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    Saturday, June 19, 2021

    Dark Souls i got my 14 yr old brother into dark souls

    Dark Souls i got my 14 yr old brother into dark souls

    i got my 14 yr old brother into dark souls

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:45 PM PDT

    so i let him have an old xbox account and dsr was bought on it and i got him to download it but he never got past the asylum demon. so every time i visited i would play through small portions of the game with him and the last visit i finished the game and entered ng+ and since then he has been playing by himself and has gotten all the way to iron golem! it makes me so happy and i just wanted to share. have a good one.

    submitted by /u/username_moose
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    Finally beat DS1!!!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    After 2 months of delicious agony I beat DS1! Time for DS2

    submitted by /u/KakashiCumrag
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    Possibly screwed

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    So basically what happens is, I'll enter ceaseless discharge fog gate then run forward and wait for him to get close then I sprint back to the gate to wait for his hand but he just stands and spams fire blast over and over again, any suggestions on how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Blood0Wolf_
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    I need help! Not used to 3rd person game play, can't beat the first boss

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    I just started playing Dark Souls remastered. But I hate playing 3rd person. I have mastered the moves but no matter what I end up squished by the boss with the big badonkadonk at the asylum. Is there an ideal approach to getting passed him? I refuse to give up as it seems like a lot of fun. Even getting killed has cracked me up a few times. I've gotten his life bar way down but then my idiot player character doesn't run/rolly-polly out of the way. Please help.

    Just FYI, I am 57 and been gaming since the first NES came out. My left hand is mostly crap due to severe arthritis in three fingers but I can still manage it. Well, with other games, anyway.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/WiseOldChicken
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    My nightmares and dark souls

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    Hi souls fans. Today i would like to talk to you all about my odd situation with the souls games.

    Througout my life, going as far back as being 3-4 years old, i'v had nightmares back and forth. And while most of us stop having nightmares as we grow up, or to some extent atleast less nightmares. But for me its been the exact oposite. For the last 14 years or so my situation only worsened. Today i have nightmares that i remeber almost every night. Some are worse then others, ranging from waking up during the night terrified, to having anxiety attacks during the waking day when they pop into my memory again.

    I have had countless dreams about different video games that all are other then pleasant (When your brain can concoct a cross between pokemon and radio active rays that melts peoples faces of down to the bone, you know you are in for a treat). And then there is dark souls.

    Darksouls 1 is the game i have spent most time in of them all. And all the themes we see in this game, tomb of the ancients, blight town, the painted world of ariamis, all great gothic horror themes. Which i one of the reasons i love this game. All great themes for nightmares to fester in. Especially since i was genuinely scared for some parts of this game.

    Last year marks the year when i had my first dream involving dark souls. What would this first dreams theme be? The dark, dank, claustorphobic tunnels reacking of rotting flesh and disease that is the depths? With only a flickering weak flame casting a dim light on your surrounding area? Or maybe the haunted ruins of new londo, being chased by the Banshees and their chilling screams.

    My first dark souls dream takes stage, not on a dark and dispare filled night. Instead i'm greated with the suns warm rays lighting up my path ahead. Im standing on the wall where i met the first taurous demon. Infront of me, a road leading me into the unknown. I am not afraid or anxious. For the first time in years i was greated with joy and excitement. I realize in my dreamstate that i was infact in the dark souls universe. But this area was new, a area i had never seen before. Through out the remainder of my dream i simply walked around exploring this new area of the game looking for new monsters to fight.

    The morning after was the first morning in a very long time that i woke up and felt well rested and happy. and to this day i have only had 3 dreams about dark souls. And you all know what? NEVER have i ever had a nightmare about dark souls.

    Over all the 1000+ nightmares i had, dark souls is my beacon of hope. I have found my sun and i will never forget the joy and excitement these dreams have brought me.

    submitted by /u/onakaxy
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    To Maneater Mildred

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    Thank you for our battle in the depths of Blighttown, and thank you for later fighting Quelaag with me. - the Crossdressing Undead.

    submitted by /u/Babbadooka
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    ADHD and the concept of Hollowing. An oddly fitting comparison.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Hello all. I have been playing the souls series since about a year before DS2 came out. I've sunk somewhere around 2000 hours into the series (and bloodborne). Something hit me today that I wish to share with you all.

    I have wondered why I connected with the player character in each game so well. Silent protagonists are a common thing. They allow you to project onto the character. Thing is, something in dark souls made that connection stronger. I couldn't place it until now. Hollowing and ADHD bear some striking similarities. Let me explain.

    In 1 we hear that without motivation the undead go hollow. Pretty straightforward there. Today I am taking the day off meds and it hit me. Without motivation I feel this similarly hollow sensation. No motivation, no energy. I turn into a lump. But if I get some motivation it's like a wrecking ball. I just keep going and going and going. Look at the chosen undead. He/she (you) only truly go hollow when you lose motivation (IE turning the game off or abandoning a save). I feel a personal connection here.

    In 2 we see the undead losing memory as they go hollow. This also strikes a connection to ADHD. Without dopamine/motivation my memory suffers greatly. I might, oh I don't know, go up an elevator in a poison windmill. I blink and suddenly I realize I'm in a castle sinking in lava. The time between is a blur, a mystery.

    In 3 we see the unkindled gaining strength through embers. They become stronger, more vigorous, and alive. On par with the bosses ahead. I see a stretched connection here too. With medication I can overcome these massive obstacles in life. Consider any boss in any game. Some say it's the easiest, while others rages for weeks. Give the player an ember and they receive the needed help to overcome the challenge.

    In all the games we see the theme of the fire fading in a cycle. The medication wears off, the hyper focus dies, the lack of motivation returns. Perhaps some of my positive coping mechanisms come from the souls games. Perhaps there is little more to this than simply persevering. It's either enjoy it as best you can, or give up. No one links the fire if they give up.

    Praise the sun, all!

    Edit: in Bloodborne we see that things are fucking nuts and nothing makes sense until years later s YouTube video puts the pieces together for you.

    submitted by /u/TotallyLegitEstoc
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    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    I just went from Blighttown, up to Valley of the Drakes (first time) then to Darkroot Basin (first time!) and then Garden and then Undead Parish (Andre). I'm dumbfounded

    submitted by /u/okdude23232
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    Meaning Behind the Dragons

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    So I understand there's symbolism behind the 4 lords and how they represent disparity and the struggle between gods and humans are in this cyclical battle for dominance. So where do dragons fit in? What do they believe? What do they gain? The cutscene says that in the Age of Ancients that there was nothing but the dragons and arch trees, not even time. Is it supposed to represent apathy and having no drive to do anything?

    submitted by /u/GuanglaiKangyi-Age15
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    There's this mark that shows up whenever i use my zweihander. It looks like a red fly

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    They also show me on the screen that the weapon is at risk. My zweihander is now >! Fucked !< and it barely does any damage. Any suggestion ?

    Edit : Thank you all i repaired my zweihander.

    submitted by /u/Free_Ass_420
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    Which is Harder, NG+ or SL1?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 03:17 AM PDT

    Which is harder, an NG+ playthrough or an SL1 playthrough?

    submitted by /u/Dochan630
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    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:09 PM PDT

    So this is my first run through Dark Souls, and I was so scared to face O&S. Every time I looked at this subreddit people were saying they were stuck on these guys for months. I just beat these two on the second try, hollowed with no summons. Granted, I'm using pyromancy with a +5 ascended glove. Is this cheesing it, or did I actually earn it?? Just curious.

    submitted by /u/MystickalNomad
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    If I attempt to fight crossbreed Priscilla and I die, the second time I enter her boss room, will she agro immediately or start with her dialogue again and let me leave?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    She doesn't seem like too hard of a boss, but I may die when she's invisible, so if i do die, I wanna know if I decide to attack her, means she has to die in order for me to leave

    submitted by /u/SirRoderic
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    Gwyn theme on a church organ! Would you withstand keeping losing with this soundtrack ???

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    does anyone know where the Skeleton Sound File is

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    I would like to know where the skeleton collapsing sound file is because I want to replace it with a xcylophone.

    submitted by /u/Particular-Passage-1
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    Made my first character!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    Wanted to start Dark Souls before Elden Ring comes out. Spent ages creating my character but I think it turned out pretty decent (compared to the weird ass default customizations lmao)


    submitted by /u/SonnyFX
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    Blighttown and the world i guess?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    sequel to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/o1cstl/capra_demon_and_moonlight_butterfly/

    The depths was mega annoying. The dogs now have iframes when they jump lol, torch guys and ceiling enemies which were in smouldering lake and farron keep in ds3. I hated that room before the bonfire where there were 5 of them, I knew they were there and still died to them. The giant rat was annoying, could never see his attacks coming, and the caster before gaping was incredibly easy if not for the three rats and me being cursed.

    Yep, those frog dudes got me. I had to grind 3,000 souls while cursed to give a purging stone to Oswad, thank you dark souls. I fought Gaping after removing the curse and the dude was a pushover, only one attack was genuinely threatening (the tail swipe), he was just a fat chunk of health. I had also got the shortcut to Gaping and Blighttown from the first bonfire, so my start out there was simple.

    The platform to descend the swamp with enemies attacking you on ladders was heartbreaking. Instant poison from almost anything and they burned my vitality apart. I got loss and skidded down the slope and fell off places many many times. But soon I descended into the swamp.

    I found the wheel elevator after searching around the swamp, and this is where I started to appreciate this game's world design the most. Deep breath I went up to Valley of the Drakes, then Darkroot Basin/Garden and then back up to Andre. The second time I went there I found New Londo Ruins and the Firelink shortcut. I was actually speechless. I spoke to Lautrec and the girl behind the bars who reinforced my estus. I couldn't attack the ghosts in the water (idk why), and yea that's about it. I haven't found the boss of blighttown yet though.

    submitted by /u/okdude23232
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    Pretty Sure I've Gone Hollow

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    So, I have decided to go for the Knights Honour achievement to round off me getting all the achievements in this game, for those of you who have done this before you know it's a pain in the ass, but today I truly have experienced utter madness.


    I've truly lost it boys, I can't fucking take this, I'm just going to wait until NG+ and join the Darkwraiths so it's handed to me on a silver platter, this has been fucking bullshit.

    Thanks for reading my rant, goodbye.

    submitted by /u/VladimirPutinmate
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    I have beaten ds1 and ds3. I am considering playing ds2 but have heard a lot of bad things about it. Is there any particular build or information that would help make my playthrough easier?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    I still want to enjoy it but i don't know if ill love this one and it seems to be the longest so i want to see how i can make it not to painful

    submitted by /u/kusaininja22
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    dark souls music is fantastic

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    I just wanna say what a great job (i beleave it was) Motoi Sakuraba did with the music. He just used it perfectly and i feel like it is almost as big a part of adrk souls as the gameplay and lore.

    submitted by /u/MelickBlishtar
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    can i get banned for doing any type of soul glitch in remastered (PC)

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    If there is one I can do I'd love to know as making a pvp build takes a while and I'm really close to beating the game, so I would have to farm the phalanx a bunch.

    submitted by /u/trout-flavoredyogurt
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    Do i need to play 1 before 2 and 3

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    So Dark souls 2 and 3 are on sale on steam currently and they're pretty cheap and much cheaper than dark souls 1 remastered so i was wondering do i need to play dark souls 1 to understand 2 and 3

    submitted by /u/OrangeAgent07
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    No intro cinematic

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    I just installed DS1: Prepare to die Edition again some six years after beating it the first time and started a new playthrough on my old save. But there was no intro cinematic (The one with the war against the dragons etc), it just skipped right to the brief intro in undead Asylum where we see the chosen undead in his/her cell and the corpse dropping down form the ceiling.

    I couldn't find the answer anywhere so; does the game just skip it on new characters created on the same save file as one that you have beaten the game with? I was pretty disappointed since I feel I missed out on some nostalgia there.

    submitted by /u/CrystalshipsCometh
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    Decided I'm going to beat Dark Souls. Learnt a valuable lesson.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    So, I'm an experienced noob. I've beaten DS3, made it almost to the end of Bloodborne before losing my save thanks to PlayStation and their awful convoluted cloud save function.

    Dark Souls 1 has always alluded me.

    So in my previous attempts I've managed to ring both bells but have then been thwarted by the tomb of the giants (I know, I wasn't supposed to be there yet).

    My character on that save is now stuck by the blacksmith in the catacombs and I don't want to be down there.

    So I started again. Bested the Asylum Demon without breaking a sweat, failed once on Taurus, but gold pined him into oblivion at the second time of asking and have gone and unlocked the undead parish bonfire. I figured "hey, why not go for the Black Knight Great sword".

    I've beaten these knights several times, and off of the back of a seemingly decent amount of progress in about 30 mins, I was on a high.

    15 attempts. Fif. Teen. Attempts.

    The valuable lesson here guys is just because you've beaten somebody before doesn't mean you'll do it again. Hey, it doesn't even mean you'll get to them again!

    submitted by /u/theGamingDad123
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