. It's been my go-to game for short sessions and I've played it while I felt down in my life to get a little bit pumped. So in order to always have a goal after completing the main game and DLC, I decided to get all the achievements, which is something I don't usually do with my games. Now in the first day of a new decade, I finally managed to cut Seath's tail to get the final achievement and get my first 100% ever on my Xbox account for my favorite game of all time. That's it, I'm sorry for the annoying triumph post but I just wanted to share it with some hollows and if you reader till here, happy new year for you :) [link] [comments] |
Dark Souls Remastered is My Favorite Platformer (Serious) Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:38 AM PST I know it sounds like trolling, but I think the"platforming" in the game is my favorite. Like, I enjoyed A LOT about the game, but for whatever reason, this side aspect is my favorite thing. I've actually found it better than actual platformers maybe because it feels more clutch each time I do it. [link] [comments] |
Dark Souls 4(?) Covenant ideas Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:32 PM PST If there ever will be another Dark Souls game, i bet it will take place after or during the eventual Age of Dark Followers of the Unbreakable In an age that time forgot, there was a man who lured adventurers to their deaths, promising them great treasure. Yet his cause was noble: all he wanted was to punish them for their greed. Many were inspired by his ideas and decided to take action. Followers of the Unbreakable can be summoned as white phantoms, but will not benefit from helping the Host. They can only gain Pieces of Armor if the Host is slain by stage enemies or killed by environmental causes. Followers of the Unbreakable cannot damage the Host, but they can push him by kicking him in the back. (patches the covenant. for people who really like betraying hosts and being a jerk) Champions of Death The Flame is still regaining its power. The second Lord of Death cannot fully rely on the Flame, as history has shown. Many Champions fight each other to select the strongest Souls for the Lord to consume. The Champions always invade in groups. They gain Hollow Skulls from defeating other Champions or the Host. If the Host is slain, only one Champion will gain a Skull from it. (putting some competition into invasions) Profaned Fanatics The Profaned Flame has attracted countless worshippers in the Age of Dark. It gave them light and warmth, yet it also seemlessly corrupted them. They mindlessy kill anyone who goes against the Profaned Flame. Profaned Fanatics are required to wear the Profaned Candle Helm. They can only invade or be summoned into worlds with other members of this covenant. They gain Dark Blood Vials from defeating any hosts or phantoms that are not affiliated with the Profaned Fanatics. (nobody expects the spanish inquisition) Abyss Walkers The Abyss Walkers were noble knights who were sent into the depths of the Abyss to recover an ancient artifact which could protect one from The Abyss and cure Abyss infestation. Only one knight returned with the artifact, while the rest were either slain or corrupted. The Abyss Walkers can place their summoning signs within the Abyss Walker fighting area to be summoned as the Abyss Walker to challenge other players. His health, energy, size and attack range are drastically increased, but his attack speed and walking speed are drastically reduced. He also cannot use Flasks. (basically pvp bossfight done good (actually has a boss healthbar and is as slow as an actual boss)) (also after gaining some reputation in the covenant you could get a really cool weapon that references Artorias or the Abyss Watchers in some way and has a special move that only works if you're in the boss mode and that has additional effects depending on your health) [link] [comments] |
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