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    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    Dark Souls 2 Did the Soul of Cinder already exist in DS2?

    Dark Souls 2 Did the Soul of Cinder already exist in DS2?

    Did the Soul of Cinder already exist in DS2?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    I don't know if I should ask this in D2 or DS3 sub, but was the Soul of Cinder created after the events of DS2?

    submitted by /u/aspindler
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    Hi guys. Im about to start my first blind playthrough of dark souls 2! Ive plated dark souls 1 a ton. Question. Whats your favorite build path for 2?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:22 AM PDT

    I want to have fun. Should i go strength dex or int?

    submitted by /u/hafsies
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    100%ing question for Darksouls 2 Masters.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:48 PM PDT

    I just finished my 3rd run of Darksouls and got every achievement (was fairly easy) I'm wondering if there's any bullshit in dark souls II? I heard from somewhere that a no bonfire, no death ring exists... Is that true? If there's any other things I should know before I start please tell me. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/George_William_II
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    Help with a multiplayer playthrough

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    A friend who I got into Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne will soon be playing Dark Souls 2 SOTFS with me. I have played Dark Souls 2 before but I don't think I've been everywhere in this game and I haven't done the DLCs yet, nor do I know how to get everywhere or even know which bosses I missed.

    The thing is we like to beat every boss and get through every area when we play these games together, so what order should we play it so that we can take down every boss and go to every area.

    Thank you for taking your time to read this.

    submitted by /u/ShiningWithMalice
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    im trying to farm enemies in iron keep but they disappeared , i joined company of champions but they're still not there ? how do i get them to respawn

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:17 PM PDT


    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    The Augur of Darkness mod released last month and having played through it I noticed the terrain/area changes.

    How is this done? I know how to extract textures and meshes from my game but I have no idea how to do it for models and if so how to edit those and re-add them to the game.

    Anyone got any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Biopticwharf
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    Playing DS2 again and wondering what a good DEX build would be?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    I've always had strength builds and want to switch it up any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Zentz42
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    Good weapons?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    Im playing Ds2 for the first time, i already beated Ds1 and Ds3 and i was looking to make a strenght or quality build, which weapons do you guys recomend? Personally i dont like ultra greatswords and big hammers, my fav type of weapons are Greatswords, Spears or Halberds or even Katanas or straight swords if i change my mind and go Dex

    submitted by /u/ChosenUndead320
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    Best order to do the Four Great Ones?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    For example, in the first game, I always do the Lord Souls: 1. Four Kings 2. Seath 3. Nito 4. Bed of Chaos

    submitted by /u/lucky380
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    Got the Platinum Trophy

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:24 PM PDT

    After lots of hours of grinding (especially those damn sunlight medals) I finally got the platinum trophy! It wasn't really hard, more tedious than anything, but I believe I'm satisfied. Now I have the platinum trophy for Dark Souls 2, Sekiro, and Bloodborne. My objective is to try not to lose my mind grinding for the platinum trophies for Dark Souls Remastered and Dark Souls 3. Wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/Articis
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    is there a way to get the early armor with or without cheats on pc ?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    when you first spawn you'll be wearing rags , i thought the chest piece looked kinda cool so how do i get it ?

    submitted by /u/AtomicCockRetard
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    Critical Testing Again

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:12 PM PDT

    After my last round of testing, I realized that the phantom I was beating up might have been weak to Strike damage, giving great hammers an apparent advantage that they might not have. To this end, I set my sights on a new target. Red NPC phantoms have completely equal resistances to all elements (I checked this for myself) and I can only hope equal defense to all physical damage. It sure seems that way, but I can't really know for certain.

    My punching bag this time is Rhoy the Explorer. Asceticed so he'll spawn indefinitely (so we're going against NG+ and CoC resistances but without NG+ crit boost). I also spent entirely too much of my life farming to upgrade even more weapons and get my main testing character's stats to 40/40/50/50 so that the weapons I test are in as close to ideal conditions as possible. There are still some glaring omissions due to poor choices earlier in this character's life (why the hell did I sell my Red Iron Twinblade?) but I tried to cover the most likely candidates.

    Weapon Riposte Damage
    Dagger 852
    Dark Parrying Dagger 744
    Bandit Knife 792
    Shadow Dagger 912
    Enchanted Thief Dagger 844
    Dark Thief Dagger 958
    Broken Thief Sword 298
    Manikin Knife 758
    Royal Dirk 488
    Mytha's Bent Blade 732
    Black Flamestone Dagger 510
    Dark Blue Dagger 732
    Umbral Dagger 782
    Magic Retainer's Short Sword 990
    Lightning Mail Breaker 842
    Longsword 794
    Fire Longsword 828
    Varangian Sword 872
    Dark Varangian Sword 930
    Magic Blue Flame 728
    Raw Blue Flame 822
    Lightning Heide Knight Sword 882
    Red Rust Sword 884
    Sun Sword 856
    Drakekeeper's Sword 856
    Raw Black Dragon Sword 840
    Fire Possessed Armor Sword 864
    Ashen Warrior Sword 698
    Puzzling Stone Sword 678
    Dark Fume Sword 796
    Ivory Straight Sword 564
    Flamberge 914
    Lightning Claymore 1062
    Mastodon Greatsword 1090
    Mirrah Greatsword 978
    Lightning Bluemoon Greatsword 1152
    Magic Moonlight Greatsword 1162
    Black Knight Greatsword 1216
    Drakeblood Greatsword 1032
    Loyce Greatsword 938
    Fire Charred Loyce Greatsword 1082
    Greatsword of the Forlorn (hollow) 1080
    Dark Zweihander 1342
    Greatsword 1548
    Drakekeeper's Ultra Greatsword 1334
    Black Knight Ultra Greatsword 1508
    Fire Black Knight Ultra Greatsword 1528
    King's Ultra Greatsword 1724
    Aged Smelter Sword 1594
    Ivory King Ultra Greatsword 1334
    Lightning Red Rust Scimitar 964
    Warped Sword 796
    Eleum Loyce 706
    Murakumo 1268
    Curved Nil Greatsword (NG) 1254
    Washing Pole 836
    Berserker Blade 842
    Espada Ropera 760
    Raw Black Scorpion Stinger 840
    Fire Ice Rapier 928
    Lightning Bandit Axe 1104
    Crescent Axe 992
    Greataxe 1346
    Bandit Greataxe 1112
    Gyrm Greataxe 1494
    Fire Gyrm Greataxe 1556
    Drakekeeper Greataxe 1400
    Black Knight Greataxe 1698
    Fire Black night Greataxe 1676
    Craftsman Hammer 884
    Fire Blacksmith Hammer 1034
    Homunculus Mace 952
    Large Club 1404
    Pickaxe 1112
    Dark Old Knight Hammer 1610
    Archdrake Mace 958
    Giant Warrior Club 1788
    Raw Malformed Skull 1620
    Gyrm Greathammer 1574
    Drakekeeper Greathammer 1574
    Drakekeeper Warpick 1480
    Dragon Tooth 1570
    Malformed Shell 1448
    Sanctum Mace 1420
    Smelter Hammer 1728
    Lightning Winged Spear 878
    Partizan 810
    Stone Soldier Spear 794
    Silverblack Spear 910
    Dark Silverblack Spear 1006
    Heide Spear 968
    Lightning Heide Spear 1050
    Pate's Spear 858
    Fire Pate's Spear 960
    Gargoyle Bident 1000
    Magic Gargoyle Bident 984
    Mastodon Halberd 1450
    Raw Santier's Spear 964
    Syan's Halberd 1118
    Black Knight Halberd 1500
    Fire Black Knight Halberd 1572
    Heide Lance 1098
    Lightning Heide Lance 1142
    Heide Greatlance 1196
    Lightning Heide Greatlance 1218
    Rampart Golem Lance 1136
    Magic Rampart Golem Lance 1148

    I was able to make up some of the missing pieces on other characters as well under the same testing conditions.

    25/25/20/20 - Dark Curved Dragon Greatsword - 1576

    40/40/3/6 - Curved Dragon Greatsword - 1518

    10/16/30/30 - Dark Roaring Halberd - 1508

    40/20/30/30 - Sacred Chime Hammer - 1788

    40/20/30/30 - Dark Sacred Chime Hammer - 1908

    40/20/30/30 - Fire Lost Sinner's Sword (0 sin) - 1666

    20/15/12/12 - Raw Sacred Chime Hammer - 1614

    Now, these results aren't exhaustive, but they should give you an idea of what weapons will give you the best criticals on your build. If anyone else wants to add to these, be my guest.

    submitted by /u/TheHittite
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    Should I imbue my swords and If so, why?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:30 AM PDT


    So I just cheesed the dragon rider with a bow after burning a bonfire thing and then realized I can imbue my swords with stuff. I am currently rocking a double Heide knight sword power stance setup and I'm not sure if I should add any elemental effects to them. Is there any benefit to doing anything to them or should I just keep them normal, as I fight through the castle drangelic.


    P.S if anyone has the Heide Knight gauntlets and is willing to trade, I can give you the helmet or the leggings of the set, or something else if u need it.

    submitted by /u/Beargoomy15
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    Block All Communication?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    I saw some posts stating that "Block All Communication" stops unwanted summons/invasions. This morning, though, this same guy invaded me 3 times, two of those being AFTER I "blocked all communication" through steam. Any ideas why this could be?

    submitted by /u/Takovu
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    Help a hollow out!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:24 AM PDT

    Greetings fellow Undead and Mad Hollows,

    After many a headache over this marvelous game I have decided that it is time to ask for some..Help. You see as most of you probably know Dark Souls 2 doesn't have that much of an active invasion community anymore- So now I am in quite the pickle-How do I level up in these darn covenants? I've watched some tutorials on all this, but they do not give any straight awnsers. So if anyone knows the best method for grinding covanent items for each covenant-do tell! :D

    Another thing-How do I get the Armor that the Invaders are wearing :o

    submitted by /u/cyber_myrmidon
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    How am I supposed to suck less at melee crowd control?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:31 PM PDT

    Started this game after DS1,3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. For some reason I'm finding the early boss runs a thousand times more frustrating than anything in those other games.

    I try to approach cautiously and I end up aggroing 9 million enemies from nowhere anyway. I play Parkour Souls and it's an excruciating guessing game to find the right path forward. Then I run into shit like the dragon in the fire tower. I can't sprint to it because I get ganked by all the mobs chasing after me. I can't go slow because there is no way to fight the nights one by one.

    How can I suck less at crowd control in this game? I skew toward strength builds with heavy weapons, and I have a few boss kills under my belt but the clusterfucks flat out aren't getting any easier. And turning everything into a 1v1 doesn't seem plausible. I have mainly relied on the club so far, but it seems absolutely useless against more than 1 enemy at a time. I want to get back to my Ultra greatswords, but the only one I found has been outright unusable so far.

    IDK. I want to like this game, but it's so goddamn frustrating when No Man's Wharf is impossible to see or navigate, and my only other path is an incomprehensible dogpile. I don't understand why this is so much more of a mess than any other Soulslike I played.

    submitted by /u/ViewtifulGene
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    DSII First Playthrough

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    Okay, so I've played DSIII all the way through, including DLCs, over 30 times and spent over 1,400 hours playing the game in general, PvP, PvE etc. I've played DSI several times as well. We all know the difficulty of said games. However, I've just started my first run on DSII and damn it seems harder than either of the other two. I've been killed mid-chug so many times or attacking and then trying to instantly roll away just to be caught. Is it just me or is DSII that much harder than the other two games?

    submitted by /u/TAC82RollTide
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    Game Breaking Glitch!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:31 PM PDT

    I recently re bought a copy of DS2 for my 360 and once it arrived I popped it in with high expectations but Im met with an incredibly frustrating and game breaking glitch to where the moment I spawn into things betwixt, my characters entire torso is missing, even with an armor piece on, I decided to move on though which things only got worse, after selecting a class my arms went away with it, but heres where it really takes the cake, due to my weapon being ALSO taken with my arms, I couldnt hit a single thing even with it equipped and attacking the first couple enemies. I looked everywhere and there hasnt been a single post or fix in sight.. if anyone can help Id be so greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SnuccUp
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    Which heal miracle heals both you and teammates and where do I find it? Thanks!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    To use the summons or not?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    So I'm stuck on the afflicted bosses who have been kicking my ass. It seems I am getting contradicting info concerning whether I should use the summons or not.

    Any advice for a skeleton?

    submitted by /u/02grimreaper
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