• Breaking News

    Friday, July 9, 2021

    Dark Souls My partner, whose video game history only includes Portal and Stardew Valley, has just defeated the Taurus Demon.

    Dark Souls My partner, whose video game history only includes Portal and Stardew Valley, has just defeated the Taurus Demon.

    My partner, whose video game history only includes Portal and Stardew Valley, has just defeated the Taurus Demon.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    I'm so fucking proud.

    submitted by /u/LaserTurboShark69
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    Is this how it begins?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    I just finished my first run-through of DSR. It is my first Soulsborne game, and I just wanted to dip my toe in, see what all the fuss was about. I mostly enjoyed my time with the game (F you Manus), and figured I would go back to playing Hitman when I defeated Gwyn.

    Then after the credits, the game just dumped me into NG+. I figured that I might poke around a little bit, see how much the difficulty had increased. There was also that Enchanted Falchion that I wanted to play around with. Maybe try out some different armor.

    A few hours later I have gotten through the Bell Gargoyles and rung the first bell. The places feel familiar and it's fun to see the old enemies again. They feel like old friends now. I never thought this game would feel comforting, but it does. I can already see my next path through the game.

    Is this how it begins? Am I done for? Am I going to try a new tank build when I'm done? Is it just a matter of time before I move on to Demon Souls. Bloodborne even?

    submitted by /u/Quilty_McQuliterson
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    i highly recommend listening to the OST on its own

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    nameless song

    that's all I have to say

    submitted by /u/EpicGamerPlant
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    I beat the Capra demon!!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:28 PM PDT

    I'm on my first playthrough (actually my 4th attempt at trying darksouls) and I just beat the Capra Demon on my 4th attempt. I was expecting the boss and I've heard much about it so I prepared, I knew to break up agro straight away and kill the dogs fast, after that I lathered my axe with some charcoal resin from the merchant (vee hee hee) and went to town. The demons moves are highly telegraphed and easily dodged, so after the nuisance of the dogs, the fight was relatively, pretty simple and easy. Having a great time so far

    submitted by /u/propagandagenx
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    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 02:43 AM PDT

    Does anyone else find Manus the hardest boss out of all the Dark Souls games? I swear he is harder than Slave Knight Gael because of that 5 hit combo and Dark Bead spell.

    submitted by /u/Sell-Sword91
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    Is the age of dark literally dark?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 12:45 AM PDT

    Would it be literally dark? As in a literal lack of light. Or is it called the age of dark for some other reason? Like because humans have the dark soul or simply in contrast to the age of fire?

    submitted by /u/TheInjaa
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    I HATE the monsters in dark souls that I love it!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 01:42 AM PDT

    I'm a HUGE arachnophobia, I hate spiders, insects, caterpillars I hate they're little tiny legs and tiny eyes and dark souls especially blightown made it even fucking worse by turning them HUGE

    I wish I was a streamer to record my reaction but trust me when I encountered huge ass rats, giant mosquitos and even entering quelaggs domain I was so scared that I closed my eyes and just ran straight forward and ready to close my laptop.

    Scariest part was the egg people in quelaggs domain, I could almost feel there pain and when I curiously hit it and little tiny worms came out ew I turned 180° and ran straight for the bonfire

    But if dark souls intentions were to scare me or make the blightown a scary place? Then it did it so good that I could almost call dark souls a horror game.

    And also that toilet looking thing in izalith with a bunch of fucking eyes ew ew ew I think I wandered into a pit with a fuck ton of them where I think some npc was to sacrifice himself for you to run away but I didnt meet this npc and I just found that place myself, god I just cheesed it with a bunch of arrows so I don't even have to go down and touch them

    Damn I love it when non scary games try to be scary it really does get me off guard.

    Honorable mentions

    Skyrims giant spider enemies fuck them

    Mario 64 ghost piano thing that comes to life

    submitted by /u/potatospot
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    As someone who got into the Souls series admittedly very late, I hate how expensive the aftermarket is on the art books and such.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    I came across volume two of Beyond the Grave at Barnes and Noble and got it thinking I'd be able to find the first one easy enough. Nope! Not unless you want to pay hundreds. Same goes for the Design Works and even the Compendium that came out only two years ago. Were they just published in such small quantities?

    I've fallen in love with the series, and I also love books, so having something to read, or in the case of the art page through, when I'm not playing is wonderful. I'm just glad I managed to get the Bloodborne art book.

    Sorry for the rant, just something that was really grinding my gears this evening.

    submitted by /u/The_Word_Wizard
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    Havel's ring is op in this game

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    It is basically useless in ds3 in comparison, even at +3. Maybe because mid rolling and fast rolling aren't too much of a difference.

    submitted by /u/okdude23232
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    I did it. I beat Gwyn, Lord of Cinder. I beat DS1.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    This has been a journey for me.

    Anyone who is intimidated by DarkSouls Series or "think its too tough for my liking", I implore you to read my story.

    When Dark Souls originally came out, I read about how hard it was and how unforgiving it was. I tried my hand at it too.

    When I first tried (at that time), I got my ass whooped by the Asylum Demon and barely got to the Firelink Shrine. I went up to the Undead Burg, beat Taurus demon but only after hours of grinding and trying to get at it. But it always felt that whenever I get through a set of enemies, its more "fluke" than I learned something. Eventually, I beat the Taurus demon with some luck. And I went down the bridge and then up the ladder - to find the Boar. That Boar beat my ass left and right - I gave up. It felt intimidating, tough and I am losing souls everytime i walk 10 steps. I didn't understand the game. I didn't like it. I gave it up.

    3 years after that, same scenario - I gave up much before the Taurus Demon. I gave up the game thinking - "its not my cup of tea" - may be it really was not my cup of tea at the time.

    At the time, I was playing Mass Effect, Assassins creed - wildly forgiving games compared to Dark Souls where mistakes or "winging it" isn't going to get your ass kicked. I was always trying to be aggressive as if I am in a COD campaign or something - which always ends up with mixed results - thereby the "flukeness" of my OG playthroughs.

    Fast Forward to 2019, Jedi Fallen Order was released. It was dubbed as Souls like, but not as tough. I like Sci-fi a lot and this game drew me in. This is the game I learned how to "parry", "roll" and time my attacks rather than being Serious Sam. I think the reason I learned because - I am more mature in 2019 than when I tried DS1 first time, and also I like Star Wars setting a lot and I am willing to learn to play the game. After the first map in JFO, I am parrying attacks like nobody's business. And it was very enjoyful. JFO is very forgiving of course, but the gameplay loop of dying, coming back with new knowledge of enemies and trying again - I understood the "enjoyment" in it. When I first played DS1, I was like - "how could anyone enjoy this" -> "Oh, wait, so the enjoyment is in learning something new everytime and adapting"

    JFO doesn't have any armor or weapon or accessories. Its a straightforward game in that aspect. That allowed me to focus and learn on parry, roll and timing part of the combat.

    I played JFO on grand master difficulty to prove to myself that I got better.

    Then comes "God of War" on PS5. I played God of war on PS4 Pro back when it launched but I played it like an amateur (not on amateur difficulty but the playstyle is more bruteforce and flukey than doing it right). I liked God of war's story and enjoyed it, but didn't beat the Valkyries - not one. I tried one valkyrie and realized, "this needs Dark Souls level gameplay, I am not doing this". Its optional content anyway.

    After playing JFO and getting a God of War 60FPS patch on PS5, it was perfect opportunity to try it again. I enjoyed GOW immensely this time. It was a blast. I truly realized how much fun the combat is, the parrying, blocking, rolling etc, once you understood the combat and make it work for you. This time, I defeated all the Valkyries and the Valkyrie Queen (Queen took me like 10+ tries - Could have done it with less tries but I got too greedy sometimes). Completed GOW 100% platinumed it.

    Finally, 2021, it was time to try Dark Souls again I felt. I bought the Remastered one because I figured, if I am trying this, lets do this with 60fps and non-blurry looking textures. (I know mods exist for OG but there was steam sale for this too).

    A month or so latter, I beat the final boss, I fucking did it and not only did I beat him, more importantly, I enjoyed the experience immensely. Latter part was the key I was missing before. Jedi Fallen Order and God of War really are my stepping stones here. I may be making it more dramatic, but that's what my progress has been. You have no idea what this means to me.

    Even for the final boss, the black knights in the Kiln of Flame - I used them as practice for parrying. Gwyn was a lot faster and cannot be backstabbed with his speed (with my endurance, armor etc), but I parried him few times, learned his moves, died few times of course, then I beat him.

    At 80% of the game, I realized that saying "DS1 is tough" is a partially incorrect statement and also one that puts off lots of gamers against it. I think we should say "DS1 is a fair game". Its an intimidating game, surely, but calling it "tough" is not entirely incorrect but "fair and intimidating at first sight" might be better. Because with games, when someone calls it "tough", ppl may usually think - may be game devs just reduced damage modifiers, and increased health bars of enemies. Thats what I thought Dark Souls was - making it tough for the sake of making it "feel" tough. I was wrong of course.

    DS is tough but in a fair manner. Tough not in the sense of unfairly tough just to make it ridiculous but it rewards and punishes fairly based on your actions. This is what it should be advertised as. It must be intimidating to new comers but we should assure them - "hey, don't worry, if it feels like game is punishing you, its only because it wants you to learn, adapt and go back".

    "Git Gud" was the meme, but I think elaborating the fact brings more clarity.

    Now when I hear/read someone says "DS1 is easy" or something like that, I know exactly what they mean. They are not "flexing" (atleast most of them aren't I think) or anything, its because they understood the formula and leaned the enemies.

    I cannot wait to buy/try DS2, DS3, Demon Souls.

    Should I play Demon Souls first (PS5 remake) or DS2->DS3 first and then Demon Souls?, or it doesn't matter?

    submitted by /u/saikrishnav
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    Blacksmith in the catacombs

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    I am going through the catacombs and the skeletons kicked me down some hole before I could kill the necromancer. I thought I was definitely going to die but even though the fall death animation played when I landed next to the hole in the ground my health remained full and a cutscene started with this giant cthulhu looking ass skeleton making a hole in the wall and telling me to leave because Id ruin his focus. After the cutscene had played 5 skeletons fell on me and killed me before I could get to the bonfire behind me. How do I get back down there I die every time I try falling even with the spell fall control.

    submitted by /u/fiesinator
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    If anyone's still playing on PS3 I'd appreciate help.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    I have a mage build and I'm trying to get Seaths tail, I'm sure this is self-explanatory, comment below if you want to help.

    submitted by /u/Undercover_Huge_Cunt
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    What are your fun builds to try ?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    Hello there ! *general kenobi intensifies*

    So I have completed the game quite a few times now, with a str full tank warrior, halberd warrior, dex katana dude, mage/pyro as well as SL1 pyro. The thing is, I am now running out of ideas for fun builds to try, as I have made a cleric run as well but it was not as fun as DS2 cleric/paladin or even DeS temple dude. I want to play through it again (and again, and again) but I don't really feel like playing a warrior again.

    Do you guys have some ideas for a fun build to try out ? Be it really effective or completely out of the box. As a pointer, I'm rather a PvE guy but I'm not against some PvP prompts, even though I've never really explored that part of the game too much.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient-Chance856
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    Should I try Darksouls?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    I'm closing in on a thousand hours on Skyrim and I am looking for something different. It's at the point where the harder difficulties don't even bother me so I'm looking for something soul crushing.

    submitted by /u/ScaredQuote5263
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    My skill isn't where I want it to be

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    I started playing when I was 15 or so and I'm 22 now. I've been playing on and off for years attempting and re-attempting to be good at the game. I'm okay at it, but I've never been as good as I want and my skill kinda stopped improving when I was 18 or so.

    I've never been good at pvp. I've tried hundreds of times but I never get a kill without surprising someone. PVE is even worse, and I cant get through the game without a big stupid shield. Obviously the only other souls game I've even completed is demon souls, and not for lack of trying after trying after trying.

    I have dyspraxia and autism. The things that come naturally to other people just dont to me. Ik the general response to posts like this is "you're accepting where you are now so you'll never improve" which isn't what I'm doing. I believe I could improve, I just havent even after playing as often as I can for so many years. I guess I'm just sad. You guys seem like you have a lot of fun. I wish I liked any other video game still

    submitted by /u/Deetee-Senpai
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    Str/faith build best weapon?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm playing DS1, I'm around SL70, 40str, 25 in faith ! I'm looking for a good weapon that scales on those both statistics! I currently use Dragon Teeth from Havel and giant stone halbarde but I think I can be more optimal :) any advice ?

    submitted by /u/ItsLucs
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    Does anybody have a list of what armour our famous protagonist “Dark Soul” wears?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    I know it's Smough helm and Onion armour but the legs and arms got me stumped

    Every Soul Has its Dark

    submitted by /u/Sukdufai
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    Looking for People to play some Dark Souls with on the PS5/PS4

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    I have all the Soulsbornes game, beat multiple times I'm just looking to see if anyone wants to group up and do a playthrough or have some fun and summon people in for people etc. Inbox me and I'll add you on PSN!

    submitted by /u/Hydr0djentt
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    Am I supposed to break down titanite chunks?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    Can you buy large shards?

    submitted by /u/KingEdwardlll
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    I really want to beat Dark Souls but its really hard... plz help

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    Ive thrown a good 8 hours maybe more into this game and feel like im getting nowhere. I like the challenge but dying over and over and having to go through the same parts for like 2 hours just to make a bit of progress is excruciating. Im not giving up but im taking a break... i will beat this game but not till i feel like redoing the same parts for hours on end :/ (i get that the game is fair but difficult but when im spending most my free time just redoing the same parts it just doesn't feel worth it)

    submitted by /u/D3shawnR3X
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    Ornstein and Smough fight is unfair?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    How on earth Ornstein attacks go through Smough's body??? Half of the time I don't see this little fucker and still somehow he gets me, either he magically flies from across the room and nearly kills me or his attacks go through Smough's body(???) and I have no time to dodge because surprise surprise I don't see em! Plus one of them can easily finish me off before I even get up from one of their bullshit attack, Yeah they take good amount of damage but still I can't call it fair fight and yeah I'm pretty angry right now

    submitted by /u/wureide
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    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 01:42 AM PDT

    Pls help me with the boss artorias in the dlc

    submitted by /u/SyrupCrazy30
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    Finally finished my From Software adventure by getting Platinum in all the games!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I've been no stranger to Dark Souls games but they never really truly "clicked" for me. Enter Demon's Souls. Some how, somewhere along the lines playing it, souls games finally clicked for me. I had a ball! I promised myself then that I was going to platinum all of them, and here I am 9 months later having achieved it.


    Really truly love all these games (even DS2 despite its rage inducing controller breaking gank hallway). Sekiro is just such a beast of a game. When you finally get down the mechanics of it you feel nigh unstoppable. I had more fun playing that game than I had any right to I think. (Probably why I had 5 play through of it).

    It is such a doable task, I know it feels daunting but it really isn't hard to do. These games whooped my ass constantly and always made me feel like I wouldn't be able to do it. I kept proving myself wrong. If I can do it you can too.

    Anyway, just wanted to share, pretty damn pumped about it. Hope everyone has a great day!

    submitted by /u/stile04
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