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    Dark Souls Re-trying my Obi-Wan build after failing a hear ago

    Dark Souls Re-trying my Obi-Wan build after failing a hear ago

    Re-trying my Obi-Wan build after failing a hear ago

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    So, a year ago, I tried doing an Obi-Wan build, but failed as I did some miscalculations, and ended giving up, today I decided to re try it and asking you for any opinions on changes I should do.

    Weapon: Washing Pole, Force/WoTG miracle

    Spells: Strong magic weapon (Igniting saber)

    Armor: Cleric starting armor, IDK

    Rings: You choose

    Shield: Non or the Dark Hand to simulate the force

    Adittional things: Undead Raport to simulate mind trick, maybe changing Strong magic weapon Dark Moon blade

    submitted by /u/Doesenju
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    I created my first project out of EVA foam. It took a week to make, but the results were worth it I think. Here’s my Solaire of Astora Helmet. Praise the Sun!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Finally buckled down and beat it! Remastered version

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    I took my first stab at this game some time around 2013 and quickly lost steam. Fast forward to 2016 I played blood borne and loved it, got a platinum. Tried dark souls remastered in 2018 and gave up again. Then sekiro; and barely beat it. When I decided to try Dark Souls again I quickly realized I didn't actually know how to play souls games. Dark souls taught me to parry and play defensively and patiently. I finally earned a platinum for dark souls today on NG++. I went back to sekiro and countered every enemy I came across. I used to think that game was near impossible.

    Thank you to everyone that taught me about dark souls here and allowed me to finally play this incredible game and series!

    submitted by /u/Any-Mouse-1992
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    WORST boss in the game?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    Vote. Discuss.


    Firstly, I don't think any other boss can be truly called "bad," but I considered including Gwyn, for the obvious weakness to parrying and ripostes, but if you don't do it, there's an actual challenge to the fight itself. Likewise, I also considered adding Ceaseless Discharge for the easy exploit that is to run back, but otherwise, the same reasoning applies; the fight itself IS challenging. Having exploits is possible on various bosses to a degree, so by that logic, I'd have to include Manus, Centipede, Quelaag, Sif, Ornstein & Smough, Taurus Demon, Iron Golem, and arguably Four Kings and Nito (just equipping full Havel's pretty much nullifies the challenge in both), and by that point, the whole list may as well have all the bosses. So that's why I narrowed down the list to these 5 bosses, because they're CLEARLY the worst in the game, either due to how weak they are, how poorly bad designed they are, or both.

    Anyway. Believe it or not, I don't think the answer is that simple. Though I can't really defend any of these bosses, let's just break them down.

    Abyss/Stray/Demon Firesage trio are all virtually the same guy, with different skins and sizes, except the last two trigger explosions at the end of their sticks for whatever reason. It's still just the tutorial boss, only bigger. It's easy and lame and shows a lack of creativity, and despite the third one being the FIRESAGE, it's still vulnerable to fire like the first two, which could be evidence of rushed development, but if that's the case, why was that never patched over the years? Makes no sense. It's LITERALLY ON FIRE. It should've died on its own!

    Bed of Chaos is a puzzle boss. It's a spiritual successor to the Dragon God from Demon's Souls, except instead of getting one punched to death, you fall to your death. At least you don't lose progress if you already broke either one or both of the... magical shackles? can you imagine if you had to two all that shit again every time you died? It's just a waste of time, especially if you can't do the cheese method (I know I can't). It's absolutely a troll boss. There's no real fight here, but still has the potential of wasting a large chunk of your time, especially considering the bonfires are way too far and most of your time will be spent just running back to try again.

    Capra Demon is not a boss, it's a low-tier, slow, and blatantly telegraphed enemy with two super-fast dogs that can stun-lock you, even if you have high poise, and their bites cause bleeding. Nothing about the boss is difficult. The real dick move is being confined to such a tiny area, with foliage that can get in the way of the camera, not to mention the camera getting squished against the walls, so you're mostly just struggling to see what the fuck is happening and what you're doing, rather than fighting the enemies. Pretty much you only have the four strategies:

    a) Have Poise and run up the stairs, pick off the dogs, and THEN fight Capra.

    b) Have HIGH Poise & HP and hope for the best.

    c) Stand outside, aim a bow in a certain spot and throw bombs inside.

    d) Go out of bounds and try jumping into the area without triggering Capra's AI.

    Only three of these tactics are legit, and there's no way around it. You CAN try rolling out of the way when you come in, your view is obstructed by the fog wall, so you can't see what you're doing for like 2 seconds and that's enough time to get yourself killed almost instantly. It's such an unreliable method of "starting" the fight that I have given up attempting it long ago, because 9 times out of 10, I get myself killed trying to roll away from the first dog and Capra, and it's absolutely maddening. It's even worse when you CAN one-shot the dogs, and they just keep side-stepping your attacks with 99999999 i-frames. FUCK these stupid god damn dogs, it makes me so salty just thinking about it. The dogs are the real threat, the Capra is just there to deal the killing blow.

    All that aside... if you have the Master key, this battle is completely optional. Unless you really need the Large Ember, you don't need to kill him. And if you know how to go out of bounds to get to the Depths, then you DEFINITELY don't need to kill him.

    Moonlight Butterfly. If you have ANY ranged options, this pathetic little thing is dead. You can pretty much just throw bombs at it, even if you might miss a few times. But if not, it just becomes a waiting game for it to get down and let you pummel it before it goes back up, wasting your time again. If you use a melee build, you should summon Beatrice for it, period, just to get it over with. Even then, this stupid witch can also take way too fucking long to shoot it down, wasting your time regardless. I have actually experienced "fights" where Beatrice just stands there and stares at me, not doing anything except maybe put her shield up, and takes so long that the Butterfly comes down and I kill it in a couple of hits anyway (assuming I came here later rather than earlier). The funny thing about it is that it's a completely optional boss anyway unless you absolutely need to make a Divine weapon, and/or need the Watchtower key but don't have the Master key for some reason (to get Havel's ring, which you may or may not need for your build anyway). This stupid butterfly should've been faster.

    Pinwheel. This boss is only challenging if you kill it first. Literally, any other time where you've already leveled up or improved your arsenal in some way, there's no challenge. And you can just summon Leeroy for it too, so... just a minor bump in the road, I guess. Any new player could potentially come here later in the game and kill it in like 2 hits without even thinking about it, so it's possible to not even realize it can duplicate itself. Poor Pinny.

    So.... all that said, I have to vote for Capra Demon. Mainly because I really hate the dogs in any scenario. They're the most frustrating enemies in the game for me, competing with the Rats and Maneater Shells. Like I mentioned before, even when you can one-shot them, they can STILL just sidestep your attacks regardless of anything. But I feel like I could vote for any other on this list, for different reasons.

    submitted by /u/Forgot7en
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    After two years of trying, failing, and eventually giving up, I just beat Sen’s Fortress!!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    So, I got Dark Souls Remastered two years ago and would play it as part of a study break. I enjoyed it a fair amount, but the bad part was that I used a lot of guides to get through and did some things the easy way with the Master Key. This lead to me not really knowing as much what I was doing. Everything was ok until I got to Sen's Fortress.

    I tried. Over and over and over again for weeks, for months. I never made it. Eventually my play sessions became fewer and farther between until I didn't really play at all. When I did, I did a couple of Sen's Fortress attempts, and I never quite made it. I thought I would never beat the game.

    Then, about a week ago, I had a craving to play an adventure game, but I didn't want to buy anything new. I remembered I had Dark Souls and decided to start completely fresh, only using guides if I absolutely had to. I explored as much as possible, took big risks, sometimes did things the hard way, and with just a little bit of forethought and planning, I started blowing through the game.

    After a tense and exciting Blighttown, I grabbed a Great Lightning Spear from the sunbro covenant and headed to Sen's Fortress. It took me many tries. I even got to the top once and was shot by an arrow trap right before the bonfire. It was devastating, but I didn't give up. Eventually, after trying and trying, I made it to the bonfire on the roof, killed the Iron Golem on only my second attempt, and was whisked away by the creatures at the top.

    When I cleared the wall for the first time and saw Anor Londo, I was in awe. I had really been enjoying the game up until this point, especially since I remembered far less than I though that I had. However, this is where I really understood why this game is so great. The relief, joy, and awe at seeing that city was incredible. Now, I'm sitting at the second bonfire with my buddy Solaire and am exploring every nook and cranny of this place. I'm so excited to find everything, keep dying and retrying, and eventually finish this game!

    submitted by /u/IronFalcon1997
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    I just beat dark souls remastered.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    I remember when I was younger and I first got dark souls. I bought it from gamestop played for like 2 hours said NOPE, then I returned it to game stop lol. Fast forward like 10 years and boom that brings us to today. My God what a ride and experience, I have hopped over to dark souls 2 now and I have heard all the negativity but so far so good, the journey is only half way over for the original trilogy. So looking forward to the 3rd one to actually continue this great lore filled time.

    submitted by /u/lorddave93
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    Catacomb skeletons

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    Does killing nito stop them from respawning without using blessed weapons?

    submitted by /u/Marshalpandoh
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    Who else loves the game’s lack of music?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    TLDR the pronounced lack of music allows you to have a lonely, chilling experience AND/OR allows you to soundtrack the game with your own badass tunes. I wonder if this was on purpose?

    Ex. I died about 10-15 times against Ornstein and Smaugh.

    Then I decided to turn on Welcome to the Jungle by G&R. Instantly the vibe went from "help help help this is terrifying stop hitting me" to "Let's dance, motherfuckers."

    Let's just say victory was achieved.

    Who else pops in some extradigetic badass music to, ahem, open can after can of whoopass? And what do you listen to? Or do you prefer the no music/creepy Gregorian Chant laced into boss fights? No wrong answers here, I just wanna know!

    Edit: I love the music already in the boss fights — not trying to make a qualitative judgement on the game's deeply weird and awesome soundtrack! Just wanna know if anyone does any personal soundtracking and how it makes you feel. I totally titled the post wrong

    submitted by /u/budderbaen
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    I’ve done everything. Played the game 4 times, PvP, challenges, all bosses, bonfires, quest lines, ng+ multiple times.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 12:40 AM PDT

    What is there to do? I really don't wanna just drop the game, because it's one of my favourite games of all time.

    submitted by /u/Darksoulsfanatman
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    +15 Claymore Question

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    Can you beat the game with a +15 Claymore? Now obviously it is possible, but is it viable for the end? Will it take me through the rest of the game, or do I need to change it in some way like making do lightning or fire? Thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/TigerKnight276
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    Domhnall of Zena missing

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    Just beat Ornstein and Smoughs and I wanted to get Ornsteins armor. I went to the Depths and be wasn't there. I looked up where he could be and it said below the aqueduct in Firelink Shrine. I looked there and he was gone. Is this something that he does or is this a bug?

    submitted by /u/poopyheadtempest
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    The glorious sounds of bells.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Finishing up my first playthrough of Souls and im hearing the upper and lower bells ringing pretty consistently as i make my way around.

    Nice to hear fellow Chosen are conquering their challenges.

    May the flame guide thee.

    Praise the sun!

    submitted by /u/MindEfficient7066
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    Something i have noticed about Smough and Ornstein.....

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    I dont know how or if i can make polls in this subreddit but i have noticed some people say Ornstein and Smough and other people will say Smough and Ornstein. The 2nd way is the way i say it but i want to hear your guys opinions on this.

    submitted by /u/Jaakef_19
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    (Remastered) Gotten stuck and can't get out, darksign + ring of sacrifice?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    (Dark Souls: Remastered) I've gotten stuck on top of the centre tree in The Great Hollow, and I can't move, attack, switch gear, use homeward bone (or anything else), quitting then reloading just puts me back where I was. The only thing I can think of doing is using the darksign, but sing I have 10+ liquid humanity (and I'm still early game) and losing that would be really disadvantageous, is there any other way to get out? Alternatively, does wearing a ring of sacrifice prevent you from permanently losing your liquid humanity/souls?

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/RoboArmadillo
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    What is the deal with “Moonlight” things in dark souls?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    Like, there is the moonlight butterfly, moonlight sword, moonlight covenant, and moonlight a lot of things. But it happens I've never really seen something on DS lore about that relation, I'm not a expert btw.

    submitted by /u/Raspa-Butijao
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    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    My particles for some bosses don't work, Kalameet doesn't breath fire, driptorias didn't have his dark effect, and i think manus the anus doesn't have his particles for magic

    So how do i fix

    submitted by /u/zohariko75
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    Just tried to buy dark souls 3 and somehow accidentally got ds2.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Here we go I guess

    submitted by /u/BeanEaterNow
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    Chosen Undead, Knight Artorias, Manus Father of The Abyss

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 04:09 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. How are you? I hope fine. Today I'd like to ask you a question I first asked myself, but I need a conclusion.

    Knight Artorias is one of the character I love the most for a lot of reasons: his story, his armor, his doggo...The first time I fought against him, I felt amazed by the incredible hitboxes, his moveset, the armor, the sense of greatness and honor he gave me and also the majestic arena. **BUT...**I saw one of is arms reduced to pudding and also the Abyss surrounding himself, so... I fought against a weaker version of him. I instantly wanted to know about him in his prime, so i searched for informations.

    • He is left-handed, so he wasn't using his greatsword with his best arm.
    • He wasn't wielding his powerful shield, because of protecting his doggo
    • His catacombs were filled by the Abyss, so he was weaker, as much as his equipment.

    Just like everybody I asked myself how would've been fighting against prime Artorias, and also against his puppy with him: way more difficult than Snorlax and Pikachu I guess. (Unluckily, we won't find out). I supposed that the Gwyn's Knight would have been way stronger than me, just the Chosen Undead, but then I remembered of Manus. Fuckin piece of... Abyss. In the Abyss, Artorias failed against him, and maybe the same Manus broke his arm. But the question is... was Artorias fighting Manus with his shield or he gave it to Sif before the fight? Clearly the armor was repaired, I don't think he had much difficulties in reaching Manus, unless he fought Kalameet, but I don't think so for obvious reasons.I have a theory about the fight with the shield equipped:

    Artorias fought in his prime against the Father of the Abyss, but he wasn't strong enough, so he lost, but managed to run away, while the Abyss was corrupting himself, just in time to farewell is friend and protect him with the shield he couldn't use anymore (that is broken, maybe corrupted by Manus' Abyss. Then he ran away, he was scared to the idea of hurting his friend or someone else, maybe one of the knights that were with him. So he stayed alone in the Oolacile arena, away from anybody, terrorized by himself, terrorized by the death. And there he waited for somebody to free him, the chosen undead.Following this theory Manus is stronger than Artorias, but...the chosen undead defeated Manus, so...is the Chosen Undead stronger than Artorias? I think no, or better not really.
    The Chosen Undead, as cursed, can revive multiple times and understand the strategy of his enemies, fight against them and eventually defeat them. So he is clearly favoured by this peculiarity. Just for this reason we can suppose the Chosen Undead as the strongest character in the DsI universe (no spoilers of the other games please). But in a single fight, I think he would be less stronger than Artorias, even injured, and of course Manus.So my personal conclusion is:

    Chosen Undead (without considering the Darksign effect) <<<< Prime Knight Artorias << Manus, Father of the Abyss

    I hope you liked it, let me know what do you think about it.

    submitted by /u/kekko_19
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    Does anyone else hear Chewbacca in Gwyn's theme?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    I swear that in the background Chewbacca occasionally does a little growl. Listen carefully. Obviously they didn't actually use him for the song, but all I can picture is Chewbacca playing it on piano and occasionally singing into the mic for some background vocals haha.

    submitted by /u/Zeretul4
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    Ah Artorious, we meet again...

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:31 PM PDT

    What's the best build for facing off against one of the toughest bosses in the Dark Souls universe, the tainted knight Artorious? I'm running a medium/heavy, sword and shield build this playthrough. There's not enough stamina in my well for Big Dark Daddy A! Do you guys gear down and pull the rolli polli, or are there any cheese tactics I'm unaware of? I know, I know "get good". I love these speed bumps! This has been my first one on this, my third, playthrough.

    submitted by /u/Ok-Worldliness-2272
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    So the Taurus and Capra Demons are just regular enemies in Demon Ruins?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    How the mighty have fallen...

    submitted by /u/SheridanCainReddit
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    First time playing

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    As it says in the title i managed to get through the undead prison in the north on my own without dying once but i would definitely like some useful tips and such. I have no idea what to use my humanity for. And absolutely no clue what to level up using my souls. Any tips or things to look out for would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/koolaid5481
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    Claymore max

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 12:39 AM PDT

    I was wondering how to upgrade the weapon more than 10+. I m visiting André and he only gives me the option for a lighting claymore..

    submitted by /u/Icy_Process1883
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    Anyone trading Priscilla's Dagger?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    I have a bunch of boss souls that I'm willing to give up for the dagger. Platform is Nintendo Switch, level 63.

    I accidentally killed Priscilla in a daggers only run, which is why I need it.

    submitted by /u/OwMyFoot2000
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    What is the golden rule that one must follow enable to succeed in dark souls or any souls game in general ?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:52 PM PDT

    New souls fan here, recently I just got the souls trilogy and bloodborne so that I can get into these world renowned titles, the problem is that I'm not that much of a patient gamer, I had a bad experience with controlling my anger when it comes to me constantly failing a level or a boss fight in video games, even a game that is considered to be easy and casual like uncharted 2 made me lose my mind on how unfair it was and the souls game known to be hard and unfair. My question is, what is a rule that you follow that helps you strive in dark souls and even help you contain your rage ? What do you do that helps you be a beast at this game ?

    submitted by /u/Hadouken_Dazs
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