Dark Souls 2 Died to this trap, then used it to my advantage. |
- Died to this trap, then used it to my advantage.
- [SL1] ALL of frozen eleum loyce without consuming stamina.
- Visions of Friend
- Anybody know what this door is for? How do you open it?
- I did the thing ��
- Which soulsborne mc had the most traumatizing adventure?
- Dark Souls 2 in retrospect.
- Damn
- My guts cosplay
- Memories [album link in comments]
- Your character is an idiot
- I love how convenient Dark Souls 2 is!
- Today was a good day.
- omae wa mou shindeiru
- What is this item (on the left side), and how on earth do I get to it?
- Sadness ahead
- What the fuck is wrong with McDuff
- Darklurker - No HUD, No Damage & No R1 (Moonlight Greatsword)
- Dabbling in Power Stance
- I'm gonna try the giant memory farm but I have questions.
Died to this trap, then used it to my advantage. Posted: 12 Aug 2021 09:03 AM PDT
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Posted: 11 Aug 2021 10:09 PM PDT
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[SL1] ALL of frozen eleum loyce without consuming stamina. Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:46 AM PDT
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Posted: 11 Aug 2021 11:55 PM PDT
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Anybody know what this door is for? How do you open it? Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:14 AM PDT
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Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:56 AM PDT
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Which soulsborne mc had the most traumatizing adventure? Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:14 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:53 PM PDT I may be new to this sub, but I am no stranger to dark souls. I began my journey with Dark Souls in 2013, a year or so later acquired Dark souls 2, and several years down the path I acquired bloodborne (because I was an Xbox kid and had to get a ps4 and the costs big money), and finally trudged my way through Dark Souls 3 a few years back. I can confidently say I am a veteran of the series, a deeply loving fan with over 4000 hours invested between the four games. Dark souls has 1200, dark souls 2 has over 2000, bloodborne just over 400, and dark souls 3 around 400 as well. So, this is my synopsis of Dark Souls 2 in retrospect: I'm going to start off by saying I absolutely love and adore this game. It holds a place so near and dear to my heart and soaked up so many hours of my time, it is an absolute treat. The quick rundown of this synopsis, I'm going to give my opinion directly off the bat; this is by far my favorite souls game, although bloodborne ranks as my favorite From Soft game. Let's start with some of the common arguments, and things I think are legitimate criticisms of the game. 1.) "The game is underdeveloped and lacking in many places of game play, creativity and scenery." Absolutely. This game was horrendously rushed under development and even scrapped entirely halfway through. There are points of the game where it does feel like you're just slogging through and the lack of polish really shows. 2.) "The game is far too easy." I have major contention with this point, but sure. The game, at least in my perspective, is not as challenging as the others. Although, I found dark souls to be far easier after playing through it once, which is solely due to its archaic design and AI. 3.) "The reused assets and lackluster bosses." Definitely. There are some bosses that are a breeze and pose virtually no threat at all. 4.) "The lack of connectivity in the world design and linear attitude of progression." Absolutely, the game is not as intertwined and labyrinthine as Dark Souls. These are fair criticisms, and of course they all come from different perspectives. I think it's important to remember that not everyone has to like a game, not everyone has to enjoy a game. We all have different opinions and tastes, and these criticisms are usually made from a standpoint of genuine disappointment or dislike of the game. However, sometimes these arguments are made from the meme standpoint of "dark souls 2 bad". So, let's move on to my counters for these points, and my points of contention with these arguments. Point 1: while the game is underdeveloped and was rushed heavily, there are definitely still parts of the game that shine above the rest. Many places of the base game are still quite gorgeous and enveloping. However, where this really shines is the DLC. Where time could be taken for development, and money flowed from sales revenue, the DLC absolutely slaps. The areas are great, the enemy designs are great, everything about the DLCs are top tier. It shows in the DLC in a bittersweet fashion what we could have gotten in the core of the game had it not been scrapped. And that brings me to the combat system in Dark Souls 2. It is overwhelmingly apparent that the combat system absorbed most of the time of development. The combat system is deep, deeper than perhaps the average player understands. You have roll cancels, backstep cancels, buff cancels, animation cancels CODED INTO THE GAME as opposed to being glitches like in the original Dark Souls. This opens a whole new world of PVP depth into dark souls 2, and is why Dark Souls 2 was the most fiercely competitive that PVP has ever been in the souls series, and why it was the highest point that multi-player has ever achieved in dark souls. In dark souls and in dark souls 3, you can't R1 into a double tapped roll cancel, backstep into a running attack, roll cancel to follow the enemy's dodge and catch them afterwards. PVP in dark souls 2 is amazingly fast paced and in depth, and it is the absolute gem of the series in terms of PVP combat. While yes, the game is lacking in some areas, it absolutely destroys the competition in others. Point 2: I find this point to be highly subjective. I know my first playthrough of dark souls 2 was pretty challenging, and it continued to be challenging into NG+ with added enemies and black phantoms. Besides that, it is also glaringly apparent that Dark Souls as a series has become a meme, especially after the arrival of DS3, about "DARK SOULS GAME SO HARD". This irreversibly ruined the community, it does not look hardly the same as the community around Dark Souls back in 2013. The major issue being that not everyone plays the game for a challenge, and not everyone finds the game difficult. Veterans of the series will find Dark Souls 2 easy. I find all of Soulsborne easy, but I've also invested thousands of hours into the series. I know the ins and outs, how it all works. A new player does not, and my level of experience back when I began my journey was highly different to now. It is an unfair comparison of how a veteran of the series sees the difficulty or challenge of a game, versus the perspective of a new player facing daunting foes around every corner. The "challenge" of the game is highly subjective to the experience within the series, experience as a gamer, reation timing, age, etc. When I was young, dark souls made no sense to me whatsoever and I had no idea what the stats or numbers meant. But as I got into my middle teens, I began to understand the games more and was able to thoroughly enjoy and learn them. Comparing the two is impossible, they are absolute worlds apart. Point 3: I can agree with this point, but it's also hypocritical and ignorant. Dark souls, dark souls 3 and bloodborne all do the same thing with their games. They reuse the same assets, they reuse the same enemies and same bosses throughout the game. It has been a long held criticism of mine that Dark Souls 3 is mostly Dark Souls 1 assets reskinned with slightly better AI. Even Bloodborne has been the culprit of copy pasted enemies many times, especially in the chalice dungeons where many of the bosses are enemies you've already encountered (until the lower levels). All of the games have bad bosses. Dark souls has bed of chaos, pinwheel, Taurus demon, moonlight butterfly, etc. Bloodborne has celestial emissary, living failures, and all of the low-level chalice dungeon bosses that are just normal enemies. Dark souls 3 curse rotted great wood, yhorm (especially with help), The Sages, etc etc. Dark souls 2 has covetous demon, rat vanguard, double dragon rider, etc. Each game has their stinkers. Point 4: I understand this point, but the idea behind Dark souls 2 wasn't to be interconnected. You have a central hub you travel out from in several different paths. 4 directions, each taking you vast distances to the long forgotten primal bonfires which bring you back to the hub. Finally, once the 4 lord souls are gathered, you go in one direction to the castle. From the castle you travel down into the depths of the crypt, and from there back to the beginning to receive the final piece of the puzzle. Then you return back to the castle for the final boss. The importance of these paths is apparent: these are the lost kingdoms of the DLCs. The gutter is formerly Shulva Sanctum City, deep beneath the ground (which is where the pilgrims are from that are in the shrine of Amana, btw. They fled the city after Sihn awoke and destroyed it. And the bloody war between Dragleic and the subterranean peoples took place.). Old Iron keep is, well, Iron Keep. And the shrine of winter stands where the old kingdom of Eleum Loyce once did. These paths are significant for that reason, and they make sense. It also gives the sense that you have traveled far, whereas Dark Souls is a much different experience where you feel you have traveled a lot, but not far. Those points being set aside, and my counter arguments being provided, I can say that this game is my favorite in the series. The slower movement and yet fluid actions of the mechanics feels better than the archaic glitchy movements of dark souls and the overtuned flashy movements of dark souls 3. Dark souls 3 falls to much the same vices, if not worse than dark souls. R1 spam and roll spam are the most viable tactics for combat in Dark Soul and Dark Souls 3, in both PVE and PVP. Dark souls 2 suffers from the spam aspect in PVE, but the PVP is far better developed with the nuanced combat systems and addition of actual tactic rather than just spamming buttons. Also the addition of the PVP arena in the core game rather than the DLC, which ignores the soul memory mechanic, is genius. The game is very heavily maligned for being different than Dark Souls, which I think is unfair. Dark souls is just as unfinished and rushed as Dark Souls 2, and yet people happily overlook that fact. There are many aspects of the original game that can be chalked up to it not aging well, but also many more that can be conclusively determined as faults in design and mechanics. I feel that Dark Souls 2 made so many improvements on the game play of Dark Souls, and it was all done away with as Dark Souls 3 intended to put as much space between itself and dark souls 2 as possible. In conclusion: all of the games in the series are good games. They all have their shortcomings and their triumphs, but that doesn't mean they're bad games because they have some bad points. I personally find DS2 to be the most enjoyable of the Souls series. I also personally find DS3 to be the worst of the series. I think each game has its own identity. Dark souls is the oldest son, he played some sports but he also was a bit of a wildcard and a trouble maker. He wasn't the most popular, but he was definitely well liked by the people around him. Dark souls 2 is the awkward middle child, who wanted nothing but to be different from his older brother. He wanted to be good in his own way, he didn't want to just follow the footsteps of his brother. For this reason, he gets made fun of and picked on a lot. Dark souls 3 is the youngest son, he's super into sports and being popular. He tries very hard to be like his oldest brother but better. Some people find him a bit suffocating and bland, but all in all he does well for himself. And seeing him compared to his oldest brother, people bully the middle brother more for being different from the youngest and oldest. Then there's bloodborne, the emo step-sister who doesn't care what people say and makes her own way without giving a damn. Everyone just let's her do her thing because they're secretly afraid of her. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:54 PM PDT
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Posted: 12 Aug 2021 08:43 AM PDT
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Memories [album link in comments] Posted: 12 Aug 2021 07:04 AM PDT
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Posted: 11 Aug 2021 11:41 PM PDT You go on a journey through half of the game to find some souls that will open a shrine for you to get to drangleic castle Only to find that there was just a pile of rocks blocking the other path in. If your character could fucking climb all of this would've been avoided. No wonder that damn horse made it up there! He could climb [link] [comments] | ||
I love how convenient Dark Souls 2 is! Posted: 12 Aug 2021 05:56 AM PDT You don't have to start a brand new save to try a different build since they created Soul Vessels. You can easily get a huge amount of levels at the start of a brand new save if you burn a bonfire ascetic (though it requires you to be more experienced with the game since it adds extra difficulty modifier). You can warp to whichever bonfire you already lit freely from the start. You can get a lot of NG+ boss rewards on the 1st NG with Ascetic. The Dragon Aerie basically gives you every upgrade stone you'll need with the large amount of crystal lizards and drops in the area, also there's an ascetic drop there so you burn one to get another, self sustainable farm. The Aldia's Keep farm gives you 2 Ascetics if you burn 1 and use a Fragrant Branch of Yore, so you basically dupe them legitmately! Also you can get a lot of good healing and spell restoring drops while you farm there. The upgrade path was so much more simple than in DS1, you don't have to go get different slabs depending on what upgrade path you choose, and the only ember you need for infusions is early on in Lost Bastille. You want an infusion? All it takes is a single infusing stone. Also, you can get a weapon to +10, infuse it with whatever you want, and even return the weapon to the non infused version without wasting + levels. It is probably for that reason the game is a lot more generous with slabs, even when you don't farm after a playthrough you'd probably be holding around 10 titanite slabs. Need healing items? The early merchant hag will sell you those at a fairly low price so you can have tons of them, and she goes to Majula as soon as you exhaust her dialogue lines. The blacksmith is also in Majula. For infusions you need to go to Duff, in Lost Bastille, but with the previously mentioned bonfire teleport from the start it's only a minor detour. You want souls farm? The Giant Lord is one of the best legit end game soul farms of the series, allowing you to quickly get a nice level by burning an Ascetic without needing to go NG+ to fight him again. There's an ascetic drop on the giant's memory as well, so it's a self sustainable soul farm. You also get infinite Soul Vessels since when you burn an Ascetic at the Giant Lord's bonfire it also affects the other 2 memories, the Pursuer's Giant's memory tree has a guaranteed Soul Vessel drop. Just really appreciate all these things! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 11 Aug 2021 06:32 PM PDT
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Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:13 PM PDT
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What is this item (on the left side), and how on earth do I get to it? Posted: 12 Aug 2021 11:42 AM PDT
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Posted: 12 Aug 2021 08:38 AM PDT
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What the fuck is wrong with McDuff Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:03 AM PDT Why does he swing at the air and keep talking about "dear flame" like a fuckin schizo [link] [comments] | ||
Darklurker - No HUD, No Damage & No R1 (Moonlight Greatsword) Posted: 12 Aug 2021 09:11 AM PDT
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Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:57 PM PDT So I am dabbling in different play styles I haven't tried too much before and creating a few new characters. I had a strength character I was exclusively using for the Rat King Covenant and now am evolving him a bit. I just got my build to start power stancing two Greatswords with an AR of 1204. This rips almost everything I am coming across even in the DLC's. One shot a few people in PvP as well. One thing I think I still need to tweak on him is the endurance. I'm at 28, which is probably horribly low. I normally don't invest that much into endurance after I hit 20 and just rely on management. Any recommendations for the best way to hit an ideal endurance specifically for this build? Ideally I'd like to be able to attack at least twice in PS and still be able to roll out without complete depletion of the bar. Edit: only equipment I am using that modifies my stamina bar is the Third Dragon Ring [link] [comments] | ||
I'm gonna try the giant memory farm but I have questions. Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:38 PM PDT Does have the same effect today with the scholar version. How many bonfire ascetic should I use. [link] [comments] |
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