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    Thursday, July 1, 2021

    Dark Souls Someone just said it was hot that I was good at dark souls

    Dark Souls Someone just said it was hot that I was good at dark souls

    Someone just said it was hot that I was good at dark souls

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Thank you dark souls but unironically this time

    submitted by /u/AnnexFromCanada
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    I though GiantDad was a real boss.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    This subreddit has deceived me.

    submitted by /u/Fawwaz121
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    I have a theory "why Kalameet is not immortal"

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    Why are dragons immortal? As we know from the words of the Darkmoon Knightess, they are immortal because they have scales:


    "..At the Regal Archives, he immersed himself in research on scales of immortality, the one thing that he did not have..."

    But Kalameet has scales and is vulnerable. Maybe the reason is different?

    As you know, dragons are divided into "ancient" and "descendants". Descendants such as the Gaping dragon, red wyvern, blue wyvern, hydra, and others are mortal. But Kalameet, as we know from the description of the obsidian greatsword, is the last "ancient" dragon:


    "..This greataxe, one of the rare dragon weapons, is formed by the tail of the one-eyed black dragon Kalameet, the last of the ancient dragons*..."*

    ...And? Kalameet still mortal. The reason is definitely different.

    And as Miyazaki said in an interview, the dragon in Ash Lake is not alive, which is why he is invulnerable.


    "Isomura*: Onward to enemy characters… Why is the Stone Dragon OK with its tail being cut off? Why doesn't he become hostile? The suspense was thrilling me! Compare it to the magician brat [Griggs] who doesn't get pissed with the Dark Hand R2, it must really have a heart of gold…!*

    Miyazaki*: The Stone Dragon is not alive. The Ancient Dragons are half-living, half-element, so there's no pain for them."*

    The secret is revealed: the point is whether the dragon "accepts" life or not: Dragon Eye description:

    https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Eye "To be alive is to be vulnerable*, and the fiery Gods are no exception."*

    It means that the desire to live makes you vulnerable. Kalameet "accepted" life, therefore he became vulnerable, despite the fact that he is a true ancient dragon. At the same time, the Dragon-descendant who is in the Ash Lake, didn't "accept" life, and therefore remained invulnerable!

    P.S. In this case, the presence of scales is required, otherwise Seath needs only to want to become immortal in order to be immortal, and he would not need a crystal.

    submitted by /u/Draxoneli
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    Drew Artorias as Ace of Spades card..

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    Was inspired some time ago so I drew this design of Artorias. Thought it would make a nice first post Little fanart

    submitted by /u/LunarDaemonis
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    What's something you hate but have no reason to in the Dark Souls community?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    I have no problem with what people do with their gaming life but whenever I see these things I can't help but cringe or roll my eyes at.

    1. Someone item begging

    2. Someone's toddler beat a SoulsBlood game

    3. Someone's boss attempt count

    4. Someone obtaining 100% in trophies/achievements

    5. Someone's LORE theory

    Please don't get upset at these, like I said these just for some reason trigger my cringe button and it overall doesn't matter what people do with their time. There are some things that I'm concerned about that have good reasons. However I'll gladly discuss with any with a civil mindset about these subjects.

    submitted by /u/Gay_Charlie
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    Dark Souls is possibly the best game ever made

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    I'm specifically talking about Remastered. I don't like 2 but 3 was great..Demon's Souls is also great. DS:R just has something that the others don't. Sure, it's not as "polished" as 3 but it just has that "it" factor that the other entries don't quite nail. I've put hundreds of hours into different characters. Gone on to NG+7, and something just keeps bringing me back. The interconnected areas, the bosses (except Capra, fuck you and your dogs), the gear, the leveling, the slow/intentional combat..etc etc.

    Dark Souls is a masterpiece that hasn't been replicated. 3 was great, definitely better than 2, but I prefer the world and slower combat of DS:R

    submitted by /u/Dicktracy4613
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    Is Ds1 and Ds2 worth buying after beating Ds3?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    Hi, yesterday i finished ds3 but i found out that i didin't kill all the bosses, i didin't even know there were optional ones and i couldn't find them. I started NG+ and cleared some areas but i'm not enjoying it like the first time. I recently finished Demon's Souls and Bloodborne too so i don't have any souls left to play. I was wondering if i should get Ds1 and Ds2 or should i beat the remaining bosses first?

    submitted by /u/Mustyyyy
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    Just beat the game for the first time.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    I realize that y'all probably don't care, but today I beat Dark Souls for the first time by parrying gwyn to death. Feels good.

    submitted by /u/Letsdoacrusade
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    Where the hell does Oscar spawn?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    I am not a first-time player. On my reruns, I usually return to the Asylum after beating Capra to snag the rust iron ring, and I always found Oscar waiting for me in the area with the first bonfire in the game. I always beat him, snagged the ring, then returned later on so the Stray Demon wouldn't be as hard.

    This time, I decided snag the Grass Crest Shield first, so I activated the elevators before going to the Undead Burg. I thought I might as well snag the ring before departing to the Burg, wanting to see if I could handle Oscar with my early game build.

    I reached the asylum, defeated the torches, rested on the bonfire to the right of the boss area. Then I went to the wide area, certain I'd find him. Nothing.

    Used the binoculars. No trace of him.

    I walked almost on my tiptoes through the stairs, dodged the boulder, defeated the hollows and grabbed the ring. That's when I hear steps on water, but I looked around and there was nothing. Not even in the place where he gives us Estus.

    I was scared shitless until I returned to the bonfire I had rested at. Rested on it just by reflex.

    Bam. Oscar appears right behind me and attacks me. I ran away scared shitless and returned to Firelink.

    I could be wrong and Oscar doesn't spawn in the place where he died, or my game glitched and had Oscar following me around, which required me using a bonfire to 'reset' the area so he could appear properly. Either way, I already found the Asylum creepier on the revisit than on the first trip, but this time I felt like I was in a horror film.

    submitted by /u/caelussideralis
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    My most embarrassing moment in dark souls

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:42 PM PDT

    So I was going to fight four kings a bit nervous that multiply of them can spawn, was giving me PTSD from O&S, but I manned up and crossed the fog wall.

    Wore the ring and took the plunge, only to hit a platform jutting out and dying.

    This happned twice.

    submitted by /u/rerorerorerp
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    The abyss is just water

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    (English is not my main language but I've never seen anyone say this so I just wanted to post this)

    1. Ash lake. The Archtrees grow on a giant black sea, probably being the abyss.
    2. Humans in dark souls come from the abyss. We in real life are like 60% water.
    3. Darkroot garden, which is just oolacile after a thousand years of being corrupted by the abyss, has a dozen of random water puddles and rivers all over the place.
    4. In ds3 you get told about the deep, that seems to be almost interchangable with the abyss.
    submitted by /u/ADistgustingCasual
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    Opinion on Havel?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    So i want to know what the people of Dark souls think of havels place in the lore, as in, what do you think his role is? And what havels goals might have been or why he attacks the chosen undead? Is he hallow? Or maybe he has a grudge against the chosen undead or someone similar

    submitted by /u/Kii-boi
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    [Ps4] hey y'all, ive got a few dark hands and I'm hoping to help some new players to the game.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    Ive also got quite a bit of twinkling titanite and other materials, so if you're new and want some help just ask.

    Edit: still going if anyone needs help.

    submitted by /u/xenomorph116
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    Tips for SL50 faith based build?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    Was thinking something like this;


    VIT 24

    ATT 14

    END 15

    STR 18

    DEX 12

    FTH 30

    Great heal, WOTG, Great Lightning Spear

    Crescent Axe +3

    Ring of Sun's Firstbone / FaP

    submitted by /u/milkbaghoodlum
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    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    This is my first playthrough of the first Dark Souls game. I adore this weapon, a lot! It kills anything in 1 hit or 2 hits, if the enemy is a giant.

    My question is, can I consume the boss souls and purely focus on Zweihander? Its currently at +10 and I was planning to max it out at +15

    I just want to level up STR and END, rather than create boss weapons

    submitted by /u/Zubi_Q
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    Hardest 5 bosses in the original darksouls including DLC?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 12:11 AM PDT

    would you guys tell me what is your 5 hardest bosses in the original masterpiece ?

    mine are -Kalameet-artorias-manus-bed of chaos and seeth (just for how annoying it is to get to him)

    submitted by /u/Plastic_band_bro
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    I beat it for the the first time

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    Title says it all I beat it for the first time yesterday after 45 hours and 23 minutes of playtime I've finally done it time for either ng+ or another game in the souls series

    submitted by /u/i_like_lasanga
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    Annoyance with reinforcement

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    I have been trying to get the lifehunt scythe but my basic scythe cant get past 5+. Is there something I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/Poop1026
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    What should I Infuse my Greatsword with?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    I am a 40/40 build and use pyromancy and I have taken a liking to the normal Greatsword. I looked on the wiki and it seemed to do a lot more damage if I infuse it with fire but I don't know if that would fuck with the scaling or what.

    submitted by /u/PabloTheEgg
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    Holy shit I struggle with Knight Artorias

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    Before going to Gwyn Lord of Cinder I wanted to complete the DLC first, but holy shit this Knight Artorias is a major badass and I struggled more than I ever did in this game. I dodge a lot and try to find holes for 1 strike with the BKH and then move back to safe distances but I can't seem to dodge his first Somersault Slam and heavy thrust consistently.
    I understand I have to dodge roll left while he is in-air, and dodge inwards to his left (so right) so I can counter the thrust quickly but I seem to miss it most of the time?

    I am following advice from this guy videos but it took me my whole morning getting close to his last 2 health bars:

    What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Horseintheball
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    I'm once again asking for help

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 09:30 PM PDT

    I really need help, bosses who use magic are a nightmare, Gwyndolin kicked my ass, it was at least 4 hours, I have been with four kings for more than 5, i've tried everything, I have at least 3 +10 weapons and the only other thing i can think about is wearing Havel's full armor.

    Edit: Thank you all, I used half of Havel's armor and half the Iron Golem, +15 Great Club, my last two Golden Pine resin, grass crest shield, and epic battle music Pd: I can't believe how amazing the English dark souls community is, you give great advice :)

    submitted by /u/EmGoches
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    Why "Git Gud" Brings Us Together

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Friends, brothers, sisters, and most importantly, fellow skeletons, I just want to talk to you about something I've noticed that has changed since I first started on this path of Dark Souls (and other FromSoftware games). And that change is with the infamous phrase "Git Gud."

    I first heard that phrase on a YouTube video that offered advice on how to take down a Sekiro boss. It had so many likes and all the comments replying to it were the same, "git gud," "git gud, scrubs," "get g00d," etc. Honestly, I was a little mortified. It seemed like a hive mind thing coming from the FS community, and made me a little anxious. I wasn't even halfway through the game and already I was at a stone wall of a boss, and not only that but it made me realize that according to these people this challenge was basically just a pebble compared to all the FS bosses that were lying in wait. I thought it was such a toxic phrase.

    After beating Sekiro I knew I had to keep the FS train going, and started Dark Souls Remastered. I didn't have as much difficulty with the bosses in the first half of the game compared to Sekiro, but that all changed once I got to Ornstein and Smough. After about 4 or 5 deaths I decided to watch a YouTube video to see how other people were playing the boss. Somehow through my web surfing I got redirected to a post on the r/darksouls subreddit. It was some blanket O&S post, but this time when I read a few "git gud" comments, I felt completely different about them. Some of the people were saying it, but then talking about how many deaths they had to them when they first faced them. Others were talking about how the heck they managed to beat them on NG+whatever with no clothes and a broken sword. I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point, through all the dying between that first time I read "git gud" to then, I realized that no matter how damn good you are at Dark Souls or whatever FS game, you were only able to get to that point by getting good, and you got good through experience. And experience in these games is mostly accrued through death. You learn what not to do. You learn the pattern of the Anor Londo archer's arrows. You learn to stay away from the Catacombs at the beginning of the game. You just learn and you get good and we all did.

    So now when I read that, it's just like one of my brothers or sisters or fellow skeletons looking at me and doing the Rob Redford gif nod at me like "yeah, that boss really sucks. Only way to beat them is to just die a crap-ton and learn their patterns." Or as some people put so eloquently, "git gud."

    I hope that this helps some people see the phrase in a new way that is a lot less toxic than they initially believed. There are still plenty of trolls out there, but I think most of the time its just a fellow skeleton trying to tell you that you got this, it's just going to take some time and learning (dying).

    TLDR: we are all just skeletons trying to git gud. And we do that by pressing on no matter what.

    submitted by /u/blastoise_soup
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