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    Tuesday, May 25, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 I have made an uncomfortable discovery

    Dark Souls 2 I have made an uncomfortable discovery

    I have made an uncomfortable discovery

    Posted: 25 May 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    The moment I fell in love with dark souls

    Posted: 25 May 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    I'm a record holder for the longest lasting bossfight in the entirety of dark souls. (13 hours)

    Posted: 25 May 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    Premise of the fight was to use the weakest possible weapon in the game, break it and make it even more un-usable, then kill a boss with it. The record fight happened in ds3. I also fought velstadt with a broken +0 chime for almost 3 hours, dealing 2-ish damage per hit (iirc it was some time ago). I attempted it at ng+7 but died about 6 hours in with even lower damage.

    My weapon of choice was the broken +0 refined parrying dagger, the cleric starter class and base attack power. Which is the weakest weapon you can possibly use in the game. Against some bosses you need to do fully charged r2's to even deal 1 hitpoint. To give you an idea, bosses like yhorm can take up to 80 hours with those restrictions.


    Heres the fight, it was done unsegmented. Time spent in total was 12 hours and 40 minutes. (Time spent in total at that boss, way past 300 hours, 60-ish hours with lowest ar)

    Ng+7 difficulty, no riposte which you can go for but i decided it would be an amazing idea to drag on the fight even longer.......fml

    Dare anybody to take this one step further? Im completely willing to go for 20 hours in any of the 3 games.

    I thought about vendrick on ng+7 no giant souls, coc, broken chime and base atp. No idea how long that would take. Vendrick just isnt fun to fight aswell. Anybody any ideas on a fun fight that would exceed the 20 hours?

    submitted by /u/jowit2
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    Beat Dark Souls II for the first time after avoiding it for years

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    I assume that something like my post happened a lot in here, but I would still like to share some of my thoughts on it

    For the longest time I was swayed by public opinion that "dark souls 2 bad" and for that time I was perfectly content with not touching the game. Then, out of boredom I decided to finally give it a try. I think thats one of best choices I made in recent years

    While I did hear some complaints about janky combat and all that (0.5 input lag had me adapt some sort of "rhytm" when to click so I dont screw up), I didn't mind that much if the setting, npc's and overall atmosphere made up for it, and god damn did it make up.

    Drangleic easily became my favourite setting out of all three. It felt huge, and I often had to make notes to backtrack somewhere if I didnt check that path yet, something I didnt have to do with either ds1 or ds3. It made me want to explore more than them and honestly, I really enjoyed that.
    But the main appeal of it to me was how it felt like natural progression of events established in ds1, from perspective of foreign nation that already had plenty going on

    Story and setting is what won me over. You aren't dealing with gods and you aren't part of the prophecy, you're just one of many hollowed who seeks to undo his curse and learn about the nolbe king corrupted by daughter of manus (obligatory fuck manus) and manipulated into waging war against the race of giants which lead to his kingdom ending in ruins

    The selfish, personal way the game presents your journey was fresh and more interesting to me than the regular "chosen one" stuff. That along with npcs that felt more alive than in prequel or sequel (and for once didnt go hollow later so you have to kill them) was something I appreciated (Benhart is the lad,Lucatiel's journey was depressing in how helpless she and 'we' are, not being able to do anything about her state)

    I would say bosses were 'weakest' out of three games by how much interest they got for me, but that doesnt mean that they dont deserve some recognition. Old Dragonslayer was a nice surprise, and by learning more about the story (sometimes by reading online in case I missed something) I really felt how sad Velsadt and Raime's conflict was. Both felt they had a duty to uphold (Velsadt by protecting his king and queen, Raime by also protecting his King by exposing the corrupt Queen)

    Then comes getting to Vendrick. The area design was incredibly smart into misleading us on how you're going to meet the powerful king protected by his loyal right hand man, but once you go past him you see a empty shell, dragging his sword around, walking. How the mighty have fallen. The concept of being able to travel to someone's memory to take part in something (beating Giant Lord) or talking to that character was lovely. Vendrick was super powerful, yet even he was just a human, and humans make mistakes, something he painfully realized that by listening to his wife he doomed his kingdom and its people with him by then powerless to stop it as he started hollowing.

    Aldia was a nice surprise as at first I somehow missed him. He was very 'alien' compared to rest of characters, both in looks and mentality and I liked that and how he gave you a choice.

    DLC's were all great to me.

    Shulva had a great design going on that hit my sense of wonder hard and I have a great time (getting killed aside) exploring it just to see what else does that beautiful, dark place has in store, and turns out what they had in store was another daughter of manus, and a fucking dragon. I dont really get why there were some dinosaurs in there lol.

    Didn't like Elana, fuck her. But Sinh was "fun" like most of the dragons in the series

    Brume Tower was my favourite part of the dlc trilogy. I had to take few minutes just to watch the volcanic area far from where I am because I was mesmerized by how fucked yet captivating it looked. Area design was splendid to me and it was the part of the game where I made most notes by how spacious and branching some areas were.

    Raime was a great boss that I regret going to as I didnt know he'll go super saiyan on me if I wear Velsadt gear, but I enjoyed it anyway

    Frozen Eleum Loyce was out of three my least favourite area as it felt somewhat less developed than them, but it more than made up with climate and the story. Another daughter of Manus, redeemed by love of a knight and using her powers to hold old chaos at bay, with her only request being that you put him out of his misery. Collecting Knights to fight alongside you was cool and rewarded exploring to make your time with Ivory King easier, so I enjoyed that even if it felt smaller than previous two dlc

    Ivory King was a very memorable boss and his good deeds (dont think I heard or read anything bad about him) made me extra motivated to mercy kill him, for sake of his and his wife.

    TL:DR; After beating Dark Souls II, I am happy to say that it was an amazing journey to me and the game is underrated as fuck.

    submitted by /u/Kisto15
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    Posted: 24 May 2021 05:48 PM PDT

    Something something pierce the heavens

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    How do I have fun? (rant-ish?)

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    I've finished the main game recently and I have to say it was pretty bad, but I heard the DLC was supposed to be amazing so I continued playing through it. So after beating the final boss (which is actually a really interesting character, even though the fight itself was insanely bland) I traveled to Shulva in search of good content. The level design is surprisingly good even though the enemies are mostly just buffed hollow soldiers. Sadly my hopes were shattered almost instantly. After you make your way through the great city you have to fight your way through caves which just spam status effects at you from every direction (discount Black Gulch yuck) and of course have a lot of reused enemies. At the end of this tedious level you meet your first DLC boss! (yay?) The Gank Squad… probably one of the least fun fights in the game which just like almost every boss didn't give me a feeling of joy and accomplishment but rather I sit there asking "ugh what's next". Even though the first boss was terrible I kept searching for the great content that the fans of the DLCs always talked about. What I found was the next boss which is pretty much a discount Nashandra that throws more reused enemies at you.

    What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something? Where's the good content? I really want to like this game and beat the DLC but it just doesn't seem to get better.

    submitted by /u/Square_Ad1921
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    Is this some sort of Jojo moment?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    Need giant souls for vendrick

    Posted: 25 May 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    So I made the dumb decision a long time ago, to use the giant souls. Now I regret it, knowing what they're used for. If anybody has any left over I would be thankful.

    submitted by /u/Sun-GreatswordBro
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    Me and my friend have a problem.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    So me and my friend have trouble finding each others signs. We checked: None of us are soft banned We are the same covenant We are both in the same soul memory tier We both reinstalled the game We tried cross refion thing We still see other signs and messeges and just cant see each other

    No idea how what is going on.

    submitted by /u/Doomknight34
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    If the Crypt Blacksword had the Greatsword moveset, or: peak Berserk

    Posted: 25 May 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    its a terrible idea but id get a kick out of it.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    Any good middle game soul farming spots?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Title says it all, thanks!

    submitted by /u/ExcuseMeWut2
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    Thank you, kind Blue Sentinel

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    I was in Brum tower, and having a hell of a time of it in NG+2. I very close to the bonfire after going through hell, when I was invaded by a blue sentinel. I was doomed. I suck at pvp, and this guy had magic crystal deaths spears above his head and a massive sword. He bowed, and hoping for mercy, I did the only thing I could do. I used the Mercy emote, and then pointed in the general direction of the bonfire. This kind soul waved and then immediately crystaled out. I was stunned. So thank you merciful sentinel, because you made my day.

    A blue sentinel myself, I spent the next hour invading and then doing my best to help people.

    submitted by /u/Byzantine1350
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    I believe I encountered a hacker on ps4

    Posted: 25 May 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    I had just reached Eleum Loyce to begin the DLC when I was invaded by this guy wielding some kind of great sword. Not sure but it may have been the fume knight's sword. He starts by getting 2 hits on me from across the map, like 100 feet away, not even in the stadium with me. I could see the sword swinging when he did it. So I heal and just assume it's some kind of lag hiccup. Then I fight back by landing several great fireball pyro hits, magic bolts from my +7 avelyn crossbow, and fully upgraded dragon slayer crescent axe. But none of it lowers his hp at all. Then he just stands still like he's flaunting it, allowing me free hits for a solid minute which also do no damage. Obviously a invulnerability cheat. Then he kills me, but it won't let me leave the session until I hard quit the game.

    Everything seems fine after reload, but I'm worried this is going to get me banned. I've heard of that happening to people who encountered hackers. I didn't even know it could happen on console. I thought it was a pc thing.

    submitted by /u/MoonlitBadlands
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    Grave Warden Agdayne Headstone?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:29 PM PDT

    I accidentally aggrod Agdayne (first playthrough) and killed him. Can he still be accessed as a vendor somewhere?


    submitted by /u/solomanii
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    Kill Maughlin?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Before starting my second playthrough, I was wondering if I should kill Maughlin for his "pimp set". In my current playthrough, I didn't see anything too useful being sold from him, except for maybe Alva's set (because that looks so good with Heide iron mask). Is the soul increase worth it for less fashion and boss armours?

    submitted by /u/Fateddy_
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    Does anyone else hate how fragile weapons are?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:54 PM PDT

    Honestly, it feels like the durability of all weapons is cut in half from Dark Souls 1 and 3 to a lesser extent.

    I swear, it's like I can only kill ten or so enemies before having to go back to a bonfire or having to pop a repair powder. What's the point of upgrading a weapon to +10 if your only gonna use it for like 5 minutes before having to switch to another weapon. Not to mention some weapons and enemies just chip away at durability so it's like by the time I'm done with one encounter in an area I find myself needing a bonfire because I ran out of repair powder about 2 minutes ago and all my good weapons are either at risk or broken.

    Who's idea was it to have the durability be so low for the weapons?

    In Dark souls 1 durability felt more like a bit of an inconvenience then a mechanic, but was pretty reasonable. In dark souls 3, you never really noticed it, and it probably could have been dropped and nothing would change, but with 2, every weapon feels like it's got the durability of cardboard or paper Mache.

    Feels like they hit about that hard too.

    Carrying multiple weapons doesn't help either, cuz they're already broken from that giant I fought earlier who was busy wiping his ass with me. I know there are rings that can fix this issue but even then it's not by a whole lot, and while the +2 variant of the ring reduces degredation by 50% that still doesn't really fix the issue. Much like other parts of Dark souls 2, you gotta rely on items to carry you through the game, rather then some degree of skill.

    submitted by /u/DexxToress
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    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:01 PM PDT

    Doing my second ever play through of the game (loving it so far) and I just convinced myself that Sellsword Luet was an actual person :/ I was doing gestures and all and made sure to defend him to my life only to discover he wasn't even real. I feel distraught and cheated against.

    submitted by /u/neptuneb
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    White Soapstone location

    Posted: 25 May 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Hello there, I'm kinda new to Dark Souls 2, or even the Souls series in general. I want to ask is there a good place to place down my White Soapstone. I've placed them in front of the Fallen Giant boss room and waited for 30 minutes, but no results. And in front of the Dragonrider's room, but still no results. What's the best place to put it at? I saw a Reddit thread from 7 years ago, but I don't know if it's still valid or useful.

    submitted by /u/lagspike9107
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