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    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:13 PM PST

    Welcome to the weekly Dark Souls mod announcement and discussion thread!

    Beware! Use of mods whilst connected to the internet can cause you to get banned from online play!

    For more information, or to continue the discussion visit /r/ModSouls

    Using mods (PC only!) to enhance or add new content to the Souls games is great fun! It is important, however, to understand that mods are against From's EULA/ToS, so there is a great risk of being banned when using them due to From's anti-cheat--which is deployed in most versions of the Souls games.

    Versions of the games where modding is safe due to no anti-cheat:

    Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

    Versions of the games where modding carries a very high risk of being banned:

    Dark Souls: Remastered

    Dark Souls II

    Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

    Dark Souls III

    Our recommendations for safe modding

    *This advice is intended for first-time or relatively inexperienced modders who want to get into modding without risking a ban on their main Steam account.

    Basic Steps:

    Make a separate Steam account

    Use Steam's Family Sharing feature to provide your new account with access to your main Steam account's game library.

    Install games to be used with the new account in a separate directory.

    Once you've found your mods be sure to read (and follow) the mod author's instructions carefully prior to installation.

    Set Steam to "off line" mode.

    Install the mods and perform any necessary setup.

    Enjoy the fun and interesting experiences offered by mods!

    Be sure to remove all file components of the mod before going back online!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Are you the next monarch? Or merely a pawn of fate.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:59 AM PST

    Bearer of the curse;

    Seek souls. Larger, more powerful Souls;

    Seek the king, that is the only way;

    Lest this land swallow you whole, as it has so many others.

    submitted by /u/fangedsteam6457
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    Sharing DS2 with my Twins

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:21 AM PST

    So over the weekend, for the first time, I started up my playstation with my twin 3 year olds home and awake. One wasn't interested at all, but my other son sat with me for hours cheering me one while we defeated the lost sinner and continued our journey. Whenever I died I would hear: "it ok daddy, you gotta try again." It was great to finally get to share gaming and dark souls with my son.

    submitted by /u/Billythehawk
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    The Seven Beasts of the Ivory King?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:28 PM PST

    One of the details mentioned on the souls of the big cats in the Eleum Loyce DLC is that the Ivory King has seven beasts as pets, each with their own duty. This seems like a weirdly specific detail as they only mention three by name: Lud, Zallen, and Aava. The souls of Lud and Zallen make the sword and shield of Loyce Knights. The soul of Aava makes the sword of the knight Sir Fabian, who led an expedition of Loyce Knights into the depths of Chaos and "not one of [them]" ever returned. Given the nature of the Chaos Flame is to turn men into animal hybrids, Demons, it makes me think that maybe they did come back to the Ivory King after all, just in a different, unrecognizable form.

    Given that knowledge, perhaps that frozen Covetous Demon hanging out in the cave isn't so random after all. He drops an Ivory Warrior's King, "ring of the guardians of Eleum Loyce." Who are the guardians of the Eleum Loyce? The Loyce Knights according to their armor set. So if he is another one of the Ivory King's transformed knights, that brings the total number of pets to four. It would also mean that the Ivory King's pets were not all necessarily cats and opens up any number of Dark Souls 2 unique creatures to possibly be one of the King's long lost pets.

    There is also a frozen Flexile Sentry (lizard-like creatures fused backed to back) locked away in what looks to be a meeting chamber, though it doesn't drop anything but ore. There are two others in the game. Pre-SotFS the item description of the weapons made from the Flexile Sentry's soul described it as a "contorted sentry" (violently twisted or bent out of a normal shape), but this origin explanation is dropped from the weapon item descriptions after SotFS. Three Flexile Sentries in the game would bring the total number of beasts to seven.

    Though that list has a few problems. First, how did two of the Sentries get so far from Eleum Loyce and second, it doesn't account for the OG Covetous Demon at Earthen Peak. It's soul specifically lists a different path that he took to become so gargantuan, so perhaps it's just a coincidence (IE. to save time the devs used the same enemy model) that they look the same.

    What do you think about the idea that the 7 beasts of the Ivory King are transformed Loyce Knights from the first, lost expedition led by Sir Fabian into the mouth of Chaos? If the blue Covetous Demon is also one of the King's pets, what DS2 enemies could be the other 3?

    submitted by /u/guardian_owl
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    Ice Crystal Horses? WTF man...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:08 PM PST

    I completed DS2 many years ago, in fact it was my first Dark Souls game, but meanwhile I know every corner of Lordran, Yharnam, Lothric and even Ashina, I recognize that Drangleic still has some secrets for my. Some weaks ago I decided to come back, to complete I think my 3th or 4th run of DS2. I knew that I had some optional bosses to defeat yet, one of them in the DLCs. Well, after entering in a fucking coffin and snowboarding with it I have been surprised and sodomized multipe times by a bunch of furious ice crystal horses in a giant white desert.

    I just wanted to share my current feelings with you guys and say, Dark Souls, yes YOU DS, YOU, you never cease to amaze me.

    submitted by /u/RazielTheVampire
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    Iron Keep, huh?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:04 AM PST

    I recently started this game back up again as I've never beaten it. I always get stuck somewhere, give up, start a new game at some point, repeat. This time around I've really been making progress and am further than ever before. I have a new found resolve to finally tackle this monster of a game. I've had a lot of shit shoveled in my face along the way and just won't give up. I refuse to give up.

    Today, I reached Iron Keep for the first time. What the hell????

    I must not give up...

    submitted by /u/HardNormalDaddy97
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    Just beat Sunken King DLC.. yey! (Might contain content spoilers for DLC)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:32 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    Sorry, I hope this is not "just another annoying I did x" post for you, I like to discuss DS2 things, I enjoy these posts so I thought I will share with you my DLC experiences with DS2 community!

    So... after 20-30 deaths.. I did it! I have destroyed ganksquad haha (laughs in ballista shot in head PTSD), Annihilated Elana, desintegrated Sinh and totally did not get destroyed by army of a pois(e/on) god.

    I have to say, the DLC really felt appropriate to the pit.. because it is full of pain! But I beleive most of the pain is actually fair actually!
    The poise of the mobs is insane.. that is true, but I like how hitting obelisks, working with environment can make the run easier, blocking some archers from shooting, uncovering helpful bonfires, cool loot, the dark resist ring is a nice present (That is a special tool that will help us later).
    The "first" optimal boss can honestly go f**k itself and the path to them with it, because jesus christ, mobs with insane poise, mobs with arrows, hitting you with posion and babushka dolls hitting you with petrify... wait.. that is not enough? That is true! There are babushka dolls on back of turtles that you can't kill (I think, maybe there is trick to calm them down?)
    Exploring that place is.. hell.... but it is still very fair! You might add.. how is that fair? Well.. 2 reasons.
    1) The area is for Coop (or if you have coop size balls)
    2) The runback to the boss is actually pretty doable! You have a nice place to jump to right before the fog gate where you have moment to collect yourself and just kill a bit of mobs before reaching it

    Nice, it is quite a hell, but rewarding and fair hell so far! Let's go inside the pyramid... what do we have there? Ghosts.. oh no problem, you can see them... but.. you can't.. kill them... oh.. they CAN quite well kill you.. oh no no no.
    Fortunately, right at the start you actually encounter 2 of these ghosts, so you have time to explore this mechanic, moreover you also have a lot of treasure in room with them so you are motivated to solve them!
    So later on when you encounter them, you get even more confused because solution to making them killable is.. pretty far away! And the ladder in that architecture is very hard to see! So you are running around on spikes chased by invournable ghosts.. That was.. not fun!
    BUT REWARDING.. oh boy do you have any idea how good it feels to buttfuck the ghosts after they an finally be killed? It is glorious.

    Surely now it will be all good right? Well.. almost, area of big doggos in water, sounds fun, big beasts... actually after all the nightmares you have endured so far, while being assholes and you moving slow, these are quite fun and ok way to get some nice souls! They are even easy to run around, so they are like optimal obstacle, I like it, it is neat.

    And then you uncover the elevator! And find yourself by the first bonfire, it is kinda cool to see the location connected I first thought. I had no idea I will see this bonfire and elevator... a lot... in the very.. very near future.

    Going down the pyramid, quite cool, nice exploration, some knight bois there, nothing too difficult to see there.. oh and 4 sparkling lizards who are easy to kill yet you will only get one of them and get mad everytime.
    Now here you are, you have no idea how exactly you got to the bottom of the pyramid? Don't worry, you will memorize the descend quite well! Why? Well..life is full of surprises.

    Elana, the fairest of the fair bosses, she is so fair she even summons.. another boss! No.. jokes aside, I found her to be quite fair, her abilities are not really hard to dodge! You can learn them.. well.... There was this one moment, when I had her down do 1-2 hits.. and her summons were pigs.... jackpot right! I wanted to be safe, she was in front of me but I was out of her reach.. I started drinking an estus flask.. and then she did a move that she never in my 20-25 attempts replicated.... SHE CAN WALK.... SHE CHARGED AT ME WITH HER STICK AND KILLED ME.
    Oh well, almost got her now, I will surely get her next(12 more) time!
    However, it all makes sense, it is a boss you can learn. Even if you get fuked, you know what you did wrong, it drains the best out of you.. and that is good!
    Once you kill her.. you enter the Dragon fight.. mighty dragon so powerful, you will consider him one of the hardest bosses. But no, you just went through some real anime-like timeskip powerup because oh boy you know a lot of time have skipped and you have gained a lot of experience and you destroy the dragon in 1-2 tries.

    Glorious, absolutely glorious, fantastic DLC, 10/10.. I will never return to that hellhole.

    submitted by /u/Xenesis1
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    I just bought ds2.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:06 AM PST

    It is 10x harder than ds3 like wtf. I have no clue what I'm doing

    submitted by /u/Lord_Sneck
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    DS2 performance on the 360?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:30 AM PST

    Hi all, I've completed the first Dark Souls a few times now and want to move on to the second, just wanted to know how the game performs on the 360? Will it get as bad as Blighttown in some areas with regards to frame rate and screen tear?

    submitted by /u/meettheeatballs
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    I made this old Dark Souls 2 video in 2014.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:07 PM PST

    No one watched it XD. It's kinda terrible, but man it brings back memories!

    EVERY time I made a character on DS2 and got to the rat area, I would dabble in invading with the covenant and get addicted and just do that for DAYS. Every character eventually warped into a Rat King Covenant character.

    I was so addicted to protecting my beautiful rats!


    submitted by /u/JohnLockeN7
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    Multiplayer dead on PC?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:01 PM PST

    I've been playing a lot the past two weeks on Steam, however I've only ever seen one single player co-op sign (shout outs to that dude for blasting me through the Forest of Fallen Giants) and I've never once been invaded .

    According to steam charts, right now there are about 1,800 players online. To put that in perspective, this is the same number of players currently playing DS:R and when I play that, co-op and pvp still happens occasionally.

    I know the sweet little kitty cat sells the ring that connects people of the same faith so I was curious if there's a certain deity name that everyone uses that I'm missing out on, or if there's anything else I could be missing.

    submitted by /u/Amygdalan_username
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    No steam cloud saving huh?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST

    Auwch. That hurts. 180hours gone. I see that i'm not the first to have neglected this fact, fair warning to all others that switch up games/hardware allot.

    submitted by /u/GoddamnFred
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    Are AI phantoms completely worthless?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:48 AM PST

    I've been playing ds2 for some time now (around 45h), I've beaten all the original bosses except the final ones and also completed the sunken king dlc. Throughout my whole playthrough I was able to see another player's summon sign only once.

    I don't take bosses as a personal challenge so I don't feel guilty for summoning a phantom or two, even if they are bots. Although, while I was fighting my latest bosses I suddenly found out that summoning those bots only make the battle harder for me, as most of them die long before boss reaches half hp, but their presence is buffing the boss significantly.

    Am I being oversuspecious or the bots are actually that bad? Also, I know this game is not super popular, but why am I never invaded or being able to see a summon sign? Is the soul level barrier that strict?

    submitted by /u/TheDenast
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    I haven't played this game in ages and need some help

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:59 AM PST

    So I finally moved on and had the opportunity to buy SotFS due to that great sale. I remember how to play and all but 1 thing I want help is leveling up stats. I can't for the love of me remember what each one does and I'd appreciate some help

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    First time venturing into Shulva, or any DLC actually, and I'm loving it.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:06 AM PST

    I've got probably around 60 hours or so logged in this game, but I've never made it past lighting the four primal bonfires. Last night I journeyed into Shulva for the first time and I absolutely loved it. As someone who's only ever played SotFS, I didn't even know it was DLC until a friend in Discord told me. Other than that, I'm playing blind. My only complaint are those dual wielding ghosts with four billion HP but at least their aggro range seems pretty low. I made it all the way to an NPC invasion (some pyro clown jerkface) before I had to call it a night. I can't wait to see what the rest of the DLC has to offer!

    submitted by /u/Amygdalan_username
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    Help meh!?!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:47 AM PST

    Hello fellow souls virgins , I need help I'm stuck , I don't know where to go . I've beat the black gluch already and don't know where to go .... I've already beaten 2 big boi bosses if that helps you understand where I am in the game.

    submitted by /u/FreakyGhast
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    Why There Is So Much DS3 Hate In This Sub?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:39 AM PST

    I really don't understand why people on this sub hates DS3 so much? Imo DS3 definitely is the grand finale this series deserves. Combat feels better than ever, has best bosses this series has to offer imo. People are encouraged to do PVP more than anything thanks to no drawbacks of losing one ring. Has very good hitboxes that is even satisfying to watch. Music is top tier. Areas are varied and each of them has a different dynamic into them and some of the most breathtaking scenery in all DS games like The Ringed City, Irythill and Archdragon Peak . Only bad things I can think of in DS3 is lack of Bonfire Ascetics and lack of Blue Eye Orb but everything else is just perfect imo. But I still don't get why this sub hates DS3 so much without even giving context just saying it is worst in the series?

    submitted by /u/Labinlima
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    Why do so many people Hate DS2? I dont under stand.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:33 AM PST

    This person just posted ( is dark souls remaster worth the money, didnt like ds2) so many people hate ds2 which I dont under stand. Ds1 and 3. They are such Small limited games. Most builds dont worth. Faith builds in ds3 are horrible because Of Lore ( and nerf) ds1 most builds dont work unless if you can constantly back stab or use Dark Bead. I just dont under stand. Ds2 is UNLIMTED POWER! Ds1 and 3 are baby tier. 👏👏

    submitted by /u/ShawnLikesMetal
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    DS2 is really hard

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:12 PM PST

    I've beaten Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne before, but just started DS2 a few days ago and all was going well until yesterday when I realized that DS2 is ridiculously hard.

    The DLC for both of those games I mentioned was insane. Knight Artorius and Manus took me 90+ attempts each to defeat and the Orphan of Kos took over 50 tries for me (I'm not that good at the games), but I never had any problems with regular enemies in those games. However, I'm stuck in Brume Tower/Iron Passage and I'm just amazed at how tough these areas are.

    The game was always challenging until the Iron Keep, but since then things have been almost impossible. I died in the iron keep so much that all the enemies stopped spawning, which finally made it possible for me to move past it. I'm currently soul level 102, but it's still so tough for me to get anywhere in Brume Tower or the Iron Passage.

    I've had to cheese my way through every inch of them. Running past enemies doesn't work because they design bottle necks where you must fight and kill 6+ enemies at once to allow enough time to open a door. It's not even the bosses, it's the regular enemies that kick my ass by ganking and sniping me constantly. I finally made it to the Blue Smelter Demon tonight, but had to put the controller down after 30+ attempts. I still haven't reached any of the bosses in Brume Tower. I keep getting ganked. I might just come back to it later after grinding for a few more hours.

    I have three Lord souls that were relatively tough to get, but things are just so much harder now. No man's wharf, Black Gulch, Forest of fallen Giants, lost Bastille - all incredibly easy compared to now.

    I've been playing a mage/warrior mix and wondering if my play style is limiting me. I can kill an individual enemy easy, but I've always got to deal with 5 or more at a time. And fuck mages!

    Anyway, I'm not sure if anyone else feels that Iron Keep was the moment the game got almost impossible, but I sure do. I want to beat the game so I can move on to Dark Souls 3, Sekiro and Demon's Souls, but at this rate it looks like I'll be grinding for weeks.

    However, I WILL beat the game and I will not go hollow.

    submitted by /u/warnakey
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    A couple questions regarding PvP.. and a little backstory.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:09 PM PST

    I'm trying to get into PvP and I'm planning on stopping at 150, since I believe that's the meta from what I was reading. I'm currently at 130 and my SM is just over 1 mil. Where can I see the most action in regards to SM? Also, will I see more people on NG or NG+?

    I have to say, I'm really enjoying DS2 after giving it another shot. I put it down years ago when it was first released and didn't finish it due to the introduction of SM. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a terrible mechanic holding the game back and that it should have been removed with the introduction of SotFS, but the game is solid and I'm enjoying the more methodical combat. I loved DS3, I have 500 hours in it.. but I didn't realize how much of a crutch rolling was until I recently started playing DS2 again.

    submitted by /u/LieutenantEvident
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    Finally FINISHED a playthrough of this game.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:06 PM PST

    So uh. Yeah, a lot better than i was expecting given i've tried and dropped the game twice to just go play another souls game or soulslike. Definitely picks up after where i left off and it's a really great time :)


    Definitely some grating/boring areas that felt like you were going through the motions gameplay-wise. Outside of a handful of areas that feel like they were just designed to fuck you over (ice ponies can fuck off thanks), I never really felt like I was at risk of dying while going through the areas. Visually though, the game is really varied and pretty beautiful, even if some of the areas didn't really look like they connected. Absolutely gorgeous and a great change of pace from DS3's color design of browns and greys and and blinding whites in the dlc.

    Enemy design was pretty varied outside of a few nitpicky examples, I actually REALLY like the dynamic of tossing in early game bosses as regular enemies to show how strong you have become. Definitely something I wish other souls games dabbled in. That being said, a lot of the bosses felt incredibly quantity over quality and had a lot of the most underwhelming and kinda shitty bosses in the series.

    I started off with strength, maybe I was just using a bad weapon but I had to burn a soul vessel around the iron keep because I just wasn't really a fan. I don't know what it is but it's super unsatisfying to hit things with big weapons in this game, the sound design/sound effect on hit was basically the same and it didn't feel... i don't know, chunky? to slam an enemy outside of backstabs. And my damage just didn't really feel up to par.

    I respeced into Dex (ew) and Int (double ew) and the damage increase was noticable. My friend told me to just buy a rapier and to use that and a blacksteel katana he saw in my inventory, and uh, wow, thrusting weapons sure do melt through bosses and were ridiculously safer than unga bunga beeg sword slam playstyle i stick with in 1. Between that and chucking soul spears at everything that lives, I definitely feel like this is the game where i will swear by dex weapons.

    A lot of the weapons and armor I got along my adventure that didn't show up in other games were surprisngly unique. I think when I do my NG+ run I'm definitely gonna level up to 35-40 strength so I can beat the shit out of people with Bone Fists. except I can't, because i can't go online because apparently I was playing on my uh... obtained copy even though I literally own the steam version. never noticed but that explains a lot. There are definitely some underwhelming and kind of underdeveloped weapons like the twinblades but I was a huge fan of the Blue Flame and the Ice Rapier has a nice R2. The Old Whip was also surprisngly really useful even though it was only for like... specific scenarios. Definitely might look into a belmont run or something though. I'm a huge fan of the fashion in the game too, i'll definitely link my outfit in the comments :3c

    This game sorta did load me up with souls, though i did do the rotten fight like 5 times. It was definitely nice but also kind of unnecessary to be honest. I was nearly level 200 when i finished the game and i'm even higher after some farming prepping for ng+, and I only had died 20 times and almost entirely before I got 105 agility (early game basically) so it's not like I did a lot of runbacks and built up a lot of souls. I wish I had something to spend them on outside of occasionally maxing out on lifegems. Speaking of purchasable things, I got really fucked out of a good handful of things that would have been nice early game entirely because Fragrant Branches of Yore and Pharros Lockstones are pretty few and far between early on. Sure, you can farm lockstones by refighting the rotten and by killing those rats in the Pharros area, but it's still incredibly annoying that you can only buy 1 of each from the merchant hag.

    I still stand by Agility being one of the WORST mechanics in any souls games even after experiencing how handy 105 agility is. Being forced to dump a bunch of points into adaptability is super shitty, and it's only made to be tolerable if you're a caster because attunement also levels up agility. But i was loaded up on souls enough to sorta grit my teeth and deal with it.

    Summary/TLDR: Even though I'm very glad I played it, it's still probably my least favorite souls game. That being said, it's still incredibly good and a lot better than my other two attempted playthroughs made it out to be. I definitely appreciate a lot of the positives but I don't think they were superb enough for me to just forget about the areas that were either annoying or just me going through the motions. There's so many unique things that aren't in other souls games (for better or worse) and I definitely look forward to ng+ or a new character. Maybe after a repeat playthrough or playing around online, I might like this game more than demons souls, but for now I think it's a fantastic game, and being the least of one of my favorite game series of all time is nothing to scoff at.

    submitted by /u/LeFrogeHasArrived
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    Any good late game armor/weapons suggestions?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:56 PM PST

    I was doing the crown of the old iron king dlc and i was getting destroyed. I was using a straw and velstdat armor. So I was wondering is good late game armor/ weapons?

    submitted by /u/jagenton25
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    Any shortcut to Smelter Demon

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:49 PM PST

    Umm so yeah the way to this boss is ridiculous cant even ignore the enemies cuz ill get gang banged at the fog gate. Is there rly no shortcut to this boss fight? i dont wana have to kill 10 enemies every time before getting to it :/

    submitted by /u/12Kandas
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