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    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:08 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I killed the Ancient Dragon first try, but Covetous Demon killed me.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    The thing i love about Dark Souls series and pretty much every From Software game is that difficulty is always different for everyone.

    Some people say that Demon's Souls is the easiest one in series but others (including me) think that it's actually the hardest one; and that works for everything in these games.

    The first time i fought the mighty Jabba the Hut (aka Covetous Demon) which is probably one of the easiest bosses in the game, he literally one shoted me with his roll combo, however today i've fought the Ancient Dragon (which for many is one of the hardest in the game, thanks to his insane damage) and killed him first try without even knowing what to do, i just used the same strategy as with the Dragon Aerie's dragons and although he smashed me a lot and i had to use like 8x +4 Estus just to learn his moves it was pretty easy.

    His attacks are very easy to dodge and even easier to learn; damage is not a problem since he's not agressive and gives you a lot of time to heal, his health is also not a problem if your equipment is prepared and overall for me he's one of the easiest bosses in the game.

    So my question is:What do you find easy in DkS2 or other Souls that most people find hard and vice versa? Also what do you think about the Ancient Dragon?

    submitted by /u/lukkasz323
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    Favorite type of caster?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    We all have one favorite type of magic in the souls games. Sorcery in 1 and miracles in 3 personally. Never had one "stand out school" in DS2 tho. So I'm planning on doing another run through the game but I'm unsure on what to use. Anyone got any suggestions? It won't be pure casting as you don't have the spells for that early, but it'll be mainly casting.

    submitted by /u/WhatAreYou_Casual
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    Let me see if I got this right (Breaking the game) (Spoilers for those who haven't beaten the game and know some lore!)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    Hi. After going through this sub and giving a few tips on this game, I started to get some nostalgia for the game that brought me and some friends close. I've beaten NG++ but want a fresh profile for this runthrough, but at the same time, I partially want to snap the game over my right knee for my own entertainment and to mainly enjoy the game once more without (((constant annoyance))) at first when the Sentinels and Belfry Gargoyles kill me hard. So I've been looking up how to break the game in my free time, and this is what I've gotten so far. Is this all correct?

    1. Make a Knight or Cleric with an acectic
    2. (Optional) Kill Mauglin for his set and screw him
    3. Get STR to 12 and get a mace if chose Knight
    4. Kill Giant if you haven't already
    5. Go bulli the Dragonrider and then his brother, NG+ Dragonrider with the acetic. Get Licia to move her ass to Majula.
    6. 12 Dex for the Rapier
    7. Clap the Pursuer (Is this too EASY for you?)
    8. (Optional) Go through the Wharf for the Pyro Flame
    9. Head to Bastille. If you have 20 STR (or the amount needed to 2 hand) get the Blacksmith Hammer from McDuff's, replace your Mace with it
    10. Spank the Sentinels like the naughty androgynous bronze statues they are
    11. (Optional) Buy the Cat Ring, Go down to the Gutter and Black Gulch, poke The Rotten with a Resin-Buffed Rapier and break the game's sequencing
    12. Make your build by reallocating with the Soul Vessel found in the Majula Mansion
    13. ?????????????????
    14. Get the DLC keys, clap the Dragon, the Rebel, and the Burnt King. Kill Manus' singing daughter, shove the wedges in the statue one, leave the good one alone, and the thot at the end game. Ta-da, profit!
    submitted by /u/Jerkntworstboi
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    To the sunbro who just helped me the with the twin pursuers, throne watcher and Nashandra on PS3: thank you, you are awesome!!!!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:52 PM PDT

    The pursuers were kicking my ass, but he came through. Made it a 1v1 fight, which is much easier. Again, my thanks!

    submitted by /u/02grimreaper
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    Xbox one anyone wanna coop or duel?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    I like this game, its so inactive tho

    submitted by /u/GermanSunbro
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    So I've been thinking about infusing a certain axe with Magic...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    So If I grab the Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe and infuse it with Magic, I'll get scaling in Dexterity, Strength, Intelligence, and Faith, no? I'll be doing physical damage, Lightning damage, and Magic damage. I think this could really work.

    submitted by /u/catzomb13
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    Brightbug farming?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    I had like 5 but I went through them all against the Fume Knight. I do like 450+ damage per hit with brightbug+gold pine resin on my +10 rapier at 50 dexterity. I've heard I can farm the area after gank squad but I'm not sure if the ascetic will also respawn the boss.

    submitted by /u/ArceusTheLegendary50
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    Is there a way to run to the Smelter Demon without killing all the knights outside?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    I want to kill this guy, he seems easy enough, but I keep dying while running up to him because there are 50 knights outside that keep chasing me and killing me.

    Is there a path where I can get to him without getting in a lot of trouble with the knights?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/KilaniPlays
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    Good early weapon for a hex build?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:25 PM PDT

    I'm playing through ds2 again and I'm using a hexer build this time, it's going well but id like to have a melee weapon as a backup, and there seem to be alot of good weapons for hex builds, but unfortunately most of them don't come around till undead crypt, so I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for good backup weapons for my build until I reach there (I'm just about to fight lost sinner btw)

    submitted by /u/SilverSAS
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    Also felt cute, might delete later

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    Also felt cute, might delete later https://imgur.com/gallery/YN3enKd

    submitted by /u/DavidHill76
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    running attack not working (PC)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:41 PM PDT

    after i bindid running/rolling/backstepping key to shift instead of space someway the running attack stopped working with my mouse button, yet when i do it with the keyboard it works....

    submitted by /u/MortarX
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    Bell keepers covenant

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:31 AM PDT

    Trying to invade people but I don't get summoned, where should I go?

    submitted by /u/11morlekyla
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    What's the rarest item you've ever legitimately gotten?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:14 PM PDT

    I've had the Old Mirrah Greatsword drop maybe once, and the Black Witch Domino Mask, but that's about it.

    Has anyone here ever gotten a Ring of Thorns or Lingering Dragoncrest Ring +2 legitimately?

    submitted by /u/Gigadweeb
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    Farming... and mechanic rant from a returnig player

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    Ugh... i returned to DS after some time (Surge 2 is ballers good)

    And good god... its like putting fridges to my legs and arms -_- With enemies whose hitboxes randomly change and can do instant attacks even breaking free from backstab animations...

    Then thes item farming... its soooo hard to return to farming the miniscule % chance of drop -_- I adore Heide knight set so i always farm it up with CoC, it was always quite fast....

    Three days later... i still lack the helmet and gloves. I dont even try to pvp anymore, i dont have the patience .I just jump off cliff and respawn to the next heide.

    Damn, there are good memories here... but after Surge 2... DS clearly shows its mechanical problems and really outdated design choices...

    Whelp ill go back to farm now...

    submitted by /u/mikodz
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    Problems with online.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    I took a 2 day hiatus recently, and when I came back to the game, I could not summon or be summoned by any real player at all.

    I can still see bloodstains, messages and ghosts of players, but no summon signs. I tried using bone of order and it said I can't use it at this time. The BoB arena doesn't work at all either.

    Of course, I am in human form and did not burn any effigies

    submitted by /u/TigerStark1
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    This game's difficulty is absolute trash

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    This is a long read and a rant, be warned.

    I've played Dark souls 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Dark souls 2, so by now im pretty used to the souls formula, im used to dying countless times.

    However, this game is ridiculous. Unlike those other games, 90% of the time the only thing Ds2 relies on to make things difficult is numbers. Ng+ in bloodborne, Sekiro and Ds3 made enemies more tanky and you take more damage, Ds2 does that and throws even more enemies at you as dark spirits which are much harder to kill than regular enemies.

    Iron keep is a perfect example of this, between the first and second bonfires there are about 15 enemies, all hit hard as hell, and a boss fight. A shitload of archers, and obviously this is the favorite pvp spot for everyone so you also got that to deal with. If you try to run past everyone you're just gonna get fucked because the enemies run as fast as you and catch up in no time, trying to run around and go into the boss room will just get you killed in seconds because in the time you stand still interacting with the fog wall everyone hits you at once and thats it.

    Another perfect example of this is the iron king dlc, its literally filled with ganks, in the memory of the king there are about 20 enemies between where you start and the boss room, and they attack 3+ at a time.

    Most bosses are ganks, and the ones that aren't are easy as hell (with like 2 or 3 exceptions) , further proving that the only thing making this game difficult is the number of enemies they throw at you, its mostly bullshit.

    Ivory king dlc, same bullshit, that one area where you get into a coffin and get "exiled", you start far as hell from the boss area, can't see shit, the reindeers never stop spawning, you have normal enemies to deal with, and if you get past all that then you gotta face a dark spirit in a bridge that's as thin as a needle. And if you DO manage to get past him, its boss time, as if Aava wasn't already tough, how about 2 of those at the same time? Low on estus, extremely beat up just from getting to the boss fight, and odds are any phantoms you summoned are either dead or one hit by that point.

    I hate how they decided to go for the "more enemies" route, and it really is a shame because I enjoy Ds2, it has many good things and one of the best map designs i've seen, yet all of that is thrown away because they decided it would be a great idea to make the game a gank fuckfest.

    submitted by /u/spicy_nipple_
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    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    Today I saw some weird hitboxes on Heide, but in particular my game was at 2560X1080, full-screen, but I was able to alt-tab. So I decided to do this test again (5 in total), but with different settings. I put the game in 1920x1080 full-screen, could not perform the alt-tab and started recording, trying to make bad hitbox to occur, in the end I had no success. I changed it back to 2560X1080, no hitbox problem.

    I'm thinking of doing a thorough test on hitboxes, I will record every time I play Dark Souls 2 and I will watch the videos, of course, as much as possible.

    It crossed my mind that maybe Dark Souls 2 does have problems, but not hitbox, but the engine itself. Sometimes when I change the resolution, the game gets a horrible, slow pacing, I need to perform alt tab 2, 3 times to get good pacing. Other times that known lock-on bug occurs.

    I don't know, have you ever seen horrible hitboxes, how many times?


    submitted by /u/cestti
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    Lucatiel won't leave Earthen Peak!?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:55 PM PDT

    Searched it up on the interwebz, seems to be a really rare thing. I'm not sure what to try. I already used an ascetic at Black Gulch and she's not there.

    Did I have to have her at Smelter Demon?

    submitted by /u/DavidHill76
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    kind of underwhelmed right now

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    the first boss in the lost bastille took me like maybe 25 tries to take them down ok ?

    so i expected the last (the lost sinner) boss to be much more challenging ,to be fair he was challenging but i didnt even die to him the first try, shame on any boss that i kill first try.

    any way im glad im over with the last bastile cause it was my least favorite area, now to my second least favorite area, the huntman's corpse.

    submitted by /u/AtomicCockRetard
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    How Would You Buff the Ivory Straight Sword?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:22 AM PDT

    I would triple the durability and increase the damage by 50%. I don't think it needs scaling, it would be too op.

    IMO this makes its low weight and good damage balanced by the high stamina consumption, slow attack speed, low poise damage and high stat requirements

    submitted by /u/grnchtr
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