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    Monday, May 17, 2021

    Dark Souls Did anyone else think the lower bell was in New Londo on their first playthrough?

    Dark Souls Did anyone else think the lower bell was in New Londo on their first playthrough?

    Did anyone else think the lower bell was in New Londo on their first playthrough?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    So, I've played this a couple times now, love the game, but on my first playthrough I missed the part where the crestfallen Warrior says Blighttown. So I spent the better part of an hour getting murdered by ghosts, when I thought, "you know, I dont think the bell is here... I might be here a little early..." which I ended up doing New Londo first in a later playthrough. But can anyone else relate to my pain? Haha

    submitted by /u/DecisionConscious198
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    Onto the DLC! Spoilers post O&S

    Posted: 16 May 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    Don't know if anyone cares but I just got all the lord souls and am starting the dlc tomorrow, the second half of the game was definitely underwhelming as some people mentioned but I still had a lot of fun! I would rank the areas 1) Catacombs/tomb of giants (scary but fun) 2) New londo (darkwraiths are hard but it was fun exploring) 3) Demon ruins/lost izalith (annoying) 4) Dukes archives/crystal cave (I wanted to cry also looked up help, still wanted to cry)

    As for bosses 1) four kings (died twice) 2) Nito (died twice and then just tanked him with havels set and poise) 3) Seath (no deaths really underwhelming) 4) Bed of chaos (lost count, very bullshit)

    submitted by /u/Ag745837
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    What does Gwyndolin do with the ears?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    We all know Darkmoons thing is cutting off the ears of sinners. I'd guess maybe this is used as proof said sinner is actually dead. But... what the hell does Gwyndolin do with all the ears after? Does he put them into a big box? Burn them? Give them to his snake legs as a chew toy? I'm not sure if its said anywhere in the game what he does, but the question came to me earlier and I'm seriously curious now. So... any ideas?

    submitted by /u/1g0atm1lk
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    Are there any enemies you never faced in the game?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:12 AM PDT

    After going through DSR 3 times, I never once saw a vagrant or the cat thing that was supposedly in the Darkroot Forest.

    Curious if anyone else has enemies they've never personally encountered.

    submitted by /u/justfortoukiden
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    Pilgrimage from Fire link to Ash Lake was a blast. Thank you Xanth.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    I wish we did more events like this, I know I was late but I was disappointed to see literally no summon signs or messages on my way there. Hope we do it again for realsies.

    submitted by /u/20mgAddy
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    Does anyone know about the Dark Souls website from back when Ds1 came out?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    I was watching some old behind the scenes videos by FromSoftware, and in the outro of the video, there was a link to a dark souls website, but it's no longer accessible. So I decided to go look for it in the Wayback Machine, where I could see the website back in 2011. I read it through and it mentioned a Facebook promotion where you would get "a boost of soul energy" by connecting your Facebook to this website. Does anyone know about this and can explain it to me? Thanks.

    Here's a screenshot from the website with some squiggly lines I made to tell you where to look:


    submitted by /u/BrotusY
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    Unique invader: Bridge Drake Dravogh

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    This just happened to me on PC Remastered. So I'm trying to make a file named "Door Guy", where all I do is invade Anor Londo and open/close doors. I realize I'm having actual fun but use up all my Cracked Red Eye Orbs, and decide to go after the Four Kings for a whole Red Eye Orb. I don't have 20k souls to unlock the shortcut, so I run around, kill the Hydra, and run through the woods to get to Sif, where I find an invader named Dravogh on the bridge to Artorias' grave. He lays down some Prism Stones as a "do not cross" line. I cross, and he breathes fire on me. I manage to backstab him, but instead of chain backstabbing him like a cheap-ass loser, I make a break for the door to Artorias' grave. He kills me.

    And you know what? I'm not even mad. How can I be? A player spends literal dozens of hours leveling up his Path of the Dragon covenant just to be a player equivalent of the Hellkite Drake. I just wanted to give a shoutout to Dravogh on Steam for having such a fucking cool invader gimmick instead of chain backstabbing me and doing the "point down/well what is it" gesture. 10/10 kill me again.

    submitted by /u/Sevfes
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    I Did It!

    Posted: 16 May 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    Praise the Sun!

    This is my first Souls game and let me tell you, it was an amazing experience from start to finish. I've never been more immersed in a game in my life.

    I love pretty much everything about this game and I don't think I can fully put it into words. I'm still processing everything. The level design, the bosses, the interconnected world. I get a rush just thinking about it.

    I hit a serious brick wall when I got to Sens Fortress and took about a month off to focus on my uni work. I almost gave up on it. I'm so glad I didn't. I picked it back up about a week ago and I absolutely blasted through the second half.

    Here I am, about 3 months after I first woke up in the Undead Asylum with 50 hours under my belt. And I'm ready to do it all over again in NG+.

    submitted by /u/heir_of_gondor
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    i finaly got gud

    Posted: 16 May 2021 05:12 PM PDT

    not really sure where to post this, but i finaly killed every boss in demon souls, dark souls 1-3, bloodborne, and sekiro. not sure where to post it but i finished it off by saving gwyn to the very end so i might aswell post it here.

    i know its not much compared to no hit runs or no dodge runs, but im still pretty happy

    submitted by /u/a_king_of_Sneks
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    Why isn't the ABYSS the actual lowest spot in Dark Souls?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 12:52 AM PDT

    I know, probably just didn't work out to combine with the end design etc. since New Londo is so relatively high up, but that's the point exactly. Shouldn't they have put New Londo, or at least the Abyss, way lower? Currently the lowest spot in the game is Ash Lake. Seems good if you consider that these giant trees are supposed to carry the world. But Abyss... just, the word, the meaning, abyss. I think it should be even below. Perhaps they could have built a really long downwards elevator before that spiral staircase that leads to the abyss. What do you think?

    I want to mention that I love this game and think it's more than just fine the way it is, I wouldn't want any changes at all. It just seems a bit confusing that the abyss is not really the deepest, lowest spot, geographically.

    submitted by /u/Fearless-Physics
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    Why is the common wisdom that it's easier to kill Ornstein before Smough?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    So for some context - I'm currently on my second playthrough. First playthrough, I'd heard that most people kill Ornstein first in O&S, so I decided to do it the other way around and kill Smough first. Which worked fairly well - beat the fight on my third try.

    But for my second playthrough, I decided to kill Smough first for a change - and I'm having far more trouble with that than the other way around.

    (And sure, the situation's also different - I'm using a much slower weapon than on my first time, I'm midrolling instead of fastrolling as before, and I'm more underleveled. But I tried killing Ornstein first on this char too, out of curiosity, and it was way easier - more or less got it on my second try, just let Giant Ornstein kill me once he was at low health because I still wanted the Ornstein-first kill.)

    In the first phase - sure, Ornstein's more mobile, so he can close the distance faster and thus separate himself from Smough. But that's if he chooses to do that - there's a good chance he just hangs back and shoots lightning, or just approaches you normally instead of charging. Meanwhile, Smough has no ranged capability and thus has to approach you, and seems to use his charge much more frequently.

    And once one of them does approach you - again, Ornstein's mobile. So, especially with a slow weapon, whether or not you'll actually be able to hit him before he hops away isn't certain. Plus, he's a relatively small target who can often be hard to hit without lock on - but locking on makes it harder to keep track of Smough. Meanwhile, Smough is slow and a huge target - once you dodge one of his attacks, you're pretty much guaranteed an opening.

    Besides all that, there's also the question of who you aren't focusing on. If you focus on Ornstein, you're not focusing on Smough - whose huge size and wide sweeping attacks make him extremely effective at space control, and who is capable of quickly dealing huge damage and cornering you if he catches you off guard. Meanwhile, if you focus on Smough, you're not focusing on Ornstein - but Ornstein is small, with relatively narrow attacks that aren't very good at controlling space, and with low enough damage output that you can often recover even if he does catch you. Plus, he seems to get caught on Smough a decent amount of the time when he tries to attack you.

    Once you get to phase two, Giant Ornstein and Lightning Smough share a lot of weaknesses - they're both big enough that they have trouble dealing with someone right up in their face, and they both telegraph their attacks quite clearly. But Lightning Smough has better damage output and can kill you very quickly if you mess up, whereas Giant Ornstein tends to give you time to recover even if he hits you. Plus, Lightning Smough has that very annoying charge (roll too early and you risk being hit by the swing, roll too late and you risk being hit by the charge itself), while Giant Ornstein... doesn't. Sure, Giant Ornstein leaves himself much less open and therefore takes longer to kill, but that doesn't matter much when he's just... not terribly threatening, at least to me.

    So yeah, overall, I'm just kinda confused. I know this is just my experience and all, but what is it that makes killing Ornstein first easier to most people?

    TL;DR: why people say kill ornstein first easier

    submitted by /u/Tyomcha
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    A less bullshit late game

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    So it's been awhile since I did a dark souls post but I'd like to say, I beat all the late game bosses and opened the door to the Kiln of the First Flame. I still need to do the dlc though.

    After beating Snorlax And Pikabitch, I immediately went to stare at the big princesses boobs (that's what everyone does right?)

    I then placed the lord vessel and spent about 10 minutes trying to understand how a serpent could eat my titanite chunks and make them bigger

    I then proceeded make my way to the tomb of giants, it was too hard so I gave up and decided to do demon ruins instead

    I fucking destroyed the Capra demons then died to the Firesage. I'm extremely disappointed at the fact that this happened, but I beat it my second try.

    After that I thought to myself while fighting the extra legged lava bitch, why the hell are these bosses so close?

    Anyways I beat the centipede demon first try and went through lost izalith

    I gotta say, i was really scared for the bed of bullshit, but it turns out, the thing wasn't even that hard, and I beat it second try.

    I then killed my first titanite demon and..killed solaire.

    Today I decided to defeatseath, he was easy but the process of getting there was stupid and I didn't know what to do half the time.

    I then heading into the tomb of giants, wasn't as bad as the previous attempt but still pretty bad and I miraculously beat Nito first try

    New Londo was a shit show and I died more times than I should've. The four kings had an annoying move set but were pretty easy overall.

    I finally placed the last lord soul. And stared out into the the distance of the kiln, but I could not go here yet, as I needed to finish the dlc.

    I killed the hydra and freed dusk.

    Tomorrow, I will set out to beat the dlc

    Praise the sun

    I'm sorry for taking your armor solaire

    submitted by /u/--TreeTreeTree--
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    Where is the bonfire?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    So I just beat Quelaag. This was after the gaping dragon and Capra demon. I returned through my shortcut (master key) to firelink to find that my bonfire went out! Where should I go? Currently I am making my way through Sen's Fortress. Is there something else I should do?

    submitted by /u/freidfood
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    Should I be using the starter warrior class armor for the Ornstein and Smough fight?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    I've been using the starter warrior class armor and it's been fine, but I feel like I need to change armor. Is there any good alternatives?

    submitted by /u/Void_Lantern
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    Posted: 17 May 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    I came to DSR from sekiro and I absolutely love it , I think the areas look great and the boss battles are fun with exception to bed of chaos which was annoying af. I am almost at the end of the game so I'm just wondering one thing , I've been upgrading my 2 main weapons, my shield & 2 of my bows but not my armor. Is it necessary to upgrade armor for ng+ ? I haven't really seen the need to reinforce armor on my first playthrough. ( currently using black iron armor set )

    submitted by /u/GODS_SICARIO34
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    What do you guys do first when starting a new character?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    I personally get the Grass Crest Shield and see if I get the Halberd to drop. After that I make a run into the catacombs to get the Rite of Kindling and the skull lantern (a struggle to get, but definitely worth it). Lastly I take a trip back to the Undead Asylum and grab the Rusted Iron Ring and trade the Lantern for the Ring of Fog (best PvE ring IMO).

    submitted by /u/SirHuwain
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    Forgetting to rest at the bonfire you just warped to.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    Is why I run everywhere. Stupid warp. I'd like to find the guy who smashed the lordvessel in ds2 and buy him a drink.

    submitted by /u/nakrophile
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    Mystery killer of the fire keeper

    Posted: 17 May 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    OK so I have not met lortrec yet but I got both fire keepers souls and now the fire keeper is dead. Lortrec is still on his sell as far as I know so did he do it or is there some one in this game with me :x

    submitted by /u/Titansdogma
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    how to lower the required souls to upgrade in dark souls

    Posted: 17 May 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    Is it even possible because I'm grinding rn and the souls to upgrade keep rising

    submitted by /u/legz2006
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    Playing Dark souls Remastered, should you have better armor/weapons by undead parish? I've still got the clothes from when you wake up in the dungeon, and the axe. Also wondering if I should restart with a different class?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    I have played dark souls a bit before but never got past the bridge demon, this time I just killed him by jumping off the ledge again and again. This time I've got to the undead parish but I've still got my rag robes and wood axe from the start, should I have something better at this point? Also I picked pyromancer but I barely use the spells since I only have 8 I worry I will run out and then need them. Was wondering If I should restart and pick something with a shield? Or maybe a thief, I like to roll dodge more than pary/block and this pyro guy is slow unless I unequip all his armor. And one last question, what is a good way to kill the channeler, because there are tons of zombies with him and he keeps reviving them

    submitted by /u/Interesting-Light-13
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    I think that getting from the first Anor Londo bonfire to the second one is the hardest thing in Dark Souls

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    I'm not kidding. I've died more in the two sections here (first in the painting room, and then the part with 5 bat demons and the archers) than in every boss fight combined. I played the game through twice normally and now am going back and attempting a Soul Level 1 run, and I haven't gotten past this part yet (it's been about 3 hours) but I think it's probably gonna end up being harder than O&S, although I could be wrong. Genuinely I've probably died at least 150 times doing these sections of the game over my 3 play throughs. I love how Anor Londo looks, I like O&S, and I think this section specifically perfectly illustrates why I think DS1 level design is the most evil and sadistic shit I've ever seen in a video game. I really hate it.

    The painting room rafters is really stupid. It's designed around giving you no maneuverability and putting against enemies that will force you to get close but if you attack you will likely fall to your death due to attack animations shifting you forward. On my SL1 playthough I did this part first try, but I remember on my second play through I spent a good hour dying to gravity in this stupid room.

    The worst part is up next though. You spin the thing so you never have to do that room again, and then you have to get past 3 bat demons (if you don't kill them, you will get stabbed in the back 100% of the time as you get on the next part, and they will probably kill you as you make your way to the next section unless you save+quit to reset them). Then you have two more bat demons with the archers shooting fucking swords at you. Next you have to walk on a super thin catwalk while being shot by arrows so hefty that one hit will knock you to your death and even if you block it you still might plummet to an untimely end. Then you have to walk across an even smaller platform and get shot in the back. You now have to kill the archer while being shot at from behind and attacked with a sword from the front. If your weapon is slow or has low damage (I have both of those problems in sl1, especially the first one because the reinforced club is so so slow and hefty) then you will probably die. After you kill him, you can finally get the bonfire and fight a boss that will be a cakewalk in comparison to that (especially if you're not on sl1 and you can just put on Havel's set and poise tank everything incredibly easily). I hate Anor Londo.

    Edit: Just got past the archers on SL1. It took: - A clutch save and quit frames before falling into the void - 3 Estus Flasks +2 - 2 Great Fireballs - Really good luck

    submitted by /u/UnholyPancake
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    What would be a good name for wood work shop inspired from Dark Soul 1

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    We love this game so much me and my friend and we are about to start a wood workshop and we wanted the name to be inspired from Dark souls 1

    Any suggestions dear hollows ? Thank you

    submitted by /u/Bookofzed
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    Easy explanation of the story and lore ?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    Can someone explain the story and ending to me in the most simple terms ?

    submitted by /u/Plastic_band_bro
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    Just got the tombs and final boss left

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    First timer playing Dark Soul's Remastered.

    How long do you think it would take to finish the game? I'm kind of hoping i can finish the game after work.

    I really enjoyed the game but after playing for a month, I'm feeling burntout and ready to finish and play a different game.

    submitted by /u/nomafiaplease
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