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    Tuesday, June 1, 2021

    Dark Souls I've finally beaten the Kalameet and Hawkeye called me a legend.

    Dark Souls I've finally beaten the Kalameet and Hawkeye called me a legend.

    I've finally beaten the Kalameet and Hawkeye called me a legend.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    I guess this is what it would feel like if my dad told me he was proud of me

    submitted by /u/knudtheunworthy
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    I was expecting to farm for 5 hours at Duke's Archives, then I killed the first mage in the entrance.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    I beat the game by being a stubborn prick

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    So, I'm not usually a stubborn person in games or in real life, but for some reason Dark Souls has made me one stubborn SOB. I was stuck on Ornstein and Smough, Kalameet and Artorias for so long. I think I clocked in 63 hours on my very first run of DS1 which I only just finished. Countless times I have wanted to give up or summon someone to help me but I was too stubborn to ask for help and pushed through 7+ hours each on that fucking dragon and the one two combo of the knights and that motherfucking twirling nightmare combo. I have finally finished Dark Souls by myself, I have never been more proud of myself.

    submitted by /u/droopeacok
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    Undead Asylum | Dark Souls CGI Fan Remake

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:54 AM PDT

    thank you, dark souls

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    i backstabbed an anor londo archer and he fell off the stairs when i kicked him but he died/disintegrated in midair. i've never been so frustrated by a drop before. https://imgur.com/gallery/YVmXNqz

    submitted by /u/ligokleftis
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    I like dark souls cause it reflects my life in some ways...

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    I rarely get help, and when I think I'm doing well someone comes to show me I'm not.

    submitted by /u/idonnaknow
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    Just beat dark souls for the first time!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:00 PM PDT

    Took me about a week and 35 hours of playtime, but I did it! I was using the great scythe (cause scythes are cool as fuck) and I think it carried me a little lmao. I've never experienced a world in a video game that's made me feel quite like this one. I thought some of the later areas were kinda shitty and the bosses were gimmicky, but the world and the atmosphere are so unique, it kept me hooked all the way through. So glad that I decided to pick it up! Praise the sun!

    submitted by /u/Reb720
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    Dark Souls Undead Asylum Remake Fanart

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Here it is a project i've been working on with a friend. It is a remake of the iconic tutorial area, the Undead Asylum:


    submitted by /u/silenttoaster7
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    I'm stuck in Painted world of Ariamis

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    I picked up the peculiar doll earlier in the game so I could do this part of the game later. I went up to the painting and accidentally clicked examine. I tried to warp back with the bonfire, but it said the bonfire is not connected or something. Help I can't get out

    submitted by /u/Void_Lantern
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    What weapon to choose against Smough and Ornstein?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:43 AM PDT

    I use zweihander against them but its extremely difficult for me. I also tried the claymore but i suck. pls help

    submitted by /u/porux5
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    Imminent Joy

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    I made a post a while back summarizing my progression through the game up to that dastardly ledge with the archers in Anor Londo. Now, about 72 hours into the game, I have finally done it. Gywn is defeated, and I have linked the flame. It's so surreal to me that after struggling so much before with the very, very beginning of the game, I have actually done it.

    I did have a bit of trouble with a few of the bosses, so here's a rundown (TLDR below):

    Ornstein and Smough were really difficult for me. Eventually though, after some practice, I was able to skirt around the pillars to avoid them as well as shield myself from Smough's charge attack. I also found that Smough can act as a barrier between the player and Ornstein, and I took advantage of that to take out Smough first. Then Super Ornstein was pretty easy. Since I had a ranged build and kept my distance, he kept trying to throw lightning spears at me, so with some more pillar maneuvers, Super Ornstein was down as well.

    Seath went smoothly once I got some curse resist and pyromancies (I did originally try to stick with using sorceries, but I quickly found out that was a terrible, terrible idea).

    Nito was a pain in the butt. A huge pain in the butt. In the end, I changed my set up a bit and stalled until he got closer to the front of the arena, so I didn't aggro the big skeletons. Then I just stuck as close as I could to him. For the most part, his attacks would miss, he would down his own skeletons, and I could easily tank his aoe blast.

    Firesage Demon and Centipede Demon weren't too difficult once I learned their patterns somewhat. Though Centipede Demon seems to break a little bit if you're standing right under him.

    Bed of Chaos was tricky, but I kept throwing myself at it until it eventually worked.

    Sif took a couple tries, but I stuck fairly close to him and made sure to not get too greedy, which made it pretty manageable.

    I hit a little bit of a wall with Four Kings, so I decided to do a bit of exploring before coming back. I went back to the Undead Asylum, and beat up the Stray Demon with little resistance (his moveset was pretty much identical to Firesage from what I saw, so it was pretty easy).

    Pricilla was interesting, but once I realized she left footprints in the snow, it was just a matter of patience.

    Then it was on to the DLC. I got steamrolled by Sanctuary Guardian the first few times I fought him. I left to find better spells, and once I did, he went down really quickly with a couple crystal soul spears.

    Artorias was super cool in my opinion. He and his moveset and his movement itself were all really awesome. He was challenging and fast-paced, so it took a few tries, but I got it.

    Kalameet and Manus both went down after a few tries. Though Manus was definitely more challenging in my opinion. Particularly when he started casting spells, I had a hard time dodging them sometimes. I also kept forgetting that dark bead would put me on my ass even with my shield.

    Four Kings was a cakewalk at this point (in truth, I had kind of forgotten about them once I started doing the DLC). I felt a little bad. I hit each of them about two times, and then I ran in circles for a bit until the next one spawned in.

    Then came Gywn. He kicked my ass. He was too fast for me to have much of an opening to cast, and even when I did cast, he dodged. It didn't help that my parries were pretty inconsistent. I changed up my build one last time, and that was that. I ended up relying a lot on crystal homing soulmass and parries, but the first time with the new set up was the charm.

    TLDR; I had a ton of fun getting my ass kicked and problem solving my way through the game. Also, a ton of thanks to those that gave words of support as well as those that helped to answer questions I had. Praise the Sun!

    submitted by /u/Crunchy-Salat
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    The time has finally come to lay my sword down

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    After weeks of grinding and hard work I am proud to finally have completed this wonderful game. I never would have thought when I first bought Dark Souls that I would ever complete it yet here I am.

    submitted by /u/689Reaper689
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    A hardcore ruleset for Dark Souls games.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    So I was thinking about a potential self imposed ruleset that would make Dark Souls games even more challenging, a "hardcore mode" if you will, so I came up with the following rules:

    1. Healing:

    . No estus flask usage is allowed, usage of other consumable healing items such as lifegems in DS2 is also forbidden.

    . Healing from other sources such as spells and equipable items are allowed. (Ashen estus in DS3 is allowed)

    1. Humanities = Lives.

    . The player is required to use a humanity/effigy/ember immediately after dying.

    . Humanities may not be used for healing in combat (I wouldn't advise doing this anyway).

    . If you run out of Humanities/Effigies/Embers and then you die, your character is considered dead, the game is over and you must start again from the beginning of the game (or give up).

    1. In regards to farmable humanities:

    . In DS1 any humanities obtained from infinitely farmable mobs must be consumed immediately and do not count as an extra life. this allows you to farm for humanity but not for infinite lives.

    . In DS2 and DS3 any effigies/embers obtained from infinitely farmable enemies must be discarded immediately.

    1. You may only level up 5 times for each boss you have defeated.

    2. You may only upgrade your weapons/armour one stage for each boss you have defeated.

    3. The game must ALWAYS be played in offline mode for obvious reasons.

    4. Summoning NPC's is not allowed.

    If you have any thoughts or questions about this, or ideas for other rules then let me know.

    submitted by /u/Darth_Callum
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    just wtf

    Posted: 31 May 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    so im in ng+ in ds1 and i killed 3 of the 4 kings and was fighting the last one then there just apeared a fifth king and killed me just wtf i am already raging against those bastards and then this happens

    Edit: if you struggle like me in this fight (4 kings ng+ where the hardest enemies for me in the whole game). Just put on full havel set (it doesnt matter that u fatroll), gras crest shield on the back, a high dps weapon (for me it was zweihander +15), Wolfring, and great magic weapon. just go close to them and r1 spam (the closer you are the less damage they deal) when you are at 50% of your hp pop a flask. this way was really easy

    submitted by /u/SandroLuigi7
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    A nice "warrior nun" fashion

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:51 AM PDT

    Maiden hood Silver Knight chest Silver Knight gloves Painting Guardian waistcloth

    Silver Knight spear Silver knight shield

    Looks pretty good! The waistcloth actually covers the legs in armor that feels like a extension of the chest armor. Plus the skirt feels made from the same material as the hood.

    submitted by /u/Lucassampaio662
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    Gwyn was without a doubt the hardest Boss in the game for me

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:51 AM PDT

    I played DS prepare to die and it took me around 50hours to complete. it may seem longer than others but hey, it was my first Soulsgame back then. When i entered this Subreddit i noticed something odd to me. Everyone seems to have the impression that Atorias, Kalameet and O&S are the hardest Bosses. But all of them took me like less than 10 trials. They seemed really hard but i managed to come up with a good strategy to win. But Gwyn? That Dude fcked me so hard, i literally had over 70 trials before i beat him. So moves so fast, gives you almost no chance to heal,is hard to dodge, blocking is not viable and im not that good at parrying. Something about that fight made it almost impossible for me to win. The second hardest Boss for me was Manus, for similar reasons. I just wanted to share my experience with you because it might seem quite odd.

    Tl;dr: Gwyn is the hardest boss for me, took me 70+ trials

    submitted by /u/C12H22O11-addict
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    Just had a wholesome interaction online on Switch!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    I became human to have more potions in Izalith, and was invaded by a player.

    He had the Mask of the Father so I figured he was pretty much a great player and didn't even bother fighting him, instead I waved at him and threw some shiny rocks

    He then proceeded to fill the entire level with shiny rocks and deposited before me 5 Humanities and various titanite items, I was so happy! I bowed before him and wanted to give him something in return but he vanished :(

    submitted by /u/Naranciabestwaifu
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    Should i buy dark souls remastered?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    So the idea of buying the game in 2021 was kinda weird becuase i already completed the game on my brothers pc and want to just take my save file and mostly get involved with pvp and summons/invasions so i wanna ask is it worth it and are invasions/pvp good or is there even much ppl playing pvp at this point if u could tell me it be nice

    submitted by /u/nowthisisvewyepic
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    Thank you to a warrior of sunlight named Nito who helped me get through manus.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    I summoned this dude and he was ready to do the entirety of the ollicile township and the chasm, but I already had the elevator down to the dungeon bonfire. He then led me all the way through the chasm, getting me some much needed humanity on the way, and cleared the place out with his triple crossbow. We arrived at manus and I was pretty nervous but braver than I would have been alone. We both fought valiantly against the twisted creature and both of us survived to tell the tale. Bro, I have no idea who you are and if you will ever see this, but thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/MostYeetest
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    Just beat Dark Souls

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    After playing (and loving) ds3 and bloodborne, i decided to try out the ds1 and got the game in january. And honestly, my first impression of the game was pretty negative. In my first play through, i got as far bell gargoyles and struggled so much i had to put it down for a few weeks. I was so frustrated with the timing of the game (coming from ds3 and bloodborne, everything felt a tick slower), and couldnt quite master the combat and couldnt really find my way around.

    Two weeks ago, my university semester ended and with some free time, i decided to give the game another shot. This time though, i made sure to go into the game with a much more open mind. Being such a big fan of ds3, it took me a while to stop expecting, and to stop wanting ds1 to be the same thing as my beloved ds3. But as I was able to put aside my preconceived expectations and experience the game as it's own thing, I instantly began to get better, and more importantly enjoy it.

    Long story short, I was up until 2 last night figting artorias, and got up today to fight manus and kalameet. Riding high off adrenaline, I beat Gwyn my first time and linked the fire. What a game. So glad I came back to it. Praise the sun! Long may the sun shine!

    submitted by /u/farmeryossarian
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    Need to find the right path

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    Need help to figure out how to get to the DLC without killing Sif Can anybody tell me how to do it I want to see the good doggo cutscene

    submitted by /u/Koemsti
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    How long did it take for you to finish dark souls (including the dlc)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    I took me 26 hours to beat dark souls and the dlc, how long did it take you?

    submitted by /u/MEME_PERSON1096
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