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    Wednesday, June 9, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 What is this weapon? (Sorry for low quality, watching at work)

    Dark Souls 2 What is this weapon? (Sorry for low quality, watching at work)

    What is this weapon? (Sorry for low quality, watching at work)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    Beaten this game twice with a friend, but finally finished my first solo run of a dark souls game!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    estus animation in ds2 be like

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Am I going crazy or is this Gwyns sword?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    I got invaded by a guy with strange name, got cursed immediately and all my stuff was broken. More in the comments.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Spent 3 days fighting smelter demon, finally beat it...

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    And only after all that did I find the Forest of the Giants and unlock the blacksmith door...fml. I'm assuming now this is basically the first area of the game you're supposed to go to, based on the fact that I kill everything in one hit now and take very little damage. I'm both pissed at myself and proud of myself at the same time.

    submitted by /u/SmackU2
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    just shrine of amana things

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    Random Weapon Reviews

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Recently I challenged myself to do a run using weapons I usually pass over or don't have much experience with and I figured I'd share my thoughts on them. A few of them are actually pretty popular weapons that for whatever reason I just never used much before. Keep in mind that all of my comments and ratings are purely my subjective opinion.


    Not spears as a class, but the basic Spear the blacksmith sells. After recording the resistances of every enemy I noticed that there are only 3 enemy types in the entire game that are weaker to Slash than Thrust or Strike, and all 3 are in the DLCs. Because of that a weapon that can deal both Thrust and Strike damage on demand is theoretically highly effective, especially early on when titanite is limited. Add in that the strong attack is a wide sweep that's great for crowd control and it starts to look downright broken. On paper. In practice it's more of a Jack of all Trades.

    Rapier is going to beat it out in thrust damage every time. The Mace is stronger even at 12 Str/40 Dex, though the 30% counter damage can help with that. It's just about the shortest spear in the game so if you want to keep enemies at a distance, a Winged Spear is better. And the relatively short reach and low damage mean that the Halberd and Bastard Sword are better crowd control options. There's always going to be a better weapon for any specific role, but the Spear's niche is in being able to fill any of those roles adequately. It also neatly covers all of the Rapier's weaknesses if you want that to be your main weapon.

    5/10. An adequate solution to every situation even more than the Longsword is, just don't spend chunks on it since the Partizan exists.


    As long as you have at least 20 Dex the Partizan is a straight upgrade on the Spear. Same moveset, but with the reach and similar damage to a Winged Spear. This upgrades it from a weapon that's merely adequate at its roles to something I can unreservedly call good at just about everything. It still loses to Rapiers in DPS (what doesn't?) but it's a top tier spear that can cover a huge area with its sweeps and put some serious hurt on heavily armored enemies. The one downside that it has is the sweep has a sweet spot like halberd attacks. The Spear is short enough that you basically never notice it, but if you don't keep proper social distancing with the Partizan then the sweep will deal very little damage.

    8/10. Seriously underused.


    Katanas don't usually appeal to me because I'm not a weeb or an arena tryhard. I've tried them before, but I never really got the most out of them before dropping them for things that I like using more. Even aside from aesthetics I don't like the dependence on counter strikes for good damage or how the diagonal moveset tends to miss things right in front of you. It shredded bosses real good though.

    7/10. Not for me, but I can see why people like using them.

    Spider Fang

    On inspecting the model closely, the actual "blade" of the sword is razor-thin spider silk stretched between the prongs, which is a fairly unique and interesting design for a fantasy sword. The string shot special attack is also a fairly unique ability for a Souls game with lots of practical applications. Those are the only positive things I have to say about it.

    First off the Spider Fang is just plain ugly and I hate looking at it. It's also got the vertical curved sword moveset like the Warped Sword, which I already don't like using much since it's worse for crowd control. But without the counter damage of the Warped Sword. Or the poise damage. Or the damage damage. Or a useable strong attack. Hell, you can't even use the string shot more than 3 times without it breaking on you. The best I can say is that it's serviceable if all you want is R1 spam, but literally any other curved sword would perform better.

    1/10. Make it for the string shot if you want, but don't waste your dragon bones.

    Helix Halberd

    First off, I love the design. It's like a Caduceus Staff going through an edgy phase. In use it's a bit of a one trick pony. On the strong attack a blade shoots out of the end and creates a tiny super-sweet spot where the hitbox of the blade overlaps the normal halberd sweet spot. If you get the spacing and timing exactly right for a Leo Ring counter hit you can do absolutely phenomenal damage. Unfortunately the AR is a bit low for a halberd, so in every other situation it tends to underperform.

    6/10. Fun when it works, disappointing when it doesn't.

    Syan's Halberd

    As a halberd, it's fairly average. As a spear, it's absolutely amazing, if fairly heavy. The two handed light combo compared to the standard halberd moveset seems to be more consistent since the initial thrust tends to push enemies into the sweet spot for the followup. Not much else to say, it's just a solid weapon.

    7/10. Dex Halberd go pokey poke.

    Old Whip

    Ah, whips. For when you want the reach of a spear but in a worse damage type and without the stagger to keep enemies away. At least the Old Whip actually deals really good damage. And the extra damage to hollows is a nice touch that helps keep it relevant even in the DLCs. Raiding the Dragon Sanctum like Indiana Jones is always going to be a highlight. If it just didn't break so fast it might be worth using. Even the Bracing Knuckle Ring +2 isn't enough.

    5/10. Old Whip +5 at risk.

    Curved Dragon Greatsword

    About this time in my playthrough I respecced from pure Dex to a 40/40 quality build and uh, holy shit this thing is a beast! Good moveset, great combo potential, massive damage, a special attack you can use more than twice (looking at you, Spider Fang) and style for days.

    10/10. Wind Scar!

    Bandit Greataxe

    I'm honestly a little surprised that I haven't used this weapon yet given my ongoing love affair with the Bandit Axe, but aside from size and aesthetics they don't really have that much in common. Given its relatively low weight, scaling, and requirements it's probably better infused and buffed. On a pure physical build it's pretty disappointing. It's actually pretty hard to land hits with how short and slow it is, and those hits just don't do that much damage. Next hexblade run I do I'll Dark infuse it and see how it performs. Until then, I'll hold off on my final judgement.

    Not the Bandit Axe/10.

    Crescent Axe

    Though it's classified as a greataxe, in practice I like to think of it more as a cross between a standard axe and a halberd. Most of the moveset is fairly standard Axe moves but with long reach and a sweet spot. There's some of the better halberd moves mixed in like the spin2win too. It doesn't have good damage for a greataxe, but it compares favorably to both axes and halberds. Despite having inherent Magic damage it's not worth much in an Int build, but for a Strength build with a good supply of Aromatic Ooze, it works really well.

    6/10. Weird, but if you master the spacing it's a solid choice.

    Drakekeeper's Greataxe

    When talking about good Ultra class weapons I genuinely think this deserves to be in the same tier as the Greatsword. Huge, massive damage, diverse moveset for multiple situations, long reach, and the high durability means it can be used for long periods even if you're smacking the walls and floor with every swing. If it was easier to get early in the game I think it would see a lot more use than it currently does.

    8/10. It's an axe and it's great.

    Ashen Warrior Sword

    It's got the Shortsword moveset which is great, and it's fairly long which is even better. But it's also on the weak side for a straight sword, has low durability, and its only unique feature is natural Bleed damage. I killed Alonne with it so it's not bad. But a Longsword would have done just as good or better.

    5/10. You can do better.

    Smelter Hammer

    This thing is dumb, but I mean that in the best possible way. There are great hammers that are better, but you're not going to find one that's more fun. The giant, view obscuring model (that covers most of the screen in power stance). The ridiculous, overblown attack animations. The stupidly high damage but weirdly finnicky hitboxes. Even its absurdly high durability so you can just keep smashin' for days. There are so many other, better things you could use if you want to play "optimally", but if you just want to have fun and smash things with a hilariously oversized weapon then look no further.

    9/10. Stupid fun.

    Fume Ultra Greatsword

    Compared to its biggest competitor, the Capital G Greatsword, the FUGly Stick just isn't as versatile. The mostly vertical moveset and ridiculously high Dex requirement mean that it's both harder to pick up and less useful for PVE crowd control. It has higher AR, but since it only deals 10% extra damage on a counter strike, the Capital G's 30% counter damage will often make it outdamage the FUGS. The unique attacks with block frames are a really nice touch and fun to use, though I feel like they're more designed for PVP than PVE.

    7/10. Good, but I still prefer the Greatsword.

    Bewitched Alonne Sword

    Take everything I said about katanas earlier then make it slower, weaker and dependent on sacrificing health for 30 seconds of good damage. It's probably good for PVP with its risk/reward playstyle and long reach, but you could probably do just as well with a Washing Pole and some resin.

    Ritual Suicide/10.

    Black Knight Greataxe

    I challenged myself to beat the entire Ivory King DLC with nothing but this and Flame Weapon. I gave up after Aava, but I still got a good enough feel for the weapon's strengths and weaknesses. Good reach and massive damage vs slow moveset and a sweet spot. It also has a tendency to knock back anything remotely staggerable, which can be both blessing and curse. It'll pretty reliably knock something that's too close right into perfect sweet spot range on the followup, but if the first hit is on the sweet spot then the followup will miss. Unlike other greataxes it has little to no combo potential so you end up playing defensively. Not really how I want to feel when I'm toting around a giant fuckoff axe. It was also a mistake to use it on Aava, but that's true of any Ultra weapon. I'm still pretty proud I managed to equip Repair Powder on the fly in the middle of the fight and pull out a win.

    6/10. When it's good it's great, when it's bad it's awful.

    Bone Fist

    Stone Ring is basically required to make sure the combos work, and RoB/Flynn are basically required for good damage, but with all of them together you feel like an absolute badass. If I had one complaint, it's that the best moves are split across every stance mode and interspersed with ones that are mediocre at best. Most of the good R1 and R2 combos are in the 2H moveset, but the 1H running and rolling attacks are way better than the 2H ones. Power stance is literally only good for the Hadouken, but the Hadouken is totally worth it.

    9/10. Round 1! Fight!

    Curved Nil Greatsword

    Aesthetically I love it; brutal yet elegant, primal yet refined. In practice I kind of hate it. With higher Strength or in higher NG+ cycles it's probably a lot better, but at 40/40 in NG it's 5 pounds heavier and 4 AR weaker than a Murakumo. And I like the Murakumo's moveset a lot better. Both of them have the same 1 handed moveset, but the Curved Nil's 2 hand moveset is pure ass. The light attacks are mechanically about as good as the Murakumo's, but they based them on the DS1 curved greatsword animations which are awkward, unnatural, and generally look like someone with no idea how to swing a weapon flailing around with a pool noodle. The strong attacks are flashy and powerful, but really freaking slow. And for some fucking reason, they replaced the parry on L2 with a spin that's somehow both slower and weaker than a 1 handed light attack.

    Power stance is pretty fun, though.

    3/10. Save it for NG+9.

    submitted by /u/TheHittite
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    Is it just me or do people play the default blond dude a lot? Seems you see default guys more in DS2 then in any other Souls game

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    I swear, I see that guy every where. Even if I wear a helmet I could not stand knowing my guy was 100% default, I gotta change the hair color atleast, aha

    submitted by /u/Brelen_Raven
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    How do I get over there?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    How do I get over there?

    I've played DS2 for quite some time, but never have I actually seen what's over there! Am I missing something?

    Here is a bit of a better view

    EDIT: This is Forest of fallen giants. The area where you first meet the cartographer guy and the pursuer

    submitted by /u/AngryRooven
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    Aldia Metal Cover

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    How to get illusory rings 101

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 03:53 AM PDT


    At the request of a lot of people I will document how I got these rings, I already wrote a lot of tips in one of the comments on my original post, but this post will go completely in to detail about EVERYTHING I did... also, a lot of these tips I learnt from watching ymfah wich has a video on this whole thing that you should watch and a lot of general tips from otzdarva's no hit run and my own personal experience. This whole text might be very hard to follow so I sugest that you watch the videos instead or aswell. And you might come up with your own strat, you don't have to take everything in this order, wether you wanna do certain parts before others or use other weapons, there are tons of different strats for this some of wich I wish I would've thought about such as some helpful tips like using the spear with infinite durability or using a back up weapon wich I didn't do till way later on

    Also also, this is written as if you understand what you're doing and what I'm on about, if you have questions, I will make sure to respond to them.

    -general tips- holding (y) to two hand your left hand will remove the animation of you putting away your weapon when initiating animations. Do not underestimate enemies, especially not those fucking dogs.

    1. -Starting Class- Start of as explorer with healing wares. Get the torch.

    2. -Majula- get divine blessing and binoculars, light bonfire, get two estus (don't be afraid to use them early game) kill maughlin, get his armor and his chest for 1/6 titanite shards, get the 5 homeward bones and buy 1 alluring skulls.

    3. -forest- use alluring skull at the place with the short ladder and firebomb guy. Buy an axe, go up and destroy the door, you'll find a lizard there which you can kill with two roll attacks, pick up anything you find there, buy atleast 1 firebomb for now and move along the usual path. there is this trap room with three large crossbows and such, open the first trap chest, hit the door to get the hollows to open and get the chest there aswell, use a pharros and open the chests, you'll have 1 slab, 1 chloranthy ring, a life ring, 2/6 titanite shard and 1/6 large shard. Firebomb the areas with tons of barrels. Open shortcut and go kill the (Not so) Last Giant. Go to the hag, buy 1 brightbug, blacksmith key, roughly 3 firebombs, 7 lifegems, talk to the hag and get silver serpent ring, keep talking till you exhaust her dialogue. When entering the pursuer fight, run towards a barrel on the left, stay there and wait for him to attack and sprint towards the left hand crossbow and destroy him, if you don't know how to do this you can probably search up "ds2 pursuer cheese"

    4. -bastille pt1/2.- Near the pursuer mini boss, there's a corpse hanging over the edge 2/6 large titanite, clear out the dogs and run towards the chest next to the pursuer fight (fragrant branch of yore). Chest next to lucatiel for a key, above her there's a soul with 3/6 large titanite. Get a lightning resin to the left right before you Blow up the wall to the blacksmith, if it doesn't blow up, you should have your firebombs still, open the chests 7/6 titanites, 5/6 large titanites. Homewardboner back for now.

    5. -Majula/Heide- buy the rapier, get it to +5. Level up to 12 dex and focus on stamina, hp, adp, try to level up adp till it soft locks at 110 agility or atleast get close. Go cheese dragon rider (wait for him to move 6 almost 7 steps and run towards him.

    6. -Yarrrrr pirate bay/bastille pt.2/2- go ahead and kill flexile centry, go to bastille and clear out the dogs/archers, make sure pursuer despawns. There's a narrow alley with a chest (estus shard, 6/6 large titanites) to not deal with all the knights near ruin sentinels run straight forward till you drop, backstep down the stairs and roll forward, make sure you're two handing your left hand and climb up the ladder, use one of the magic resins on the ruin sentinels. Slaughter the first, wait on that elevation on one of the exposed pillars, they will jump up and you'll get a nice window, if both come up just run down.

    Run on to the lost sinner, to avoid water go up I belive the left stairs and pull the lever to get to lost sinner. Use a brightbug and gold pine resin (this is gonna be in the top 3 difficult bosses in the run) make sure to get the chest after the fight.

    1. -majula- break your weapon and re repair it. Buy repair powder and pick up the bow in the blacksmith chest, get some arrows. Level up your weapon +6, get your adp to softlock and disperse the next levels between hp and stamina, if you're running out of life gems you can fetch some from the hag.

    2. (Buy maybe 2-3 alluring skulls beforehand)-Shady Woods- to deal with penis guys shoot out the doors and bait them out before you pull the lever. Run onto shady woods, there's a chest above the bonfire for 1/6 chunks. Go kill (not) queelag 2.0. Run through the pharros till you find an exposed trap chest for 2/6 chunks, run back to tseldora and kill the hardest boss yet... next to the bonfire there's a zipline that leads to a house (you can also jump there, move through the house till you're on a ledge with a spiderman, the soul there is 3/6 chunks. In the spike pit there's a soul with 3 chunks 6/6. When you reach the room with spiders use an alluring qnd move along. Kill all, but 1 spider when fighting the boss (feel free to use alluring) switch between the heads in between attacks. DO NOT FORGET TO CLAIM THE GREAT SOUL AFTER THE FIGHT. Kill tseldora guy and move along. Get your weapon +10 already. Break it and repair it. Get life gems and level up as per usual. also buy roughly 300-400 arrows and all iron arrows.

    3. -skeketon town-run and kill skelly lords, feel free to use alluring skull. If your weapon is abou to break feel free to teleport back, fix things up and run along to jabba the hut. Kill jabba with any other weapon then your main. Clear out the following area accordingly and light the first bonfire unless you've found a flame butterfly, light the windmill and kill medusa.

    4. -the hard part- BE CAUTIOUS! Clear out any and all knights, we bought these arrows for a reason. Talk to the merchant for reoair powder. Clear out everything till you're at old iron king. You can hide in the safe corner and wait for the laser attack or you can fight him head on, he will do some fire attacks so if you feel you're too close to the edge don't be afraid to run into his attacks not to get knocked out. Head back and level up and buy stuff.

    5. -the gutter- take your damn time, even after the pit there are so many holes that can still kill you. Run and kill the rotten and be wary of the fire pits. Head back and do what you gotta do. Try to spare roughly 5k souls.

    (Note if you feel you've leveld up enough you can always buy brightbugs for uncertain bosses!)

    1. -drangleic- the bonfire in between shady woods, drangleic and ragon areie will be your next hub. Talk to the ghost merchant and get the golden knuckle ring for 35% more durability, no need to worry about repair powder, but buy as many as you can. Go kill dragon riders, if arrow guy becomes an issue you can get the other guy to knock him over and deal way more damahe to him. Run past the horse miniboss and access the foom with the two desert pyromancers (5 repair powder). Kill mirror knight go around him clockwise to avoid his shield.

    2. -Amana/undead crypt/dragon aerie- shoot your way through amama and clear out everything. Kill frog bitch amd onto undead crypt. Go ahead and kill velstadt, get the ring and get to the guardian dragon, kill it, zipline across. This is the tricky part, I don't know what makes the black dragon knights attack I searched it up and it said they get aggro after attacking the black knights, but they never got aggro against me. Either way stay cautious til the big stairs and start running spam (A) to initiate the conversation with the dragon, get tge key and bone back (or feather if you talked to emerald herald)

    3. -giant lord/throne room- Head back to majula and buy 2 brightbugs, healing wares and level up, go on and kill giant lord and move along to drangleic castle. Use king's ring to avoid statues. To prepare for the battle ahead make sure you use everything you've got, especially brightbugs. Feel free to summon some NPC if you'd like. Try not to get gangbanged against thrown humpers and orepare for Nashandra. Do NOT underestimate, she can easily three shot you and her swings have weird hitboxes, have human effigies ready and attack atleast one of the orbs and lure her away from the rest, stay aware of her AOE attack.

    Step 15. Claim your price! Sorry for the long read, but you said indepth guide. Biggest tip is to learn some of the general tips and watch some videoes on it.

    It's not that difficult when you plan ahead, it only took me 3 attempts and 5 hours total on the final run. You can do it skeleton.

    submitted by /u/SolvablePlane3
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    Can I have some help for the skeleton lords on ng+ (I am on PC and have 2.3 mil soul memory)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Yes I know this is an easy boss but its a pain in the ass

    submitted by /u/myssstttkr
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    I’m a pvp player and I killed the guy that gets you into the brotherhood of blood covenant. I accidentally killed him, so is there a way to bring NPC’S back? ( I tried bonfire ascetics those won’t work )

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    I can barely invade people so this was my main pvp tactic for a while. The duels.

    submitted by /u/Lifekindasucx
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    How easy Is it to farm Twinkling Titanite??

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    How should I buy DS2?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    I'm a big fan of SoulsBorne and own DS1 and 3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro, all on PS4. I would love to play Demon's Souls and DS2 and fully intend to one day. My family is planning on getting a PS5 around Christmas this year, so that solves Demon's Souls since I'm fine only playing the remake. The only problem is with DS2.

    Dark Souls 2 is technically available on PS4, but only the Scholar of the First Sin version, which I know to be a substantially different experience and have been told SHOULDN'T be my first exposure to the game. Another option would be buying the game on PC, but I only have a crappy laptop that probably couldn't run the game at all, let alone run it well enough to enjoy fully, and a new personal PC is probably not something I'll be able to get for a LONG time (being an unemployed 15 year old).

    One last option would be getting a PS3. But there are basically no other games I want on that platform that I can't get in some other form, and my family couldn't possibly justify that purchase, especially when we already plan on getting a PS5.

    So here's my question: is it worth buying Scholar of the First Sin on PS4 or should I wait until another opportunity comes up (possibly years in the future, which I may be willing to wait for if enough people say to get the base game INSTEAD of Scholar of the First Sin)? Or, is there another platform DS2 is available on that I'm not aware of (I currently have a PS4, Xbox 360, and Switch Lite, for reference).

    submitted by /u/Austin-Ford
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    What's the difference between a red, black, white and blue NPCs/Enemies?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    I never really understood

    submitted by /u/SirRoderic
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    (Ps3)dark souls

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Here is the link to my discord if any one wants help or needs to be summoned = [https://discord.gg/7s69Jv2u]

    submitted by /u/Longjumping-Echo-205
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    Strength Weapon recommendation

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    So later today I plan on going through Shade Woods, and I was wondering if anyone knew any STR weapons. Currently, I'm using a Magic Mace +6, and I want to upgrade later down the line, I thought of using the Zweihander I got from Iron Keep, and or the Demon's great hammer.

    Currently I'm running a faux STR build, with sorceries as backup. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Wiltyguy17
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    Should I imbue my drangleic sword with lightning?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    I got a bolt stone from the nest thing in things betwixt should I imbue my drangleic sword with lightning or wait for a better weapon?

    submitted by /u/Harpreet1414
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    [HELP] Cant beat Vendrick SM 2183335

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    Cant beat him, he tanks like shit

    submitted by /u/Alper_67
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