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    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:10 PM PST

    Today's Salty Sunday is brought to you by the Frigid Outskirts.

    Summoned into a gank squad on the Iron Keep Bridge? Died to Fume Knight for the 100th time? Think you're getting boned by SOTFS?

    Grab a spoon and watch your blood pressure soar! All complaints are welcome here. Just keep things civil and follow the Posting Guidelines in the sidebar.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    A really cool comic I found about Dark Souls games All credit goes to Undead Chestnut.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:07 AM PST

    Thought Armorer Dennis was a PvP player

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:52 AM PST

    I'm fairly new to this game... I just got to the Iron Keep, and was felling pretty good with my grand Lance. I go through the little doorway and get invaded by this dude that points at me. So I try to kill him and he beats me silly. For some reason it doesn't occur to me that this is an NPC. So I go through the doorway again and get invaded again, and I think to myself "twice in a row? What a coincidence". And he destroys me again. I literally did this 5 times, still thinking it wasn't an NPC, and basically let him kill me because I figured he'd eventually get bored and stop invading me.

    I finally realized he was an NPC and couldn't stop laughing. I was emoting to this dude, and running around him and trying to get him to stop killing me, while it was just a computer. Surprisingly, once I realized it was an NPC I knew I had to kill him and was able to do it. But it was probably my biggest embarrassing fuck up in Dark Souls.

    submitted by /u/FreudsParents
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    Finally got all achievements!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:09 PM PST

    Dark Souls 2 was my first Dark Souls game and the first i did all achievements. Took me about 90 hours do get them all (did the sunbro with a friend). Sometimes i got really angry cus some areas were like ng+6 because i used ascetic and that made them hard to me(i am not that good at the game.) But in the end, me and my friend got the final achievements (miracle and piromancy) and just screamed of happines. Bro, i just love dark souls, great experience and i am hyped to play ds1(already played ds3).

    submitted by /u/Ruisu_
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    The best version of Artorias GS is in a game where he isn't even referenced.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:31 AM PST

    IMO the Majestic GS is the best variation of Artorias GS in the series.

    The 2-handed R2 and R1 can chain into the flip attack (which they usually do)and it actually gets a dmg bonus if the sword is equipped in your left hand (Artorias was left-handed) Also, the moveset changes into one that is reminiscent of Artorias like the ground spin.

    The weapon design in this game is rly good when it's good.

    submitted by /u/Frisolino
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    What sword should I go for after defeating all of the normal bosses?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:02 AM PST

    I've gone through most of the game with a bastard sword but it's not cutting it for the dlc content so I was wondering what sword/swords should I try and get to go through the rest of the dlc content?

    submitted by /u/waytoomanylemons
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    The game has finally got me

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:58 AM PST

    So after a while i finaly got stuck. Fume knight, the run up to smelter 2.0 and the old chaos . 2 days stuck in all 3 places. Oh how I will enjoy overcoming this fuckery

    submitted by /u/Balor_Ldn
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    Im so f*cking pissed right now

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    i finally attempted the no death/no bonfire run on ng+. everything was going smooth,i melted giant,pursuer and sentinels and i ran straight for the sinner.i had a katana to deal with small enemies fast but guess what,I died to the explody ones cuz ALL of my attacks went over their head,not a single one landed

    RIP the no deathrun,I guess i continue with the no bonfire but damn i have only lighted the majula bonfire so running AAAAALL the way back to Sinner's Rise will be a pain

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    About to go hollow (connectivity issues)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm about to give up here. Came back to ds2 after long time. Was really looking forward doing a new run/build. But it gets so frustrating now

    Every 5 to 10 minutes my game loses connection to the servers. I'm on ps4. It drives me insane. I tried everything I can find on the internet. Changed dns/restart all routers/play wired/restrict cross region. But it keeps having the same issue. Anybody had the same issues and had something that really worked?

    submitted by /u/Ascaapi
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    Why did the bearer of the curse have to go trough the (Limbo World?) To Access Drangleic?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:21 AM PST

    All other Npc's reached Drangleic by crossing the Mountains. Meanwhile Main character has to throw himself into the hole at the lake to reach Drangleic. Any reason why?

    submitted by /u/CrystalMaterelius
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    Keep losing connection to servers

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Hello. So I recently bought DS2 on Steam and I keep losing my connection after every few minutes after starting the game. I just finished DS1 and didn't have any connection problems with it. This is the only game I seem to have troubles. I already searched on Google and there were many posts years ago about this same issue but no one was able to find a solid solution to it. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Lyonmanes
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    Character Creation

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Uhm...any way to add at least some wrinkles? I don't imagine some of my characters as young uns. Especially not my severe looking Hexer Sorc hybrid.

    Also, what are some good buttons to rebind "enter"(interact) and...whatever is used for "jump"? I need some good, ergonomic layout. Maybe I should copy Sekiro's over, that one's good.

    submitted by /u/rdtusrname
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    New player! Any concern on a sorcery build?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:38 PM PST

    I loved DS1 on PS3, and just a few weeks ago finished DS3. Both are among my favourite games of all time. I played a strength build for both games. I was planning to play Sekiro next, but I couldn't turn down DS2 for ten bucks on the PS store. After just a couple hours in sekiro I like it, but I'm just drawn back to dark souls - sekiro is gonna have to wait :)

    I don't know much at all about DS2 (as is preferred), but I've poked around this sub a little over the years and did again yesterday, and I've seen some headlines that end game and or dlc enemies and bosses have very high magic resistance. Is it so bad that you'd recommend not to do a sorcery build? I was thinking I'd mix it up and do a magic character this time, and sorcery appeals to me more than cleric. Note I don't play online so only care about pve.

    Any input?

    submitted by /u/HudsonCommodore
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    Hex stats/melee

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:24 PM PST

    Mainly a ranged hexer so what stats also a good weapon I can infuse with dark


    submitted by /u/big-egg-man
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    Areas of Dark Souls 2 rated by lore

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:37 AM PST

    One of the best things in Dark Souls 1 was how all the areas in the game told the story and every one of them was connected to the main story of the game and added something to themes of the game. Dark Souls 2 in comparison felt a bit disjointed to me with some areas being just the places to kill some dudes and not telling anything important about the world of Drangleic. So I've decided to revisit and review all the areas lore wise to see whether that feeling is true or it was just me sucking at connecting the dots on my playthrough.

    The areas will be rated by 5 grade score, with 1-2 being a negative verdict and 3-5 - an overall positive. As the main story of the game is the story of Vendrick, Aldia and Nashandra, and the main theme is the exploration of the undead curse, the rating will be based on:

    1. How interesting the lore is on its own

    2. How is it tied with other places and narratives

    3. How well it fits the themes of the game

    With all that in mind, let's begin.

    Act 1: The Seaside. These are the early areas, mainly with the sea theme, that form our first impression of the world.

    Things Betwixd - 3/5

    This introductory area is okay. It is presented as a limbo between the rest of the world and Drangleic and provides a link to Dark Souls 1 by introducing the Firekeepers and their new role. An interesting detail is that the area is basically a lake in a cave and the way people get to Drangleic is obviously magical, however it is not touched upon any time later in the game.

    Majula - 4/5

    Majula doesn't seem to have a backstory, nor it requires one. It's a tranquil village on the crossroads, whose few inhabitants seem to be as lost and confused as the world they inhabit. Thematically and aesthetically this area is among the most important in the game, and it flows well with all the surrounding areas as the NPCs usually give you the first bits of information on all the paths from Majula.

    Forest of the Fallen Giants / Giant Memories - 5/5

    This area is rich with backstory - we see remnants of a grand battle with Giants, get a first glimpse of what Drangleic is, as well as the current state of the world. In the endgame we even get to see the battles personally. As a plot point closely tied with the story of Drangleic and Vendrick, this place is crucial to the game.

    Heide's Tower of Flame - 2/5

    A first area where DS2's world building shows its problems. We see beautiful dreamlike sunken ruins and can't wait to learn more about this place from item description... but there is nothing. All we get is that place is ancient snd nobody knows what it was. Not the most fulfilling piece of information, isn't it? Now there can be made an argument that all the Anor Londo visual references as well as the association with flame likely make it the kingdom of Gwynevere and Flann, but that's all reserved to speculations as nothing concrete in game indicate that. Neither it is connected to the story of Drangleic, other areas or to the themes of the Undead curse. On a positive note it introduces the theme of kingdoms built upon kingdoms and the old being lost in time. It could work much better if Heide's Tower of Flame was the last area of its branch, hence symbolizing the journey back in time, but alas, it's the first.

    No Man's Wharf / Lost Bastille/ Sinner's Rise / Bellfry Luna - 4/5

    All these areas thematically tell the same story, or the same two stories. First, in these areas we see how the undead curse first presented itself and how Vendrick thought to solve it - by sending the undead in the sea, or later imprisoning them in Bastille. Second, these areas are former lands of Alken, and before that of other kingdoms, each time repurposed by a new ruler untill his inevitable downfall. So story here is pretty solid. Some people think that these areas are actually parts of Venn and not Alken, and that theory is also plausible, but in my post I'm gonna reference this area as Alken and OIK's domain as Venn. The area also concludes the first Old One branch, and here lies its main flaw - the Lost Sinner. For and old one, her story is completely barebones. The only thing we know for certain is that she possesses the souls of the Witch of Izalith and that she tried to light the first flame, with no detail whatsoever of why it's a sin, how is lighting the flame different from linking it, or what were the consequences of lighting it. Just a minor couple of details or allusions could make the boss and the area by extension much more meaningful, but in comparison to later areas, it's not that bad.

    Act 2 - The interior. These are the "land" areas, domains of the remaining 3 old ones, with some visual intermixing between different paths and with grey-green color dominant in most locations.

    Huntsman's Copse / Undead Purgatory - 4/5

    A good introduction to former Venn / The Iron Kingdom. Once again we see the problem the undead curse presented, and how it was solved, by the other ruler - by endlessly hunting the undead. It portrays the Iron King as a tyrant and gives a nice parallel to Vendrick's actions.

    Harvest Valley / Earthen Peak - 2/5

    An area with an isolated story of a evil queen succumbed to poison. Both areas basically are about the poison being produced for Mytha. First problem - the story itself is like a fairytale and doesn't fit well with the rest of the story. Second problem - it doesn't really add anything to either the theme of kingdoms rising and falling endlessly or to the nature of the undead curse, it isn't even clear whether Mytha is connected to the Iron King or not, what was the purpose of these places in the time of Old Iron King etc. What's sad is that there was a lot potential to tie Mytha to both the IK and the Rotten, as he was a good source of poison, and to make a compelling villain out of Mytha, yet now she's just a generic boss prop.

    Iron Keep / Bellfry Sol - 4/5

    Continuing from the Huntsman's Copse these areas hold the details of Iron King's downfall. As a good example of the theme of rise and fall of kingdoms, it also connects well with the Brume Tower from the DLC, which gives even more details about the OIK and his kingdom. Suffice to say, of all the Great Souls, the Iron Kings lore works best.

    Grave of Saints - 1/5

    This area does have lore, but anything related to the Rat king just doesn't work in the world of Dark Souls at all. Like the story of Mytha, it's too much of a fairytale, and there was no precedent whatsoever to have intelligent talking mice in this universe, it's just too jarring and thematically wrong. Oh, and there is once again little to no connection with the surrounding areas.

    The Gutter / Black Gultch - 3/5

    I was hesitant on whether to rate it 2/5 or 3/5. Yes, it's just Blighttown 2.0, but the original Blighttown was integrated in the bigger picture thanks to the Fair Lady. The Gutter is isolated, it's just a place for unwanted and forgotten. But after digging deeper there seem to be some connections and clues, both to Aldia, and to Shulva. So, the Rotten being the former inhabitants of Shulva, being poisoned and fused together is a good theory, and it even has some evidence for it, but otherwise in terms of lore there isn't much interesting here. However thematically this area fits the game well.

    Shaded Woods / Doors of Pharros / Brightstone Cove Tseldora - 2/5

    All these areas have very different lore but all of them have the same problems. Their stories aren't interesting or complex, they are mostly half realized ideas that were put in the game alongside one another without much thought of how they fit together, and thematically these places don't really add much to history of Drangleic or to the other themes of the game. And Doors of Pharros have these talking mice, again! Another problem with this path is the identity of the Great Soul, while the final boss is the giant spider, the host of the soul, the creator or Najka and Tark, seems to be the Wringing Ruin, the disembodied spirit of Seath himself, which doesn't make much sense frankly. In conclusion - this path is least consistent with the main game and the most worthless story wise.

    Act 3 - Drangleic: Here we dive deep into the main plot and finally have a lot of questions answered.

    Drangleic castle / throne of want - 5/5

    As the "Anor Londo" of Dark Souls 2, Drangleic Castle is probably the most important area of the game in terms of plot. We meet Nashanda, learn the story of Drangleic kingdom, have our quest corrected and start the journey to the endgame. This location also host the area with the final boss and the end of our journey.

    Shrine of Amana / Undead Crypt - 3/5

    Both areas are domains of Nito, although very different, and both serve to continue the story of Vendrick and the fall of Drangleic. And while everything that is connected to Vendrick and his exile is brilliant, the lore of the areas themselves is lacking. Why did Nito care so much about the Undead, how long did Vendrick know about these places? Why does the entrance to the Shrine of Amana look like it was dug in the last moment, did Vendrick send any of his undead to their final rest in Shrine of Amana / Undead Crypt, if yes, why did he use the Lost Bastille regardless? All these questions are left unanswered, and what's more sad, not even hinted. On the bright side, you finally meet Vendrick and every interaction with him belongs to the strongest parts of Dark Souls 2 story.

    Aldia's Keep - 4/5

    In general, this location is just what you would expect from Aldia - some cages, skeletons, traces of experiments, no big surprises here. It would be just a 3/5 area, as it fits the story and the themes, but it wins an extra point for being just an introduction to...

    Dragon's Aerie / Dragon's Shrine - 5/5

    A triumph of all the experiments that Aldia conducted and all the monsters he created - the dragons reborn. The journey through these areas is breathtaking and as a lore point of recreating dragons in search of immortality this area proves to be essential for the DS2 story.

    Overall the early areas and the late areas work rather well in terms of lore and add depth to the world of Drangleic and the stories of Vendrick and Aldia, in the middle the game drags. And the sad thing is all these standalone stories could at least be tied with other locations, and will make them much better. Say the poison of the Harvest Valley is the same poison from the statues of Gutter and Mytha sends her hollows to collect it from Gutter, add another shortcut and voila, the world is less linear and more believable. If the Shaded woods are another place of battle with giants - add another giant tree and a giant memory, maybe have a Vengarl flashback there. If Doors of Pharros are Gyrm homeland, make them do something that will show up in other areas, make the Gyrms creators of those cursed vases, or create some contradictory evidence that maybe there was no Pharros and the Gyrms are the sole authors of Pharros contraptions. If Duke Tseldora was in service of King Vendrick, make the brightstone appear or have meaning in the Drangleic Castle. Maybe add a description that states that the golems required brightstone to operate, and once again the world would feel more connected. The other big problem is that everything that is connected to DS1, is told so loosely, that even by knowing DS1 lore it just doesn't form a coherent narrative in DS2. Heide, The Lost Sinner, Shrine of Amana, Undead Crypt are all links to DS1 I wish we knew more of.

    submitted by /u/chromeflex
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    Forlorn will not invade me

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:05 AM PST

    I've been resting/traveling to the first brume tower bonfire for a combined total of over 4 hours on 4 different days. Forlorn has spawned once. ONE FUCKING TIME. Where the hell is he? Most people say this is the fastest spot to get him. I'm offline and fully hollowed, but I've tried as a human too. I've tried with the delicate string on and I've tried with it off.

    What am I doing wrong? Why won't this little asshole invade me already? All I want is a forlorn scythe for my stupid memey dark pyro hollow build. It really shouldn't be this hard. He invades me all the time when I don't want to deal with him, but now? Noooooo, let's wait 1/4th of a day real time before we invade again

    submitted by /u/BooleanBacon
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    Need help

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:57 AM PST

    Sorry for Bad english

    I need help with the lost sinner ps4 first time playing I beat him the first time but i Burn something and he come back to live im on ps4 can someone help me

    submitted by /u/ytuwtwuh3
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    Enemies ignore yearn

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:21 AM PST

    This is my first playthrough of the game (SotFS) and I'm doing a sorc build. Recently I've been reading that yearn is one of the best spells for a pure sorc because it distracts the enemies and keeps you from getting overwhelmed so I decided to try it out. Maybe I'm using it wrong or something but every enemy I try to use it on just ignores it everytime. I usually toss it on the ground or a wall near the enemies but they all just target me still. Currently in the shrine of amana btw. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

    submitted by /u/Forredis_Guidal
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    You have the ability to play the entire game as an npc with their full power, strength, weapons, health etc,invader or summon. Who would you pick(except Jester Thomas cuz he is op). I'd personally go with either Maldron the assassin or Merciless Roena for something unique

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:16 AM PST

    I'd love to hear your choises :)

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    Started Dark Souls 2 Today

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:58 PM PST

    Just finished my third playthrough of DS1 and finally jumped into DS2 SotFS. The beginning was super rough and the game didn't waste time introducing crowds and tougher enemies, and although I was frustrated at first, I completely lost track of time and played for 5 hours straight. Although it's very different from the first game, something about 2 just feels really good.

    submitted by /u/PokespaZ
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    SotFS PS4 £8.99 on UK PSN ... very tempted but what can I expect after BB and DS3?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:16 AM PST

    So, I borrowed and surprisingly loved and completed Bloodborne. Surprisingly, as my only prior experience with FROM games was Demons Souls several years ago, which I gave up on fairly quickly ... I'm not a skilled gamer. I'm playing through DS3 now, which I like less but still a great game. I play offline (no PS+) and the ONLY way I've been able to progress with either is by over levelling.

    Although I should take a break from the games, DS2 is on offer on PSN for a couple of weeks. I'm um-ing and ah-ing a bit as I'm thinking it might be rather 'more of the same'. Apart from that, coming from BB and DS3, what can a rather unskilled player like myself expect from SotFS?


    submitted by /u/semiDT
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    Red Iron Twinblade location

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:55 AM PST

    Does anyone know where the Red Iron Twinblade is, and the earliest I am able to access this weapon?

    submitted by /u/Lilm4n123
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    Just want to know

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:53 AM PST

    So I dont want to start a argument but I would really like to know why dark souls 2 is the best game in your opinions

    submitted by /u/Firestar952
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    Ds2 my opinion

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:15 AM PST

    Ds2 it's pretty cool, the bosses, the weapons,... BUT I DON'T LIKE THE SISTEM OF THE HEALTH. TIME OF REACTION. PARRY. BUT Ds2 is better than many other games

    submitted by /u/etto_the_wise
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    GeDoSaTo functionality

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Can you help me with this? I am trying to make vanilla Dark Souls 2 even more beautiful(EvilDeadAsh's skybox mods etc), but it don't seem to be working. I know because I also tried to change the button symbols(in menus etc) from Xbox to actual PC buttons. Don't work. One thing though:

    The installer from their site doesn't work, so I just found and downloaded the whole thing(with the pack folder and everything). So this is what I did:

    1. Downloaded gedosato - master .zip
    2. Extracted everything in a new folder called GeDoSaTo(the installer created this one)
    3. Copy / Pasted the folder to Dark Souls II folder(...steam apps common dark souls ii)
    4. Copied the Pack subfolder to the main folder
    5. Created two new subfolders within the texture subfolder(texture dark souls ii override ; the last two)
    6. Extracted everything to override subfolder
    7. Edited the .ini from GeDoSaTo's application - set "use Override" under textures to "true" and did some other changes like changing bilinear to lanczos texture filtering etc. Even enabled the post processing - nothing.


    What did I do wrong?

    submitted by /u/rdtusrname
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