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    Wednesday, January 1, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Help a hollow.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Help a hollow.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Help a hollow.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:12 PM PST

    Welcome to our Wednesday thru Thursday sticky thread "Help A Hollow."

    Do you need the game mechanics explained a bit? Don't understand scaling, infusion, or magic? Just can't take on Velstadt solo?

    If you have a question or need a hand then skip /new for the day and get the help you need. Leave a comment below and someone will help you shortly. Or sort comments by new and be a helpful hollow. Remember to check out /r/DarkSouls2/wiki and contribute!

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    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    This is a really dumb question but...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:31 AM PST

    I'm trying to trade for a loyce armor set and loyce greatsword, I really wanna cosplay as one as I really love their armor and I just can't fight the bullshit twin cats or farm for loyce souls, I have a lot of +10 weapons, I'm on the Xbox one sotfs edition, soul memory is 9.8 Million, my gamertag is MadCuzBadEZ, so drop me a message if you'd like to trade.

    submitted by /u/6x58
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    I just finished DSII: SOTFS to completion for the first time.. here's a (long) write-up of my feelings about it.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:24 AM PST

    I will start out with saying I have now played through all of the (modern, haven't played Kingsfield or any of their older work period) From Software games. I will add I have NOT played/completed vanilla Dark Souls II. This includes:

    Demon's Souls (Least favorite of the bunch due to it aging poorly and feeling pretty linear when I went back to it)-Dark Souls (+ DLC, also played through Remastered a lot and continue to from time to time)-Dark Souls II: SOTFS (this post is about the game, so I'll let the post speak for it)-Dark Souls III (+ DLC my favorite of the Soulsborne series)-Bloodborne (+ DLC)-Sekiro (Very close to my heart, outside of Soulsborne it's one of my favorite titles)

    I enjoyed all of them overall. Including this one, but I have some conflicting feelings I'll get to below. I will also add I tried my best to experience ALL of the content this game has to offer, I fought every single boss, lit every single bonfire in all the areas and went for as many achievements as I could. I even used ascetics to re-fight some bosses for the NG+ souls for unique weapons to try.

    So I'm by no means new to this series, I've been into the Souls franchise since Demon's Souls was on PS3. I got it a few months after release and was enchanted by it, though going back via emulation recently showed me just how linear and on-rails Demon's Souls is.. well it's to its detriment for me, after playing the newer games. None-the-less, my initial impression of it sent me charging through the series with each installment, practically salivating when a new one was on the horizon and I thought of what it'd be like to play it.

    Except Dark Souls II..

    Why not DSII? Honestly, there is no good reason. It was always just that one game I never got around to playing. After release, as I'm sure you all well know, it wasn't received super well by the Souls community. After watching some gameplay, I felt it looked kinda off.. but I still wanted to play it. I just, sort of never got around to it, the caution from the factors I mentioned above took away any burning desire I had to play it RIGHT NOW like the other titles so it lingered in the background. I took a brief crack at it (less than 10 hours) about a year and a half ago but I can't say I finished it. I got back into SB hard after Dark Souls III, which prompted me to play Bloodborne via a friend's PS4 off-and-on until I'd managed to complete all of it including the DLC. Due to not owning a PS4 (I'm a PC gamer, the PS3 / Xbox 360 was the last console generation I participated in, only thing I've bought since was a Switch) myself I didn't get to spend as much time with that one as I would have liked, but I did enjoy the time I had a lot.

    Getting to the point. Dark Souls II, specifically DSII: SOTFS. How do I feel about this game? What kind of time did I find myself having as I played through it? What sort of lasting impression has it made upon me? That's.. well, those aren't simple questions to answer for me.. On one hand a lot of parts about this game made really good impressions on me, on another hand I had a generally fun enough time playing through the game to not just throw it down and call it quits, there's a lot of positive I can take from the overall experience. That said, there's also a lot of negative.. a LOT of negative. I feel the best way to go over it is start with the positives, then move onto the negatives. Before that, I will state I finished the game as SL 200 (technically finished at 197 but OCD pushed me to grind to 200 before I NG+'d out) with 50 hours on my save file.



    - TONS of gear, all stats feel balanced (as in there's no stat traps such as DSIII luck), Soul Vessel respec options, leveling up and seeing your character develop is fun, etc.. it all leads to DSII feeling the most like a true RPG of the Souls games, rising above a mere 'action' RPG title. I love RPG games, so this aspect was a huge plus.

    - The world of DSII was very, fun to explore. Sure, the path of progression is somewhat linear but of all the Soulsborne games I by far spent the most time wandering about and exploring the optional areas of DSII. Finding all the nooks and crannies for secrets and items was a lot of fun, the lockstones added to this. Despite not being interconnected like DSI or as awe-inspiring as some of the locations in DSIII, the world of DSII felt the most like a 'world' to me.

    - The sheer amount of content this game has is almost kind of impressive. The shameful part is a lot of it felt like filler or was just rushed / poorly thought out, but by god DSII will never leave you feeling short of things to do. You can sink probably the most time into a single play through of this game than any of the other modern From Software titles.

    - PvP is really nice in this game. Now, as someone who plays actual fighting games on a competitive level, going to tournaments like a crusty try-hard (mostly Tekken these days) and all that.. I will say Souls PvP is still DEEPLY flawed. You couldn't ever make a truly competitive experience out of it due to all the variable / unrefined factors present, but overall DSII rightly is acclaimed as having the best the series has to offer when it comes to it. The amount of viable build variety and the ton of gear really helps cement this most, as do all the PvP covenants. The game still has active PvP going on in now (as of Jan 1st, lol) 2020 so that's pretty impressive and it speaks for how good the PvP in DSII is.

    - The GOOD bosses in this game really do their job right. Rather it be Darklurker, Fume Knight or Old Ivory King.. when DSII gets boss fights right it REALLY gets them right. The bad part is how many poor / average bosses fill the overall roster of bosses, but the good ones do really manage to stand out from the pack as some of the best in the series.

    - Merchants actually feel like they have meaning in this title, in the other Soulsborne games merchants feel mostly like a take-them-or-leave-them affair where-as in DSII I found myself visiting the various NPCs for shop purposes quite often.

    - The story of this game feels the most like a story in all of Souls (not counting Sekiro or BB) and that to me was a nice plus. The world and lore of Souls always interests me, but DSII really felt like it put the most effort into there being a story to begin with. Rather it be all the cutscenes (not many compared to other titles, but a lot for Souls standards) even if just the little ones for bosses, the feeling of hopelessness this game really manages to instill, the NPC dialogue actually feeling fleshed out.. it just all sums up to be what in my opinion is the best story the Souls games can tell. Being right smack-dab in the middle of all the various cycles with that tinge of despair, all backed up by a lingering drive for hope is just.. it's something man.

    - I didn't get to experience much of this as I only went as far as the first bonfire when I went to NG+, but using ascetics on the bonfires on several areas helped me to see some of it. Dark Souls II, more-so than any other Souls game, actually makes an effort to feel somewhat different on NG+ cycles. The red enemies, the new enemy placements, all of it is a nice touch when going back through the game / an area for a second, third or whateverith time and it seems like it could help keep the game somewhat fresh by keeping you on your toes.



    - A lot of the areas in this game just don't feel fleshed out, or even like they were thought about all that long. I mentioned above this game has a lot of optional areas and a ton of places to get lost exploring in, but after a while some of it truly does begin to feel like filler. An easy example of this for me is the Old Ivory King DLC. If you just rush that DLC, it's extremely, almost insultingly short. You can go kill Ava, then make a run straight for the main boss of the DLC in about 20-30 minutes overall. Almost all of the content of the DLC is finding the eye to see Ava, backtracking through the level for all the loot + Loyce Knights and then finding the optional gank boss (will get to these shit gems in a bit) and it felt like the weakest of the three DLC's for it. Take this feeling I just mentioned, and apply it to several areas of the game. About 1/3 or more of DSII has this feeling to it, and it's not a good thing.

    - All that gear? Well it can kind of seem pointless. A theme of these negatives will be me taking some of the positives and flipping them on their head, so I'll continue that now. A lot of the gear, while technically viable with the right build and upgrades, feels pointless. There are so many weapons sharing the same movesets, so many sets of armor that look similar to another set or share a general theme.. it just feels gratuitous after a certain point. I've never had so much crap in my inventory in Souls game, if I didn't store / sell all the duplicates I would've had hundreds of gear pieces overall with me. The game is very fond of throwing item pickups all over the world to encourage you to explore areas, and so many of these pickups were just.. crap. Crap that made you feel like you almost wasted your time going for it.

    - This game is at times one big fucking gank-spank and it's maddening. It's a problem split between both the areas / enemies and at times the actual bosses of the game. I don't know how vanilla DSII felt in this regard, but in SOTFS jesus christ it can be bad. A lot of the 'difficulty' in this game is literally just artificial, entirely due to the fact a lot of areas are just a massive conglomerate of enemies strewn all over the place.. sometimes without even having thoughtful placement. There's also times where the enemy placement bordered on the feeling of unfair, like the game was just trying to kick you in the balls for the sake of having a laugh, which is counter to the feeling of difficulty Souls usually carries. The enemy placement in this game is just, it's shit. I hate it and it made certain areas of this game really demoralizing to go through.

    - The bosses, oh, the bosses. While I did say the good bosses in this game are REALLY good, this game has more than its fair share of ass-grade boss fights. Rather it be the lazy Twin Dragonriders, the forgettable Flexile Sentry that is so forgettable they forgot it was a boss and added it as a regular enemy in the later game + DLC, the easy-cheesy Covetous Demon, the total let-down that was the Giant Lord (AKA Sir-Stomps-a-Lot, ffs his hollowed (Last Giant) form put up more of a fight than he did), the gank boss fight in the Sunken King DLC.. I could go on. Most of the boss fights in this game are of meh / average quality, a fair number are complete shit and then a few are truly great. That is not a good thing, at all. If anything, Souls is nearly defined by the boss fights, DSII manages to have the most by-far of the Soulsborne series and still manages to screw most of them up somehow.

    - A lot of shit in this game felt rushed and slapped together or just fails to make any logical sense, and I don't mean the (already covered above) areas this time. Things like the Last Giant being called the LAST Giant yet there's Giant enemies in other parts of the game like Black Gulch. While the story and lore overall are pretty damned good, a lot of holes are present as well as bits that just don't make any sense. Like the nonsensical meme'd on elevator ride up to Dragon's Aerie.. or Earthen Peak's transition to Old Iron Keep. You can tell this game was scrapped and then re-done up again using the previously made assets on a time limit (and to be fair, it was) and it manages to bleed through in a LOT of places.. far more than can feel good.

    - The covenant reward systems at times are just, fucked. Like with the Blue Sentinels, you need a staggeringly high amount of PvP duel wins to get the rewards and it makes going for certain achievements like all miracles and such feel like a total slog. I don't know if it counts as a covenant but farming all the Loyce Souls for Alsanna is also shit and it's why I gave up on the idea of doing it. There's a lot of examples like this in the game with the covenants, I don't know why they had to do them like this.

    - Some of the animations and patterns of certain enemies / bosses are really lazily done if not downright unfinished looking (looking at you, Falconers) at times. It leaves the game feeling janky as hell during some moments and there's no way I can make a list of negatives without mentioning this.

    - The amount of recycled / reused content is this game is almost insulting. Rather it be all the instances of reusing bosses as regular enemies or how the layout of certain areas feel really copy / paste-ish when looking back of the entirety of the game / DSI.. it's a definite problem that I noticed. The sheer amount of 'why?' pieces of gear / weapons really cements this feeling for me.

    - Adaptability / ADP, more specifically Agility and the fact the invincibility frames on your rolls / backsteps are tied entirely to a stat. I went into DSII knowing this so I feel like I saved myself a lot of hassle and confusion, but the fact that this is like this to begin with is confusing as hell. Why did they do this? No other game in the whole of From's modern works made a decision like this and I would imagine it would leave those not familiar with it feeling very confused. Before I got my ADP / ATN up high enough to get a respectable Agility rating, the fact my roll seemed almost useless was just.. laughable almost.

    - This one gets a lot of flak, but it deserves it so I'm going in on it too. The hitboxes in this game at times are truly just WTF tier. Rather it be Alonne's stab-grab, the fact you can be behind a mimic and then teleport right into its mouth only to die, whatever the hell is going on with the Falconer enemies or the fact those spider people in Tseldora can seemingly damage you after death.. just what the hell? Combined with the amount of gank-heavy areas and unfair-feeling design the bad hitboxes can just.. god damn, it all leaves a really bad taste in your mouth at times. The amount of times I died and went 'okay, now THAT was just bullshit' was much higher than it ever has been in a Souls game and I consider myself a long-standing veteran of the series at this point.

    - I already mentioned the reasons for WHY, but these areas were such an overall negative experience I'm going to list them again anyway as a unique negative:

    The Gutter (aka recycled Blighttown, but somehow darker)-Black Gulch (fuck this area)-No Man's Warf (ganks, but in the DARK!)-Undead Purgatory (why is this even an area..?)-Belfry Sol (aka useless PvP area that just feels rushed in the end)-The Pit (without laddersmith Gilligan the platforming here is just so out of place and I hated it)-Grave of Saints (rushed feeling and has an abysmal boss fight, plus it connects to the Pit so that's bad as-is)-Brightstone Cove Tseldora (Re-visiting Ornifex and wading through the enemies every time made me hate it)-Undead Crypt (my second least favorite area of the whole game)-Frigid Outskirts (aka cancer itself and the WORST area in the whole game)-Cave of the Dead (everything about this area, including the boss, is total ass)


    So yeah.. those are the positive AND negative opinions I have on the game. I'm sure I left out a few things in both categories, but overall I feel like I covered enough of each to really give you an idea. I.. I don't know how to feel about this game overall? I had fun playing it and it definitely felt like a Souls game (I mention this due to how many people say it's a good game, but a bad Souls game) overall. That said, when I finally finished the last DLC boss after completing the main game, finished up the few achievements (though not all, due to reasons mentioned above with the covenants) I wanted and went to Vendrick's memory to give the DLC crowns the 'not hollow' power before picking Journey 2 at the Far Fire.. I felt relieved. Relieved I was finally done with this game and all the content it had to offer. I did mention I used ascetics to fight the bosses of certain areas over at times, sometimes to grind Souls, most of the time to get unique NG+ Souls to collect weapons like the Moonlight Greatsword. Though I didn't spend more than 2-3 hours overall replaying old content, most of the 50 or so hours I spent with this game were just.. playing through it for the first time and experiencing it. I've never spent this much time on one NG cycle / save in a Souls game before, DSII drug on and on for so long that with all of its negatives that it truly began to feel like a chore for me at times.

    But I also can't come out and say 'lol fuck this game' or that it's.. bad. It isn't a bad game, at all. I overall felt my experience with Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin was fun and pretty positive. The issue is that there were so many negative experiences and sheer trials of patience along the way it managed to taint the experience as a whole for me. It makes me not want to come back an revisit this game any time soon, which is a feeling I don't have with all of the other From Software games minus Demon's Souls due to it not aging as well. I love those games dearly and will go back to them frequently. But now that I finally managed to finish DSII? I honestly don't see myself picking it up for at least 2-3 years, if even then.

    I'm struggling on how to close this out.. I wish I had some bit of insight to give people who haven't played the game before, or some brilliant wording to place through a few sentences to sum it all up nicely.. but I don't. Dark Souls II was an experience that was frustrating, at times lacking and overall one that felt drawn out. Dark Souls II was also a lot of fun, had a lot of variety and exploring to do, did a lot of things right and wasn't afraid to experiment doing its own thing unlike DSIII (still my favorite in the series, but it played it far more safe) which is really apparent.. for better AND for worse.

    Is Dark Souls II a good game? Yes. Is Dark Souls II a bad game? Also, sort of yes, but kind of not? Lord this is confusing and difficult. I find the best way to put it that Dark Souls II is a fun, albeit deeply flawed game that I now can truly understand since I've played it.. and that understanding has led me to also understand why so many people consider it the black sheep of the series. However, I find a lot of the negativity to be overblown, this game still was an overall good time to me and I don't outright regret playing it. So, that's where I'm gonna leave it. DS2 is a deeply flawed game that still manages to be a Souls game, which is a great thing. It is a duality of greatness and total shit that can leave a person confused as hell, it sure did me, but I can both see why some people call it their favorite and why some people say they hate it.

    I had no real reason for typing this all out, I was just so confounded with how I felt upon finishing this game early this morning that I felt the need to go get it all out somewhere. This was me doing that. To anyone who read the whole thing, I thank you, I hope you have a wonderful new year and all that jazz. I'll finally close this mad ramble now.


    TL;DR: Dark Souls II is fucking conflicting.

    submitted by /u/MNaumov92
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    Coming from ds3...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:10 AM PST

    So I recently got ds2 after having put many hours into ds3 and enjoying it thoroughly, I will probably start ds2 soon once I get my final achievement tomorrow, and I want to ask you guys what tips you have for me? What's different that I should be prepared for? I mained a Pyromancer in ds3 and also tried sorcery and miracle and melee, pyro seemed best, which would you say is best in ds2? Anything that you think I might want to know as a someone familiar with a bit of the game genre, moving backwards through the series.

    submitted by /u/Sinister_Compliments
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    Help I'm a DarkSouls 2 Noob

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:41 AM PST

    So i'm playing pre SotFS darksouls 2 and im lost. I'm like soul level 80 and idk where to go. i still need to explore the Shaded Woods and Sinners Rise meanwhile i still have to kill the Old Iron King and the Rotten. i feel so under leveled against those bosses, should i just keep trying or should i explore those locations. Keep in mind this is the first Darksouls game i've ever played

    submitted by /u/SirFankleforp
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    Quick question about shrine of winter

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:11 AM PST

    Let's say a theoretical player ingested all four souls to level up. Would they still be able to go through the door?

    Also sorry if this is the wrong section!

    submitted by /u/lsizemor
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    I'm kinda sad now...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:43 AM PST

    I have beat every boss in my sorcerer build but the darklurker. So I got stacked up in human effigies and went to fight him. Had my most powerful sorceries on and was ready. I did not even get to his second phase. One crystal soul spear almost took 1/5 of his health. He is one of my all time favorite boss fights and I did not get to enjoy it. Who would have thought that a magic based boss would not be resistant to magic. Overall I'm sad :(

    That's all I wanted to say, keep on your day

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    Can anyone give me a list of areas to do in order as a first time player?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:28 AM PST

    I've accidentally just beat the Lost Sinner and gained a major soul but I've only beaten about 4 bosses beforehand and am still pretty low leveled, where was I supposed to go instead?

    submitted by /u/IOnlyEverDisagree
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    Question About Approximate Level I Should Be

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:11 AM PST

    I'm at the Undead Crypt Second Bonfire, and I was wondering what level people usually are at this point, I am level 100 is that high or low or normal for this point?

    submitted by /u/Dashertheruler
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    Name engraved ring

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:04 PM PST

    Me and my brother are trying to play together he has a sm of 3 million I have a sm of 16 million and was wondering if that was a way to play together

    submitted by /u/grognar1
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    How Active is PvP?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:52 PM PST


    Long time souls fanboy that stopped playing souls altogether in 2017 but came back recently. I'm just curious how active the pvp scene feels (invasions, arena, red sign duelling, etc.). I checked steam charts and it showed only ~2k recurrent players, although my other assumption is that it shouldnt feel dead as people typically congregate to hotspots for duelling like iron bridge (though I cant say the same for invasions).

    Thoughts on the issue?

    Also, to new players - I enjoy assisting people and helping them explore and find secrets, as well as take down bosses. My steam name is Ostrava of Boletaria. Send me a message if you need help.

    submitted by /u/Okawaru1
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    Auto-target switching?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:02 PM PST

    I just got my hands on Scholar of the First Sin (PC) and I'm ready to deep dive into more Dark Souls, after having played III. However, I have come across a crippling bug.

    If there are multiple enemies within target-lock range the game switches between them. This makes target lock actively detrimental to use.

    The only fix I can find online is to reboot your ENTIRE COMPUTER. This does work but only for a few minutes, then it starts right back up.

    I'm using a PS4 controller, my mouse is turned off, I've increased the deadzone of the right stick, auto-target settings are disabled. Can somebody help me out?

    submitted by /u/hoIocron
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    Summoning on the 360

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:06 AM PST

    I recently started playing ds2 again. It's been a while since ive done any gaming and i miss the co-op. I know I'm online, im human, have my summon sign down in areas with the orange border and i just never get summoned. I know people still play. Ive even been invaded. Can they just sense the desperation on my sigil?

    submitted by /u/EmceeTrashPanda
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    Help make my build more fun please

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:34 PM PST

    I'm in dlc 2 and 3, having beaten first one. I'm a strength build with maxed greatsword, couple of hammers and a great hammer. Oh and butchers axe. Royal kite shield is maxed too. Don't care about pvp. Basically I have enough mats to max any normal titanite weapon. But that's it really. Is there anything I can do with these limits that would be fun and effective? Not sure exactly what level I am but maybe 100-ish

    submitted by /u/Crumbsplash
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    Currently running a strength build and planning to add pyromancy, which stat does it scale the best with to maximize the damage dealt?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    So to get Great Chaos Fireball I need to either get to rank 3 with the Brotherhood of Blood or get to NG++ and purchase it from Wellager...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:41 AM PST

    What's going to be faster? I assume the dueling with the covenant isn't very active but man beating the game 1.5 more times is gonna take some time. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/ditkaisgod27
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    Good heavy hitting weapons early on?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:54 AM PST

    Hello, I like to play with hard hitting str weapons (bkga, clubs, zwei, etc. in ds1) and i want to get some early in ds2. I know about greatsword, but is there some other weapons, cause i dont like its vertical moveset (im fan of horizontal light attack and vertical/overhead strong attack). My plan is to get Drakekeeper Greataxe later, but for now i dont know what and where to get something.
    Thanks for help

    submitted by /u/peageon112
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    friend and i did some messing around with 4 spotted whips

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:10 PM PST

    we both dual wielded them (infused with poison) and we found a few interesting things out.

    all 4 of the final bosses can be poisoned.

    their hitbox (in pvp) is absolute cheap. they can go through walls/through corners. they are way wider than you'd expect. they stagger the enemy easily.

    even with only 235 AR, they do decent damage.

    it was way too much fun playing with them. the few times we got invaded and actually did a 1v1, the enemy didnt stand much chance.

    they are way too slow tho. which sucks extremely.

    every time i asked someone what are the worst weapons in dank souls they said whips and reapers. id say whips arent that bad and super fun in pvp.

    submitted by /u/Kaitrii
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    Help with blue smelter demon?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:39 AM PST

    I know this is basically torture but I would really appreciate a carry for this god awful cancer. I have a shitty str/dex build and I can do my best with some poison on him

    submitted by /u/BleakExpectations
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    How to fix mouse speed+ pause between attacks?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:39 AM PST

    I just have gotten DS2 and mouse sensitivity really annoys me-> setting it to "zero" is too slow for me and "one" is too fast. Is there some way to get speed between those?
    Other thing that i cant figure out is, that when i attack there is long pause (like 1,5s) before i can attack again, which can be solved by rolling and then i can attack again. Is this problem with low adaptability or something else-> just started knight with his sword.

    Thanks for help and have a nice day.
    PS: I know many of you will recommend controller, but i really prefer M+K

    submitted by /u/peageon112
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    New DS2 PVP technique discovered

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Favorite Weapon Types

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:47 PM PST

    Whats your favorite weapon weapon type and why. Feel free to throw in specific weapons that stick out in a certain category. I really enjoy UltraGreatSwords.

    Happy New Years Eve

    submitted by /u/Dashertheruler
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    My friend abd i need help beating aldia

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:33 AM PST

    Can someone help me and my frind beat aldia on pc my soul mem is 3357435

    submitted by /u/prmalgalaxy204
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    SOTFS Input delay and screen tearing.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:12 PM PST

    I'm having... issues. Apparently I've been playing this game with some pretty severe input lag, and I thought it was just the game engine as opposed to DS1 and 3 where everything is snappy.

    I've been though the whole game feeling kinda "off". What made me realize it was actually an external cause, is I just moved my mouse cursor in-game, and saw a pretty insignificant (edit: SIGNIFICANT) delay.

    I turned off Gsync, and went to 3D settings in the Nvidia control panel and made sure Vsync was off specifically for DS2.

    Wallah! Input delay gone! SCREEN TEARING GALORE! Kind of expected this honestly.

    I enabled Gsync again, but kept the vsync off for DS2 in the control panel. Apparently that overrides Gsync and I'm still getting bad screen tearing. I'm not sure where to go from here. I have no problem with input delay or screen tearing with the other Dark Souls games.

    submitted by /u/ryan770
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