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    Wednesday, March 31, 2021

    Dark Souls Artorias was weaker than you like to think

    Dark Souls Artorias was weaker than you like to think

    Artorias was weaker than you like to think

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Artorias right?
    The best knight in all of Lordran, has a sick wolf, can do flips and is stylish as hell, big ass sword and shield.
    Everyone (myself included) who has fought him has wondered "if he's this hard to beat without his shield, one of his arms, and going insane from the abyss, how tough would he have been in his prime?"
    Certainly he would have been formidable. He successfully hunted darkwraiths in the abyss, so that already tells us that he can take on a few powerful humans. But even with his right mind, healthy body, covenant, and full gear, he loses to Manus. Granted, Manus doesn't kill him, but he reduced him to an insane broken husk, while we don't see a scratch on Manus. Not only that, but the reason Artorias goes down in legend is actually for something we did AFTER we killed him. He is most likely the first of the four knights to die, even with all his dopeness. He probably wouldn't be remembered apart from Manus, yes he was unmatched with a greatsword and had a will of steel but he's not even listed as a dragon slayer. He didn't do much except kill darkwraiths and fail his most famous mission.
    So is Artorias awesome? Hell yeah, but he was probably weaker than a lot of us like to paint him as. My hot take, lmk if you disagree.
    P.S. This is as much directed at me than anyone else

    Edit: I see that I've started great discussion and I'm learning a lot from what you guys are saying, which is really what I wanted. Thanks for sharing, and yes I know manus is absurdly powerful, my point was more that Artorias wasn't quite as legendary as we like to make him out to be. Still my favorite though.
    Also I had no idea this would blow up lol

    submitted by /u/leg-oh-id
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    I did it, boys! After a lot of deaths and suffering, I did 100% in all three games!

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 03:51 AM PDT


    Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go Hollow.

    submitted by /u/BrEngineer00
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    Chosen undeads, which two rings would you save if all of them were to start being erased from the game? And which two rings can you absolutely not keep equipped?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    I'd save the Ring of Favour and Protection, and the ring of steel protection.

    These are my go-to rings for the entire game. I am also partial to the Chloranthy ring but didn't choose it over the ring of steel protection simply because the grass crest shield would still be readily available.

    Sorry for the title confusion: I meant to ask in the second question: Which two rings could you absolutely NOT live without in dark souls?

    submitted by /u/Ryan_Henson
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    Stuck in the Painted world

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    Today I finally made it to Anor Londo. But I saw this painting down those white robe guys and went in there. I was excited and I sat on the bonfire. I went inside and got Toxic! My level is 45. Those guys hit like truck. I can't die and go back to Anor Londo. I am stuck here.

    submitted by /u/AidenPearceFox123
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    Just wanna talk about my love for the Firelink Shrine theme for a minute...

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    Listening to a "chill souls music" compilation on YT at the moment (check it out here! https://youtu.be/FMxj-zHfZbw), and the original Firelink Shrine theme came on and...just wow. I LOVE this theme so much. It is so full of sadness and mystery, and yet it's comforting. I remember my first playthough, every time I found my way back to the Shrine and heard that music start, it was like a miracle. A chance to take a rest from the ceaseless peril and death surrounding me. Cold comfort to be sure, but a comfort nonetheless. In the world of dark souls, you take what you get.

    submitted by /u/wizardzkauba
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    Me to every black knight in DS1

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 06:01 AM PDT


    Sorry if posted before, I technically created this myself, but didn't check if it already existed. (I'd be suprised if it didn't)

    submitted by /u/Saintownage
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    I’m really sad about siegmeyers quest

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    I fucked it up and he had less than 50 percent hp . Found it really sad that he started talking about his daughter during his last words. Just wanted to say that is all

    submitted by /u/UntendedRafter
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    (Ps4)Currently trying to recreate a build I really liked on my account I got back.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    I really enjoyed the build I was using on my alt ps4 account but today I was able to get my main account back and wanted to recreate it. One of the main pieces of that build was a mask of the mother. Since I'm extremely unlucky I got a mask of the child is anyone willing to do a small trade?

    submitted by /u/Kleenzx27
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    Theory about World Strucrure

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    I was wandering in map and realized, that Izalith is located on one layer with Ash Lake. But if you look around there aren't any other objects (like mountains and hills) on horizon. What if all world was flat with trees ( What we can see in game's intro) and with only one very high mountain in Age of Ancients. In Age of Fire Gwyn founded Anor Londo on this mountain like Olimpus in Greek mythology. After many years on top of Archtrees was formed the second layer of ground, which we could see from a lot of places.

    I made scheme:

    Triangle in center is Mountain

    "-----" is second layer of groud

    "|" are Archtrees


    / \

    -------------------- / \ -----------------------------

    | | | | | / \ | | | |

    __|__|__|__|/ \_|__|__|____|_____

    This theory doesnt relate to DS3, because after so many years groud could collapse and etc.

    submitted by /u/Izaront
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    Dark souls on Xbox 360 multiplayer not active

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 05:37 AM PDT

    As the title says I'm pretty sure the multiplayer for the 360 version of dark souls has been shut down as i Have spent the last week playing through the game again on NG and I have been human most of the time and never been invaded, I even tried getting a forest hunter to invade after going into the cats forest. Nothing, I must have been running around there for about an hour and no invaders I even tried doing some summoning with my friend and nothing, the sign didn't even appear.

    submitted by /u/Tombot123
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    Journey to 1-Shot All Bosses

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Recently I asked myself a question - How many bosses can you 1-shot in Dark Souls?

    Now, I don't mean just cheat engine all stats to 99, throw on Dark Bead, Manus Catalyst, Crown of Dusk, BDR, RTSR and just go nuts. I mean, how many bosses could I legitimately 1-shot just using the tricks and strats available in the game. No tumble buffs, no moveswaps, no cheat engine - nothing. Just good ol fashion grinding and strategizing. So, here were my initial ideas:

    1. Get the BKH, and boost my stats to be able to 2 hand the weapon and hit the soft cap for damage (I still need to stack stats in INT, so I'm not boosting STR all the way to 99 for such diminishing returns)

    2. Get the RTSR

    3. Get the Dragon Torso Stone....by farming Drakes :(. That part took a while...like 3 hours. But I did end up farming like 150k souls to go along with my shiny new torso stone

    4. Get pyro and power within. I'll also need Crown of Dusk, BDR, and I'll need to max my pyro and get Chaos Firestorm/Fire Tempest for late game bosses

    With those steps in mind, I started my run. Now, I didn't bother even trying to 1-Shot Asylum Demon, because that would be literally impossible on NG. So I'm not counting him for my 1-shot "rules." Anyway...

    After arriving at Firelink, I headed out in a very familiar direction, toward Undead Berg. I grabbed the humanities from the well en route, and popped the 4 I had on hand (1 from Asylum, 3 from the well). Once I got to the watchtower, instead of climbing up toward Taurus, I ran down toward Havel. I ran passed him, toward the BKH Knight. Blocked one attack, and backstabbed him off the ledge. And to my surprise, he dropped the BKH first try. I then ran down the tunnel to Valley of Drakes, and quickly grabbed the RTSR.

    With those 2 items in hand, all I needed to do was figure out how to upgrade my weapon for maximum damage. That's when I remembered seeing Catalystz do a "100%" Speedrun in which he had to kill every enemy that doesn't respawn - including crystal lizards. He WRACKED THEM UP in the Great Hollow, so that's where I headed. I had never found most of the lizards in the Hollow, so it took some exploring, but I eventually found and killed enough to yield me the 10 Twinklies I needed. I grabbed the 3 Proud Knight souls in Blighttown, ran back to Andre, upgraded my weapon....and I was prepared for Taurus. In fact, I was overprepared.

    Here's what happened:


    Part 2 tomorrow if anyone is interested. I'm through O&S right now, with just 1 farming section left to have everything I think I need, and it's been pretty cool seeing how few hits I can take down some of these bosses. 5 bosses were successfully 1-shot, but sadly, I don't think it's possible to 1-shot every boss on NG (without cheating or INSANE grinding). I do have some ideas I'm excited to try on late game bosses though, particularly the DLC. I plan to wrap this run this week, fingers crossed I can get a few more in 1-shot!

    submitted by /u/Kwild096
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    I enjoyed Sen's Fortress - am I a masochist ?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    As usual, please no spoilers

    Sen's Fortress. Starting all over from the bonfire in the church nearby. Needless to say why.

    I grew accustomed to the first part considering how many times I died.

    I quickly discover these snakes are prone to backstabs. A lot. I abuse them in the end. Works wonders when I can freely move around.

    I fell a few times on the floor. Looted some items while in there. Mobs hit like a truck. Easily avoidable though.

    I actually think the worst part of this area is that when you try to cross that bridge and at the end of it is that abomination of a four-handed snake which also throws lightning at you. Right at the very beginning. Okay, almost.

    Going on. Snakes. Traps. Rock ball. I find Siegmeyer at the same spot. Somehow whining. I managed to get the ring upstairs of him.

    Going on. Snakes. Traps. Rock ball. You know, I was actually starting to ask myself, I am quite far in the game, why have I not seen any mimics ? The actual first I did asked myself that was just after I killed Quelaag. Then surprise. First mimic in the game. Luckily I always hit chests before opening them. Learned my lesson the hard way in DS3. Killed him. Got into the elevator.

    Going on. Snakes. Traps. Rock ball. I started to notice a pattern. Am I already fighting a boss ? Reached the ball room. Played a bit with that. I knew this was like a puzzle. Gave me Darksiders vibes. With consequences. I felt it. And guess what ? Due to that, I get to met another famous character I heard of. Big. Hat. Logan. Nice guy overall. Currently no key to free him. Also killed the non aggressive snake NPC in the process. Did I screw something maybe... ? I shall find out.

    I eventually make it outside. Got the ring in the chest guarded by the two red knights. Going upstairs.

    BOOM. You died. What ?! Those giants really like balls.

    Back to the bonfire. I make it again here. I manage to avoid ranged attacks. Going past the big knight with the big ass shield. Down the ladder. Going on. Ricard. Tight spot. Bow spam. Rapier spam. The location really puts him at advantage. I manage to kill him though. Looted the two chests inside.

    Backtracking. Found the bonfire. Lucky me I saw some messages.

    Fast forward. Arriving at the giant upstairs. Killed him. Easy one tbh. I do not enter the mist yet. But I saw him beforehand. Big. Metal. Guy.

    Backtracking once again. Met Crestfallen Merchant. Too sarcastic for his own good. Looted the key below as well.

    This time went all the way down and freed Logan. Had to do the rock ball switch all over again.

    Lastly I went through everything. Looted some sets and rings. Good to have them.

    Fast forward. Finally entered the mist. Iron Golem. I heard about him before. Depleted a third of his health first try. Died on the upcoming two. Managed to get him in my 4th attempt. Kinda satisfying to go through his legs all the time.

    This is the end for Sen's Fortress. But I liked it. It had been both hard and fair. Really good area.

    Going on. At last. The cutscene. The arrival. The view. Anor Londo. It was worth all the trouble. As beautiful as I have been told many times.

    Killed some knights. Looted some chests. Also killed a mimic. Noticed the statues of both Ornstein and Smough. I can't wait our encounter.

    Eventually made it down to the Gargoyle. I cut its tail by mistake. Nice detail there. I eventually killed him. Backtracking.

    Finally noticed the bonfire. And the NPC next to it.

    The last thing I did in Anor Londo was to check the road to the right. Blocked by Great Lord Power or something like that. I have a feeling there might be Gwyn residing ? I shall see soon enough.

    Fast forward. Filrelink Shrine. Chit chatting here and there. Little time left to play for the day. So I thought giving a try to the Hydra in Darkroot Basin. There we go.

    I died two times. Fell into the water. Got him 3rd time. Went up the ladder in the left.

    Wide area. A lot of trees. And a lot of bushes. Got the Eastern Armor set. Some Pharis items. And eventually killed a lot of NPC. Which, to my suprise, they did not seem hollow. Parrying worked wonders against them.

    I knew this forest has something to do with Artorias from the time I checked Andre's wares. Could those guys be Abyss Watchers ? Or related ? I feel bad if so...

    Going on. Looted the chest next to the two big mushroom guys. Avoiding them for now. Also the little ones. They were non aggressive, unlike the ones in Ash Lake.

    I arrive at the gate. This is where I grew even more suspicious about Artorias being here. I think I need the crest to enter here. I did not have it. I also did not want to enter. I had many souls and did not want to lose them.

    Lastly. I backtrack a bit and went to the left. I see a big gray... animal. From the back. Could that be... Sif ? No, it's too little. And looks messy. I engage it.

    This guy is ugly. He eventually kills me and I decided to call it a day.

    That's it for today's journey.

    Don't you dare go hollow!

    Praise the Sun!

    submitted by /u/miTzuliK
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    Should I explore all of Blighttown?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    I went to blighttown through the valley of drakes. I took the key to new londo and fire keeper soul and headed straight down until I've reached Quelaag. I've beaten her with the help of man eater mildred and rang the second bell of awakening. Would I miss anything important if I skip the remaining parts of blighttown?

    submitted by /u/SickSixSenses
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    Holy crap, just beat O&S

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    My first playthrough, about 15 hrs in

    i finally am allowed to warp lol

    idc about spoilers i have seen endings

    I was waiting for the perfect boss and this is damn near close.

    It took me a whopping 6 tries which is nice considering the past bosses like quelaag and golem were jokes and it took me two attempts for them

    i love fighting these guys it was so fun lmao

    Only problems I have with the boss is that Ornstein has like 0 health... died in 5 hits come on ornstein

    smough was good but he was acting like Ornstein's overprotective mom, come on ornstein stop hiding behind smough

    anor londo is really nice lmao, i cant wait to fight other bosses

    i almost choked at the end too, had a sliver of health with no estus to take on the end of super smough

    My gear:

    Zweihander +10

    Grass crest shield

    fap ring

    havel ring

    crimson set

    i could have used the bkgs +3 but it felt kinda cheap lmao

    honestly the hardest boss i have fought although taurus demon came close with 5 attempts and gargoyles with 5

    will be glad to answer any questions

    submitted by /u/CommitAMelony
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    I've beaten DS1 around 50 times. Yesterday, for the first time ever, I realized that you can kill the Hellkite Wyvern. This game never stops giving!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    Maybe I'm dumb, but based on some early experiences with the game I assumed the Hellkyte Wyvern would either bury you with fire breath or just fly away. I was wrong! If you're strong enough, you can stand toe to toe with him. It was great to do something totally new after all these playthroughs.

    submitted by /u/ambivalentacademic
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    Anyone willing to give me the Grant and Sanctus on PS4?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    Hi all. I'm a couple weapons away from platinum, however, Paladin Leeroy fell off the cliff and I can't get the Grant and Sanctus from him for the plat anymore. Any kind players out there to help me out? I would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Guy6201
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    Starting a Black Knight build

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 11:10 PM PDT

    I'm going to start a Black Knight build. All my equipment is gonna be Black Knight shit only but I need some help, What black knight weapon should I use? What class is best to start with? And then I'm gonna send you guys the link of my build soon if you guys help. Not a creative build but I will still send the link. Thanks

    Edit: Alright here is the build.

    submitted by /u/Above_70_EquipLoad
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    I beat enraged Ornstein on my 2nd try!

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    Not many people to share this with... but yeah. I've been really aching to play the Demon's Souls remaster but... finding a ps5 is a problem. I never played any of the other games but I've had DS1 in Steam for ages. Since I can't yet replay Demon's Souls for nostalgia I started Dark Souls.

    I read that for the O&S fight when you kill one the other absorbs them and becomes stronger. I also read the general consensus that Ornstein is the harder of the two to kill second. I found out that Domnhall of Zena sells the armor for whichever you defeat last. Considering all this I decided to go for Ornstein last because if it IS harder, I'd rather not need to do it on NG+. But I did it. Truth be told I didnt find it that difficult. His attacks were easy for me to read generally, and you can pretty much stay safe between his legs and just roll away when he jumps.

    I'm pretty sure I got lucky with the first black knight in undead burg dropping the black knight sword, which has been pretty good to me. That probably made a huge difference versus using another weapon. I'm gonna go buy that armor and admire it thoroughly.

    submitted by /u/GorillaGrey
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    Do you guys ever unequp ring of FaP? And what do you replace it with?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    I feel like it really hurts sometimes you specially in 4 kings ng+6 where you cannot use RTSR without breaking ring of FaP, but on the other hand the equip load boost is too useful

    submitted by /u/rbrito94
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    Need a sunbro for the four king in NG+

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 12:29 AM PDT

    I've tried a lot of different methods magic, pyromancie, fat roll with havel armor, dodging with the guardian of the paint armor,... It seems nearly impossible, so I'm asking for the help of a sunbro to beat the shit out of those king

    submitted by /u/Watch-your-steps
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    “...A horrible goat demon has moved in below...”

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    Dark Souls Tradition Art based off concept art I saw a while ago, enjoy!


    submitted by /u/Gadin543
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    Fell From Tomb of Giants into Ash Lake - Vanilla or Just Daughters of Ash? (Possible Spoilers for Unmodded)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    So I recently installed the Daughters of Ash mod; great fun. I just left Nito's cave and while I was leaving, around the spot where Paladin Leeroy invades in the unmodded (vanilla) game, I slipped and fell.

    I didn't die though. I instead spawned in the middle of the Ash Lake region. Has this warp always been here, or was it cleverly injected by the modder for Daughters of Ash?

    I can't find any trace of this and I only discovered it on accident. But to test it in the unmodded game I'd have to uninstall the mods, make a new character, and run all the way down there.

    submitted by /u/Tozai_Senpai
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    Lost 60k souls..

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    I just beat the iron golem and I was really happy to see that I had been given 60k souls. I saw the yellow thing and tapped on it and these demons brought me to anor londo. I then killed a giant dude, but then died to the next one. I thought it would be easy enough to get my stuff back but then I stupidly tripped inside sen's fortress and fell down to the very bottom..... rip 60k souls you will be missed, my skills require 12k right now and it would've been really nice to have those souls... this is so sad, I am very demotivated right now.

    Dark souls veterans please tell me your coping mechanisms...

    submitted by /u/KiwiAura
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    Recommended SL per area (for matchmaking purposes)?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    Hello all. I'd like to broaden my prospects for player-to-player interaction, and whilst I can find guides for this from previous years (2015, 2018 etc.), I'm not sure whether or not they necessarily still apply these days

    submitted by /u/CumanPowder
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