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    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:06 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My stats of my first play through of Dark Souls Remastered (Blind Playthrough)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:45 PM PDT

    Howdy all, my friends are obsessed with dark souls and I had never tried it so I decided to give it a shot and keep stats of what I died to etc.

    Just beat Dark Souls Remastered after 41.5 hours of game time, I played through almost entirely blind (A friend helped me navigate to the bottom of blight town, and they told me how to get the Uchi. I looked up the great ember +15 rank item because I couldn't find it.)

    I played almost the entire game with 2 weapons, the Uchi, and the Black Knight Greatsword (maxed as soon as possible of course)

    Okay so enough onto that, here's the stats:

    Time Played - 41.5 hours

    Ending Level - 92

    Total Deaths - 240

    Souls Lost - 320,000

    I died to the following:

    Invasions - 3

    Rolling stone ball in Sen's Fortress - 1

    Lava - 2

    Falling - 32

    Havel - 14

    Black Knights - 23

    Silver Knights - 3

    Taurus Demons in Hell - 3

    Titanite Demon's - 7

    Butchers - 3

    Big Jungle Cat - 1

    Stone Guardian - 11

    Crystal Soldier - 2

    Metal Pig - 1

    Swamp Giant - 1

    Knights - 8

    Tree Vine things - 4

    Sorcerer (I lumped all magic users in here) - 7

    Darkroot Garden Humans - 4

    Undead Soldiers - 25 (A lot of time early spent figuring the game out and learning to parry)

    Skeletons - 5

    Giant Skeletons - 12

    Bone Wheels - 7 (Least favorite enemy in the game, seriously screw these guys)

    Ghosts - 3

    Darkwraith Knights - 2

    Man Serpents - 13

    Anor Lando Guardian - 1

    Anor Lando Demon - 1

    Mushrooms - 3 (Not proud of this one)

    Round Fire Clay Guys? - 1 (Not proud of this one either)

    And now we move onto the bosses in the order I fought them

    Asylum Demon - 1

    Taurus Demon - 1

    Bell Gargoyles - 1

    Moonlight Butterfly - 1

    Capra Demon - 3

    Gaping Dragon - 0

    Chaos Witch Quelegg - 7

    Great Wolf Sif - 2

    Iron Golem - 2

    Ornstein and Smough - 3 (I killed Smough first)

    Pinwheel - 0

    Nito - 0

    Stray Demon - 6

    Invisible Boss in the painting world who's name i didn't get - 0

    Hydra's - 1

    Four Kings - 2

    Ceaseless Discharge - 0

    Demon Firesage - 3

    Centipede Demon - 0

    Bed of Chaos - 5

    Sheath the Scaleless - 2

    Lord Gwyn - 7

    Does anyone have any questions about my playthrough? I'll be glad to answer them. My least favorite boss to fight was probably the Stray Demon, or maybe Lord Gwyn just because of the walk back. Again this playthrough was almost entirely blind, and my friends got to witness my reactions and deaths to everything via discord stream. Overall I'd rank the game 9/10, it was definitely hard, but I really enjoyed it. Not sure if I'll do new game plus since I majorly screwed my stats up not knowing what I was doing. I will not be playing #2, but might pick up #3 on a steam sale or something.

    submitted by /u/Lorzion
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    Is the Dark Souls series worth playing offline?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    So a friend bought me DS1 and 3 for my birthday after hearing that I'd never played a souls game before. Now, I do definitely want to play the games but I have heard that they are best played online, because of the invasion and summoning features and I am not able to play them online as of now.

    Are the games still worth playing offline though? Would I be missing out on much?

    submitted by /u/YeShNo
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    DSR, Switch, Taurus Demon Suicide.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    Is there a new challenge run or something? I have had my summon sign down in Undead Burg for an hour and have been summoned about 10 times. BUT each of those 10 times, no joke, I was summoned by someone who started Warrior, Female. Each individual had a different name but each one died the same exact way.

    Each one of these people dropped down to plunge attack the Taurus Demon but instead of plunge attacking they land right on him which causes them to fly off the edge of the bridge and thus dying. This has happened with every, single, person.

    Am I being trolled?

    submitted by /u/dorriongray
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    Some knights are like onions...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    They make you cry and they get you into trouble in the underground.

    Rip Solaire and Siegmeyer.

    submitted by /u/StraightOuttaOlaphis
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    Newish player from Code Vein. Loving DS1 so far.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:41 AM PDT

    I've tried to play DS for about three times, one in 2012, the other in 2015, and the last in 2018. I never really got into it.

    Fast-forward to 2019, after hearing it was an easy souls-like game, I tried Code Vein. I got stomped by the first three bosses. I thought that soulsike games wasn't really for me and put down the controller for a bit.

    I watched a video on YouTube of a no damage run of Code Vein by OLTO, and was amazed. I watched it several times and then something just clicked. Went back to the game, and finished CV twice.

    After that, something just itched--I want to play Dark Souls again, I told myself. So I bought the remaster in PS4, along with DS2 and DS3, which were all on sale frome where I am.

    Made a Knight or Warrior I think (the one with high STR and DEX, with full armor and shield. And another fast-forward to the future, and now I'm level 42 donning the Elite Armor Set, Claymore +10, and heater shield. Currently traversing blight town.

    All I can say is that I love this game, and this is a meditative experience. Happy to join this subreddit .

    submitted by /u/noobakosowhat
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    would you want a ds4? what would you want it to be?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:29 AM PDT

    i still think there are stories to be told. Id like to see a prequel, we could see the first time the fire started to fade. the creation of the demons(including seeing the witch before sh turned into a tree bug thing), gwyns burning, the actual gods in anor londo. or maybe a game that takes place in multiple time periods? seeing glimpses of what i said above aswell as the age of ancients and maybe post ds3. or maybe just a straight sequel? playing through the age of dark for once might be intresting, or watching everyone revert to hollows with yuria (best waifu)

    submitted by /u/Boop121314
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    To the two guys / girls who just help me beat Ornstein and Smough on PS3

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    Thank you for the jolly cooperation, truly you got me out of a rut :)

    submitted by /u/Derpdiherp
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    I need someone with a Dachshund dog to make my Halloween dream come true

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:50 PM PDT

    Dachshund + Hollow sign (made out of felt or something, just stick it on the doggo) = Hollow Weiner

    I'll probably regret posting this after the Red Bull wears off, but the pun is just too strong.

    submitted by /u/Asmodahlia
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    Build for OP sorcerer, cursed, crown of dusk, power within, one shot character?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:30 PM PDT

    Hi played through the game numerous times and want to have a laugh with a one shot build!

    I keep seeing people mentioning the OP sorcerer with curse, crown of dusk, crystal soul spear and power within, sanctus shield!

    Does anyone have a build guide or a link to one for that? Cant find much online thanks.

    submitted by /u/porterballs
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    Artorias the Abysswalker

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:31 AM PDT

    Did jet another Dark Souls related artwork for Inktober. The promp for today was "dark".

    submitted by /u/toxoplasma0gondii
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    Help transferring my save!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:38 AM PDT

    So I played Dark Souls 3, my first Dark Souls game ever a while ago. I was freaking enthralled. I made it all the way to the twin princes before I had to stop. And, as fate would have it my PC messed up and is now nonfunctional. But! I managed to back up my save game online!

    However now that I have a PC to play the game on, I can't seem to transfer my save successfully. I verified local file integrity, dragged my DarkSoulsIII folder into C: Users> my username> Appdata> Roaming, and replaced the folder there. But I still can't load my save! It doesn't say I have a save game at all, only showing the new game option.

    Is this the end of Bo the Breaker, my first character ever? Help!

    submitted by /u/PossibleChangeling
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    Ds1 broken straight sword run infusion?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:14 AM PDT

    I am currently starting a broken sword run of ds1 as I've now done ds3 and ds2 with it, and just beat the gargoyles and am wandering which infusion I should use for the whole game?

    submitted by /u/hollylawrence03
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    The story of the first time I beat Manus sums up to i was listening to Freaks and for some reason, his hits always hit on a beat. Like a dance with the devil.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:57 AM PDT

    Soulsbourne/Sekiro questionnaire.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:17 AM PDT

    Best area -

    Worst area -

    Best boss -

    Worst boss -

    Best overall Soundtrack -

    Worst overall Soundtrack -

    Best boss soundtrack -

    Worst boss soundtrack -

    Best hub area -

    Worst hub area -

    The game with the most answers in best is your new favourite and the one with the most answers in worst is your new least favourite... Go!

    My answers.

    Best area - Old Hunters BB

    Worst area - Tomb of Giants DS

    Best Boss - Gael DS3

    Worst Boss - Bed of Chaos/Lud and Zallen Ds and DS2

    Best overall Soundtrack - BB

    Worst overall Soundtrack - Sekiro

    Best boss soundtrack - Lawrence BB

    Worst boss soundtrack - Owl Shinobi Sekiro

    Best Hub area - Majula

    Worst hub area - Sekiro

    My favourite game is now Bloodborne and my least is Sekiro.

    submitted by /u/SoulsbourneDiesTwice
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    hey guys need some help

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:08 PM PDT

    I am in painted world, i have done 6 playthrus and need help with percilla becuase im doing a glass cannon sorciery build, any help is much appreciated!!


    submitted by /u/bobtennncharlie
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    Online question

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    So I have been trying for years to get my brother to try the best series Ever made and he finally did so we got a second copy of ds2 for the ps3 cause it was like 5$ and we were doin co op but then I had to leave for a while for training. When I got back the ps3 online was deactivated...i want to finish it with him cause he won't do it himself. Will it still work lan?

    submitted by /u/st_antony
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    [DARK SOULS REMASTERED] What Is the Deal With Covenants?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:05 PM PDT

    You can't join multiple covenants at once, and you can't use certain miracles/spells/etc that are locked behind membership to a certain covenant.

    I'm doing a faith build and want to use my lightening spears and sunlight blade, but I still wish I could access other covenant's like Darkmoon, Gravelord Servants, and Forest Covenant without losing my ability to cast said lightening spears and sunlight blade.

    In other words, I think it's kinda stupid that you can't still use a covenant item/spell after leaving to join up with another covenant. It prevents players from being able to collect benefits from multiple covenants at once- Meaning I can't go to the SunBros and get the lightening spear and sunlight blade, then leave to join Darkmoon and get the darkmoon blade, then use all the miracles interchangeably afterwards... I can't use the miracles from both covenants at the same time.)

    submitted by /u/SideWinder98
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    Online Help switch

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:00 PM PDT

    I'm trying to set Up a coop session with my bud, but our signs aren't showing up in each other's world. Any help?

    submitted by /u/Majoraglados
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    A short thank you

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    Thank you to everyone who gave me advice on traversing blighttown and beating Quelaag! As soon as I the second bonfire and could fight her with full estus flasks, the I beat her after a couple tries.

    Since then, I've also beat pinwheel, made it down to the tomb of the giants (and got my ass kicked) then beat the iron golem and made it to Anor Londo last night. Really looking forward to seeing what else is in store!

    submitted by /u/doc_noc
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    Came back to a playthrough on my 360 today...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:35 PM PDT

    Only to find that the next boss to face is Bed Of Chaos. Holy shit, I remember how infuriating it is. I don't think I actually beat this boss, and now I remember why. The whole area is badly designed, to the point where the actual area around the boss room isn't rendered. No lore reason, there's just a grey space in the middle of lava outside the boss room.

    EDIT: Beat it. Onto the final boss. Still think the area was bullshit.

    submitted by /u/flypaperhat
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    [DS1] Gargoyle Halberd Build - Questions and Advice

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    So I restarted DS1 the other day (the faith build I was trying was... ehh... not fun anymore) and I figured I should just play a nice, normal warrior type. You know, maybe use the baemore or go full strength with the Zwei. But then I was super lucky and got ALL the drops from the Bell Gargoyles (Helm, Halberd, Shield). And I'm not gonna lie, I'm loving the Gargoyle Halberd.

    1) The question now is, how do I build around the Halberd? I'm assuming you would go a standard quality (27/40) because you want to 2 hand it. But I've also been reading that it's also common to make it a Lightning Weapon when I get to Anor Londo. But that would remove the stat scaling.

    2) My stats right are pretty basic: 20 VIT, 20 END, 16 STR, and 20 DEX. What should I be working on for my next 10-20 SL? I hate guides that are like "At SL120, your stats should be ________." Because that doesn't help me from SL 30 to 50. I learned that the hard way when I overleveled VIT and END and couldn't kill anything.

    3) I haven't done a lot of 2-handed combat, since I'm a coward and hide behind my shield. So going with a 2h weapon will be a change of pace. How should I change my tactics to deal with the fact I don't have my crutch of a shield to hide behind anymore?

    submitted by /u/jerseydevil51
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    Explanations or theories behind Kalameet's mysterious abilities/traits?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    So Im not gonna try n explain anything Im askin if there are any basically.

    First off is of course his black fire. I know it deals magic damage as well as fire (how his fire breath became imbued with magic is beyond me) but is this why it's the weird color that it is? Its badass but its just so weird to have something that unique and not have any sort of reasoning behind it

    Second is his calamity eye. Did most of the ancient dragons have something similar to this, or maybe their own unique abilities or something? Again, its badass as hell, and it certainly would be helpful in his survival through war and countless hunts against him, but is it just unique to him?

    Third is his resistance to lightning, which would likely be even more helpful in his survival lol, but how is he resistant to lightning? If hes an ancient dragon, he should have scales, no? If he doesnt, then how has he been able to survive this long without immortality? And would/could he have ties to seath if thats the case? And actually speaking of Seath, hes weak to lightning isnt he? And he obviously doesnt have scales

    Kalameet is just such a fascinating mystery to me, on top of being one of the most badass fantasy creatures ive ever come across

    submitted by /u/AyyxLmaoxZedong
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    Possible new player here: how hard is Dark Souls really... ?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:57 AM PDT

    Hey guys, during the Shocktober Sale on Xbox, all the Dark Souls games are now heavily discounted. I've always liked the style and enjoyed watching the epic boss battles on Youtube and I wanna get into the series, but I also keep hearing that you will die A LOT and that it requires a fair amount of strategic thinking and item management. I consider myself more of a recreational gamer and not super hardcore. I do like challenges and puzzle elements, but I can get easily discouraged if I get my ass handed to me over and over again by the same boss/enemy. I'm not new to RPG's, but I don't think the RPG's I have played before are comparable to Dark Souls. So, is it possible for a novice like me to enjoy playing Dark Souls or will I just end up being incredibly frustrated?

    submitted by /u/ThatSnazzyGuyNL
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