Dark Souls do you think lautrec hates patches because he's tired of getting kicked into holes ? |
- do you think lautrec hates patches because he's tired of getting kicked into holes ?
- Dark souls noob here.... And... Am I doing something wrong?
- Did I just softlock my game
- STR..., DEX..., why not both?
- Dark souls remastered is amazing!
- black knight halberd
- Help with co-op
- Fire keeper souls for platinum run
- No Longer Hollow ( For Now )
- Got the chancellor trident on my cleric playthrough ��
- Do we definitively know that Sif is a male?
- Looking for a drawing..
- Just finished the whole trilogy. What a series
- Proudest gaming moment of my life!
- Fire Keeper Soul
- Looking for new pals
- (PS4-DS Remaster) faster farm?
- I finally found my NG+ build.
- Solaire quest NG+?
- First Run through DS1, and I give my thanks to a helpful summon.
- Am I using dark bead wrong?
- Can anyone drop me red titanite plz? On xbox?
- Any old school gamers in here who grew up during the NES era? I love the connecting threads you can find between old fantasy games and soulsborne games
do you think lautrec hates patches because he's tired of getting kicked into holes ? Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:28 PM PDT |
Dark souls noob here.... And... Am I doing something wrong? Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:59 AM PDT Picked up the remastered version for PS4 just 2 days ago.... And it's kicking my ass obviously but here's the thing: is dying over and over again repeatedly, for a good amount of times (maybe 10-12 times, can be more) on a single area normal? For context: Chose warrior build. Went first to undead burg and died a lot of times before reaching the Taurus demon. Taurus in itself wasn't so hard as I figured out the best way was to just plunge attack and got it done in about 4 tries. Met the praise the sun guy afterwards (solaire, right?) And then went onto the bridge with the red dragon hauling fire and took the stairs to the right. And that's where I got stuck next in the undead parish. Didn't even know the dragon could move after I tried a lot of times going underneath the bridge. So yeah after about a whole freakin hour or so of dying I made it into the big cathedral sort of area. Now I'm trying to beat those Bell gargoyles, tried 4 times and I'm doing a lot of damage to the first one but the second one just comes and spews fire all over me. So yeah is this okay? Dying over and over and over again, struggling to get through a single area. Keep in mind that I'm a total noob and didn't experience a souls like ever before. This is just an inquiry about and if the tedious and frequent deaths are normal for inexperienced players. I know, I know it's supposed to be really hard but I'm just a little conscious about it and wanted to get some clarity. Anyway thank you for giving this a read! Hope you have a good day. (Ps: please don't spoil anything. I know the story is cryptic but I really want to experience it first hand. Also not looking for advice or help in general but I'd appreciate them nonetheless) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:14 PM PDT So I was going through the catacombs and did the speed runner shortcut to get to pinwheel quicker. The thing is, I didnt pull down any bridges but the first. I then rested at the tomb of the giants bonfire and now I'm stuck down here. I don't have the lord vessel so I can't warp. Did I just softlock my game. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:54 PM PDT Why not both Stats? There are alot Weapons who Scalling with both equal. If a Weapons got STR A and DEX E, why nobody uses a C/C Weapon? Its just equal DMG at Paper. So Astoras Straight Sword got also 3th Stat (Triple C) so if u Skillup 3 Stats it must be the strongest of all? [link] [comments] |
Dark souls remastered is amazing! Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:52 PM PDT I know this is likely an opinion shared by everyone on this sub considering its all about dark souls. I just had to say something though because I didnt realise how much I was missing out on when I avoided the dark souls series just because I heard it was hard. I got the game today and I have played for about an hour and just beat the Taurus demon on the bridge. At first he was quite hard but after a couple deaths I figured out the timings and I killed him and the feeling of killing a hard boss felt amazing. This is pretty much all I want to say apart from if anyone else is thinking about getting this game I would recommend you get it because I wish I started playing the souls games earlier but I suppose its better late than never. I'm gonna keep on working my way through the game now because I am a little bit addicted and I so desperately want to see whats next. Tldr: this game is great and I should of started playing it way sooner. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2021 01:31 AM PDT I made a post here talking about boss fights and a good few people said that I found the o&s boss fight easy because I had the black knight halberd. I didn't know it was that rare to find and could make THAT much of a difference in the game. I got it pretty early but only levelled up my stats to use it when I was in anor londo before that I mainly used a great scythe and black knight sword. have I cheesed my way out of having a difficult gaming experience because I got lucky with the halberd? I don't want my whole experience in this game to be chalked up to "oh I had the black knight halberd it was easy" when I look back on it. should I stop using it? because I mean I don't feel like it makes the game THAT easy I still can't beat titanite demons for the life of me and I havent beat the four kings because I hate going through the drakes at the valley of drakes and always die to them. the game is very challenging aside from some boss fights but looking back I've only really used the halberd in a few boss fights. my point is I feel bad if the difficulty of bosses is dictated by having any other weapon and then having the halberd because I don't want to be getting off easy by having this weapon. tldr: does using the black knight halberd actually make the game too easy and should I stop using it if so [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:54 AM PDT I'm having a lot of troubles at finding my friend's sign, we are at the same level (circa) and we also tried putting a password, is there something else we can do? Maybe using the dried fingers? [link] [comments] |
Fire keeper souls for platinum run Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:42 AM PDT Hi all, i started my run for the platinum and i watched some guides to be sure to do all the necessary. However i saw that no one went in new londo ruins to get the first Fire Keeper Soul to give to the lady at the shrine. I think it's very useful to have a +1 Estus at the start but i don't know if this action can mess up the run. Can someone tell me if it's ok get the soul and give it to the lady ? Also do you have any advice for other things that can ruin my platinum run ? Thank you so much ! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:37 PM PDT Hello all! I thought I would share a quick story of my journey with dark souls 1 and how it took me years to find the game again and eventually overcome the struggle that is this beautiful game. To preference I would like to say that dark souls was one of the first games that I bought on steam back in 2012. I got it after watching many Youtubers and Speedrunners and instantly fell in love. The world, mystery, and intense combat was something that pulled me immediately and all I wanted to do was play this game. I was in middle school at the time and was completely ass at the game. However this did not take away my love for the game and I would keep watching and playing for hours after school learning as much as I could before bed. I even told all my friends that it was my favorite game of all time and they would say, "How can you love a game that you can't beat?" This always hurt but I tried not to let it bother me and would keep trying to beat the impossible game for another year until I eventually gave up and focused on high school. My early runs usually consisted of either the drake sword or early uchigatana from the merchant since my play style was quick and cool (That is what my 15 year old brain told me). I knew many tricks and locations due to watching so many videos but my mechanical skill was never there. I would always get to the beasts that were Smough and Ornstein but after hours, days, and weeks I would always fail. It also did not help that I never knew that you could escape Anor Londo through the flying bats and go back to Sen's Fortress. I always thought it was a make it or break it situation. I played the game off and on in high school but still could never get past my fore-mentioned foes. I still loved the game but always wished I could take the W one day to prove to my friends that I did have a valid reason for my love towards the game. They all went on to love Dark Souls 2 and 3 and would talk about it daily and play online together but non of them would beat the first game in the series. Skip ahead to this past year, I am a junior in college now and I have never forgotten about this masterpiece. I recently beat the Resident Evil series and have been focusing more on single player games but have had Dark Souls in the back of my mind since I put it down. I wanted to be apart of the small group that overcame the impossible and beat the game that once beat me so I went ahead and bought the remastered version on steam. I went back in after about a 3 year hiatus since I last touched this game and with all my growth and experiences swore to take this behemoth down. I mixed it up and got an early game black knight great-sword off a lucky drop and decided to try and roll with this till the end since I knew how crazy the black knight halberd was. I rushed the early game since I have done it around 12 times now and got back to the place I once fell. I made quick work of fatty and lighting bitch and moved on. Now I didn't just want to beat the game, I wanted to beat every boss (Not Including DLC) and feel a real since of pride. I even did the onion man quest since that is my boy and rode with his armor till the end in his honor. I destroyed every boss except for the last 4 Lord Souls and take another small break to deal with family matters and to catch up on the insane F1 season. I usually lurk and don't post much but I recently found this reddit and have been reading many stories of newcomers to seasoned boys that can beat the game without seeing the ground you walk on. I had a free night and promised to dedicate some time to furthering my progress since I was so close. I did not expect to finish the game tonight but after making quick work of Seath and Nito I knew I was on a roll. I beat the cutscene that is the Bed of Chaos and only had the four kings left. Now I would have called it and put this off for another day but this boss rubbed me the wrong way and I could not let them stop my momentum. After a handful of tries I finally collected the last soul and walked my happy ass to Gywn. This is where I might have overstepped. I always heard that Gywn was a pushover and had no fear that he would be easy work for my giant sword. This was the roughest hour and a half of my recent gamer life. Gywn gave me a good smackin' but that final boss music just kept me going for some sick reason and I finally prevailed. Now I did not expect to finally end this 9 year journey tonight but I could not be happier for it. This game truly is timeless and now I can "officially" say that it is most definitely the most satisfying and rewarding game I have ever played. I have struggled both in real life and Lordran but through hope and perseverance I have finally done it and I feel like the first part of this journey is finally over. Thank you dark souls and you can suck it Josh. [link] [comments] |
Got the chancellor trident on my cleric playthrough �� Posted: 04 Aug 2021 06:57 PM PDT Got it off the Chancellor with the rats in the depths overlooking that Gaping Dragon arena. I could not believe it. Unfortunatly it was on my cleric! [link] [comments] |
Do we definitively know that Sif is a male? Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:48 PM PDT Has there been some sort of confirmation of any form from FromSoft that Sif is a male? I always thought they were a female and only just recently was corrected and it blew my mind. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2021 11:36 PM PDT Not sure if this is the right place to post this. I've been looking around the internet for a drawing of Solaire and the Chosen Undead cooking an adult mushroom man while looking at a recipe for a soup (or something to do with a fry pan) that i've seen years ago and i can't find it anywhere... help me! carving [link] [comments] |
Just finished the whole trilogy. What a series Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:52 AM PDT I've got nowhere else to share so please forgive the long post ahead lol. I never considered myself a good "gamer", my reflexes are awful, I'm not patient when it comes to games, I get frustrated easily and because of that, I have never in my life attempted to play a "hard" game like Dark Souls. Then some unknown force made me buy DS Remaster last June, fast forward today I finished all of the three Dark Souls games! Let me just share my unforgettable experiences in DS:R (this is a ds1 subreddit after all):
Hardest boss: Kalameet Fave boss: Artorias Worst boss: Bed of Chaos (surprise!) [link] [comments] |
Proudest gaming moment of my life! Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:01 PM PDT Since my girlfriend could not understand the big deal, altough she was happy at my behalf. I just have to share it with someone who understands the struggle. After dying 21 times(!!!) i finally defeated O&S🥳 The relief, the joy it is the highlight of my gaming «career»! A big burden and stress have been released of my shoulders! since i picked up the remastered version (first time playing) i have dreaded this fight! This is the closest i will ever come to an orgasm when playing a game, holy s*** i am so happy and relieved i dont now what to do haha! Have a wonderful day everyone and stay safe!😁 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:14 AM PDT Got commissioned to draw Knight Lautrec (my absolute favorite, right next to our dearest sunbro) and wanted to share here! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2021 04:13 AM PDT Tl;dr: looking for at least 2-3 people that consistently play any of the Souls games, and have plans to get Elden Ring at release, among others to chat games with. Hey guys and gals, I'm Eddie, 24M from NYC. My favorite color is black, food is cheese, artists are Mac Miller and Eminem. I don't watch Tv or movies much, just jam, play, write and occasionally read. I drink socially and am very 420 friendly. Since this craziness started, I've delved really deep back into Dark Souls. I started the original close to retreat but never finished (i was like 7/8ths done too), so rehashing an old frustrating challenge seemed like a good idea. And boy was it. If you mathed it right, I was a very innocent and impressionable 14 year old when OG DS dropped, so as you can imagine, I dumped it like a dog's deuce for Skyrim. At the time I couldn't comprehend the complex themes, unique layout and advanced design that was Dark Souls. I don't regret my choices, Skyrim will forever have a place in my heart as one of the best plot driven RPGs of all time, no question about it, but not boy do I wish I didn't take so long to come back around to Souls. The flickering of the first flame, and my quest to keep it lit have not only consumed the last year of my life, but have kept me grounded in a time where things have been constantly changing and everything has been so bleak. Everything from the Dark and Greyish tones of the world itself to the existential crisis that is the protagonist of all the games, to the struggle all the unique and... often quite charming characters and the sense of togetherness to serve a higher purpose and combat a greater evil has been all too relatable to real life as of late. And while it may only be a phase, a brief obsession with something new and exciting, I want to go all in while I'm loving it. Unfortunately, my crowd of usual gaming pals doesn't see Souls the way I do right now, and while I love playing with them I kinda want to go nuts with this series, at least until the hype for Elden Ring fades. Which brings me to why I'm here sharing my story with you beautiful, lovely redditors of the Souls/Ps4 community. As it stands I wanna meet a bunch of you guys to chat with (I'm also versed in Mass Effect, Halo, Gears of War, and other titles, just ask) while I play and hopefully even play with (Currently on Ps4 but moving to PC for Elden Ring, DM for PSN or Steam)! Can't wait to meet yous! [link] [comments] |
(PS4-DS Remaster) faster farm? Posted: 05 Aug 2021 04:07 AM PDT So im WOG farming the phalanx and im level 400~ ish.... anyone got any faster ways to get souls? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2021 12:15 AM PDT My whole point of replaying DS1 was to see what build I found the most fun and then take that build into NG+. Same with faith. Buffing was just annoying IMO, and the miracles weren't good for offense and it was just a slow playstyle where you weapon buffed, and/or just created distance to get off miracles. That also resonates with Sorcery. You buff with CMW and go to town, or just creat space and spell cheese. Idk I'm just happy cause I spent a lot of time even with duping trying to figure out builds that I enjoy and could take to NG+ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:54 AM PDT Does the quest line go as normal if you already have the soap stone? Didn't do his quest my first play through but he didn't ask me to join him or anything so I was kinda worried I may have missed my opportunity to do it [link] [comments] |
First Run through DS1, and I give my thanks to a helpful summon. Posted: 05 Aug 2021 12:01 AM PDT Picked up Dark Souls Remastered on sale recently, and was going through it well enough. I've played DS2 and DS3 before, and wanted to see how it all started. Was getting my ass kicked by the Bell Gargoyles, so I decided to summon someone to help. So wherever you are, Brolaire, you are a magnificent bastard. Went in the fight wearing nothing and wielding a claymore, and helped distract one while I focused the other. You sir, are a legend. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:28 AM PDT I just wanted to melt bosses with sorcerer build using dark bead. I have 44 intelligence, using the sorcerer catalyst, dragon crest ring, dusk crown and channeling armor. My max damage on stray demon was 1523. Manus was only 227. I'm using it at close range and I don't seem to deal alot of damage compare to other videos. What am I doing wrong. (I'm not using this for pvp, thats just stinky.) [link] [comments] |
Can anyone drop me red titanite plz? On xbox? Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:27 AM PDT |
Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:45 PM PDT I'm considered old (by people in their early 30s). The first time I picked up DS I felt a huge rush of nostalgia for the notoriously difficult fantasy games of my youth. Mainly ghosts 'N goblins and Castlevania. Besides the obvious similarity of all these games being fantasy based and hard as shit, I love that you can spot some other, more subtle connections such as the fact that they contain secrets that are nigh impossible to find on your own (finding ALL illusory walls on your own without using a guide, figuring out how to summon the tornado in Simons Quest before anyone had internet). They all have a fighting system, or shooting in GnG's case, that is very difficult to master. I'm talking being able to parry in DS on your first try every time or being able to jump and swerve perfectly in GnG to make sure your spears accurately hit their targets while also dodging the flying demons. Can you guys think of other connections? I'm so glad that From isn't afraid to make games that still encapsulate that spirit from the classic generation. I'm even more glad that I grew up during an era that will truly never exist again. Now we are at a technological "peak" where games can always look hyper-realistic from now on, but never again will we have a time where the epitome of realistic graphics was shitty 80's movie CGI. Fuck. I feel old. [link] [comments] |
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