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    Monday, April 26, 2021

    Dark Souls I never knew this invisible wall existed... I always went around the side and died 50% of the time...

    Dark Souls I never knew this invisible wall existed... I always went around the side and died 50% of the time...

    I never knew this invisible wall existed... I always went around the side and died 50% of the time...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    I always thought that this was the most unfair bonfire in the game, huh. https://i.imgur.com/s3MHgfP.png

    The only reason I discovered it is because I ran past the vine monsters and AFK'd without sitting at the bonfire. They came up and triggered my homing arrow causing the wall to disappear. The more you know...

    submitted by /u/GMJack
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    I beat the game!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    Gwyn was easy. Artorias was hard.

    submitted by /u/helpmedad8960
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    I dont know who is messing with the boulder control, but he is my arch-nemesis from now on.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:40 AM PDT

    I am on my first playthrough in this game. I am severely underleveled and underequiped because I wasted precious large titanite shards while not knowing how the upgrading works in this game. I also have a weird jack of all trades build because why not, so I am quite weak on early, but I tought I will be able to pull through the game, after all, I played DS2 with all kinds of weird builds and some of them were terribly weak. I had decent progress in DS1, but man, that freaking boulder. I don't know why or what causes it to change back to where I go, but I can't count how many times I got rolled over by a boulder I didn't know was coming... I don't care about this whole "link the fire" stuff, that is all secondary objective to me. My main goal is to find that freak who messes with the boulder control and make him swallow my Zweihander...

    submitted by /u/Ddronoz
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    I just beat dark souls for the first time

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    Best game ever!!! definitely playing dark souls 3 and then maybe dark souls 2 after but I loved every bit of this game and am looking forward to beating dark souls 3. I didn't really understand the final cutscene tho so could someone fill me in on what it means?

    submitted by /u/RickyDoesStuff
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    I got past the Anor Londo archers!!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Parry is the way to go.

    Now time for Ornstein and Smough.

    submitted by /u/Itzzyaboiisynx
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    I wanna play dark souls

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 02:04 AM PDT

    Hi, so dark souls 3 is on special right now and im someone who has never touched a souls game before. Im not that good at video games and i get frustrated rather easily. Despite that would dark souls still be worth my time and money???

    submitted by /u/Ebonywolf777
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    Just out of curiosity...does anyone else (with anxiety, maybe) play like this?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    Any time I start a new Souls (or Soulslike), I end up playing a very particular way. I'll get through a bit of the early game.

    Start a new character. Replay that area.

    New character. Replay that bit.


    Until one clicks and I end up pushing a bit further ahead, or I go back to the first one and push a bit further.

    This repeats, across the various alts and new characters, until finally something catches and momentum carries me through the ending.

    And then I get to do it all again, with DLCs and the like.

    I have a similarly hard time starting new shows or book series, or getting started on the next season of something I really like.

    I do this despite the fact that I also shamelessly spoil myself silly on these things.

    Surely I can't be the only person that's weird in this specific way?

    submitted by /u/DKamar
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    The most terrifying things I have ever seen...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    So I just went into the painting in Anor Londo and those lanky crow monsters who run super fast are so scary that I'm just petrified in horror while playing. I don't know why these things terrify me so much when they should be more goofy than scary, but just the way they quickly move around makes me piss myself. Sure, there have been some creepy enemies, but these things are just on a whole another level. So I got curious if you have any enemies that generate a genuine fight or flight reaction in you, be it the first time you encountered them or maybe even after several playthroughs.

    submitted by /u/Horseshoecrab99
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    Questioning if im better than I think I am or Dark Souls 1 isn't as hard as I expected

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    In my last post I talked about blighttown not being as troublesome as I've been led to believe, last night I defeated Smough and Ornsetein and I just scrapped by with half my HP left and zero estus on my first try. Now like I've stated in my previous post a couple days ago I'd only consider myself an amateur souls player. I started playing DS3 in 2018 after a bad break up hoping I could channel my pain into game and forget a little. So I've almost 100% DS3 and have about 6-7 hours into the rest of the games except DS2 were I have more around 20, still very low for a souls game. My question is I'm wondering if dark souls 3 due to the faster combat system prepared me better then I thought it would, most of the stuff I read online about the difficulty differences are huge. Just confused. I'm loving dark souls 1 though. It's like going though a history class( boring to most I know but not me lol) im seeing how they were using and still are using objects for different purposes and, inlove that stuff. Great game fucking love it

    submitted by /u/thedude552
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    What would be the most viable and sustainable motive to hold off Hollowing?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    So we have Patches, who's motive I've gathered seems to be tricking people for their greed, which is pretty endless, until there is nobody left, as we see him later in The Ringed City as Lapp, on the verge of Hollowing.

    What would some other good ones be? I gather it's not something individuals choose per say, but is more down to their personality and genuine motives in life. So for example, I couldn't just say, "My motive is to kill shit over and over again" if it doesn't actually align with what I truly want.

    You'd have to consider also that you wouldn't be demoralised in the said pursuit easily, because from what I've gathered, that also tends to be one of the biggest reasons for Hollowing. So for another example, if your motive was to collect endless treasures, that might easily Hollow you if there are obstacles that you can't overcome to get said treasure.

    Might have my understanding of Hollowing completely wrong, but my question still stands.

    submitted by /u/DagonParty
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    Favorite characters to “role play” as?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Currently playing through the game as Oscar of Astora. Elite Knight set, Crest Shield, and Astora Straight Sword. Trying to limit any use of bows or spells as he never uses any in game.

    It's fun playing through the game with these limitations! Do you guys have any characters you like to role play as? I picked Oscar this time around because it's easy to get his equipment early on in a NG run. I am hoping to play through NG+ runs as other characters.

    submitted by /u/SaintMadeOfPlaster
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    beat artorias for the first time! some thoughts and love

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    i just beat artorias for the first time! and it instantly became my favourite boss. it took me a few hours to beat, but each time i went there and fought him it felt so nice cus i could notice how i was learning the patterns and getting better each time. one thing that i immediatly thought when i was watching the introfuction was "lol it reminds me of hollow knight" jhsdhjsajh the way he walks with the floppy arm and the screaming. i wouldnt be surprised if the hollow knight (final boss fight) is inspired on artorias, since that game seems to be generally very influenced by dark souls. anyways, id love to fight him again, and again and again till i completely master it. this sensation of learning the patterns and finding a way to dodge them is something that ive never _really_ felt with other bosses. i mean, yea maybe a little, but i was always too busy being fucking scared and panicked and not thinking straight. like every time i beat a boss i felt a little bit of a rewarding feeling, but i also felt like i got lucky, like "oof, shit, i finally got out of there, i feel so scared and small". id just feel a little bit stronger, but not really, and not just with dark souls bosses, but with many other videogames as well. with artorias i was like LETS FIGHT THE BITCH, I CAN DO IT, I K N O W HOW TO DO IT, JUST GOTTA KEEP AT IT, i was never confused. and when i finished the fight i didnt feel like i beat it out of luck, it just felt right. maybe artorias is just an easy boss and thats why i could concentrate better. i wouldnt be surprised, since im quite bad at the game. but thats okay, because maybe he just fits my -right- level of difficulty. as i said, the fight didnt feel difficult, nor easy, it was just right. i think that what i liked the most is that theres no shit around bothering. its just him, and i, no annoying fire beams or shit that falls from the sky. just two dudes having a sword fight, and i guess thats just what makes the worms in my brain tickle with excitment and happiness

    submitted by /u/chumimin
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    Any Advice For A Pure Sorcerer Build

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    I'm playing DS again (it been about a year) and I usually play something like a hybrid character that uses both magic and weapons.

    I want to step out my comfort zone a little and play a pure sorcerer build and basically only using spells.

    Any advice or tips for what I should aim for in terms of strategy, stats, or psychological damage I may put myself through? 🥸

    submitted by /u/SleepySunglasses
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    How do I beat this game

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    I loved dark souls 3 to the point where I got every achievement so everyone was saying dsrk souls remastered was good so I decided to try I just beat gaping dragon and this game is so boring it's so repetitive it's just beat 400 one shot enemeys to get to the next boss is the whole game like this or is there a point where it gets good

    submitted by /u/kanalizatsiya
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    I just got my first souls game and wondering what are some good tips for beginners

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    The game is souls 1 btw

    Edit thanks for all the advice

    submitted by /u/duckynado
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    It really feels like Strength should also increase the speed at which you can swing greatswords

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 03:19 AM PDT

    I was playing DS3 the other day and I realized that Pontiff Sulyvahn can swing around the Profaned Greatsword like nobody's business, but once you get it it takes 5 seconds to wind up a swing, even if your strength stat is super high. To me this just seems unfair. I'm posting it here because it kind of applies to all souls games. I also get that there's the potential to become super OP if you can swing an ultra greatsword around like a dagger, so I think there should be a cap on it somewhere, but it seems like a cool mechanic idea

    Someone tell Miazaki and maybe he'll put it in Elden Ring (if the game even exists)

    submitted by /u/ManweTheElderKing
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    Question about dark souls 2

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    I've fallen in love with all the soulsborne but I've been hesitant on buying dark souls 2 because of most of the memes and opinions I've heard of it. Is it worth getting if I love these games? And why do people not like it as much as other souls born titles?

    submitted by /u/Carv_921
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    Sl1 run all bosses no cheeses complete!!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    After playing all the souls games over and over the last 2 years thinking Id had all the fun to be had with a straightforward run thru I decided to try the sl1 run. not the craziest run by far but I have to say, I think I learned most the moves from every boss this playthru, things I never remember even seeing, the lower health and stamina make it where you really have to learn the enemies not ever overpower them. It was really humbling and I'm sure I'll do more challenges as we go but right now I'm just really hoping to get ahold of a ps5 to try demon souls and bloodborne for the first times. Thank you all for your time, and encouragement gained thru watching you all progress aswell. Peace, and don't you dare go hollow of course....

    submitted by /u/LIB95
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    Summon sign question

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    If I'm SL66 what SL players would see my summon sign if I'm trying to help ppl beat O&S?

    submitted by /u/Hendrix1114
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    average lady demetrecu fan vs average princess gwynevere enjoyer

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    What are your favorite item descriptions that tell the most lore?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    Or setting pieces work as well. I know blight town is hated, but everything about it and it's items I absolutely adore. I'm curious what descriptions the fan base really love.

    submitted by /u/RyanCantHaveFriends
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    Firelink shrine bonfire not allowing me to interact with it

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    So, for some context, I've been working on the "Knight's Honor" achievement, and a requirement is to go to ng+. In ng+ I've encountered a few... glitches. For example, I have the glitch where my character is always in human form. I tried to kill myself many times, and I'm still in human form. Gwynevere didn't give me the lord vessel, thus leading me to kill her, and now I can't interact with the firelink shrine bonfire what so ever. I've killed Lautrec, revived Anastasia and relogged several times. Now, I cannot interact with the bonfire at all. I don't have the option to light the bonfire (even when Anastasia is dead, it will still allow you to attempt to light the bonfire) and I can't rest at it. I can still warp to it with the lord vessel, it's just I'm not allowed to do anything with it. Any ideas as to why this is happening? Or anything that might help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Greyeyedmoon
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    I finally found Siegmeyer, but I am sad because I know how all this ends

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    Last time I left off on Hellkite Dragon.

    I thought I could not get past him, in the first place. At some point, while staying idle, he comes down the bridge. Then I knew that was my time to shine. I killed him eventually, but one time he flew off and I had to reset the area, it seems. 10k souls and no other rewards. Except Claymore, which I don't think I am going to use soon enough. And the Sunlight Covenant. Which I can't trigger right now due to lack of faith.

    I found a Pendant in Undead Parish church. The same place where I took the Firekeeper Soul in the first place. Don't know what this means yet.

    I killed of both Titanite Demons in Anor Londo and Lost Izalith. What a shitty mob, with shitty hitboxes, and shitty place to fight them...

    Then I remember about Logan. He should be somewhere in Duke's Archives. So there I go, once again.

    After some time spent searching, I came across him. Dude, he is so easily missable. Like, I was lucky because the Talk prompt appeared in the first place. He is safe and sound, studying the place and learning things. Also told me the secret to Seath's immortality. Too late, pal, already got rid of that one, but I am still grateful. I buy off some sorceries from him and I go on.

    Now I am thinking about doing some more exploration. I went through the Tomb of Giants as the wind since that place was kinda hard at the time. So there I go. Step by step, I go on easily, killing one mob at a time. Coming across some Black Knight, guarding the Effigy Shield. I discover the other bonfire down below. Did you guys know I went back to Nito every time he killed me from the bonfire next to Patches ? Yeah... But that was still fast though. Fast forward I farm some Humanity over the tiny skeletons and I leave.

    Undead Parish. I give the Divine Ember to Andre. He is fascinated and grateful.

    Then I remember about Siegmeyer. Last time I talked to him was in Firelink Shrine. He somehow mentioned he is going down below, so I thought searching for him in New Londo ?

    Before starting I chit chat with Rickert. Making my way through the mobs, no sign of him. At some point I come across a fake wall where that chest with the Titanite Chunk is, guarded by a Darkwraith. Killed some Drakes for fun and I'm outta there.

    Upon freeing Sieglinde from the Golden Golem, I remember she is after her father. So I thought searching for her would give me any leads. Since she is searching for him as well, maybe he went through the same path as Siegmeyer ?

    Exactly. Sen's Fortress we go. But no sign of her, sadly.

    I wander aimlessly. No sign of both. Then I go to Blighttown.

    Making my way down, through the leeches, and I see a Catarina armor. There he is, Siegmeyer. He sleeps. Nothing out of the ordinary. Asks me for some moss to get out of this place and hands me a shield as a reward. Glad I found him, at least.

    But I know how this quest ends. I saw an image, with both of them in Ash Lake. One was lying on the ground, being dead most probably. The thing is, I don't know which one. That I would like to figure out myself. But maybe this is only one outcome ? Maybe I can avoid this from happening.

    Back to Firelink Shrine.

    I talk to Griggs. Nothing new.

    I talk to Frampt. Nothing new.

    I talk to Ingward. Nothing new.

    I talk to Petrus. He mentioned her lady being dead. I suppose that's Rhea ? He seems in grief. I let him be.

    Now, I have one question left, where the hell is Patches ? Guess I need to explore much more in detail next time.

    That's it for today's journey.

    Don't you dare go Hollow!

    Praise the Sun!

    submitted by /u/miTzuliK
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    I found one of the least efficient ways to kill O and S

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    I went into Ornstein and Smough around soul level 30. I'm dumb. I made a list of things I needed in order to win because it was frustrating getting destroyed. Here is the way too long list in case you're wondering how I (an idiot) play. This isn't my first playthrough.

    Start in Firelink. Use Souls Gained to get to Level 40 Str. and Level 18 Dex.

    -Go To the female merchant and buy a Dung Pie and Prism Stone

    -Get the key to that door in Asylum, then travel to the Asylum.

    -(Boss Optional)

    -Go to prison cell for the doll

    -Get iron ring

    -Trade the Dung Pie and Prism Stone for 2 Demon Titanite shards with the dumb bird who doesn't understand economics.

    -Travel back to lordran then travel to the Forest Hunter's.

    -Join them and talk to Shiva

    -Go and kill Sif, don't use soul (yet)

    -Travel to UndeadBerg

    -If haven't already, like me, kill the Capra demon and enter the depths.

    -Grab the Large Ember

    -Get to the second bonfire in blight town, either by fighting your way through the rest of the depths down blight town or be normal and walk around through New Londo

    -Buy the Demon Great Machete from Shiva

    -Farm the slugs near the bonfire to get 18 Large Titanite Shards and 10 Green Titanite Shards

    -Enter Quelaags Domain and rest at her sister's bonfire. (For lordvessel travel later)

    -I'm going to kill the fire keeper for the soul only because 1. I dont care 2.

    -While leaving Blight town through the elevator grab the other fire keeper souls then trade them in at Firelink.

    -Head to Andre and give him the large ember then upgrade your Demon Machete to +10 as well as make a +10 on any normal sword, like a claymore.

    -Travel back to Anor Londo and speak to the blacksmith

    -Craft the Cursed sword of Artorios and upgrade it twice with the demon titanite, more if you have it.

    -Head all the way back (long walk) to firelink then down into Anor Londo.

    -Using the Cursed Sword grab the extra Firekeeper soul and fight through the place to get the town drained.

    -Grab the very large ember

    -Farm for 7 Titanite chunks and 1 Slab against the Darkwraith Knight's

    -Ride back up to firelink then immediately descend to the catacombs.

    -Grab the great scythe while going to Vamos.

    -Upgrader the scythe to +5 with the fire upgrade.

    -Sneeze on Pinwheel to get the rite of kindling

    -Climb out of that hell back to firelink.

    -Travel to Andre and upgrade the machete to +15

    -Leave for Anor Londo

    -Before leaving for the boss area go into the painted world

    -Unlock the very cool farm area

    -Farm with the great scythe for as long as you need.

    -Leave for those two bastards.

    -Absolutely clap them.

    -Die to bed of chaos

    Before you say that half of this is useless, I know but I just thought it would be cool to wield the sword of Artorios

    submitted by /u/putter7_
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    The most fun I've had with dark souls PvP

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    PvP in this game can be really toxic sometimes, even without using dung pies (lol). Getting invaded by some guy named "God hates f*gs" in the undead parish while trying to summon help for the bell gargoyles, and then them whipping out dark pyromancy from the AotA DLC can be pretty annoying I will be the first to admit. But I think early level PvP, especially when you yourself are restricting yourself to use early game weapons, can be really fun. I created a new character yesterday (wanderer) and did a quick run through undead burg---stopping at the undead merchant to pick up basic supplies like firebombs and throwing knives (and my favorite PvP weapon the rapier). From there I started using those red eye orbs from Firelink and quickly had a lot of fun dueling off with people in undead burg and undead parish. When I ran out of humanity and red eye orbs I just deleted the character.

    I recommend people try out something like this if they have time because it was a lot of fun while it lasted, and now that I ran out of orbs I can start again and try out a new build. Either way I think its fun because I found myself using things I normally wouldn't like throwing knives (surprisingly good early game?). At SL100 a throwing knife does like 2% of a persons health so they suck but at SL10 they do a good portion and can throw a person off guard. But between Andre, the undead merchant, and the weapons laying around the early game there's a lot of diversity in the kind of builds you can build. I'm thinking of trying out an early game ~SL15 dual caestus build for a couple of invasions. So I think others should try this out and see if they have fun with it. PvP is always better the more people are doing it.

    submitted by /u/Stuffssss
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