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    Thursday, June 3, 2021

    Dark Souls I know this has likely already been said but,

    Dark Souls I know this has likely already been said but,

    I know this has likely already been said but,

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    The real boss durning the Bed of Chaos fight is the run from Demon Ruins if you mess up.

    Seriously, worst boss in the DS universe.

    submitted by /u/atbergan92
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    A PSA for all newcomers to Dark Souls who are having a hard time pre Anor Londo or during it.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    I have seen so many posts asking for help on areas before AL and while there, and most are concerns of being "underleveled", not being able to kill a boss after a hundred tries, or just generally getting their asses kicked. I have noticed one common problem with a lot of these so I felt like making an announcement regarding this issue could be helpful to anyone coming on here for help. Announcement:


    You got it in the Parish. It looks cool, has a neat two handed attack, and you feel like a god at first. Here's the problem: It does NOT scale. Meaning, no matter how much you dump into STR/DEX, that sword is not getting any better. Pick up something else. The Zweihander is steps away from Firelink. The Uchigatana is quite easy to obtain in the Burg. Hell, there's even a Halberd in the Parish outside of the church where the Bell is. These are weapons that will level with you, and of course upgrading them at the blacksmith is also important.

    As an example, for my run I got the Gargoyle Halberd from the Bell Gargoyles, and I used it all the way to the end.

    I hope people see this and it's actually helpful!

    Edit: No disrespect to the Claymore. Beast of a weapon, just didn't come to mind when writing. Please forgive me.

    submitted by /u/veilofmayass
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    Only in this community...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Will you be invaded and destroyed and the message you receive after is, want to play some jolly co-op?

    I forgot how much I enjoy this game and community.

    submitted by /u/TheNightWatchmen
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    I love "getting gud"in this game.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    I just bought this game 3 days ago and I absolutely love it so far. I have never played any souls games before and only knew that it was hard but good game.

    I mostly love the shortcuts in the game that makes you go "holy shit it was here all along"? (Love the first time you ride the elevator from the church in undead parish down to Firelink.

    Ok, now to the getting gud part.

    I was stuck at the capra demon 2 days ago, he killed me immediately after going through the room. I decided to explore more and discover something else. I discovered Darkroot Garden and Darkroot Basin because I ran past the huge legless faceless demon near Andre. I grabbed some armor in the garden(elite knight set) and I went down to the basin, where I was smacked by the ice? crystal? dudes and then spat on by hydra.

    Then I went to undead asylum once more because I saw the nest and went there and it actually took me back! Needless to say, I haven't killed a single Black knight at the time and just ran past them bscause i was a coward.


    When I came to the black knight guarding the door to my cell after getting one shotted by surprise attacking Stray demon(i think that is for later), I found BK in a tight corridor. I said, eh, fuck it, bonfire is right here, and died 4 times in total, and then I learned to parry him. 3 4 parries and he is down. Then I found another one, boom, obliterated. I cleared the asylum (i will clap your cheeks one day Stray) and returned to undead burg with my newfound confidence and BOOM, killed the BK in there.

    Then I remembered there was one more on the tower in Undead parish, and boy, he had a LONG-ASS SWORD. I was killed in two hits.

    I said, yes, you taught me boundaries, game, this is not for my skill yet. I switched from my trusted Drake sword to Claymore+3 and went to kill Capra. Killed the dogs in one swing and then it just was a chasing game. I went up the stairs, then down, he jumped down and swish swosh, health down and repeat. I finished him with jumping and attacking him when he was down under the stairs. It felt glorious. First try babeyy! And this is where I truly fell in love with this game.

    (i am now in depths and just exploring. Found the butcher and fell down the hole to a hugeass rat.)

    submitted by /u/Olik12346
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    Just beat the game for the first time

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    Just gonna make this quick and say, I fucking love this masterpiece. I have never played anything like it. From the lore, the world building, gameplay, the open-nature of the story, characters, etc. is all incredible, and how they all work with one another to create an experience like this, for me makes one of the best gaming experiences your ever gonna get. Thank you Dark Souls.

    submitted by /u/PraiseTheSun54
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    Fevre Dream (Miyazaki's Favourite GRRM Novel)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    So I've been reading this for a while and hadn't really felt the influence of it on FromSoft's games, not even Bloodborne and it's a vampire novel! But last night I reached Chapter 28 and it all clicked. Berserk is obviously one of the heaviest influences on Dark Souls, especially visually, but this chapter is where the concept of the hollow was born, I feel.

    In this chapter, a character describes the mental state of another character, a very old vampire. It could be a 1:1 description of a hollow's mental state - he even uses the word "hollow". Essentially he describes how his humanity is long gone, anything resembling human behaviour is just a subconscious act, an artifice, and if you look closely his decisions don't even make sense, are stupid even, and bring him closer to danger. His true self, the part of him that is still there, is just an ancient primal instinct, an animal which fights to keep him alive. Even as a vampire, his desire for blood is no longer there - it's something he does, but not something he feels. He spends long portions of his time sitting in dark rooms in silence, as if in a coffin. Ultimately the character determines that this vampire is ready for death, wants it even, if he can be said to "want" anything at his age. What's left of him, however, is pure instinct, and it won't let him die.

    This is framed as something of a reveal. The vampire character's terrifying, almost unknowable nature is often alluded to in times of horror throughout the novel, and this is where a knowledgeable character explains it. It's a lengthy description and beautifully-written. I'm not sure if it'll come across through my paraphrased summary, but I really felt throughout reading it that it felt very very reminiscent of Miyazaki's concept, and I'm positive this is one of the main inspirations, if not THE main inspiration for it.

    submitted by /u/GaryAlexanderStott
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    Yesterday i did my Bonfire tattoo!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    last year i was in a very dark place, i was suffering with depression and got some scars in my forearm, yesterday i done my dark souls tatto to cover it up and used my favorite quote. thanks guys!


    submitted by /u/buuhzik
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    Just started playing dark souls remastered and I have some questions

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    After finishing the tutorial and getting to fire link shrine, then where? I went on a cemetery area behind the shrine but these skeletons have too much health, I then found some stairs to an elevator that took me to some ruins but those ghosts are unhitable, so where do I go?

    How encumbrance works in this game? Like what's the threshold for normal and fat roll? I chose the knight class and he was fat rolling from the get go, so I had to remove everything but the helmet

    What are the two zeros next to your health and stamina? And whats the difference between humanity and hollow and kindle?

    Sorry if those questions have been asked before, I'm just a total noob when it comes to dark souls 1

    submitted by /u/SirRoderic
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    I beat manus

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    I've played through the game a few times but had only ever fought artorias for the boss fights so I decided I was going to finally do it and I beat manus on my first try. Now it's on to kalameet wish me luck

    submitted by /u/Natsu11234
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    Bed of Chaos Preferred Strat

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    So I've been a long time fan of the ds trilogy. Fought bed of chaos tons of times. In all my fights , I would just walks left, hit, then walk right, hit, then walk center and hit. Never had to jump or do any parkour except a roll or two to dodge an arm.

    It wasn't until today that I actually learned a lot of people try jumping the gaps, which sounds crazy to me. The game is so old yet you still discover new things sometimes. Lol

    Just curious, did you know about one or both strats and which do you prefer?

    submitted by /u/_Epiclord_
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    Security breach on MugenMonkey

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:14 AM PDT

    I recently got a notification on my phone saying that there was a security breach from mugenmonkey, an account that I haven't thought about in a while. I was wondering if anyone else is having this same problem and should I be worried.

    submitted by /u/cipherscripture
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    Just finished my first playthrough, and wow

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    (Sry for bad english) What a masterpiece, i loved everything about this game, at first i wasnt comfortable with the controls since i played ds3 before, but when i got used to it, it got so much better

    Every aspect was so good and overall, an amazing game.

    Now to ds2!

    submitted by /u/Pipex121
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    cuparacabra demon whatever his name is

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    I played this game through so many times, but holy shit every time i want to kill that boss to get the depths key. I cheese him everytime with the firebomb. The two ass eating dog fuckers always spit roast the ever living backstabbing shit out of you. Getting combo'd and tha capra demon just slam dunk you with his jump double sword attack. All for a key that doesnt even get to the blighttown "skip", but that's the beauty. You could just ignore it, but fuck you casperbruh demon. Wish you didn't slap my ass like im some poorly treated stripper.

    submitted by /u/SnooBananas5450
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    Would you say most souls-likes look a bif edgy/tryhard when compared to og souls? Why so?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    To clarify, this is something that i've always felt whenever looking at games like "Mortal Shell", "Lords of the fallen", "The surge" or even smaller titles like "Bleak Faith". Hell, even that new ds3 mod called "Project Archtones". Im trying to put into words why it is that I think this happens but also check out if im alone in this.

    Imo the main distinction is comes down to overall tone and art direction:

    Regarding tone, I'd say most of the Fromsoftware games dont take themselves too seriously and have some goofy nonsense here and there or just general sillyness. Im talking about characters like "snuggly the crow" or "Siegward" but also designs for many armors and characters such as the "Adventurer set" or "Xanthous".Basically they present a dark and dying world but they spice it up with a bit of humor and light. I think this works specially well and its what makes the darker parts stand out even more.On the other hand, whenever Im looking at other soulslikes, I get the feeling that they miss the point by rarely breaking out of the dark world setting. Looking at mortal shell for example, It feels like its constantly trying to remind you of how brooding and twisted and harsh its world is, how you are just a worthless lone wolf who must bear it all and overcome the challenge. I get the same feeling from the way you interact with most characters and enemies. I dont think you ever feel sorry for killing anyone in that game or just from looking at them and seeing how weak and worn down they are from the state of the world. Im aware it has a funny ending and an oddball npc merchant but I dont think its enough to break out of the edgyness.

    Regarding artdirection, It feels like those games just focus on making the player feel "cool" and having designs that'd make my 16yo self scream "epic!!" whereas for fromsoft, they focus first on making a design that makes sense for the world and second on making it look cool if it makes sense for it. In a way they are like power fantasy games in everything except gameplay.

    Bloodborne kinda makes you look cool in most sets but that's kinda explained by the setting and how much the clothes are focused on style over practicality...but even bb doesnt get to the levels "coolness" of other games. I think its ok to have 1 or 2 hooded characters that just look cool but when every other of your characters looks like they are cosplaying reaper from overwatch I think the law of diminishing returns kicks in.

    Regarding most souls mods, I guess I just dislike how most of them seem to focus on making the combat even flashier and faster while also keeping some contrast filter on the camera that keeps everything darker(?).

    I still respect the talent that it takes to create mods or even the bigger actual souls-likes, but in the end I feel like these people are missing the point? Or maybe they are just getting something out of the series completely different than what I got?? I dunno but whenever I think of souls I think of the calmness and the beauty and decay of it all. The idiosyncracies and weirdness. Not so much the epicness or dark flashy action.

    submitted by /u/Arakhronae
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    I guess im in the Sen's fortress too early

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Like i said i think im in the Sen's fortress too early i just hit level 40 and i have drake sword +1 and after i passed blighttown i went to Sen's fortress but i can barely kill the guards in the beginning like i know its supposed to be hard but this i can't do damage and get one shot in the beginning and i searched in wiki and it said you had to be 50+ levels in here usually so what should i do and is there a sword or something i can find somewhere that will help me?

    Edit: This was my first playthrough and i apparently did too many mistakes and now i decided to start over thanks for everyone who tried to help!

    submitted by /u/ahmetozturk7
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    I finally beat it.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    I don't usually post on Reddit at all but I found this subreddit helpful on my travels. I got the game for Xbox-360 back in 2013, let a friend borrow it in 2014 and was never able to play again until I bought my PC then bought DS: P2D Ed. in the winter of 2018. Got super busy with college and several relationship issues, but today after many trials and tribulations. I finally beat it.

    submitted by /u/joe_table
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    Why do some of the oolacile township enemies look like dark spirits

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Last time I was here they were all normal

    submitted by /u/Memermanmeme
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    In what order do you recommend playing all of the souls games?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    money isnt an issue and i wanted too see in what order i should play the games (all of the souls games, including demon souls and all of those) sorry if it's the wrong subreddit, don't know another one for this haha

    submitted by /u/MrTodoWizz
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    Leveling Up to Defeat the Hellkite Dragon was the best/worst decision of my life.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    So after grinding up a few levels of dex, powering up my short bow to +5, buying 999 wooden arrows (original version on 360, no item carry limit) and dying a dozen times I finally gave up and tried the wiki. Apparently, if you can't kill it in a few whacks after the tail you're fucked. On the brightside, I just walked through the Capra Demon, the Moonlight Butterfly, and the Gaping Dragon like they were basic hollows. Am I starting to miss the pain? I have a feeling Blighttown and/or Pinwheel (found the shortcut) will set me straight.

    submitted by /u/FruityBiscut
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    My most memorable moment was when...

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    I came down the elevator from the gargoyle tower back to the Firelink Shrine, and I realized how connected the world is. At that point you still haven't fully grasped what to expect from Dark Souls, and this elevator part is one of the major moments for many players to start appreciating the beauty of Dark Soul's game design. Doing it with a simple vertical elevator, instead of a teleporter is a totally different experience. Here, you're dragged along a long geometric maze without a map, and you get the feeling that you could truly be anywhere - and then this one elevator is the "whoa" moment.

    What was your most memorable "whoa" moment on your first playthrough - or do we happen to share it?

    submitted by /u/VeryLoudPillow
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    Dark Souls 2 OG or Scholar of the First Sin?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    Should I get Scholar nd are they basically the same game? but wit updated graphics nd dlc

    submitted by /u/SlugBTW
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    I want to name my cat after someone/something in Dark Souls. Any ideas?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    This might not be related to dark souls enough but whatever. The cat is a girl and she's just a few weeks old. I can't think of what to name her but I love dark souls so why not name her after something in dark souls?

    submitted by /u/Aware-Breakfast-178
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    Just beat nito as my last non gwyn base game boss on Ng+6 and I'm moving on to the dlc

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    Hopefully This won't take more than my entire life

    submitted by /u/Memermanmeme
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    I just started playing and have a question

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:13 PM PDT

    So I made a sorcerer build but can't find any strong spells, where do I get them from and how do I make my sorcery stronger?

    submitted by /u/mrfein4trappin
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