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    Saturday, October 12, 2019

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Gather 'round the bonfire.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:08 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bonfire, our weekly off topic thread.

    This is a place where anyone can talk about anything unrelated to Dark Souls and get to know your fellow undead a bit better.

    Please be respectful and follow reddiquette.

    What's keeping you from going hollow these days?

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    DS2 is the most poetic game of the series

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    The other games have their high-points, but DS2 is undefeated in terms of poetic storytelling. From the first conversation with the Emerald Herald, you realize this game's dialogue is better than the others. Every major NPC you meet has something profound to say, and it makes your interactions with them more meaningful. Can't say enough good things about the DS2 dialogues.

    submitted by /u/FlameeDearFlamee
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    Looking for ideas for stupid runs that may or may not be truly functional.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    So, a couple friends and I are looking for ideas for stupid themes for DS2 runs. Right now, we're doing a caveman run (which is working far more than it should). So far, the couple ideas are: -Redcoat run, with spears and crossbows -DBZ run, with miracles and cestus -Wrestler run. If you guys have any ideas, feel free to share them. Also, if you want to see the results of whatever stupid hijinks the runs may result in, we'll stream on twitch.tv/batathebear .

    P.S: If the run requires particular clothing, we can probably get it prior to the run starting, so don't hesitate!

    submitted by /u/King_PuttPutt
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    Does Dark Souls II : Scholar of the first sin comes with the original game too?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    Planning to buy DS2:Sotfs, it has the same price as the original DS2, I've heard that Sotfs is way more optimised and well made than the original release of Dark Souls II.

    My question is, does Sotfs also comes with the original game and the DLC in it? or it is a totally separated DLC?

    submitted by /u/Xerxes787
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    Adding players

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    Is there any way to add someone you played vs? I'm on steam and when i play many times against the same character i wish i could add him.

    submitted by /u/Cruelsteal
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    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    Can someone co-op me through ds2 on ps4 cause I am realy bad at it?

    submitted by /u/dark_harvel
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    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    So how does anti-twinking work in ds2? In ds3, you join the Blue Sentinels/Darkmoons, wear the covenant item, and the game auto-summons you to defend a host against an invader.

    In ds1,you invaded invaders via the blue eye orb.

    Which covenant should I join and is it auto-summon or what? Blue Sentinels + cracked blue orbs?

    Which SM would be good? I saw a friend get invaded by 350k SM twinks (which I think is ridiculous but whatever). Would that be an active SM? Will I be invading invaders or getting summoned to defend a host who is currently invaded? Can blues chug or do I need Warmth/miracles to heal?

    As for gear, the early game Fire Longsword doesn't benefit as much from the Ring of Blades the Pursuer drops as if it was uninfused or raw, right? Or is elemental (Fire/Dark etc) the way to go for pvp regardless?

    submitted by /u/Jinxed_Scrub
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    Looking for help ranking up in 2 covenants.. Ps4 SOTFS.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    So yeah I'm a trophy hunter and I've been trying to rank up in the bell and sunlight covenants so I can get all the the sorceries n miracles.. it seems the online community is dead for the most part. Either that or my soul memory is too high cuz I cant get a summon to save my life.. And I really dont wanna grind for drops offline. If anyone is down, we can grind em out 2gether. Also I have most the rings and weapons I can share

    Psn : lostkeys27

    submitted by /u/Lostkeysss
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    You know those little smoky-goblins out front of Aldias keep?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    For some odd reason one of them dropped a black knight great axe,is this actually possible or is it a bug? (I'm on the Scholar of The First Sin edition)

    submitted by /u/flipdippydip
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    NPC Wherabouts

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:16 PM PDT

    So I logged into my PS4 to play DS2: SotFS after about a 7 month hiatus after losing to the Rotten about 20+ times, and just did a massive boss murder spree, apparently I was just bad at the game before lol, and got all the way up the first Drangleic Castle bonfire (I've ignored Belfry Sol for the time being). From time to time I see phantoms, or just one dude, that look like the Smelter Demon. Where do I get armour like that? I've beaten all the bosses I've come across and went to Straid and the bird chick, but not one of them have the armours? I checked the blacksmith in Majula too just in case but no dice. Is there a character in the DLC area? I haven't gotten very far in Brume Tower yet, but I'm willing to make like a mad lad and dash through everyone if that was the case. I know some covenants sell armour, does one of them sell it?

    submitted by /u/Hypnotic_Spinach
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    What boss fight gave you the most trouble?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    I am terrible at fighting Lost Sinner. It doesn't help that NG+ adds pyromancers to try to distract me from the fight. I don't use shields much, but I heard that a 100% block shield makes the fight pretty trivial. Maybe I'll try that someday, but I much prefer trying to dodge roll everything, even if it means more deaths.

    What boss do you struggle with the most?

    submitted by /u/IrregularOreos
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    how do i play with melee + magic ?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 03:42 AM PDT

    alright i've been playing as a knight for a while, if i wanted to combo magic and melee how would i do that ? what skills do i level and how do i get spells ?

    submitted by /u/AtomicCockRetard
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    What should I spend my ONLY large titanite shard on?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. I have a +3 longsword and a +3 mace and I want to upgrade my weapons but I'm not sure which one. The mace was very useful at Heide's Tower but I prefer the longsword. I'm at The Huntsmans Copse and Harvest Valley areas, will I screw up by upgrading my longsword? Thanks. I only have found 1 large titanite shard so far in this game

    I wouldn't even be asking this, but it seems like upgrade materials are pretty rare

    submitted by /u/Gary_Busey1349
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    Ruin Sentinels

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 03:14 AM PDT

    I'm kinda having problems with them and if so is there any way for someone to help? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Neo_0_Nero
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    So the first play through I didn’t have the DLC

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    And I had a huge problem with nashandra, and a slight problem with Vendrick. However after all DLC content; they both were sort of a breeze. Amazing how much harder the DLCs are

    submitted by /u/02grimreaper
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    Another story of Dark Soul

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:18 PM PDT

    Good evening, friends.

    I think it was 2014 when I started my journey in DS1:PTSD edition. I was struggling a lot, not knowing anything about how to approach the game. It was also first game I chose to play with gamepad and it was just too hard for me. I've made all the wrong decisions and wasn't really learning anything from my mistakes. Though I have managed to develop some respect to DS by acknowledging it's beautiful and complex level design, as well as intriguing and mysterious lore. Through years and constant ragequits I've made it to Ornstein and Smough, where I left it a year ago or so.

    Lately I have found myself a lot more profound and confident both in handling and understanding the philosophy of DS after playing a different kind of games such as Mario series. Surprisingly, Mario just worked for me as a Dark Souls for kids, giving me proper controller practice and teaching me how to interact with and understand such games. It taught me awareness of the surrounding and need to be attentive to details. It also made easier for me to think of each DS encounter or room like a puzzle which always has one or several different solutions. Mario also taught me what struggle is. So I decided to learn what is The Real Struggle. Two weeks ago I've made it back to DS1, threw my shield away and kicked O&S after a dozen of attempts. Week later I've killed all bosses. DS1 became one of my favorites of all times. It has also became my record of the longest single-run playthrough in any game ever taking around 5 years. I had DS2 already installed the night I've parried the Gwynn last time.

    So I couldn't do anything except start immediately. At first it was strange and confusing. But then it became clear that it's just too different from DS1 to compare them even if they look so similar. I have completed DS2 already and to my surprise I feel like playing DS2 is so incredibly satisfying that despite all it's obvious flaws (some of which DS1 did not have) it feels for me even more incredible game than it's predecessor. I like slow pace and rythm of combat and I feel the increased "puzzliness" of rooms and encounters. It feels very rewarding to find secrets and solutions, some routes to bosses are very well thought out in terms of speedrun and risk-reward value. I can almost always feel the different ideas behind every encounter in the game and see how these ideas progress and merge and split, adding something to overall value while you go through. And it feels, again, very rewarding for me.

    I have started playing DS3 and didn't like it. It's a bit too fast for me and it feels a bit less RPG and puzzles, but more like (very fun and challenging) action. I know I'll come back to DS3 and find a way to finish it and maybe even also love, like I love first and second entries in the Dark series. So... Now I came back to DS2 and started playing Scholar of the first Sin. And I love it too. Playing mage first time in DS, feel bad-ass using my Affinity hex. It's really cool to see what developers think of themselves by comparing two versions. It is a bit harder but a bit better version of DS2 imo and Im really happy about my approach to the game right now and ability to learn different design perspectives between OG DS2 and SOTFS. Also only in SOTFS I've found myself interacting with DS online play features, due to big enough online community. Glass Knight boss summoning players concept made me amazed. Beating gargoyles first try after accidentally summoning all of them caused nuclear explosion of pride inside me (btw DS1 gargoyles made me left the game for two years total). Co-oping with my friend for Charioteer was superfun. Figuring out Drangleic and Vendrick story was touching.

    There are a lot of things I could add, but it's already 6 AM and I should be sleeping for like 6 hours already. Thank you, game, for making me learn stuff. Thank you, DS community, for not becoming hollow. Special thanks to DS speedrunners for making it easier to see what crazy things people can do with enough dedication.

    submitted by /u/Gramb_poe
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    PS4 Population

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    Hi so, I was about to start the game on PS4 and wanted to ask how much invasions and invaders can you get these days?

    submitted by /u/Yoru-Seishin
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    How I destroyed my game

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:32 PM PDT

    After 80 hours, I finished my first Dark Souls. When the end credits passed, when I finished thinking about the pain, tears and sweat poured out by this game in which I am practically a noob, I did the stupidest thing I could do, instead of continuing the stories and starting playing dlc I started Ng +, when I realized what I just did it was already too late after which I left the game and installed DS3

    submitted by /u/zukow93
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    What's the deal with ADP?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:56 AM PDT

    So ds2 used to be my least fav ds game, but a friend nagged and nagged so I played it and beat it. It's by far my fav. I love the larger than life fights that pin you against insurmountable odds. I always beat the game up until the end then culminate the climax of the game with sinh. So good.

    So that's the thing. I was watching lobos play and he was having issues dodging. He mentioned adp. I was like, what?

    So I looked into it. Apparently it increases iframes for rolling. I've beaten Ds 2 maybe 50 times. I always get the rapier, own everyone, beat fume knight, then get fume knight ultra greatsword and destroy everything with that.

    I played with heavy hitters high str builds or high Dex, but never ever once touch ADP or faith or vit or any other stat except for stamina. I looked at all my previous game files and my ADP is never over 6. I also join that covenant that makes the game harder.

    Granted fume knight might take me 3 or 4 tries, but I've never had issues dodging. Honestly to me it feels like ds 1. People on forums hate ds2 because of ADP. I mean they fricking hate it. They say it's cheap etc, but I didnt even know it's purpose until now, 50 play throughs in, and I had no issue. Is it really that big a problem? Like does it affect the game that much?

    submitted by /u/ShareholderValue69
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