Dark Souls Solaire of Astora for Smash Bros, Who's with me? |
- Solaire of Astora for Smash Bros, Who's with me?
- DS2 sotfs worth playing (PS4)?
- Get rekt Quelaag!
- That hydra... that damn hydra
- Fucking Sen
- Why can’t I ascend my weapon from 5+ to 6+?
- Sen’s Fortress is killing my love for this game
- A peaceful day in Firelink Shrine.
- Bed of Chaos, DS is not Assassins Creed... WTH ��♂️
- Dark souls 1 finial boss help(Xbox remastered version)
- Finally, my main save.
- Nintendo Switch Version
- Estus Flask
- Before Sens
- Help - accidentally killed laurentius (I'm a pyromancer)
- My revenge on Artorias.
- Greatsword Stats DS1 vs DS2
- Giving the Zweihander a try for the first time.
- I beat DS1 for the first time (game ending mentioned)
- Don't mind me, just venting about Lost Izalith a little...
- Siegmeyer is bugged in Sen's Fortress
- Xbox x, Gwyn main boss, ng+, remastered V, SL 117
- Is it worth getting rid of my +15 balder sword for quelags fury?
Solaire of Astora for Smash Bros, Who's with me? Posted: 27 May 2021 12:08 PM PDT |
DS2 sotfs worth playing (PS4)? Posted: 28 May 2021 01:47 AM PDT Would you recommend DS2 sotfs or not? Really want to know your opinion. Is it more DS1 or DS3-ish? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2021 12:53 AM PDT Just gave blightown the old college try and what do you know? It was much easier than I remembered it being. Blew through it in an hour, with only a few deaths to my name. Beat Quelaag on my second try, because on the first I was slinging fireballs at her like some sort of dumbass. Bells never sounded so sweet. Just watched Sens open, so looks like I'm off there next! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 May 2021 02:32 PM PDT The one in Darkroot Basin specifically, in case there's another one Took me about 5 tries to kill the damn thing, between the diamondheads trying to punch me despite being eaten and hosed down, and me discovering that there is a drop-off of death in the water. I eventually got it down to one head and bombarded it with arrows because the last head was attacking over the deep water. I am so glad it's gone. Between its hawk eyes seeing me across the valley and its unending water gun attacks, it made the whole zone feel like a death trap. Now I just need to beat Stabby Doge, who can one-shot me and takes next to no damage from me... hoo boy. Edit: Fixed autocock [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 May 2021 10:13 PM PDT Let me preface by saying I think Sen's Fortress does what it's supposed to and does it well. But making the shortcut reset so you can't use it to go up is bullshit. What's the point of a shortcut that only works after you've run through the whole level? Edit: I know it goes up, but it resets itself if you rest. So it's great for traveling from Anor Londo, but if you want to go back to Anor Londo or buy from the merchant in the tower, you've got to go through the whole level again to get to the top. [link] [comments] |
Why can’t I ascend my weapon from 5+ to 6+? Posted: 28 May 2021 02:17 AM PDT So I've been lookin all over the internet for an answer, even this subreddit, and I simply can't find it. I have the large and very large ember for Andre, I have a titanite chunk, and when I look in the "Modify Equipment" area, the part where I can ascend the level is all empty. I can change them to divine but ion wanna. Am I being dumb? [link] [comments] |
Sen’s Fortress is killing my love for this game Posted: 27 May 2021 01:26 PM PDT I keep getting slaughtered on the second pendulum bridge because of the Man-Serpent Sage's lightning shots. I am starting to get really frustrated because i just want to play the game but im hitting a hard wall. Any tips for this god-forsaken area? [link] [comments] |
A peaceful day in Firelink Shrine. Posted: 27 May 2021 09:09 PM PDT So I decided to stay with Priscilla in my last Hollow Warrior run (Happily ever after in the "peaceful" land I guess?) I decided to do a fully randomized run withour ever regreting it : https://youtu.be/5hcKFmEjvBg [link] [comments] |
Bed of Chaos, DS is not Assassins Creed... WTH ��♂️ Posted: 27 May 2021 07:29 PM PDT Been wondering why there's so many people who hate Bed of Chaos.... now I get it... take a game with the clunkiest run jump and 'climb' mechanics ever made and design a boss entirely based on those mechanics... at least fat and slim are challenging for the right reasons.... this is just flat out poor game design. When I finally beat this I never want to do it ever again. Edit: Just beat it finally, and because of a certain someone on the path back to the boss arena... I can now build a full sized replica of the Cathedral at Anor Londo out of Demon Titanite. So at least there's a silver lining here... [link] [comments] |
Dark souls 1 finial boss help(Xbox remastered version) Posted: 27 May 2021 10:13 PM PDT Hi, I'm on ng+ and all my accounts are stuck on the final boss still. Can someone put down there sighn at the bottom of the stairs near the bonfire? I get two hit and I need help. And if someone drops me a dark moon blade I'll literally give them head. If they fly down to where I live. I'm level 117 and the code is "Ds1" . It's global and put ur sighn down pleaseeeeeeee. Pls. Don't invade me, I've been stuck here forever now [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2021 12:22 AM PDT Hey guys, after many years of trying to "break the wall", thanks to my switch, I have finally got hooked to DS. Can't believe I ignored this IP (which is top 3 all time for me now) for so long. Long story short I have now been for 3 weeks nonstop reading lore (trying to avoid spoilers so I kinda stopped the imgur links and youtube research when I realised they were now talking about me beating DS1 as the chosen undead, so I stopped it!) I have a save game in Switch, just after O&S (must have done about 60 tries???, most favourite ever fight and beat them alone! <3) and another one on PTDE where I am fighting BoC after Seath. Now the thing is, I love being a sunbro (done O&S endless times with randos to help them) and I love the invasions and covenant metagame and lore implications so I am starting what's gonna be my "main save" the one where you end up doing several NG+ on the Remastered edition on Steam as PTDE is pretty empty. I wanna be a crusader kind of warrior but I am a bit at a loss on what to build. Favourite weapons are 2 handed hammers - swords and axes. My two "advanced" playthroughs are a quality (don't even know what this really means but I have smiliar strength to dex)+ 20 faith build on Switch and a build for AGS (Dissapointed in this sword after maining Zwei+10 before it) How would you approach this? I am fine with not killing gwyndolin on this playthrough, idea is to do as much as I can covenant wise but to remain kind of neutral (briefly join forest and chaos and do their stuff) These are my starting points: https://www.mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/106371 https://www.mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/365302 https://www.mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/105678 Problem with strenght builds is I REALLY dont like the looks of the serpent sword. I wouldnt mind doing a run with a spear hence the linking of heavy dex builds aswell. Do you guys have any tips for me? A legendary zwei or claymore faith build I can use? (keep in mind I won't be darkmooning or killing Gwyndolin until NG+) Thanks so much for all the advice and time you guys put on this amazing comunity!! <3 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2021 01:41 AM PDT If you play it and want some people to play with, dm me your friend code and let's play together. I would love to experience ds1 in coop after the amazing time it gave me in ds3! I alredy played the prepare to die on pc and I love the chapter so much I got the remaster on switch lol [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 May 2021 03:56 PM PDT What do you guys think Estus Flask would taste like in your opinion? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2021 01:26 AM PDT Not gonna lie guys, I forgot about the big ol' serpent in Firelink. And the Fire Keeper! Damn Lautrec. I think I just sent the pyromancer dude off to his death in blightown too. Firelink got those sad vibes after you ring both bells. [link] [comments] |
Help - accidentally killed laurentius (I'm a pyromancer) Posted: 27 May 2021 09:29 PM PDT This is my first time playing through the game. Was breaking barrels, and hit him, and he turned on me, so I ended up killing him. I'm a pyromancer. Did I just make a huge mistake? Anything I can do? I am also playing offline, with no way to get online. Sorry I'm a newb, haha. Any help would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 May 2021 05:42 AM PDT So I finally got to my second playthrough of Dark Souls after beating all the other FROM games, and I had one dark memory from the first playthrough. When I accessed the DLC I got my ass smacked by Artorias, big time. As it was my first FROM game ever, I was struggling hard and in the end I just equipped full Havel armor and shield, tanked it and beat him (and did the same to Manus). Now I know that it is not technically a cheese, but after I beat him I felt empty, almost as hollow. No joy came from my victory over him in this style. That bring us to my second playthrough and today I finally defeated him in an honorable way (for me at least). Got my ass kicked 7-8 times but that 9th time was fucking amazing. No hit fight, where I perfectly dodged all his attacks and defeated him and it felt amazing!! I am so happy. MANUS you are next! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 May 2021 12:36 AM PDT Hello, I just beat DS2 and will be taking on DS1 remastered next, my weapons of choice were the mace & the Greatsword (the one found in No-Man's Wharf), obviously my build is STR. Now my question is that on the wiki page of DS2 Greatsword, the regular +10 damage is 400, while in DS1 the+15 is 325. So is the Greatsword less powerful in DS1 and if yes, are there other alternatives? [link] [comments] |
Giving the Zweihander a try for the first time. Posted: 27 May 2021 01:58 PM PDT My first two playthroughs were Claymore and Uchigatana. Both were great and fun in very different ways. Giving the Zweihander a go for my third playthrough. I'm still getting the hang of the timing and moveset, but holy friggin' hell is it fun!! I just slapped the shit out Stray Demon and Gaping Dragon and loved seeing such big chunks of their health chip off. Pancaking hollows is great fun. And there's just something about the animation/sound of this weapon that feels so damn good when a hit connects. I have a good feeling that I will thoroughly enjoy the rest of this playthrough. [link] [comments] |
I beat DS1 for the first time (game ending mentioned) Posted: 27 May 2021 09:05 AM PDT yesterday i finished my first dark souls run. After finishing the DLC and beating Sif and the Four Kings (last lord soul i had left), I went into the Kiln to finish off Gwyn. I have to admit, he was one of my least favourite bosses in the entire game. His attacks just werent very interesting or cool to me. I know lore wise he is not supposed to be very menacing here, but i still didnt feel this fight, if you know what i mean After dying 5 or 6 times because i was so eager to kill him with parrys only, i just whooped his ass with my +15 Zweihänder. I kindled the first flame, and as the credit music started i reflected on my experience with the game. I gotta say within my roughly 50 hrs of playtime, Dark Souls became my second favourite game of all time. It was such a unique experience, with so many incredible, exhausting and overall memorable moments. My favourite boss was artorias with O&S in close second. Also i will never forget the overwhelming feeling of joy when i beat Manus on my second try (no flex intended). Tomorrow i will start Dark Souls 3. Also i already bought Sekiro and Bloodborne. Guess i'm a part of this community now. great to be here. [link] [comments] |
Don't mind me, just venting about Lost Izalith a little... Posted: 27 May 2021 11:38 AM PDT Up until this point, the game has mostly been "difficult but fair" with the only real cheap bullshit deaths I've experienced being at the hands of those archers at Anor Londo knocking me off the ledge on the building side three or four times, but even with that I still had this thought process of "I just need to get better at this," right? Well now I am in Lost Izalith and it is here that I have died more times then I have the entire playthrough up until this point. The boss at the end is practically a giant push broom at the edge of a bottomless pit, I have yet to figure out any sort of way to doge or block the sweeps that knock me off the edge, and the two closest bonfires require me to either A: wade through lava with that ring on and deal with a tedious amount of weaker enemies on the way there, or B: fight a titanite demon that respawns and seems stronger then most boss enemies on a tiny bridge that I can easily fall off of in my attempts to dodge. I'm not saying it seems IMPOSSIBLE, but it definitely feels like the game is earning it's reputation of difficulty here. Combine this with the fact that BOTH of the likeable NPCs have died here and the fact that all the weapons I was so excited to get are turning out to be less then useful (sidenote: my Great Sword of Artorias supposedly has a max attack of 500+ and my Claymore only 400+ but my Claymore is somehow STRONGER?! WHAT?!) and I am rapidly losing the drive to play this game. I have spent way too much time farming for souls and humanity and I don't wanna do it again, but I feel like I HAVE to. [link] [comments] |
Siegmeyer is bugged in Sen's Fortress Posted: 27 May 2021 11:13 PM PDT I cant talk to him. I even did the boulder thing of turning it to the empty space. I dont want to restart to zero. [link] [comments] |
Xbox x, Gwyn main boss, ng+, remastered V, SL 117 Posted: 27 May 2021 10:42 PM PDT Please someone help I'll give them actual head i give up at this point. And put it at the bottom of the stairs where u can first put ur sighn at...? [link] [comments] |
Is it worth getting rid of my +15 balder sword for quelags fury? Posted: 27 May 2021 09:30 PM PDT I'm kinda a new player and I don't know if it's worth it or not [link] [comments] |
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