Dark Souls Did I just accidentally softlock my first playthrough? |
- Did I just accidentally softlock my first playthrough?
- Stupidest girl alive update: All of you had me afraid of Blighttown for nothing
- Just beat the Taurus Demon in under 4 seconds on my first play through
- Offline Souls
- My first tatto and it had to be a Dark Souls one!
- About to start my DSR journey, what are things I absolutely should know.
- What is your favorite challenge run in the souls series?
- Which game has the best/most active PvP?
- It says in a website that you need 50 faith but in fandom and other sites it says 25. How much do I need?
- Finally killed Ren and Stimpy
- Do any of you have a good soul farming technique?
- Fellas, non-fellas. Let's be real here.
- Killed Manus at SL1 after 2 hours of attempts
- What Is It Like To Play Dark Souls For The First Time? | Day 1 - "Descent Into Darkness"
- Dem Sneks in Sen's Fortress help..
- I died more to the Two Anor Londo knights than to Hammer Boy and Spear dude.... I love this game so much!!!
- Are spears a viable weapon
- I Did It!
- Why do you think theres no real jump button?
- Wish me luck.
- So nice to be out of the darkness again
- what does sieglinde drop?
- What is your STR/FTH build?
- Well this has never happened to me before!
Did I just accidentally softlock my first playthrough? Posted: 01 Aug 2021 11:08 PM PDT Hey all, I just picked up the game a few weeks ago. It's my first Souls game and I'm having a good time. Anyways, I recently beat Ornstein and Smough, which got me the Lordvessel. I placed it, and a bunch of yellow walls opened, one of which was in Anor Londo. After a journey through the catacombs where I killed Pinwheel, I warped back to Anor Londo and discovered the Duke's Archives. I got through the big library room with the Channeller, but used all my Estus doing it. Now for the important part. Because I used all my Estus and had no idea what was going on, I wasn't too pleased when I walked through a fog wall to meet SEATH THE SCALELESS. I know I have to get his soul, but I had no idea how to fight him and was ill-equipped due to lack of Estus. Right before I was killed, I decided to homeward bone out and try to save 30k souls. He ended up killing me just as I did that, which spawned me at a bonfire in Duke's Archives. "Neat, a bonfire!" I said to myself. I lit it and rested, hoping it would be a faster path to Seath. Then I realized I was just trapped in a little room with two doors and three enemies. However, I can't open any of the doors. And the game won't let me warp out because the bonfire isn't connected? So I think I might have wrongwarped and got myself completely stuck. Any ideas? Some screenshots below
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Stupidest girl alive update: All of you had me afraid of Blighttown for nothing Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:21 AM PDT Okay, granted, I have yet to make it past the first little area, but all of you around here got me so scared of Blighttown Ive been putting it off for weeks! I went through The Depths, I hated the Depths, everyone said Blight Town was worse so I was sure that I would hate it-- No. Nope! Not even a little bit. Blighttown is the absolute best. I know Im generally regarded as a weird freak in many respects, but this town fucking rules!! Aesthetically, this place is one of the most brilliant things I have ever seen. That first moment when you emerge from the Depths and just see this deep, dark hole in the ground? And you crawl inside it?? The whole thing looks just so fucking cool like some sort of cross between a goblin camp, pirate grotto, and an abandoned New York subway tunnel. The rickety walkways, the spears and sudden drops, and all of it held precariously over what I can only assume is some disgusting lake make of mire and spume from up above. Imagine what grows down there. Brilliant! Honestly it kind of reminds me of some places in my city lmao. Mechanics wise, I am in love. The enemies are extremely well balanced! The big guys are very fun, the medium guys are not too strong to be overwhelming but fast enough to give you a bit of a scare. The little... idk dart ninjas? Very fun. Diverts your attention just enough to be a fun additional challenge without being overwhelming. I have a dexterity build, so Im mostly just jumping around. And yes, okay, fine, I died (((several times))) by just yeeting myself off of a bridge, but honestly that adds a level of extra challenge that I am really enjoying. Im really trying to avoid spoilers, but whats the lore on this place? Unironically, I think this is my favorite area design in the game thus far. It fucking rules, and everyone who said otherwise I can only assume is a dirty, filthy liar. I dont care how many times I die at this point, I just wanna hang out. Buy a place, maybe on the water with a nice view of the filth. [link] [comments] |
Just beat the Taurus Demon in under 4 seconds on my first play through Posted: 01 Aug 2021 07:18 AM PDT So I've played DS3 and just started DS1 for the first time, so I was excited for the first boss. I was walking the bridge and suddenly the Taurus Demon appears. Literally the first attack he does makes him fall off the bridge. This just has to be some kind of record. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:05 AM PDT Sometimes, I feel people consider me weird because I want to play the game offline. I just want to avoid troll messages and PvP. Is that so wrong? [link] [comments] |
My first tatto and it had to be a Dark Souls one! Posted: 01 Aug 2021 04:54 PM PDT Hey guys, i just wanted to show you my very first tattoo, i got it done yesterday and i freaking love it! [link] [comments] |
About to start my DSR journey, what are things I absolutely should know. Posted: 01 Aug 2021 08:38 PM PDT I have played before, never got far. I have beat DS2 and 3 multiple times so I'm no noob. I plan on going melee/pyro if it's worth it? [link] [comments] |
What is your favorite challenge run in the souls series? Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:39 AM PDT I just finished my first real challenge which was a no death no bonfire run in Dark souls 2 SOTFS. After so much pain I kind of relived the struggle and rewarding fellings like I did in the early days of dark souls. Now I want more! So I wonder what other challenges which are very rewarding or fun, what runs that causes one to look at these games in a different light. Soul level 1 and no death runs are very common but they depend very much on the game for how difficult and rewarding they are and if the DLCs are included. What is your favorite challenge run? What are some you would recommend, some that you would not recommend? [link] [comments] |
Which game has the best/most active PvP? Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:25 AM PDT |
Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:50 AM PDT Games radar says "You must visit the Sunlight Altar when your Faith stat is at level 50 to join this Covenant." I have the prepare to die edition. The old one not the remastered one. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:37 AM PDT "Only took you, like, 3 days" - my flatmate. I really hated Ornstein fuck him, I'm just gonna use his soul and level up RESISTANCE, he doesn't deserve to turn into a cool weapon. [link] [comments] |
Do any of you have a good soul farming technique? Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:23 AM PDT I just started playing and accidentally put no points into health or stamina. I hate to say it but I can't beat sif. Freaking SIF. If any of you have any soul farms then that would be sick. [link] [comments] |
Fellas, non-fellas. Let's be real here. Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:14 AM PDT |
Killed Manus at SL1 after 2 hours of attempts Posted: 01 Aug 2021 11:26 PM PDT Power Within, Great Fire Ball, and Fire Tempest (Senace ring for extra slot) with dusk crown and bellowing Dragoncrest ring to further boost their power. Also had a lightning reinforced club to finish off the last 1/4 of his health. He's easily the most intense boss so far in this run (have yet to kill Kalameet, Gwyn, Gwyndolin, and Priscilla). Some attempts able to perfectly dodge most of his attacks while others he will just one-shot me before I can get a single hit in. I did try to use Red Tearstone hypermode, but decided to play defensively instead since some of his attacks can be tanked even at SL1. Still a fun boss fight regardless that never felt unfair. [link] [comments] |
What Is It Like To Play Dark Souls For The First Time? | Day 1 - "Descent Into Darkness" Posted: 01 Aug 2021 07:26 AM PDT Okay, so boom. I've been playing video games for about 20+ years now and I've never played a Dark Souls game (I know, crazy right?!) but that all changed when I finally decided to grab DS yesterday. I was thinking that it would be pretty cool to chronicle my journey so here we go! Quick context, I know about the reputation the DS series has within gaming but I know nothing when it comes to specific boss fights or story elements, so no big spoilers of course. The only From Software title I've played is Sekiro Shadows Die Twice and I freaking enjoyed it (if all goes well, I might play DS2 next!) Now with all of that out of way, feel free to laugh at my pain and rookie mistakes.
I have NO IDEA which classes are the "strongest" within the character creation screen, so I picked the Thief Class because it has high dexterity and the Master Key. (I really hope that the Master Key is worth it). I picked Black Firebombs as my gift because fire & explosions should be effective at killing demons.. hopefully. After the game finally loads up, I start to gather my bearings and practice a few actions. I learned immediately that light attacks, heavy attacks, and dodge rolls consume a set amount of stamina, duly noted. Side note: I can't wait to learn aaaaall about i-frames. I feel like that's going to be a journey within itself. I also really like that the devs put hints and gameplay tips within the messages on the ground. It makes it feel like there's a "guardian angel" like figure watching out for me. Moving along, I enter that one room that has pots everywhere and I go to smash them up. I've played many Zelda titles, so breaking pots is second nature to me. So as I'm minding my business and destroying vases that are definitely older than me, a big ass demon (Asylum Demon) just randomly drops in and I'm like "oh shit, I'm playing Dark Souls". Thankfully, I was smart enough to not fight that uglass fucker and ducked away into door that was hidden on the side. After finding a dagger, I return back to the room that's before the Asylum Demon's chamber but this time I'm on the 2nd floor. I'm having a jolly good time so I decide to walk up the stairs on the right, and then wham! A freaking ball of iron comes out of nowhere, knocks me to the ground, and breaks a hole into the wall behind me. "Yup, I'm definitely playing Dark Souls". I talked to the guy who was trapped behind the wall and he gives me a gift. After his dialogue was over, I accidentally pressed the heavy attack button and I ended up killing the guy!! His dying words were "But...why..?" and I felt soooo bad after hearing that. I was totally shocked because in most video games you can't harm NPCs, so watching this scene unfold was definitely surprising to me. I hope that the guy doesn't come back to haunt me (that would be totally cool if he does lol) I scavenge around for items, kill a few enemies, and walk through the fog into the Asylum Demon's chamber. Not gonna lie, I froze up for a little bit but the demon didn't. He flew up into the sky, knocked me down from the platform, and insta-killed me. By the way, this was my first death in Dark Souls - initiation completed! I face off against the Asylum Demon a few more times, and on my 4th attempt, I was feeling really confident. I had his attack patterns somewhat memorized and after striking some critical hits, I took him down.. and it felt incredible. To top it off, after you beat the demon there's a message on the ground that says "Good job. Go straight ahead." and it put the biggest smile on my face. It felt earned and I enjoyed it. I approached the edge of cliff ahead, Big Bird dropped me off at a new area, and I rested at the bonfire. Satisfied for the time being, I decided to take a break for the day and rest until the next time I play. That wasn't so tough! How bad can Dark Souls really be?! Total death count so far: 3 [link] [comments] |
Dem Sneks in Sen's Fortress help.. Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:27 AM PDT I rang the 2 bells i explored everything before Sen's fortress and then i saw them. 2 god damn sneks, i cant kill them. It's to hard... harder than any boss i've faced, harder than the kitty cat that go zoom, stronger than the big mush momma her 1 2 combo. help me guys ( https://prnt.sc/1ibj1ut ) <- these are the stats. Advice to kill them would be appreciated.. i dont like swinging for 20-30 damage i have patience but not that much patience.. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Aug 2021 08:30 AM PDT |
Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:10 AM PDT They seem kinda busted being able to attack while blocking and having shit tons of range but is there anything I'm overlooking? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:29 PM PDT Just beat Dark Souls for the first time ever and I couldn't be more impressed with it. FromSoft will forever be one of the greatest studios to ever do it and Miyazaki is an absolute visionary. Now onto number 2! Praise the sun! [link] [comments] |
Why do you think theres no real jump button? Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:50 PM PDT I had my girlfriend start dark souls today, after around 13 tries at the asylum demon she killed him ( its a very exciting moment when someone who has never played any game like this at all learns to manage stamina, dodge roll, and attack,) she liked her time playing but the one thing i found really interesting is that, she really found it absurd that there was no "jump button". In her words, "it makes me feel weird because im a dude running around but I can't leave the ground. Its an action game so i thought you could jump on things." I just found her opinion on a lack of a jump button to be very interesting, I've never felt like a game needed a jump button to feel mobile and action-y, what are are y'all's opinions on a jump button? Would it make the game feel better? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Aug 2021 06:31 PM PDT About the start Dark Souls for the first time. I've beaten Bloodborne a few times. I plan on playing as blind as possible. What is one non-spoiler-ish piece of advice besides "git gud" and "you will die a lot"? [link] [comments] |
So nice to be out of the darkness again Posted: 02 Aug 2021 04:03 AM PDT Finally dispatched 4K!! 🥳 Let the endorphins flow through me as I praise the sun. I am so bad at this game. I actually owned DS3 first. I believe I was so traumatized my only memories are of a broken controller and a bleak soulless feeling. 🤭 So this time I own all 3 and when I get stuck in DS1 I punish myself with playing the other 2 Muhahah Yes... this is the way...liar? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:22 AM PDT i just cant kill her weeping beside her dead father but want to know what she gives [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Aug 2021 08:53 PM PDT My STR/FTH build is pretty strong ngl. Especially when I buff it with sunlight blade it's amazing. Anyways, here are the stats. SL150, Starter-Warrior VIT-50, ATT-16, END-40, STR-50, DEX-20, RES-11, INT-9, FTH-36. Armor: Steel Set Shield: Tower Shield Weapons: Demon Great Machete, Mace, and Balder Side Sword (Chaos Infused), Canvas Tailsman I could've gone for Bandit, or Cleric for starting classes, but it was originally meant to be an Artorias Greatsword build and then around before I traded in Sif's soul, I thought "why not try this build out again?" And here we are. Anyways, what do y'all like about STR/FTH builds? For me, I like how I can essentially be a Paladin, and just straight up s**t on PVE like nothing. I don't play PVP so I wouldn't know how it's like. As for the Steel Set, I wanted to have the tanky vide towards this build as unlike in DS3, armor is actually good in this game. [link] [comments] |
Well this has never happened to me before! Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:41 PM PDT https://youtu.be/fMIgNQ0N8W0 11 seconds in My friend actually finished the fight and I homeward boned lol [link] [comments] |
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