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    Wednesday, April 28, 2021

    Dark Souls I finally did it.

    Dark Souls I finally did it.

    I finally did it.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    I finally beat this masterpiece of a game. I loved just about every minute except for the time I spent cursed in Blighttown and getting slapped around in Sen's Fortress this game was a blast to play. This is one of the only games that has left me feeling that I accomplished something. I played through the first half using a Zweihander and leather armor and finished the game in Havel's with a Black Knight Great sword. As far as bosses are concerned my favorite was easily Artorias and my least favorite was Nito and those gosh darn skeletons. Overall, I loved it and can't wait to start my NG+ playthrough.

    submitted by /u/Zach490
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    I never knew Lordran had such sick street art

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 01:15 AM PDT

    Was going to visit my good friend Havel the Thicc when noticed a beautiful piece of art https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cc/fc/f7/ccfcf77b17717833bdea1847d2905029.png

    submitted by /u/rassoll
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    I just got properly bodied by a bolder in Sen’s for the first time

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 10:20 PM PDT

    And I swear to god, for a split second, I felt the distinct sensation of being punched in the nose. Talk about a blindside. 10/10 excellent pit falls.

    submitted by /u/DeuceMandago
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    About to access the DLC for the first time!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    I'm so psyched! I've heard great things.

    submitted by /u/lrjackson06
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    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    After 6 years of playing I have finally been a part of all covenants!

    Thats all i wanted to say, thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/Orbiting_Fish
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    I just found a new part of the undead burg... years later

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    I've been going through another play through and while running around the undead burg I noticed there's another doorway in the room before the undead merchant. I've beaten this game 6 different times and I've never noticed that. Never killed those hollows and made the jump to get... a crossbow -.- well that's a little disappointing but oh well I guess it's my fault for skipping by this for years and then getting excited it would be something good haha. Now I'm wondering how many other things I've missed...

    submitted by /u/SEPTAgoose
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    I just gave up 30 humanity to quelaga sister

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    I wanted to do this for a while After I killed her quelaag Even knowing the lore so I thought I owed her this that i at least provide her 30 humanity to be a little more healthy Stay safe fair lady One day quelana will come and meet you One day you won't be alone

    submitted by /u/killcrack101
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    To the invader on Anor Londo (Switch)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    Thanks for being super cool. You and I dueled twice.

    The first time you totally whooped my ass and then got your kill stolen by a silver knight I didn't see behind me.

    About an hour later we had another duel and while I did manage to somehow parry you, you still kicked my butt.

    But you let me live and left me a ton of stuff with a bunch of jumping emotes.

    Thanks man. It's been a loooooooong time since I've played and clearly my skills are rusty af. But you really reminded me how awesome this community is and much further I've got to git gud.


    submitted by /u/PolarOgre
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    Completed the game!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 10:57 PM PDT

    As the title says, I beat Gwyn just now. Linked the fire. Obviously, I didn't do everything there is. Missed a lot of the NPC quests and a couple of the optional bosses I think.

    But honestly, wow. For the longest time, when I've played games m, it feels like I'm just going through the motions. It's something I used to enjoy, and I figure that logically I should still enjoy them, but I just don't. Now I'll still have fun with games, but I don't commit. I usually play open ended sandbox experiences or strategy games, where I'll put in a few hours on and off and stop. The last game I completed was RDR 2 in 2019, and that was the first game I finished in years.

    But when I was younger, I would get immersed in a game. I could lose myself in the world and the lore. When I really liked a game, I'd be excited to play it. This hasn't happened since at least when I graduated high school 5 years ago, probably longer.

    I bought the remaster for DS on a whim a couple weeks ago. I figured I'd return it if it was frustratingly hard, but as I played through the asylum and the burg, I started getting hooked. I liked the challenge because I knew that I was getting a little bit better every time I died. It was also one of the only games where it felt I wasn't dying for artificial reasons. The challenge was a rule of the game, and if you learned the rule you could overcome the challenge. This was opposed to other games that imposed difficulty by forcing handicaps on the player.

    I played through the burg, and got to the Taurus Demon. I died. I died again. I died some more. But I kept coming back. Where other games I would have checked out awhile ago, I kept coming back. I finally was able to beat him after I found the pine resin and I realized I could do drop attacks on him, and I couldn't help but smiling. Just a pure dopamine rush to see "Victory Achieved".

    As I progressed through the game, I hit more obstacles. The combat clicked in the Parish, but the Gargoyles were a bitch for me. I eventually had to summon Solaire for that. I got cursed in the Depths and wasn't sure how to handle it (but got a great ring out of it). Blighttown was a pain for me. And then I hit O and S. As I passed the fog wall, I got instakilled by Ornstein when he did his glide attack. I tried a couple more times but to no avail. I decided to backtrack and level up a ton, finding items like Havels Ring on the way. When I came back, I still died. I had to completely readjust my playstyle to win that fight, but the sense of achievement when I beat them was crazy.

    The second half of the game wasn't as enjoyable as the first. The Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith had easy bosses and boring layouts. Parts of Sens Archives were very frustrating, and the crystal cave was an annoying area. Catacombs and Tomb of the Giants were better in my opinion, but Nito was a pushover. The one that I really liked was New Londo, since the exploration was really interesting to me and the 4 Kings are also a really cool fight. The Expansion was also high quality. I regret being so overleveled for the second half of the game and the expansion, since it made them much easier than they would have been otherwise. The DLC bosses still gave me more of a challenge than the Lords, and exploring Oolacile was really fun (especially putting together the connections to the main game). Artorias in particular is just a well designed fight.

    When I got to Gwyn, I just felt bad. I saw a note outside that gave me a very helpful tip that made the fight trivial. But it was a testament to how far I came. I was carving through the Gods of this world like a knife through butter, when a couple weeks ago I was struggling with the hollows in the Burg. Gwyn joined the "First Attempt Club", with the Moonlight Butterfly and Pinwheel. His theme was haunting, and it showed just how far the world had decayed.

    But what stood out to me the most about these last couple of weeks was how much I got absorbed in this game. I wanted to know more about the lore. I wanted to talk about it. When I was doing other things, I would be getting excited to play DS again. It's the first time I've felt joy for a game in a long time. Hell, I accidentally spoiled parts of the game for myself I was so voracious for details. It captured me like no game has in years.

    I don't know if or when I'll come back to this game to do a NG+ run, and try to hit the content I missed. Right now I plan on moving on to DS2. But no matter what, I'll remember this game for a long time. Definitely in my top ten.

    Tl;dr: Dark Souls Good

    submitted by /u/Bore_of_Whabylon
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    Showed my girlfriend Sif (who’s new to Dark Souls)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    She named it:



    "Sword Wolf"

    submitted by /u/Aetherpoint
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    While helping a friend through the game, I realized the intention of your lord Michael Zaki with Siegmeyer quest line.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    My friend is a casual gamer and he usually play game in easy mode, but I managed convinced him to try out Dark Soul. Took him 5 try to kill Asylum Demon with Knight class.

    I don't want him to feel so discouraged so I figured I should babysitting till the First Bell to show the ropes and he should be fine after that, I thinking to myself.

    After kill the Gargoyles I let him to play on his own. After a few day he ask me to help with the Hot Spider, complain she has too much HP so I ask his stat and gear, and he been smashing himself at the wall and barely trudging through the Depths and Blight town ... with a un upgrade Halberd. So back when I helped him explore all of Undead Burg and Parish, I forgot to tell him about the path to Andre and when Co-oping jollioushly a fog wall block that path so he miss it too.

    That then I realized your feet lord make Siegmeyer storyline to imply, you can help your friends when they meet challenges but if you help them too much, they end up hollow like Siegmeyer.

    submitted by /u/Clumsy_Humty_Dumpty
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    New Londo glitch

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    It must be a well known glitch by now, but it totally took me by surprise. What you can see on the screenshot bellow is my NG+ character standing at the bottom of New Londo Ruins without having opened the seal. I saved and quit while falling off the whole at the entrance of the fun house and it spawned me at the bottom. There aren't any dark knight to be seen down there btw which makes for a surprisingly fun ride.


    submitted by /u/gauderyx
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    Is dropping items for other players considered cheap?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    I've gone thru the PS4 version like 8 times so I had a bunch of boss souls. I'm wondering if dropping some of them is considered cheap. I don't think it is since the game lets you drop items and let's others pick them up....

    submitted by /u/GoosePants72
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    Which bosses have tail drops?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make a list of every boss in DS1 that has a body part that can be severed for loot.

    The Gargoyles and Gaping dragon both drop axes, Centipede drops the orange charred ring, and seath hands over the moonlight greatsword, but are there any others?

    submitted by /u/TexasJedi-705
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    Where fast travel :O

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:28 AM PDT

    So, rn I'm chilling with our sunny boi at anor Londo and I wanna go do the darkwood area before going ahead with this so I just wanna know if I'll get fast travel soon or it's still nowhere near....

    Edit : Motherfucker! Accidentally attacked sunny boi ( didn't hurt him anymore don't worry) I know what I have to do and now I really need fast travel...

    submitted by /u/hentai_Saint_Isshin
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    What were some paths/locations in the game that were hard for you to find the first time around?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    The one thing I love about the level design of Dark Souls is how unclear paths are. Other games its very clear with saying "WALK HERE" in terms of visuals but in this game paths blend in with the environment a lot more. Some moments where I had a hard time finding where to go were:

    Stairs behind Firelink to New Londo

    I literally couldn't figure out why there were signs hinting to go down and why some guides were saying "the stairs from Firelink". Until I fell by accident and landed on the stairs below. They were so narrow I thought no way you're supposed to walk here this close to the edge.

    Stairs down to the Catacombs

    Pretty sure I'm blind, even knowing exactly where I had to go, it took me like 3 tries to find the stairs since I fell off the edge farther up the graveyard thinking there might be a path here.

    Path to Darkroot Basin

    This took me so long to find, I had gone down that side path on the way from Undead Parish a few times and just thought "Oh a cliff, there doesn't seem to be anything here though". Then I saw a map of the area and could have sworn that path wasn't there before.

    Shortcut cages in Sen's Fortress

    These look like any other cages, never would have thought it was a shortcut.

    The arch you walk up in Anor Londo to get to the Painting Guardian area

    This was a mind blowing moment for me and made me fall in love with Anor Londo. Thinking I had reached a dead end and seeing someones message on the arch and realizing I had to climb it made the world seem so grand and seem SO cool because it looked just like another part of the architecture.

    Overall I just love how little room Dark Souls gives you to work with, making you feel scared of falling off and feeling like you're really trying to keep your balance on these things.

    submitted by /u/SaidTheEmu
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    I need the desktop icon of DS remasetered that comes with steam

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    can anyone send the icon

    submitted by /u/Akiyama_Zack
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    Was Ornstein illusion?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 04:04 AM PDT

    I have found soo many theories about him. My favourite is propably that theory, where he is considering as an illusion. It would make sense for me, that Ornstein fled with other gods from Anor Londo, rather than defending other illusion. He was also one of the most powerfull knigh of Gwyn, so letting him in Anor Londo would not make sense, because he could be usefull somwhere else. Also, there is a boss named Old Dragonslayer in Dark Souls 2. I know that someone could steal his armor and that Old Dragonslayer have different moves, but it still makes sense. He could change his moveset because in DS2, dragonriders used lightning. Considering he is dragonslayer, he would propably switch to dark to be more deadly to them and because fighting with lightning against lightning would not work. Also, you can find his armor on dragon peak in DS3, which means that he must have fled Anor Londo.

    So what do you think? Was he illusion or not?

    submitted by /u/ShadowSamurai1
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    What are some secret areas / items / cool additions that even experienced players may not have seen?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:11 AM PDT

    10+ playthroughs and I still get the feeling there are things I haven't seen. Any suggestions would be great :)

    submitted by /u/KnackeredParrot
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    DS1 NOT ASKING FOR SPOILERS OR HELP, just sharing my experience

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    So this is the first time I've ever played this game, and I have a strict rule of not searching for guides/asking for help... I'm absolutely LOVING it, after 10 hours of play I have made it to a place called "Blighttown" and going down the ladder and almost being 1 hit by a pigman on steroids, I frantically rolled and ran and jumped my way DEEPER. I managed to find a bonfire after a lot of falling and jumping to different platforms.. problem now is.. I have no clue how to get out..

    submitted by /u/stocko147
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    Is the game populated enough for a low level pvp character?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    I'm considering building a sl 1 pvp character for the burg and parish but don't know if it's worth my time. My main concern is that there won't be any players to invade. Is there anyone that has tried this with success? Also is there anyone who has seen summons and other signs of player activity in those areas lately? I'm on Xbox one btw and yes I'm a scum bag for having this idea in the first place.

    submitted by /u/Weslee_J22
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    How do I turn my weapons into flaming?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    I gave Vamos the large fire ember but The only weapon I seem to be able to modify is a hand axe +5

    The weapon I want to modify is a Silver Knight straight sword +5.

    submitted by /u/Rigert85
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    A quick hello

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    hello, i recently got into playing dark souls and wanted to tell people about it. I'm very new to reddit, just made my profile not even 15 minutes ago, and wanted to see what it was like here. I've had a blast playing dark souls remastered and been itching to tell people about it. I've kinda lost contact with all of my friends and they don't really care about hearing anything i have to say, and anyone else I could talk to wouldn't understand. I miss getting to talk about and marvel at games with other people so much so that I have found myself here. I'm not looking for pity, just a community to be a part of.

    I've gotten a bit past the point of dropping off the lord vessel. I've beaten probably all the bosses up to the point and am currently exploring the lava area under blighttown (I forget the name). Im a warrior with a black knight sword, good shield, a side of pyromancy, and some protective armor with havels ring. Also got 50 strength because why not. I am loving it. The grind for souls, the trial and error, the exploration, everything has me hooked. Most of all, the size of the world.

    I love games with deep lore. Hollow Knight, Destiny (kinda), and others have been a big part of my gaming history and this has a whole new level. I've only watch things related to dark souls one and I plan on playing two and three fully blind, so I don't know the full story of things yet. The history of the world, the importance of locations, the people and their stories have me hooked. Along with all of this I keep finding myself thinking about the sheer height of the world.

    Yes, I do mean the vertical size of the world. The fact you explore from Anor Londo all the way down to below the worlds crust in Ash Lake has me fascinated. I myself want to be a game designer, hopefully, and seeing this just sticks in my head. I keep finding myself going back and marveling at the sight of hundreds of trees rising into the fog of the sky above literally under miles of land. Seeing the endless stretch of water along with the music of the area keeps me in a state of wonder. I don't fully understand it and the people I know wouldn't understand or care to hear. My 'friends' live in such idiotic ways and never really care to look at any of their games deeper than "gun go boom". I'm not saying I'm better, we just have different ways at looking at these things.

    I've put probably 30 hours into the game, I bought it at gamestop with four other games but have only played it and a bit of one other. I am amazed by the game and can't wait to play the next two and probably bloodborne too. Thanks for reading, I'd love to chat in the replies.

    submitted by /u/-SaferAce-
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    Questions about the Resistance stat

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Is it worth levelling? Like, at all? I can't see why I'd want to invest levels into it.

    submitted by /u/PsychologicalLamb
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    The backstab fishing at lv125 is unreal...

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Everyone has enough poise to take one attack as they circle round, along with plenty of practice with various chaining techniques. You end up having to play the same way if you want to win, it's so boring...

    submitted by /u/fortesq100
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