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    Sunday, July 11, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 This will protect me from fall damage, right?

    Dark Souls 2 This will protect me from fall damage, right?

    This will protect me from fall damage, right?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    On to NG+ as the motha fucka himself

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    I... Can't... Stop... Staring....

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:16 PM PDT

    Unused Desert Sorceress Grab Attack

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Thoughts on DS2 having played DeS, DSr, and DS3: DS2 is severely UNDERRATED

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:03 AM PDT


    I've been playing through DS2 for the last few weeks (bought it cheap on a Steam sale) and have been loving it.

    Having played through DeS, DSr, and DS3, I put DS2 off for a long time based on the generally negative comments and reputation.

    I must say, I was pleasantly surprised when I started playing it! Once I figured out that I should avoid locking on to enemies (thank you Joseph Anderson!) and ADP should be levelled ASAP, the game became a lot of fun.

    The fast-travel from the beginning is great, the world and levels are really cool and have a lot of variety, and I'm really liking the variety of weapons.

    Granted, the controls aren't the best and the character's use of consumables is still too slow, but seriously - DS2 is much better than YouTube and forums suggest.


    I actually prefer DS2 to DSr... anyone who talks about the 'interconnectedness' of DS1/r is clearly willfully ignoring the second half of the game, after Anor Londo. The game basically became four forgettable long corridors. In my mind, DS1 ended at Anor Londo.

    Whereas in DS2, the levels are long and beautiful and filled with enemies and secrets. I've had a great tune exploring them.


    To be honest, not the best. I don't like the 'snap-on' feature that the controls have. But other than that, the controls are satisfactory.


    It's fine. I suspect people complaining about the amount of multi-enemy fights are used to locking on to a single enemy (which is how DeS and DS1 were designed).

    I watched Joseph Anderson's excellent YouTube DS2 series and he clarified DS2 wants the player to avoid lock-on and just swing the weapon and aim manually. This worked so well for me in DS2 that I actually also changed my DS3 playstyle... and the game become so much easier!

    The ADP stat seemed annoying at first until I realised I could wear heavy armour while keeping my i-frames after levelling ADP sufficiently. This is definitely NOT the case with DS1 or DS3, where i-frames were tied to equipment burden!

    Weapons & Equipment

    Probably the best in the series. So much variety and it seems like any weapon is genuinely viable (unlike DS3, where being a caster or a heavy weapon user is an exercise in frustration).

    I found the game to be very generous with weapon availability. The game gives a 100% physical defence shield after the first Pursuer boss, and some seriously powerful weapons are available relatively early in the game (e.g. Ultra Black Knight Greatsword, Drangleic sword, Craftsmans hammer).


    Epic. DS2 has so much variety, I'm already on my second playthrough (new character, not NG+).


    I'd say, for me, DS2 is at least as good as DS1/r. DS3 is still my favourite because I prefer the faster combat and the extra rolling, but DS2 really surprised me.

    It doesn't deserve such a negative reputation, and I feel like a lot of people just don't understand how to play the game.

    Thanks for your time 😊

    submitted by /u/ras0406
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    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    Just finished DS2

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    As someone who already finished DS1, DS3, Sekiro multiple times, I skipped and ignored DS2 because of the negative reviews/comments I saw on the internet. In fact, I tried this game years ago but gave up on it because it somehow didn't click with me, it felt off for some reason. But after being exhausted with DS1 and DS3, I gave DS2 another chance.

    And now after finishing my first playthrough (SOTFS), I'll admit it wasn't as bad as people claimed and I think people were exaggerating when they say that this is a bad game even though it is not. Dark Souls 2 has the best weapon variety in the series and oh my god even the armors. For a fashion souls player like me, this game is just perfect. Using magic is now fun, and this is my first time I tried putting points in INT, ATN and FTH just because casting spells is so much fun this time.

    However just a quick rant. I found the bosses quite boring, the only boss that gave me a hard time was Sir Alonne, and that was a boss from a DLC. Almost all the bosses in the main game are either boring, tedious or gimmicky and no boss in the main game presented a real challenge without relying on cheap gimmicks. You guys might not believe me but bosses only took me 3 tries at max, most of the time killing them at first try. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not here to brag nor claim to be a pro at souls games. It's just that I've had more trouble in DS1 and DS3, even on ng+ I still get stuck on some of the bosses on those games. But here, they're all really easy. Even Sir Alonne wasn't that hard if you compare it to DS1 and DS3 bosses.

    All in all, I've had so much fun playing this game. It might not be the best souls game but it sure is a lot of fun. The DLCs were really the standout of this game for me, it made the game a ton more enjoyable and I really enjoyed the locations of the DLCs more than the main game that's for sure. Anyways, I really enjoyed this game, planning on ng+ soon to platinum this game.

    submitted by /u/Zaefyr
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    I Hate The Dark Chasms..

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    Blue smelter demon rant ��

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    I've killed every boss in DS1 and DS3, I've even platinumed Sekiro, but the run back to this boss and the boss itself is the only from level that has made upset enough to put down the controller and take a walk. I've beaten infinitely harder bosses than this mf on my first try but this abhorrent abomination and his stupid dungeon have honestly broken me. I want to like this game but the constant onslaught of shitty re skins and lazy bosses are taking a toll on me. Like seriously Sinh was built up to be this cool immortal dragon and I kill him on my first try but 3 guys in some dank cave kill me 15 times before I get bored and just cheese them? I do like this game but holy shit does it try my patience like nothing else.

    submitted by /u/The_Oracle-
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    The Demon of Song has yaoi hands

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    I need assistance

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    I need assistance

    Ironclad Armour


    Hello, I guess I must say I am the casual dude everyone hates, but even still I am inlove with DS2. I know that I have no clue of the 95% of the game, I play it and that's it.

    My first post in this reddit DS2 community is me reading you beatifull people who loves the game like me and give me some advice if possible.

    I have been using the Old Ironclad Armour set since the Forest of the Fallen Giants because damn, I don't know I feel so much represented with this armour set, it must be because this armour looks old and hard rock solid, iron cold, just like my heart.

    I've now farmed the Ironclad set with is renewed Iron and have better stats, I dont know if I will use it, but I have it anyways, I wanted that in my personal collection.

    Now... I feel I've been doing everything wrong with the levels distribution and here is where you people comes to play if you can, and advice me about this, I have a soul vessel from Saulden.

    I wear as main weapon a Claymore sword, Heavy Crossbow as secondary weapon and have a Bastard Sword in the inventory just in case.

    What do you people think about this 47 in VIT? It is a waste?

    I will tell you that I hate fat rolling, and I know how important are the I-Frames, but remember, I am the stupid casual dude inlove with a game which don't understand it (sounds stupid as hell, sorry it's just me).

    Thanks for reading me, love for everyone of you, and I will wait for your wise advice.

    submitted by /u/Commercial-Throat669
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    SL1, 6 ADP - Lud and Zallen.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    Dark Souls 2: A flawed masterpiece

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    So after finishing DS1 and DS3 both with DLCs, I finally finished DS2 today (still need to do DLC) and I am just floored.

    A little history, this was my third time starting the game. I always got frustrated, that's why I played DS3 first, mostly because the HP reduction after every death and I thought this game is impossible.

    I needed around 10 hours before the game really clicked to me and got immersed in it. This is very different from the first one and I needed time to adjust to the new mechanics and the enemies.

    And here I have my first problem with the game, the enemy placement. Many people called this out and I have to say for valid reasons. I felt many time that the game puts an overwhelming amount of enemies just to mess with the player. But after time I got used to it because the game forced me to concentrate on even the easiest enemy.

    My second and probably biggest problem are the bosses. There isn't a single one that was memorable (except Executioner's Chariot) or challenging to be honest (I still have 4 bosses left though). I think the most I died to were the Ruin Sentinels but because I was underleveled. I don't think I died more than three times to boss after them. Also there is the hitbox problem, most annoying in the case of The Pursuer and the Lost Sinner, but this wasn't game breaking either. And the reskins (Belfry Gargoyle, Old Dragonslayer) felt very cheap and lazy. So the game has many flaws, but I liked it more than DS3 (to be clear DS3 is also an amazing game), for one reason: it was something completely different.

    DS3 was basically a flawless game; good hitbox, great graphics, amazing boss fights but the map was bland and very linear, especially Firelink Shrine felt so disconnected from the rest of the game. In DS2, we have Majula, one of the most beautiful and warming places in a video game (that music gets me every time) but it is also connected to a lot of places; the player comes from the Things Betwixt, then they can go to the Forest of the Fallen Giants, Heidel's Tower, there is the pit and the Shaded Ruins. There is so much variety in which progress route you can take and Majula really felt like a hub. But if there was one place where I literally put my controller down to just take a moment and let the game suck me in, was the Shrine of Amana. I can safely say, that this was the most atmospheric location I have ever experienced in any medium. The visuals were gorgeous and the Milfanito's song is just from another world.

    Sorry this turned out to be this long, but I don't have anyone to discuss this game with and I needed to get this out. Also a huge thanks to this community for being so helpful.

    submitted by /u/Blint31
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    Finally Ive finished DS2 and did counting on my total deaths throughout the whole game. Cant wait for DS1 Remastered to be for less than 5€ to afford it lmao

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    I need HELP!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    SoulMem is at 2,800,000 and I can't beat the black dragon please help me

    submitted by /u/gobgoslaying
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    any save editors that work with PS3 that recognize the agape ring yet?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    or is there a mule save with 0 souls, 0 soul memory, and only the agape ring?

    submitted by /u/nmagod
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    Absolute Frustration

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    Dark Souls 2 SOTFS is so much fun so far. I beat Velstadt in the Undead Crypt and felt it was time to check out the DLC. I'm doing the Ivory DLC, and holy shit. This dumbass tiger is really giving me trouble, more so than any other boss. Any tips for a struggling bro? I'm using a +10 Large Club and a Drangleic Shield.

    submitted by /u/SmaugtheTerrible2020
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    I have created a man of cardboard that exists only to hope he will die later rather than sooner

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    I tried to do a mage build. I was excited to try the spells, and I was not a big fan of hexing and had already tried faith.

    I had some soul vessels, so I ventured to the fire keepers to re-do my build. I fucked it up so I wasted two soul vessels, and the result is the following:

    vit: 30

    Stamina: 10

    Vig: 7

    Atn 50

    Str 19

    Dex 19

    Adpt: 26

    Int 65

    Faith 6

    I mainly use soul spears, the good soul arrows, the homing crystal balls and some spells that I equip only because they look cool

    Rings are the North ritual ring and the clear bluestone, plus the sorcery ring

    My encounters have transformed from a Boulder of immense power destroying everything in its path with little hope for his enemies to a paper mache shrimp throwing blue gatorade at his unimpressed enemies that will then proceed to impale, stomp, and generally hurt my character who will then retreat to the bonfire and think of another build to do

    I need help making a better sorcery build, apparently I can't... Weapons? Stats? Rings? SPELLS? Help needed

    submitted by /u/StupidSquirrel2
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    Loyce Soul Farming

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    Is anyone interested in helping me farm Loyce souls in the Ivory King DLC. I didn't know about them before I killed the king and shut all of the gates so I would appreciate any help with accessing them.

    submitted by /u/KoksLoks
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    The kings pet is a tad too hard.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Im looking for anyone who can beat this thing, or atleast survive longer than me to kill it. Or just looking to nab some effigies and duplicates off peoples hands.

    NG SM 2.3 mil Sl 113 Ps4 ZaxSaxephone

    submitted by /u/Zaxsaxephone
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    Help with loyce soul farming

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    I learned that in order to get the ivory king set you have to farm 50 loyce souls, the problem is that I killed the ivory king before I could farm these souls, so is anyone else doing this so I can join them? Getting summoned seems tough, I've been trying to get summoned but it takes a lot of time before someone does it.

    submitted by /u/CIXV
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    Is 35 ADP overkill?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    I didn't really look up the soft caps or anything before starting the game and just knew that it was important for i-frames and rolling, so I dumped a bunch of levels into it. Now I'm reading that going past 20-25 is relatively pointless. Should I just use a soul vessel and reallocate 10 points to something else? I guess I still get faster estus chugging but I'm not really sure that's worth it.

    submitted by /u/AceBombkick
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    Need help farming loyce souls

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    Soul memory is 3.5 mil

    submitted by /u/soviet-space-monkey
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    Sunlight Medal Farming

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    Does anyone know the best way to farm sunlight medals in my state?

    NG+ with 8.4M soul memory

    anything helps

    submitted by /u/S3AC0W
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